Access Internet will post periodic updates to this page if we experience any unusual downtime or planned maintenance. We are personally committed to providing you seamless, reliable, quality internet services. If you experience any unusual difficulties while using Access Internet, please feel free to contact our technical support to answer all your questions. All times are in Pacific Daylight Time (- 0800 GMT) unless otherwise noted.
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Scheduled Maintenance: None Network: Normal Connection: Normal TraceRoute Mail: Normal News Server: Normal User Home Page: Normal Dial-Up: Normal DSL: Normal DNS Service: Normal Palace Server: Normal Outages: Normal
Router Upgrades | 11:00 PM-5:00 AM PST - Wednesday, July 23, 2003 |
We will be upgrading Cisco Equipment at 10:00 pm Pacific standard time. After th e upgrade we will have to reboot the Cisco equipment that was upgraded. This will cause parts of the network have connectivity issues for the reboot periods (3-5 minutes). We are upgrading because of a recent security issue found to exist in most Cisco devices. If you have interest the problem can be found here http://w
Router Upgrades | 11:00 PM-5:00 AM PST - Tuesday, July 22, 2003 |
We will be upgrading Cisco Equipment at 11:00 pm Pacific standard time. After the upgrade we will have to reboot the Cisco equipment that was upgraded. This will cause parts of the network have connectivity issues for the reboot periods (3-5 minutes). We are upgrading because of a recent security issue found to exist in most Cisco devices. If you have interest the problem can be found here http://w
Router Upgrades | 9:00 PM-5:00 AM PST - Saturday, July 19, 2003 |
We will be upgrading Cisco Equipment at 9:00 pm Pacific standard time. After the upgrade we will have to reboot the Cisco equipment that was upgraded. This will cause parts of the network have connectivity issues for the reboot periods (3-5 minutes). We are upgrading because of a recent security issue found to exist in most Cisco devices. If you have interest the problem can be found here http://w
Palace Server Maintenance | 6:30 AM-8:30 AM PDT - Friday, May 26th, 2000 |
Chatserve's Palace server will be briefly shutdown for maintenance during our regular maintenance period. The server may be down for a period of up to the entire two hours.During the server maintenance period this Friday morning, we will be changing the IP addresses of the hosted palace server to a new IP address block. This is being done to provide migration to a new, improved backbone connection and should not effect anyone using the regular name style address to get to your palace server. If you have been using IP address to access your server, or if your ISP has DNS problems, you will need to change the IP address you use for your server after the change.
Palace Server | 2:00 AM PDT - Sunday, May 14th, 2000 |
All Palace Hosting accounts should be functioning normally now. Any additional problems, such as missing rooms, should be brought to the attention of Technical Support at
Palace Server | 4:00 PM PDT - Saturday, May 13th, 2000 |
The ChatServe Palace Server experieced software problems which required a rebooting of the server. Technical Support representatives will be restarting and checking all Palace Server accounts individually to make sure all palaces are up and running. Expected time for all palaces to be up is 5:30 PM PDT barring unexpected difficulties. Thank you for your patience while we resolve this issue.
FIXED - DSL/DHCP | 6:56 AM PDT - Friday, April 28th, 2000 |
All issues with DHCP in regards to DSL have been resolved. We appreciate you patience during this event. All users will either need to reboot their computers, or if possible release and renew their NIC.
DSL - DHCP | 9:00 PM PDT - Thursday, April 27th, 2000 |
Users with SpeedStream equipment may see problems grabbing an IP address from DHCP. We are currently working on this problem and will update this site as soon as we have more information to post.
Fixed - DSL Outages | 7:40 PM PDT - Thursday, April 27th, 2000 |
Problems with our DSL network have been repaired. Any further difficulties should be reported Technical Support.
DSL Outages | 6:45 PM PDT - Thursday, April 27th, 2000 |
We are currently experiencing problems with most of our DSL network. All customers with DSL lines provioned through Covad are affected by this outage. Our provider is aware of the problem and is currently working to resolve it as quickly as possible.
Palace Server Back Up | 6:41 PM PDT - Tuesday, April 25th, 2000 |
The Chatserve Palace Server has been restarted. Chatserve Technical Support representatives will be checking to all palaces to make sure they are founctioning and checking for probelms.Any further difficulties should be reported to
Palace Server Down | 6:10 PM PDT - Tuesday, April 25th, 2000 |
The Chatserve Palace Server is currently down. All AIC Palace customers and visitors are affected by this problem. Our system administrators are working on the problem at this time and expect to have it back up and running within an hour.We apologise for the inconvenience, and appreciate your patience as we correct this problem.
Web Server being upgraded | 6:30 AM PDT - Friday, April 14th, 2000 |
Scheduled maintenance - Friday, April 14, 2000 starting at 6:30 AM PDT. Estimated down time approximately 1 hour. During this time users will not be able to access their web sites.In order to increase performance, we will be upgrading some hardware on the web server with more memory.
POPS being upgraded | 2:15 PM - Wednesday, March 22, 2000 |
We are in the process of upgrading our dial up capacity here in our California POPS and this is our top priority. We are aware of the capacity limits during evening hours and are upgrading our facility to handle the increased usage both now and for the future. Please visit our support page at where you will find our pop number lookup utility at the bottom of the page. This is where you will find new numbers as they are posted. Our estimated time for completion of upgrades is April 1, 2000.
Maintenance on Palace Server | 2:15 PM - Wednesday, January 26, 2000 |
Scheduled maintenance - Friday, January 28, 2000 starting at 6:30 AM PST. Estimated down time approximately 1 hour. During this time users will not be able to visit their palace server.In order to increase performance, we will be upgrading some hardware on the palace server with more memory.
We will need to have the Gods shutdown their palace server no later than 6:15 AM PST. Any palace servers not shutdown at this time will be shutdown by us and may run into the chance of file corruption to your palace server files. We will restart this palace server after the maintenance.
Maintenance on Palace Server | 4:45 PM - Thursday, January 6, 2000 |
Scheduled maintenance - Friday, January 7, 2000 starting at 6:30 AM PST. Estimated down time approximately 1 hour. During this time users will not be able to visit their palace server.In order to increase performance, we will be upgrading some hardware on the palace server with more memory.
We will need to have the Gods shutdown their palace server no later than 6:15 AM PST. Any palace servers not shutdown at this time will be shutdown by us and may run into the chance of file corruption to your palace server files. We will restart this palace server after the maintenance.
Access Internet Communications