New 1+10-Digit Dialing
The major change for customers in areas with overlays will be 1+10-digit dialing. All calls within the 408 area that you currently dial with seven digits will need to be dialed with 1 + area code + seven-digit number. For example, if you call your neighbor who has the same 408 area code as you do, you will need to dial 1 + 408 + their seven-digit number. Mandatory 1+10-digit dialing was to begin October 1, 1999 in the 408 area. The California Public Utilities Commission has agreed to delay this requirement for the time being. We will keep you updated as new information comes in. Get ready for the change If you're in the 408 area code, here's a few things to do to be ready for the 1+10-digit dialing:
We have step-by-step instructions to help you reconfigure your computer to use the new 1+10-digit dialing.