Domain Name Registration:
A domain name is the name by which your particular piece of Internet real estate is known. It is used to route your Email and to point the world at your Web Site.
Domain Name Rules
- You may use .com, .net, or .org.
- Use only letters, numbers, or dashes ("-").
- Can NOT begin or end with a dash.
- Can NOT have more than 67 characters total.
If you know the domain name you wish to register, go directly to our Domain Name Request Form
You can modify your contact NIC handle information by using our Modify Contact NIC handle Form
Read the Network Solutions, Inc. Domain Name Registration Agreement
Virtual Domain Names
Virtual domain name can be registered for any Business PPP, Premium PPP or Web Hosting account. A virtual domain name allows you to use your company or organization name for your email address, your web site.
- Your Email address is ""
- Your Web site URL is ""
- Access log files for your virtual domain name *
- We can run a HTTPd log file analysis software against your log file for you *
- NOTE: Must have an existing PPP or Web Hosting account
Domain names are issued and managed by InterNIC (Network Solutions, Inc.) in the United States. Charges for domain name service are as follows:
- $30 one time setup charge**, paid to Access (Business PPP accounts exempt from this charge)
- $70 startup fee for first 2 years - billed directly by InterNIC to customer
- $35 per year after the second year - billed directly by InterNIC to customer
- * must be requested since not created by default
- ** non-refundable