Web Hosting:

  Service Type
Web Hosting Business Web Hosting Secure Web Hosting (SSL)
   Monthly Cost $14.95 $29.95 $59.95
   Start-Up Cost $0 $0 $35
Email Services:
   POP3 mailboxes 1 5 10
   Email Forwarding Y Y Y
   Email Autoresponders Y Y Y
   Mail Spool (MB) 10 50 100
Technical Features:
   Disk storage (MB) 25 50 100
   Bandwidth (MB/day) 200 250 300
   Domain Name Included Y Y Y
   Detailed web statistics Y Y Y
   Access to raw log files Y Y Y
   FTP access to your account Y Y Y
   Anonymous FTP Y Y Y
   Telnet access to your account Y Y Y
   UPS power backup Y Y Y
   Daily tape backups Y Y Y
CGI Capabilities:
   Your own cgi-bin directory Y Y Y
   Server Side Includes Capability Y Y Y
Multimedia Support:
   Midi file support Y Y Y
   Support known MIME types Y Y Y
E-commerce Capabilities:
   SSL Secure Server N N Y
   CyberCash Support N N Y

Please call our business office at 408-777-8190 to discuss your needs or email the appropriate department.

* Virtual domain name registration is waved if it is requested at the time of setup (The InterNIC domain name registration fee not included).