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3Com V.90

We have upgraded all of our modems to the new V.90 standard. If you have a x2 modem it will still work. The software for upgrading your 3Com personal modem to V.90 is available from 3Com at Modem Update Wizard or Modem Upgrade Advisor. If you have a K56flex modem you will need to check with the manufacturer for information on upgrading your modem to the new standard.

V.90 or x2 -- what's the difference?

Everyone agrees 56K technology is a great idea -- getting more of what you want from the Internet in less time adds so much to your online experience! But a lot of people are still confused about what to call it.

Last year, 3Com introduced x2 technology, our version of 56K technology. Then Rockwell and Lucent introduced their version, K56flexTM. These two proprietary protocols were both 56K technologies, but critical differences in their computer codes meant that K56flex modems could not dial into Internet service providers with x2 equipment, and vice versa.

Now there is an international standard for 56K technology, V.90. It was agreed upon by representatives from many modem companies, and will be approved by representatives from all United Nations countries this fall. So any modem that supports the V.90 standard can dial into any ISP that supports it, no matter what company made the equipment at either end of the connection.

Still confused? Here it is, in a nutshell:

56K technology
Generic name for any technology that allows modems to download (receive) information from the Internet, over regular analog phone lines, at speeds up to 56 Kbps (depending on government regulations and phone line conditions)

x2 technology
Proprietary version of 56K technology developed by 3Com/U.S. Robotics

K56flex technology
Proprietary version of 56K technology developed by Rockwell and Lucent

International standard for 56K technology, to be used by all modem manufacturers

Even if you're still not sure about all this, your U.S. Robotics modem is -- all x2 modems can be easily upgraded to V.90. Our Modem Upgrade Advisor will tell you how. And all V.90 U.S. Robotics modems include x2 technology as well, so you can dial into any ISP with either x2 or V.90 equipment and get fast downloads today and tomorrow!

U.S. Robotics' x2 56k connections

We have upgraded our modems to support U.S. Robotics' x2 56k technology. What this means is if you have a U.S. Robotics' modem, that supports x2, you can now connect at speeds up to 56k. The actual connection speed is dependent on the quality of your home phone line. Our users are reporting average speeds of 50k on a regular basis. If you are using a U.S. Robotics' modem, please visit the U.S. Robotics' web site (http://www.usr.com/x2/) to see if your modem is software upgradable. U.S. Robotics is also offering a hardware upgrade for some older modems so it is worth checking out even if your modem does not have flash ROMs.

If you are using a non U.S. Robotics' modem, please consult the manufacturer of your modem for any available software or hardware upgrades.

To get a 56k connection you will have to own a modem that supports 56k or one that is software upgradable (most Sporters and Couriers). The protocol will allow connection of up to 56k from Access to you, and your modem will talk to Access at 33k. The limiting factor will be the quality of the phone line from your location to the PacBell switch nearest your home. If you have noisy lines you will not get high speed connections. Once you get to the local switch, the call is handled in a 100% digital mode all the way to our digital modems. The fact that it is digital rather than analog is what is making this technology possible.

U.S. Robotics' Line Test

U.S. Robotics has devised a LineTest for checking the compatibility of your phone line. LineTest is the easy way to confirm that your phone lines support U.S. Robotics' exciting new x2 Technology for high-speed Internet downloads. For more information, please visit the U.S. Robotics' LineTest page (http://www.3com.com/56k/need4_56k/linetest.html).

U.S. Robotics' New Code

U.S. Robotics page with new code to upgrade the x2 modems to increase the reliability of v.34+ connections. The upgrade made a big difference for at least one of our users. This one user had a lot of trouble keeping a good connection before upgrading their Courier modem. There is new code for both the Sportster and Courier, both with a posting date in July.

Sportster Flash Modems The U.S. Robotics Modem Update Wizard makes it easy for you to update your U.S. Robotics modem software code. Follow the simple onscreen instructions to update your modem's current code, or upgrade to x2(TM) Technology from U.S. Robotics. This wizard identifies the make and model of your U.S. Robotics modem, and then gives you the option to purchase an upgrade, or download a free update to your current modem code. For more information, please visit the U.S. Robotics Modem Update Wizard page (http://www.usr.com/home/online/muw/).

The software is not clearly identified, the date is in July and there is an asterisks which tells you it is a patch to the v.34+ code. Once there select Courier.

The following URL will get you to the Sporster area, again there is new code released in July, that is not clearly marked as a bug fix but it is.

* NOTE - If you experience any difficulties with getting connected or anything else mentioned above, please contact technical support. Before that, you may also want to read some reasons "Why you may not get 56k".