Setting Up Open Transport Protocol PPP

This page will give you the essentials for setting up Open Transport PPP for your personal PPP account at Access Internet Communications.

  1. From the Apple menu point to Control Panels and select PPP.

  2. In the Number text box, type your local dial-up access number. Remember to check with your local telephone company to make sure that the number you choose is a local toll-free call.
  3. Close the PPP window.

  4. Click the Save button.

Step (1) - Making sure you have the software you need

If you are using PPP control panel make sure you are using at least Open Transport v1.1.
(previous versions of Open Transport TCP/IP are not functional)

Step (2) - Selecting Open Transport

Step (3) - Configuring Open Transport

Step (4) - Saving the Configuration

Go to Mac PPP Tools to configure your dial-up connection.
Back to Setting Up a PPP Connection on a Macintosh