If you don't see your question here, please send technical support feedback or questions using our on-line form and get your question answered directly.
Note: If an "Untitled" window does not appear, and you do not already have a group list file, choose New Group Window from the File menu.
Note: You can also click on the name in the "Full Group List" window and drag it into the "Untitled" window.
You can create more than one newsgroup list file. You may want one for work and one for personal interests. You can have lots of lists, or have all your newsgroups in one list. It's your choice.
To unsubscribe from a newsgroup:
To read news articles
The list of threads tells how many articles there are in a thread, and who wrote the first article in the thread. A hyphen means there is only one article, and a small triangle means there are more than one.
The triangle turns to point down, and all the articles in the thread show.
The article's header tells the author's email address, the date the article was posted, and the newsgroups it was posted to. It may also tell the author's real name and organization. If the article is part of a thread, the header tells you which article you are reading, and how many there are in the thread.
If you type more than one name, separate the names using commas. For example, "accesscom.general,accesscom.talk".
If you are posting the article to more than one newsgroup, list them all now rather than sending it separately to each newsgroup. Posting a message to more than one newsgroup is called "cross-posting". It is polite to cross-post when you are posting the same message to different groups. For more information about crossposting, please see the crossposting support file.
Sometimes when you try to post the news server does not accept the article. The most likely problem is that the news spool is full. Please let us know, and then wait until there is room in the news spool for your article.
Respond to an existing article
When you reply to an existing article, you can post a follow-up article or send email directly to the original article's author. If you can answer the person's post as well using email as you can in a follow-up article, or if someone else has already posted what you would say, you should send email instead of posting.
We are not trying to talk you out of replying to articles. Just remember, every word you write adds to the mass of information on the Internet, and is potentially seen by millions of people. Think twice before you post, and post intelligently.
It is considered good netiquette to post more reply than original text. Leaving all of the original article's text in your reply wastes bandwidth and makes your article more work to read; this decreases the chance that people will read it. On the other hand, be sure to leave enough that you do not distort their meaning, and always give the original author credit for their ideas.
nw - the Northwest usa - the United States na - North America world - the world