FAQ's about Email

Q. What is my Email address here ?

A. Your email address would be username@accesscom.com. Unless you have a personal domain name.
(where 'username' = your username on AccessCom.com)

Q. What is the Outgoing Mail (SMTP) Server ?

A. In order to send your email you need to configure your email reader to our SMTP server.

In the perferences there should be a space to insert the name for the SMTP server.
Find Outgoing Mail (SMTP) Server and type smtp.accesscom.com.

*Note - You do not necessarily have to be dialed into AccessCom.com to send your email. If you are connected to the internet via a network, you can launch your email reader to receive your email.

Q. What is the Incoming Mail (POP) Server ?

A. In order to receive your email you need to configure your email reader to our POP3 server.

In the perferences there should be a space to insert the name for the POP3 server.

Netscape - Find Incoming Mail (POP) Server and type "popd.accesscom.com".

Eudora - Find Incoming Mail (POP) Server and type "username@popd.accesscom.com".

Claris Emailer - Find Incoming Mail (POP) Server and type "username@popd.accesscom.com".

(where 'username' = your username on AccessCom.com)

*Note - You do not necessarily have to be dialed into AccessCom.com to receive your email. If you are connected to the internet via a network, you can launch your email reader to send your email.

Q. Can I have additional Email addresses ?

A. Yes, you can have an additional email address other than your main PPP account.

You need to purchase additional email only accounts.

Q. Can I forward my mail to another address ?

A. You would need to telnet into shell.accesscom.com.

Create a file called .forward and with in there type person-to-forward-to@their.host. This would be the address you would like your email to go.

If you would like to forward your mail and also retain a copy on this system.

Create a file called .forward and with in there type \username,person-to-forward-to@their.host. This would be your account here at AccessCom.com and the address you would like your email to go.

Q. Can I get a custom domain name for my WWW site ?

A. You can register a domain with AccessCom.com.

For more detail goto our page about custom domain names.

Q. How do I send/receive Email ?

A. You need to have a POP email reader such as Netscape Navigator or Eudora.

Netscape Navigator can downloaded from their FTP Site.
Netscape Communicator can downloaded from their FTP Site.
Eudora can downloaded from our AccessCom.com FTP Site.

Q. How do I setup multiple email boxes with Eudora ?

Setting up multiple email boxes Macintosh
Setting up multiple email boxes Windows

A. You need to be using a Macintosh and Eudora Light/Pro.

Open System Folder and rename Eudora Folder to Eudora-your username#1. Now drag it to the desktop.

Launch Eudora. Configure Eudora for the email account that you wish to use it for. This should be configured different from your previous Eudora settings.

Open System Folder and rename Eudora Folder to Eudora-your username#2. This folder should be named different from the other folder. Drag it to the desktop.

Launch SimpleText. Pull down File menu and select Save As... and name it Eudora Folder and save it in the System Folder. Close the window. This is done so that Eudora will not place another Eudora Folder in the System Folder.

Open one of the Eudora Folders on your desktop. Click once on Eudora Settings and press Apple-M, to make an alias. Name this alias your username@accesscom.com. Ths will most likely be the same username as in the folder. Drag this to the desktop.

Do the same thing with the other Eudora Folder using a different username.

You should now have two Eudora Folder named Eudora-your username#1 and Eudora-your username#2. As well as two aliases named your username#1@accesscom.com and your username#2@accesscom.com.

You may do this process for as many email accounts that you would like.

You may now place these two folders in the same folder as the Eudora application. It is most likely in the folder named Access.

For more information related to setting up multiple email boxes please consult Eudora's FAQ page at ttp://www.eudora.com/techsupport/macfaq.html#multiple

A. You need to be using a Windows and Eudora Light/Pro.

We are currently working on a walkthrough for the Windows Eudora. Please consult Eudora's FAQ page at http://www.eudora.com/techsupport/winfaq.html#users for information on setting up multiple email boxes.

Q. How do I fix an email error ?

A. If you ever get this message while checking your email follow the procedure below for the fix.
     POP3 server repsonded:
             Unable to process From lines (envelpos), change recognition modes.
Here is the procedure to fix it.
Use a terminal emulator, open connection and type shell.accesscom.com as the host.
Provide your user_name and password.
Issue the command "mail" at the UNIX command prompt to start the mail program.
It should list a few messages, type "q" to quit the mail program.
Issue the command "exit" at the UNIX command prompt to exit this session.

You should now be able to check your email.

Q. Recommended programs ?

A. Here are just a few.

Macintosh - Eudora
Macintosh - Netscape Navigator
Windows - Eudora
Windows - Netscape Navigator
UNIX - Pine