Technical Support Frequently Asked Questions
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- FAQ's about Your Username
- What is a username ?
- Forgotten your name ?
- Your username vs. your full name ?
- A. When you signed up, you chose a name for your account. We'll refer to that name throughout this site as either username or user name. Whenever you see that term, replace it with the name you've chosen. Find the packet we mailed you when you became a member; on the welcoming letter we printed out your user name. That's the easiest way to find your user name. It's always in lower case.
- A. The first thing to remember is that it's not your actual name. It can have between 2 and 8 characters, and can include numbers, but it can't start with a number. Common names to choose include nicknames, your initials, or a combination of your first name and last name. Some people combine their name and their spouse's name. When all else fails, email or call technical support.
- A. Your "full name" is the name the Unix system has stored here as your real name. It will show up when someone fingers you from unix. The default is whatever name you gave us when you signed up. If you do not want this information to be available, you need to change it. You must log onto unix to accomplish this and issue the command "chfn" at the UNIX command prompt. Name-changing is a standard option in the Access default unix shell.