November 6, 1999 Palace Security Class held by Ph of

Opening Log
Gyrithe©:         hello cherri
Cherri OTP:       hello everyone
Cherri OTP:       how's it going
~Pammie~:         Hi there
Hank:             hiya Cherri
~Pammie~:         good  here thanks
~Pammie~:         you?
Cherri OTP:       I'm great
Cherri OTP:       ty
Hank:             PH is finishin dinner and will be here shortly
Cherri OTP:       ok np
Hank:             sure Nick - np
Nick©:            :okies
~Pammie~:         Hi Chelsea
Alan:             Hi Chelsea
Hank:             hiya Chelsea
Alan:             How are you feeling today?
Cherri OTP:       hi Chelsea
Mrs Chelse@Jeremia: roomhi
Mrs Chelse@Jeremia: hi all
Nick©:            :Is everone here a god(dess) at a palace(s)
Alan:             No
~Pammie~:         nope
Mrs Chelse@Jeremia: i am
Nick©:            :oh
Cherri OTP:       yes
Alan:             :Except Hanks
Nick©:            Hank is =D
Nick©:            :a few
Nick©:            :He is my boss
Hank:             :ya right :-)
~Pammie~:         he be the bossman;-)
Nick©:            :What ya mean...
Nick©:            :I have a few
Nick©:            =D
Nick©:            :I feel out of place
~Pammie~:         awwwwwhy so?
Mrs Chelse@Jeremia: yes u a little nakeed pea
Hank:             :why?
Nick©:            I dont know
~Pammie~:         lol
Mrs Chelse@Jeremia: want an av
Alan:             Hi Danielle
Nick©:            maybe if I...
~Pammie~:         Hi DG
DevilGrrl (CK's): hi Pammie
Nick©:            :feel much better
DevilGrrl (CK's): roomhi
Hank:             :I put him in charge of pig props :-)
DevilGrrl (CK's): hi everyone
Danielle:         ty Alan
Alan:             :Good thing PH is late.  So is everybody else.
Danielle:         hi all
Mrs Chelse@Jeremia: i just got told about it
Nick©:            *ahem* And people whos names end with K =D
Gyrithe©:         :do he eat slow or fast?
Nick©:            :HanKKKK
Hank:             :it was in the newsletter :-)
Mrs Chelse@Jeremia: so i almost got a speeding ticket
Cherri OTP:       hiya Danielle
Mrs Chelse@Jeremia: havent checked email
Cherri OTP:       on phone
Danielle:         hey Cherri
Hank:             !HIYA MS!!
Cherri OTP:       lol
Gyrithe©:         Hello Ms
MSlady:           :hi wabbit
Cherri OTP:       hello MS Lady
Nick©:            Cyote
DevilGrrl (CK's): hi MSlady
MSlady:           hi guys!!
Alan:             Hi MS
Danielle:         hi MS
~Pammie~:         Hi MSladyyy
Nick©:            HI MS
MSlady:           hi :)
Nick©:            *oink*
MSlady:           hehe
Alan:             *meow*
Nick©:            :I look evil
MSlady:           :buncha animals
Danielle:         lol
~Pammie~:         Gyrithe yur right mid section is non existant
Nick©:            :Zoo in here
Nick©:            :I thought so
Alan:             From neck over
~Pammie~:         *S*
Gyrithe©:         I see myself fine?
~Pammie~:         hmmm
Danielle:         scan
MSlady:           lol Nick
Hank:             you have a pice missin
~Pammie~:         lol
MSlady:           who does me?
Hank:             Gyr does
~Pammie~:         got biscuits  cherri
Danielle:         there is a piece missing Gyr
MSlady:           yah
Nick©:            *arf*
~Pammie~:         there it is;-)
Danielle:         there
Gyrithe©:         am I ok now?
MSlady:           yup
Nick©:            :yep
~Pammie~:         Yep;-)
Gyrithe©:         good :)
Nick©:            Wanna see my tongue touch my nose??
Gyrithe©:         :edited a pixel
Nick©:            =od
Nick©:            *gigglz*
~Pammie~:         lol
MSlady:           :nice room
Nick©:            :I have a gobble gobble
Hank:             :Ken shud be here any second
Nick©:            Wanna see??
Cherri OTP:       MS Lady I'm on phone with Kipper, he says to tell you hi
Mrs Chelse@Jeremia: k
MSlady:           oh tell him hiya
MSlady:            :)
Mrs Chelse@Jeremia: ^brb pottie
Nick©:            Wanna see my gobble gobble
~Pammie~:         what is it?
Hank:             :Nick behave
MSlady:           :he really wants to show his gobble gobble
Nick©:            :what
~Pammie~:         laughinn
~Pammie~:         yep guess so
DevilGrrl (CK's): hahaha
MSlady:           :whew
~Pammie~:         lol
MSlady:           :I never ask about these things
Nick©:            :remember, I am in charge of people with a K at the end of their name =D
~Pammie~:         i should know better
Hank:             :getin little
Nick©:            :HanK
MSlady:           is cute Hank :)
Nick©:            hanK
Nick©:            :heh
Mrs Chelse@Jeremia: back
Nick©:            wb
~Pammie~:         wb
DevilGrrl (CK's): wb chelsea
Mrs Chelse@Jeremia: ty
~Pammie~:         Hi Shaia
Hank:             hiya Shaia
Nick©:            :we have 2 people at Pretend
Hank:             :we need 1 person here
Mrs Chelse@Jeremia: for
Nick©:            :PH
Gyrithe©:         :I hope he will pay my phonebill
~Pammie~:         lol
Nick©:            how many people does this room hold??
Hank:             as many as I say :-)
.ßhaia[Try's]^^:  waving....hello everyone
~Pammie~:         *S*
Gyrithe©:         :eleven people and a cat
~Pammie~:         wavin back
Nick©:            *waves* Hi, I dont know ya, but I will wave
Alan:             :And a 'yote
Danielle:         hi Shaia
.ßhaia[Try's]^^:  Hi Danielle
Nick©:            :can you tell I am bored
Cherri OTP:       hello Shaia
Hank:             :he sure eats slow
Cherri OTP:       sorry was on phone
Nick©:            I keep changin my AV's
.ßhaia[Try's]^^:  Hello Cherri   ~smile~
Mrs Chelse@Jeremia: ani aavs cause lag
Nick©:            :oops
Gyrithe©:         :is rude to let us wait
Cherri OTP:       Kipper mess up his back really bad
~Pammie~:         oh no
~Pammie~:         how so?
Cherri OTP:       cant move
~Pammie~:         omg
Cherri OTP:       said pickin up something wrong
~Pammie~:         that's serious
Nick©:            :yikes
~Pammie~:         that's all it takes
~Pammie~:         geee
Cherri OTP:       sounds really bad
~Pammie~:         did he call a dr?
~Pammie~:         noooooo
Cherri OTP:       said he just did it
~Pammie~:         ah then it must be bad...
~Pammie~:         poor guy
Hank:             !EL!!
Alan:             El
Danielle:         hi El
~Pammie~:         hi Elusive
.ßhaia[Try's]^^:  hello El
Gyrithe©:         hi elusive
Nick©:            :Hi Elusive
DevilGrrl (CK's): hi El
Alan:             :Is she elusive because she's transparent?
Elusive:          hi guys...sorry to interrupt
~Pammie~:         yur not
Mrs Chelse@Jeremia: nothing started yet
Hank:             yur not interrupting - the guest speaker has not arrived
Alan:             :Interrupting my nap.
Elusive: Hank is singin and doin a dance to entertain us?
~Pammie~:         any second now ;-)
Hank:             :ya sure :-)
DevilGrrl (CK's): uh huh
Gyrithe©:         I could play the piano Hank
Hank:             go for it Gyr :-)
Elusive:          HankerChief iz fast on his feet...1 2 3 kick...1 2 3 kick...
Gyrithe©:         LOL
~Pammie~:         lol
Hank:             :Hank don dance
~Pammie~:         not even on a good day Hank?
Gyrithe©:         :singing is ok
Elusive:          *peerin..lookin closely at the screen*
Nick©:            :or date??
Hank:             :cept slow dance
Nick©:            ahhh
MSlady:           ^brb
Elusive:          ohhh..the geriatric shuffle?
Elusive:          oops
~Pammie~:         *S*
Elusive:          *duckin*
Nick©:            *covers eyes*
Elusive:          I can't see whenu do that Nick
Nick©:            :huh
Nick©:            :Nick is lost
Elusive:          *droppin breadcrumbs fer Nick*
Nick©:            :heh
~Pammie~:         they stick to his nose
Elusive:          viso
~Pammie~:         they will even
Nick©:            :wet dog nose
~Pammie~:         health then ugh
~Pammie~:         healthy can't type
Nick©:            :la la la
Nick©:            noone talks
Nick©:            :I feel alone
Mrs Chelse@Jeremia: sleeping
Nick©:            hah
Hank:             :Hi Nick
Elusive:          I thought the Mime Contest Started
.ßhaia[Try's]^^:  :making refreshments
Nick©:            :ugh...Nick wouldnt be a very good mime
Alan:             :A mime is a terrible thing to waste.
~Pammie~:         E are you a air vent ?
Danielle:         lol
MSlady:           hehe Alan
~Pammie~:         lol
Elusive:          thank U Hank...I wuz feelin a leeel liteheaded
Cherri OTP:       hiya Elusive
Elusive:          Hi Cherri *wavin*
Alan:             :Although have wanted to waste a couple of them, myself.
Hank:             he's here
~Pammie~:         laughin at Hank's cheeks
Cherri OTP:       i'm slow tonight
Nick©:            If you dont mind, what does OTP stand for??
Cherri OTP:       doing too many things at once
Elusive:          :which ones
Cherri OTP:       On Turtle Pond where I live
~Pammie~:         z ones on his face
Nick©:            cool
Cherri OTP:       Cherri On Top Please
Hank:             !PH!!
~Pammie~:         evening Ph's
Danielle:         hi PH
Cherri OTP:       evening Ph
Gyrithe©:         Hi PH
Mrs Chelse@Jeremia: hi ph
Elusive:          Welcome PH  :-)
.ßhaia[Try's]^^:  hello PH
Nick©:            :Hi Ph
Nick©:            :I am slow
Nick©:            =x
Hank:             ok folks without further ado allow me to introduce Ken Arck of - here to answer your questions about security and the hacked client
Ph's horse:       !evening everyone!
Ph's horse:       :downloading.. oy the lag
Cherri OTP:       welcome PH
Mrs Chelse@Jeremia: evening
Steed~m~ô:        evening PH
Nick©:            evenin
Hank:             ya with s Ken?
Alan:             Hi Ken.  This is Alan from dinner at the Wharf.
Ph's horse:       test
DevilGrrl (CK's): hi ken
Ph's horse:       ok, i think i'm alive!
Ph's horse:       sorry for being late - daylight savings jet lag :)
~Pammie~:         *S*
Cherri OTP:       lol
Nick©:            :he flies
Ph's horse:       ok first of all.. what about that 10 grand you promised, hank?
Hank:             :later Ken
Ph's horse:       :oooops, sorry
Cherri OTP:       hahaha
Hank:             :and it was 5
Ph's horse:       well, i'm here to answer any questions you might have.. i just ask not all at once (unless you wish to offer a cash bribe)
Ph's horse:       no questions? cool! man, you guys are easy!
Gyrithe©:         :any question?
Elusive:          :wonder if horses take plastic
Hank:             everyone has heard the rumors of the hacked client
Ph's horse:       well, i'm horrible in geography
Gyrithe©:          :)
~Pammie~:         what is it?
Mrs Chelse@Jeremia: back sorry
MSlady:           wb
DevilGrrl (CK's): wb chelsea
Cherri OTP:       tell us about it please and just what it does
Cherri OTP:       and does not do
Hank:             Ken?
Ph's horse:       ahhhh. the hacked client.. well, contrary to rumors,, it is NOT really hacked...
Ph's horse:       hank?
Ph's horse:       :my cat hacks up hairballs better than these so-called self-proclaimed hackers
~Pammie~:         ah
Nick©:            :hmm
MSlady:           :nice visual
~Pammie~:         *S*
Cherri OTP:       so what exactly can they do with it
DevilGrrl (CK's): so your saying that it is not possible?
Ph's horse:       there are really only two things this version allows for...
Nick©:            :I see it now
Ph's horse:       cloning without permission and....
Mrs Chelse@Jeremia: im more worried about my puter being hacked then my palace
Ph's horse:       if you have authoring turned on, they can read your spots and TEMPORARILY enable scripts and paint, if you have them turned off
Ph's horse:       it's important to remember a couple of things...
Ph's horse:       #1 - any change they make will NOT be saved by the server, because the server knows they're "not a wizard"
Ph's horse:       and more importantly.....
Ph's horse:       they can NOT delete rooms, kill, pin, or any of the other fun things a legitimate wizard or god can do
Ph's horse:       now, i know some of  these malcontents have claimed they can, but
Ph's horse:       they can't.. that's all there is to it.. and let me tell you why
Ph's horse:       first of all, they're not a horse... now a horse can do anyhting
Hank:             :I knew that
Cherri OTP:       lol
~Pammie~:         *S*
DevilGrrl (CK's): lol
Danielle:         lol
Nick©:            :wishes I had a horse AV
~Pammie~:         evening wild
Cherri OTP:       evening wild
Danielle:         hi wild
MSlady:           Wild!!
MSlady:           :ltns
Nick©:            :hah
Hank:             :the prop shuffle
Nick©:            everyone moved
wildcheree:       hello everyone...;-)
Danielle:         lol
MSlady:           ZM :)
Nick©:            :Hi
~Pammie~:         Hi Zero
Elusive:          My I ask a question...concerning the Gatekeeper Plug In
Danielle:         hi ZM
ZeroMage*:        Hey Ph.
Hank:             still here Ken?
ZeroMage*:        hey guys
Hank:             Ken just dropped oFF ICQ - must have crashed
Alan:             :Shudda cliped his wings
Nick©:            :lol
ZeroMage*:        :use ao to see if he's still here?
Hank:             ok so what Ken was saying is
Hank:             the hacked client allows 2 things
Hank:             1 - cloning
ZeroMage*:        :cloning and authoring :P
Hank:             2 - TEMPORARY changes to room properties
Hank:             number 2 ONLY if you have authoring turned on
MSlady:           room state only correct...not room scripts
Hank:             room states only yes
Nick©:            :temporary room changes (scripts and painting)
MSlady:           k
MSlady:           not scripts
ZeroMage*:        nope hank
MSlady:           oh you mean scripts on
MSlady:           yah
ZeroMage*:        You can get around the non author
Hank:             they cannot change scripts - just look at them
ZeroMage*:        there is a way to author with out it on
~Pammie~:         wb
MSlady:           right
Hank:             wb Ken
Ph's horse:       :well, that sucked
Cherri OTP:       wb Ph
ZeroMage*:        Wb Ph
Steed~m~ô:        wb
Nick©:            :wb
wildcheree:       wb
ZeroMage*:        There is a way for them to author if authoring is off
Ph's horse:       thanks!
Cherri OTP:       horses can do anything
MSlady:           ?? ZM
DevilGrrl (CK's): :need horse av
Ph's horse:       see what i get for not using a class ISP like accesscom?
MSlady:           :true
Hank:             : :-)
ZeroMage*:        You log into a palace with out authoring off
ZeroMage*:        and then just have controll A still on while you connect to the palace with it off
MSlady:           yah but they can only look cant change scripts
ZeroMage*:        :yea but we don't want scripts stolen :P
MSlady:           yes
Hank:             you get that Ken?
MSlady:           I agree
Ph's horse:       :then password lock each room
Ph's horse:       where did i lose it?
DevilGrrl (CK's): so if it is pwded you can't get in it?
Hank:             you werre sayin why changes were temporary
Ph's horse:       oh yea.. i was about to point out why someone can't wiz up
DevilGrrl (CK's): hey odin
~Pammie~:         hi odin
Ph's horse:       :it bears repeating
Ph's horse:       now, i know some of  these malcontents have claimed 
they can, but
Gyrithe©:         :wants to borrow a bra Odin?
Ph's horse:       they can't.. that's all there is to it.. and let me tell you why
Ph's horse:       first of all, they're not a horse... now a horse can do anything
DevilGrrl (CK's): lol
Nick©:            :well
Alan:             :This is where he crashes
Nick©:            hah
wildcheree:       lol
Elusive:          :strange feeling of Deja Vu
Nick©:            :yep
DevilGrrl (CK's): uh huh
MSlady:           :thinking he shouldnt say that again
Ph's horse:       but more importantly... the only way to get a server to recognize that you're a wizard is for you to send the password to the server
MSlady:           Oops
Ph's horse:       in other words, if they don't have the password.. they can't do squat
Nick©:            :interesting lingo
Gyrithe©:         explain squat please
Elusive:          The Gatekeeper Plug In is an additional security concerning that..I assume?
Ph's horse:       and, i've noticed something interesting about those who claim they can...
MSlady:           squat = nuttin
Ph's horse:       :i'll get to gatekeeper in a sec
Elusive:          :zzzzzzip
Ph's horse:       you ever notice they always claim "i can wiz up anytime i want!"
Hank:             :I just don't want to right now :-)
Ph's horse:       seems to me, if they could actually crack anything, they'd go for the god password, so phphptttt to them
MSlady:           hehe hank
Ph's horse:       but...
~Pammie~:         ;-)
Ph's horse:       you need to be aware of some things, especially if 
you use a PC
Nick©:            :ut oh
Ph's horse:       everyone here know about backorifice and other trojan horses?
ZeroMage*:        yea.
Hank:             :get a Mac :-)
MSlady:           yup
Steed~m~ô:        yep
DevilGrrl (CK's): yeah
Mrs Chelse@Jeremia: i had someone come to my palace and tell me they knew my ftp pw and at the time i was the only one who knew it
ZeroMage*:        Can't a program Jammer block those?
Nick©:            *ahem* no
Mrs Chelse@Jeremia: yeah i got one
MSlady:           yes but did they DO anything
Hank:             did they prove it?
ZeroMage*:        I got one last year..
Mrs Chelse@Jeremia: yes
Mrs Chelse@Jeremia: they told me what my pw was
MSlady:           ahh
Mrs Chelse@Jeremia: and they were right
Ph's horse:       ok , if you know about them, then you all have a virus scanner installed and use it regularly, right?
Nick©:            :yikes
MSlady:           yups
Mrs Chelse@Jeremia: i have norton
DevilGrrl (CK's): yep
Nick©:            :i do
Mrs Chelse@Jeremia: and acaffee
Mrs Chelse@Jeremia: mcaffee
Ph's horse:       perfect!
Hank:             the better virus scanners can detect BO?
Mrs Chelse@Jeremia: neither found it
Ph's horse:       yep hank...
Mrs Chelse@Jeremia: i got bo detect and bo clean
Mrs Chelse@Jeremia: and antigen
Ph's horse:       i use data fellows.... it catches BO and others
Mrs Chelse@Jeremia: and cleaner
Mrs Chelse@Jeremia: and i still got a subseven apocolypse trojan
Ph's horse:       :of course, i take showers all the time, so BO isn't a problem for me
Hank:             :nice withers Cherri
MSlady:           yikes
Ph's horse:       anyway...
Nick©:            :you are sooo funny
Nick©:            :I want to be like you when I grow up
Ph's horse:       that's a favorite ploy of palace creeps.. to use a trojan horse in order to get passwords
Elusive:          in order to get BO or NetBus or any of the others, do u not have to accept a file and/or attachment?
Ph's horse:       now, it IS possible to do some packet sniffing and intercept things, but... that would be very rare.. it's not all that easy
MSlady:           what does that mean
Hank:             they are not going to do any packet capture here
Ph's horse:       but i'd say that if someone got ahold of your passwords, either they overheard it or one of your wizards (or gods?) gave it out...
Mrs Chelse@Jeremia: im talking ftp
Mrs Chelse@Jeremia: and no one had but me
~Pammie~:         hi EB
Hank:             we have 166 palaces running for around a year now and we have had three valid instances where someone got a password
Ph's horse:       every case of someone trashing someone's palace, that i've seen,  has been because someone told them the passwords
MSlady:           did you have a trojan?
Hank:             in all those instances - someone gave it to them
MSlady:           ahh
Mrs Chelse@Jeremia: not at the time
Ph's horse:       i'll have to let hank address shell account security on his stuff :)
Hank:             :I have 2 professional hackers on the staff :-)
ZeroMage*:        :yea lots of little kids use hex at my palace...
Ph's horse:       hexedit?
ZeroMage*:        No hex palace
Ph's horse:       ahhh, hexpalace.. nevermind
ZeroMage*:        they go around cloning.
Ph's horse:       right
ZeroMage*:        saying their wizards..
ZeroMage*:        :so it's quite annoying..
Odin ô:           i have a copy of that
Ph's horse:       unfortunately, there is no way to stop them (for now) however...
Cherri OTP:       how do you know if someone is using a hacked client
Cherri OTP:       is there a way to tell
Hank:             nope
Hank:             unless they clone
ZeroMage*:        Why don't you guys design some new sort of PUID system...and the new server client that reads the new puid and if your puid is part of a older client it don't work
Ph's horse:       we know who created it, and started distributing it.. they are currently talking to our laywers.. if you know who they are, you'll notice they haven't been around lately :)
ZeroMage*:        :I still see them on.
ZeroMage*:        :alot...
Ph's horse:       ok zero
Hank:             :and if you have a copy - delete it
Cherri OTP:       what is an unauthorized client
Ph's horse:       well zero... we are...
Nick©:            Ken, I have heard rumors that someone is creating a cloner that you cannot tell they are cloning, I havent heard any cases of someone having it, but, who knows
Ph's horse:       pretty soon, the only way you will be able to change puids, is to change hardware
Nick©:            :oops
Ph's horse:       the only way i could see that would work, is if they're propgagged first. nick..
Nick©:            :ok
Ph's horse:       :an old wizard trick :)
Hank:             :yup :-)
Hank:             so what about Gatekeeper?
Nick©:            :I have never done that =x
Ph's horse:       you have it installed on all of these, hank?
Hank:             yes
Hank:             it's an option
Ph's horse:       a quick explaination of gatekeeper
ZeroMage*:         :gate keeper kept crashing me.
Ph's horse:       with gatekeeper, your regkey has to be on a list, or there's no way to "wiz" up
Ph's horse:       if it's not, you can enter the correct password until the 2000 elections, and it would never work
Hank:             :it's fixed Zero
Ph's horse:       it's a great security goodie :)
ZeroMage*:        :no one would guess my pass anyways lol..
Steed~m~ô:        yep
Nick©:            :Tries to guess pass...
Nick©:            DOGPOOP
Nick©:            :no thats a friends
Ph's horse:       :if you're really mean,, give everyone the correct password and watch them  drop like flies
Steed~m~ô:        lol
ZeroMage*:        LOL
Mrs Chelse@Jeremia: lmao
Nick©:            :heh
ZeroMage*:        :*thinks of doing that*
Ph's horse:       ok, back to the "hack" for a minute
Hank:             if youn want to try gatekeeper - go to the user uitilites page and click plugins
Nick©:            :oh great more horses
Ph's horse:       any questions about what can be done with it and what CANT be done with it?
Ph's horse:       :easy crowd
MSlady:           :something wrong there alan
Cherri OTP:       lol
Ph's horse:       ok,, how about any other security question?
Nick©:            :His wings dont fit
~Pammie~:         *S*
Alan:             :As close as I can get right now.
MSlady:           :hehe
Cherri OTP:       ok I've got one
Ph's horse:       :ph, how can i keep burglers out of my home?
~Pammie~:         wb E
Hank:             rumors today of a script that boots all wizzes and gods Ken
Cherri OTP:       ready for this Ph
Elusive:          thank u..unconscious fera sec.sorry  :-(
Ph's horse:       haven't heard that one yet.... anyone seen it in action?
Hank:             !WB EL!!
DevilGrrl (CK's): have not seen but heard
Steed~m~ô:        only thing ive seen is the alscray trick to do it
Hank:             Some people have been subjected to the cyberg hack and thot they were being killed
~Pammie~:         wb DG
DevilGrrl (CK's): thanx
ZeroMage*:        yea when are you gonna fix that Cyberg%400 trick
Nick©:            :i hate that
Ph's horse:       i've heard for years that anyone can wiz up, yet i've still not seen it proven :) rumors on palace are like interns at the whitehouse... always have their mouth open, but nothing comes out
DevilGrrl (CK's): omg
~Pammie~:         laughin
Nick©:            HA HA HA
Cherri OTP:       hahaha
Nick©:            *covers eyes*
Nick©:            :teen here
ZeroMage*:        lol
Ph's horse:       oh yea.. the cyberg thingie
Nick©:            :now to the cyberg thing
Nick©:            well
Nick©:            He reads minds too
Danielle:          lol
Ph's horse:       the new windows client is currently in beta, and guess what?
Nick©:            :What cant you do??
DevilGrrl (CK's): :what is the cyberg thingy?
Nick©:            What, Ken??
Ph's horse:       its completely impervious to the % cyberg thing
Alan:             :It doesn't work?  ;-)
Hank:             in the meantime - do a 'list and cut and paste their name to kill
Ph's horse:       its a way that punks can crash the current windows clients, devilgrrl
Hank:             :or get a mac :-)
DevilGrrl (CK's): ty
Ph's horse:       or click on them on the userlist,, and not directly
Nick©:   cant becuase you are currently being lagged
Elusive:          *puttin duct tape on the MacMouf*
Hank:             basically - they put a % in their name and if you click on them it boots you
~Pammie~:         ah
Ph's horse:       :very nasty
Elusive:          u can kill them remotely
DevilGrrl (CK's): ph when u are done i have a ? please
Ph's horse:       or a prop name too... that's the latest craze
DevilGrrl (CK's): ok i c
Ph's horse:       ok devilgrrl
Cherri OTP:       Ph I have something I'd like to tell you regarding 
private rooms and privacy
DevilGrrl (CK's): ok i have been told that some of my rooms can be erased
DevilGrrl (CK's): :if i did not get rid of them
Ph's horse:       they name a prop with the proper cmbination of % and cyberg.. ask you to help edit it and POOF!
DevilGrrl (CK's): that is not true correct?
ZeroMage*:        lol
Nick©:            :I had someone the other day signed on as cyberg%4000 and were changing there expression REALLY fast, like a script, was horrible
ZeroMage*:        :yea someone did that to me.... and I lost alot of new props.
Ph's horse:       just ban 'em on sight
Nick©:            :I couldnt do nothing but watch em
Ph's horse:       one thing i want to say.. officially for
ZeroMage*:        I had like 60 users on the other day and then had only 2 wizrads me and someone was hell.
Hank:             your rooms cannot be earased DG
Nick©:            :anyway i could get that beta =D
DevilGrrl (CK's): ty hank
Ph's horse:       :i'll wait, of course
Hank:             :all yurs Ken
Ph's horse:       CC is very serious about putting a stop to the malcontents that are out there... as i said, we've already taken legal action against two      well known ones.. and there are more to come
Ph's horse:       however, we need very good "evidence" in order to pursue these...
Ph's horse:       and that takes time and tons of info :)
Ph's horse:       thank you zero
Ph's horse:       but we're quite serious about trying to stop this stuff.. just wanted to let you know that :)
Elusive:          I have to leave..thank u for taking your time to explain this PH..bye everyone  :-)
Hank:             :several young men have already received a knock oin the door :-)
Nick©:            :May I ask a question *raises hand*
Ph's horse:       sure nick
ZeroMage*:        Ok
Ph's horse:       yep hank.. wish we had pictures of their faces
Nick©:            :Will there be any way anyone could get a hold of that beta??
Hank:             he means the PC client
Nick©:            :thank you
Ph's horse:       well,, as soon as it's out of beta, it will be released, nick.. we usually average about 3 weeks on that.. so, hopefully by the end of the month, it will be available
Nick©:            good
Ph's horse:       unless something "unexpected" comes up
Nick©:            :thanks
Ph's horse:       :so far, it's got no serious bugs
Ph's horse:       anyone else?
Cherri OTP:       yes
Steed~m~ô:        yeah
Ph's horse:       cherri?
Cherri OTP:       on another subject
Ph's horse:       then steed
Steed~m~ô:        i have a user that keeps changing his reg codes and ip then harrasingone of the other wizards. is there a way i can track him without having to list everyone that comes in
Cherri OTP:       private rooms
Nick©:            :ban jumping
Ph's horse:       :with you in a sec, steed
Cherri OTP:       someone entered a private room I was in
Steed~m~ô:        looking for his software version
Steed~m~ô:        k
Cherri OTP:       I asked how
Cherri OTP:       they told me
Cherri OTP:       that they leave the user list open when changing palaces
Ph's horse:       if the room is locked cherri.. unless someone is a god, they cant get in.. you sure the room locks properly?
Cherri OTP:       a hidden room
Cherri OTP:       was a hidden room
Ph's horse:       oooh,, ok
Cherri OTP:       so I tred it
Ph's horse:       how unique is the room ID?
Cherri OTP:       and it worked
Cherri OTP:       if you leave the user list open
Ph's horse:       sure it will, as long as the know the room ID,, they can get there
Cherri OTP:       and change palaces
Ph's horse:       if the ID is common,, sure.. i'm not surprised at all
Cherri OTP:       the name appears on list when you get there
Cherri OTP:       showing another room
Ph's horse:       cherri? a suggestion
Cherri OTP:       and you can click on the persons name
Cherri OTP:       and get to them
Cherri OTP:       yes
Ph's horse:       change the ID to something really bizzare,, like 23434 or something.. then the chances of that happening are pretty remote
Cherri OTP:       oh ok
DevilGrrl (CK's): ^question
Cherri OTP:       ty
Ph's horse:       steed next, then devil
Ph's horse:       banjumping...
Nick©:            :yep
Steed~m~ô:        yep
Ph's horse:       right now, there's only way to keep one out, and it won't do it for long,, but at least it will make it more work for them
Ph's horse:       due to a bug (yea yea, more bugs)... if you can the SPECIFIC IP, you can keep a registered client out
Ph's horse:       umm, if you ban a specific IP, that is
ZeroMage*:        :it says if you use ban jump though in the help/about if you can't get back in try disconnecting and reconnecting to the net.
Ph's horse:       no wildcards though, that doesn't work
Steed~m~ô:        he changes ip's too..
Steed~m~ô:        ony way to get him right now is his software version
Ph's horse:       yes zero, but that's more work.. but you're right.. unless they have a fixed IP, that's all they have to do
Nick©:            :One of the
DevilGrrl (CK's): so if you ban on reg codes tht is not a secure way to keep them out?
Nick©:            :Ph...we have a smart wiz, and he was talking about contacting this persons ISp...
Ph's horse:       :what i usually do is just set a track for 20 or 30 minutes.. and just kill 'em when they come back.. it comes down to who gets tired of it first
Hank:             the main thing for the guys that really know ban jumping is make it as hard as you can for them and hope they get bored and leave
Ph's horse:       exactly hank
Hank:             if that dosen't work - talk to me and I'll go the official route
Nick©:            What about comtacting ISPs??
Hank:             if you need to contact an ISP - see me
Steed~m~ô:        i just may need to talk to you hank
Ph's horse:       well nick.. i'm all for contacting their ISP's.. but unless they've done something that violates that ISP's terms of service, its a tough case to make
Hank:             I have the channels for that
Nick©:            :What is the official measures, Hank
Ph's horse:       but it never hurts to try
Nick©:            :Ok Ph
DevilGrrl (CK's): ^?
Hank:             and if we go the official route - I need facts
Nick©:            Thanks
Steed~m~ô:        this guy have made pleanty of threats against this wizard
Ph's horse:       :threats are good
Hank:             Steed - get me what info you can and we will talk to the guy's ISP
ZeroMage*:        :I was told " if you don't make me a wiz I'm gonna fry the server " I'm like yea go ahead and try.
DevilGrrl (CK's): i have had threats on my family
Steed~m~ô:        will send the info to you a lil latter
DevilGrrl (CK's): the person does have my rl stuff
Hank:             the thing to remember about threats is they are usually bogus
~Pammie~:         oh geesh
Ph's horse:       that is definately contact ISP time, devil
DevilGrrl (CK's): we have
~Pammie~:         reallly
DevilGrrl (CK's): yes Pammie
Hank:             in the case of threats - we will get the guy dealt with
Nick©:            :What is rl??
Hank:             count on it
~Pammie~:         real  life
DevilGrrl (CK's): real life
Ph's horse:       :rl = real life
Danielle:         real life
Nick©:            oh, ok
Nick©:            :I feel dumb
Nick©:            =P
Ph's horse:       or richard the lionhearted
~Pammie~:         na
Alan:             :He probably still doesn't know what that means
DevilGrrl (CK's): we saved all the icq's that he sent to me
~Pammie~:         lol
Hank:             real life is that stuff that happens when you log 
ogg Nicjk :-)
~Pammie~:         sigh
Steed~m~ô:        so far the only way to tell this is the guy is his software code SI301 PPC Mac..the only one i know that has it
Cherri OTP:       one thing hank, I wanted my real name taken off my web page please... do you do that or do I need to
Nick©:            :i never log off, heh
Hank:             I can or you can
Hank:             want me to do it now?
ZeroMage*:        yea just change that index thing in your ftp
Alan:             :Would never be a Mac user.  Must be a lie.
Cherri OTP:       whenever you get time no hurry
Ph's horse:       client version is a bad way to ID someone.. it's too easy to change
Ph's horse:       hank? you're using mansionbuilds, yes?
DevilGrrl (CK's): ?
ZeroMage*:        is that the thing you change in your ini file?
Hank:             nope - but we have the require PUID plugin
Ph's horse:       yep zero
DevilGrrl (CK's): Hank what is that?
Ph's horse:       :i'll send you the binaries... it would stop alot of the ban jumpers i bet
ZeroMage*:        so guests can't log in?
DevilGrrl (CK's): ok
Hank:             ok
Ph's horse:       :thinking.. do we have a mansionbuild for linux...
DevilGrrl (CK's): ph
Ph's horse:       yes devil?
Hank:             :version 4.4? :-)
DevilGrrl (CK's): on the room ids
ZeroMage*:        :I have winlinux's a piece of junk... :P
Ph's horse:       :i'll get one if we don't
DevilGrrl (CK's): can they have letters also?
Hank:             mansion build requires valid reg codes
Ph's horse:       no devil.. they have to be numeric only
DevilGrrl (CK's): ok ty
Hank:             done Cherri
Ph's horse:       but you can have an ID of up to 32 characters :)
Cherri OTP:       ty
DevilGrrl (CK's): hahaha ok
Ph's horse:       :that must be it?
Hank:             ok - we drug Ken away from dinner so I don't want to keep him here all night - anyone got anything they want to clear up about anything we covered?
DevilGrrl (CK's): one more ?
Ph's horse:       :its amazing that after 4 years of palacing, how good i've gotten at one handed typing.. makes it much easier to eat dinner and be here
DevilGrrl (CK's): pwding the rooms will just add the extra security from closing the server correct?
Ph's horse:       :j/k
ZeroMage*:        LoL
~Pammie~:         lol
DevilGrrl (CK's): lol
Cherri OTP:       lol
Steed~m~ô:        hehe
ZeroMage*:        man can't they just have a utility on the page that you type 1 pass and it locks all the rooms?
ZeroMage*:        :that'd help alot..
Cherri OTP:       :cant do that yet... practicing
Ph's horse:       right devil.. you can password 'em if you want,but if all you're looking for is privacy.. just hide 'em, give a long room ID and make them private
Nick©:            :What I would like to know, is why you would lock all the rooms, dont you want people to go in them??
DevilGrrl (CK's): ok thanx
ZeroMage*:        No...Locking them lets the prefs not be changed
Nick©:            :ahhh
ZeroMage*:        I gotta go...See you all later.
Cherri OTP:       locking the room info door
Nick©:            :feels stoopid again
ZeroMage*:        :or something
Ph's horse:       ok zero
~Pammie~:         buh buy
Nick©:            c-ya
ZeroMage*:        Laterz people
DevilGrrl (CK's): just learning hon
Cherri OTP:       later zero
Hank:             Ken - thanks for comin - we really appreciate the time
DevilGrrl (CK's): bye zero
Steed~m~ô:        latter zero
Danielle:         cya zero
.ßhaia[Try's]^^:  bye Zero
Cherri OTP:       thank you ken for your time
MSlady:           thanks Ken
wildcheree:       good seeing you again PH  been a long time
~Pammie~:         yep tanks
Danielle:         ty Ken
Cherri OTP:       we apprecite you coming
Nick©:            Thanks Ken
DevilGrrl (CK's): thanx ken
.ßhaia[Try's]^^:  Yes...thank you Ken
Alan:             Thank, Ken
Steed~m~ô:        thanks for the info Ken
Hank:             :and Ken's home phone number is.....
Ph's horse:       nice to see some old faces! now, if you'd use oriental pearl cream.... oh nevermind
Danielle:         lol
DevilGrrl (CK's): :thinking my wiz is sleeping over there
~Pammie~:         lol
Hank:             :very very classified
~Pammie~:         **DDG
Cherri OTP:       :waiting
Cherri OTP:       lol
Odin ô:           am no =Þ
DevilGrrl (CK's): lol
Ph's horse:       bye everyone!
Nick©:            BYE
Danielle:         bye
Cherri OTP:       bye bye
~Pammie~:         byenow
Cherri OTP:       lol
Odin ô:           ciao
~Pammie~:         see everyone buh bye ;-)
Cherri OTP:       and thank you too Hank
~Pammie~:         Thanks Hank
DevilGrrl (CK's): ty too hank
Nick©:            Thanks Hank
Danielle:         ty Hank
wildcheree:       have to go see ya at  The Grand Cherri
Cherri OTP:       ok Wild
Alan:             Tks for inviting me, Hank.
MSlady:           Nice to see you all
wildcheree:       bye all..;-)
MSlady:           bye bye
Cherri OTP:       bye bye
Hank:             np
Nick©:            BYE
Danielle:         bye everyone
.ßhaia[Try's]^^:  Thank you Hank   ~smile~
MSlady:           thank you hank
MSlady:            :)
.ßhaia[Try's]^^:  Take care all
DevilGrrl (CK's): cyall
MSlady:           :wabbit
MSlady:           :grin
Hank:             :the more y'all know the less I have to make up :-)
MSlady:           bye bye
MSlady:           hehe
Cherri OTP:       hehe
Nick©:            :hah
Steed~m~ô:        gonna have a talk with the others about the nucense, will let you know if we need to go a bit further with it
Cherri OTP:       ok hon is this meeting over now
Hank:             if you have facts I can go to his ISP
Hank:             but I need dates, times, IP's etc
Hank:             most of that I can get from yur logs
Cherri OTP:       hugs Hank
Cherri OTP:       bye bye
Hank:             seeya Cherri
Alan:             bye Cherri
Steed~m~ô:        yep, been telling them to take notes
Nick©:            arf
Nick©:            *grabs on to Alans tail*
Steed~m~ô:        and copies of the guys icq messages
Alan:             :Pesky puppy
Nick©:            Do you work with hank, alan
Alan:             Hank and I worked at the same company for many years but never met.
Hank:             I need some pretty good examples of threats, etc
Alan:             We live a mile or so apart.
Hank:             logs is best
Steed~m~ô:        you'll have em. just need to find out if they want to go this route
Nick©:            :are you...pulling my ail
Nick©:            :tail*
Alan:             Nope.
Alan:             We met after I retired.
Nick©:            never me
Nick©:            uh huh
Hank:             ok Steed let me know
Steed~m~ô:        i think it should have been done a while ago.
Steed~m~ô:        will do
Hank:             no need to tolerate that crap
Steed~m~ô:        yep
Alan:             Hank.  Would individual owners have to run diagnostics or do you run them on the server?
Steed~m~ô:        well, going to go talk with em. catch you latter
Hank:             diagnostics?
Alan:             Sorry, anti-virus
Hank:             no need
Hank:             no such thing as a virus in the Linux world
Nick©:            :Alan is on Linux
Alan:             Why were people here concerned with anti-virus then?
Hank:             you mean on email attachments?
Alan:             I assumed they meant the Palace sw.
Hank:             they meant on files they received in email
Alan:             ok
Hank:             gotta run to that dinner
Alan:             ok.  Thanks.
Nick©:            BYE
Hank:             :poof
Closing Log