November 6, 1999 Palace Class held by Hank

Opening Log
Rik:              sorry, q attack
Rik:              Nuha and I are from a new Gorean Palace, the city of Ar
Rik:              hi Hank
FrOsTy:           ok
Hank:             welcome
Rik:              come hon
GRACE:            hey lilone
Danielle:         hi lilone
Steed~m~:         greetings lilone
FrOsTy:           Hank, do alittle dance for us. lol
lilone:      (((hugz)))
Rik:              Nuha was just here, but poofed
Hank:             :I don't dance :-)
Rik:              hugs
lilone:      saw that
Rik:              didn't know if you did
lilone:      Greetings everyone
Steed~m~:         :too busy dodging anvils
Hank:             !GYRITHE!!
FrOsTy:           lol
Danielle:         hi Gyrithe
GRACE:            hey Gyrithe
Gyrithe©:         Good evening all :)
Rik:              I missed where Grace is from
lilone:      Greetings Gyrithe
Gyrithe©:         !HANKKKKKKKIIIIII
FrOsTy:           Hiya Gyrithe
Rik:              Greetings Gyithe
GRACE:            Xquisite also
Rik:              cool
Steed~m~:         hi  Gyrithe©
Hank:             we'll give it a couple minutes for people to show up before we start
Rik:              okies Hank
FrOsTy:           like that av Gyrithe
Gyrithe©:         Smile
Gyrithe©:         thanks
Gyrithe©:         do you want a copy?
FrOsTy:           sure
FrOsTy:           thx u
Gyrithe©:         welcome
Hank:             ok we'll go ahead and get started
FrOsTy:           k
Gyrithe©:         :am all ears :)
FrOsTy:           No hank is all ears
Gyrithe©:         No...he is a big mouth :)
Gyrithe©:         :His ears is only camoflace
FrOsTy:           what format will we use here Hank
Hank:             we usually start with everyone sayin their name and what palace they're from
Hank:             for the log
Danielle:         Danielle from Xquisite
Gyrithe©:         I am Gyrithe, I am the owner of Utopia
GRACE:            Grace from Xquisite also
Hank:             :don't be shy people :-)
FrOsTy:           FrOsTy, owner of Riverspirits
Steed~m~:         Steed~m~, Islands In The Stream wizard
Rik:              Rik and lilone from Ar, a City of Gor
Gyrithe©:         My shoe size is 37
lilone:      *smiles*
Hank:             ok small class - makes it easy :-)
Hank:             first a couple announcements
Hank:             Number 1 - Gatekeeper
Hank:             the gatekeeper plugin we got from caused a lot of problems
Rik:              wb Nuha, Hank Nuh@ is with us at Ar
Hank:             we have rewritten our own from scratch and it is now available
Hank:             ok
Gyrithe©:         ^q
Hank:             anyone not know what gatekeeper is?
FrOsTy:           How many use it?
Gyrithe©:         :Q means I have a question
Hank:             yes Gyr?
Rik:              i am sorry to say i don't know what it is Hank
Gyrithe©:         Have you solved the prob with AIC not beeing able to access godmode
Hank:             yes
Gyrithe©:         unless you are blessed
Hank:             ok - Gatekeeper is a plugin that allows you to "register" your wizzes and gods
Hank:             anyone who is not on the list cannot wiz or god up - even if they know the password
Rik:              excellent
Hank:             it covers things like when someone accidentally blurts out the password
Gyrithe©:         But AIC can?
Hank:             yes - the techs here are all on the master list
Gyrithe©:         Great
Gyrithe©:         :I think I will install it then :)
Hank:             there is a master list for us and a private list for your palace
Rik:              where do we get the new program
FrOsTy:           PUID and Reg Hash the keys then
Gyrithe©:         very good
Hank:             reghash is what it keys on
Hank:             we'll be adding gatekeeper as a link from the user utility page on Monday
FrOsTy:           sounds good
Hank:             it will tell you how to turn it on and how to use it
Rik:              kk
Hank:             ok second - listserv
Hank:             we're getting the hardware for a chatserve list server on Monday
Gyrithe©:         )applause
Hank:             we'll be setting up a mail list so everyone with a chatserve palace can talk
FrOsTy:           thumbs up
Hank:             trade ideas, ask questions, report hackers, etc
Gyrithe©:         :Very good
Hank:             look for the instructions to come out next week
Hank:             ok and the last announcement is about lag
Hank:             we have been seeing some congestion in one of our main feeds the last few days
Hank:             we are reorganizing our connections to reduce that
Hank:             you may have been seeing some lag the last few days
Gyrithe©:         :Have not had probs at Utopia with lag lately :)
Hank:             we hope to get it corrected this week
Rik:              minor lag, not serious
Hank:             the particualr problem we have been seeing would effect a small percentage of visitors
Hank:             but we're getting it fixed
Rik:              i was wondering about that
Rik:              some tell me they are lagging when no one else is
Danielle:         yes
Hank:             well some people will always lag
Hank:             I can't fix the whole net :-)
Hank:             :especially AOL
Rik:              smiles
Danielle:         *S*
Nuh@:             May be dependant on the amt. of hops too
Hank:             after the class I'll be doin a quick class on traceroutes and finding lag sources if anyone wants to hang around for that
Gyrithe©:         :last time I lagged and did a trace...I had 10 hops that did not answer the ping at all
Hank:             oh ya - 1 more announcement
Nuh@:             But we cant do anything about it from our comps, right?
Hank:             PH from will be here at 5PM to talk about the hacked client and security issues
Gyrithe©:         How mamy hours is that from now??
Gyrithe©:         many
Hank:             Nuh - you can find where the lag is coming from and who to yell at :-)
Nuh@:             *S*
Hank:             that's a little under 5 hours from now
Gyrithe©:         :2 am than
Hank:             :sorry :-)
Hank:             he set the time
Gyrithe©:         :thats life
Steed~m~:         8pm here
Hank:             ok I don't have any set program here
Hank:             anyone got a topic they want to talk about fire away
FrOsTy:           Prop mantenance
Gyrithe©:         html
Gyrithe©:         :My webpage is a mess
Hank:             :that's a different class Gyr :-)
Rik:              nods at Gyrithe, yes
Gyrithe©:         :too bad
Rik:              when is the class Hank
Hank:             I could try to put one together
Gyrithe©:         you should set up some webpage classes hank
lilone:      one that lil should attend *smiles*
Rik:              need for lilone to learn how to use the webpage
Hank:             ok prop maintenance
Hank:             !CS!!
Rik:              hey Cool
.«oolßhade.:      !Hank
Gyrithe©:         hi cs
Hank:             Everyone - meet CoolShade
.«oolßhade.:      Hi Rik
GRACE:            hey cool shade
Steed~m~:         hi cool
Danielle:         hi CS
.«oolßhade.:      Hey Gyrithe..ltns
FrOsTy:           Hey Cool
Nuh@:             Hy Ya
.«oolßhade.:      Hello Steed
Gyrithe©:         Smile
.«oolßhade.:      Hi Nuh
lilone:      Greetings CoolShade
Hank:             yur timing is amazing CS
Gyrithe©:         sure have been a long time cs
.«oolßhade.:      Hi lilone
.«oolßhade.:      why's that Hank
Hank:             CS runs Enclave - a new chatserve palace - and he is the smartest guy about props I know
.«oolßhade.:      :I have lousy timing
.«oolßhade.:      naaa
.«oolßhade.:      just the most obsessive compulsive
Gyrithe©:         :Cant beleave anyone is smarter tham I with props ;)
.«oolßhade.: are great G
Hank:             do you have any specific prop questions Frosty or shud I just ramble? :-)
Gyrithe©:         LOL
.«oolßhade.:      :I know that from LONG time
.«oolßhade.:      :and Hi Danielle Grace and Frosty
FrOsTy:           Does everyone go thru theirs with a clean prop bag to reset the stamp
.«oolßhade.:      I do
FrOsTy:           I hear the new server code will stop this need
Gyrithe©:         I do that to check they are all there
.«oolßhade.:      regularly
.«oolßhade.:      :I hope so
FrOsTy:           thats very time consuming
Hank:             the purpose of going thru with a clean prop bag is not mainly the stamp
Gyrithe©:         When do AIC plan on upgrading?
.«oolßhade.:      the time date stamp won't change on a prop
.«oolßhade.:      unless you edit it
FrOsTy:           what is the default flushprop time on our server setting with AIC
Hank:             going thru with a clean prop bag i the ONLY way to see the true condition of your server prop file
.«oolßhade.:      :or rename it
Gyrithe©:         I use the virginbag to make the server remember how my props looks
Hank:             the default is 29 days
.«oolßhade.:      yes...
FrOsTy:           that answers my q
.«oolßhade.:      I use a refresher script...I go through mine when I'm not there
Hank:             as for 4.4 - we've finished lookin at it and we have a couple minor bugs to work out with CC
FrOsTy:           can u share that Cool
.«oolßhade.:      of course....
.«oolßhade.:      anyone can have it
Gyrithe©:         I would love to see it cs
.«oolßhade.:      it uses as a base the old script from Hideout
FrOsTy:           needs to be unattended for sure
Hank:             CS's scriptwalks through the prop rooms while he's asleep and does the refreshes for him
.«oolßhade.:      right
.«oolßhade.:      I just set it to run
.«oolßhade.:      and leave
.«oolßhade.:      :I'm lazy
FrOsTy:           share please before we leave
Hank:             does everyone here have prop rooms?
Steed~m~:         yep
Gyrithe©:         I have some
GRACE:            yes
Rik:              yes, we are adding 4 of them
Gyrithe©:         :About 20
.«oolßhade.:      not all of them would work with my script
Hank:             does anyone not know what flushprops and purgeprops is?
.«oolßhade.:      but a script could be written for any of them..I suspect
Rik:              do it often
.«oolßhade.:      I purge often...flush sometimes
Gyrithe©:         I never purge
.«oolßhade.:      I NEVER flush until I have been through my rooms
Hank:             does anyone not understand the idea of refreshing props?
Hank:             and why it's importtant
FrOsTy:           explain the difference between the 2 commands please
Nuh@:             I only know that it has to be done
Rik:              how often do you hae to refresh
Hank:             ok there's only a small difference
Hank:             purgeprops cleans out the prop file in memory
Hank:             flushprops does that and then writes it to disk
.«oolßhade.:      right...
FrOsTy:           what order do u recomment from AIC
.«oolßhade.:      :and that can make a big difference
FrOsTy:           recommend
Hank:             if you have prop rooms and you do not refresh your props - a purge or flush will kill your prop rooms
.«oolßhade.:      yes
FrOsTy:           so dont wait until the 29th day
FrOsTy:           or its too late
.«oolßhade.:      I think the most basic thing is to understand how the propbag system works
Hank:             both purge and flush work off of the amount of time since the prop was last "shown"
Gyrithe©:         :I usualy flush once a week
Rik:              to refresh, you just put the prop on, correct?
Hank:             no Rik
Gyrithe©:         :more often when its more busy
.«oolßhade.:      no..
.«oolßhade.:      right
Hank:             ok - the prop bag concept - you wanna do it CS? :-)
.«oolßhade.:      hahaha
FrOsTy:           with a clean default prop bag
.«oolßhade.:      :he trusts me??
Hank:             :of course
.«oolßhade.:      when you "see" another person's prop...
.«oolßhade.:      your prop bag will "store" that prop in memory
.«oolßhade.:      and...if you see MANY will have a very large bag
Rik:              on client or server
.«oolßhade.:      both...
Rik:              kk
.«oolßhade.:      your own palace.prp bag does it too
.«oolßhade.:      you also have those you have SAVED into your bag
Rik:              knew that, wanted to make sure you were talking about server
Hank:             the server prop file saves every prop anyone has worn on the server
FrOsTy:           a hidden and viewable side to the bag
.«oolßhade.:      right
Hank:             your prop bag stores every prop you have seen on any palace
.«oolßhade.:      the SERVER doesn't have the MACRO bit or the STORED prop bit
.«oolßhade.:      only the "remembered"
FrOsTy:   good reference for this topic
Captured a URL, see log.
I have captured a possible WWW address from FrOsTy: "  good reference for this topic"
.«oolßhade.:      it does that so that you don't have to download the prop every time you see the person again...
.«oolßhade.:      and the same is true of the server
Hank:             :that means the server dosen't know a particular prop is associated with a prop room
.«oolßhade.:      right
.«oolßhade.:      your server propfile doesn't read your dat file
.«oolßhade.:      it doesn't KNOW you want to save anything
.«oolßhade.:      and...
FrOsTy:           u can actually recall lost props from your client bag if named
.«oolßhade.:      if they haven't been CALLED from the server before the time to flush...they will be lost with the flush
.«oolßhade.:      now ...when you go in to your palace
.«oolßhade.:      with your regular bag on
.«oolßhade.:      your CLIENT has already SEEN those props
.«oolßhade.:      so they will be called first by your CLIENT from your CLIENT prop bag
.«oolßhade.:      not from the server
Hank:             :which means if the prop looks OK to you it may actually still be screwed up on the server
.«oolßhade.:      and that will NOT 'refresh' the prop in your SERVER bag
.«oolßhade.:      right
.«oolßhade.:      you may see it fine
.«oolßhade.:      even if it isn't THERE on your server
.«oolßhade.:      others won't see it
Hank:             or it may look screwed up to you and be fine on the server
.«oolßhade.:      because your client first checks your client propbag to find it..
.«oolßhade.:      if it doesn't find will '
.«oolßhade.:      it will 'ask' the server for it
.«oolßhade.:      that's why you must use a raw (empty) propbag on your client to refresh
Hank:             so the only way to truly see the state of your server ptrop file is to use a "virgin" bag when you walk your props
Rik:              got it. thanks
.«oolßhade.:      after you have refreshed...and everything is there...THEN you can flush or purge...
.«oolßhade.:      Also....
.«oolßhade.:      even saving a prop in a hidden room will NOT work
FrOsTy:           purge doesnt reduce the size of the prop file correct?
.«oolßhade.:      unless you go by to see it
FrOsTy:           but flush does
Hank:             correct
FrOsTy:           its memory vs disk maintenance
Hank:             right
.«oolßhade.:      basically
FrOsTy:           glad I work in the field, lol
Hank:             also - flush will lock all server activity while it runs
.«oolßhade.:      right
.«oolßhade.:      you can tinker with a dat file all you want...
Hank:             everyone will be totally lagged
.«oolßhade.:      but you can't tinker with the prop file while activity is going on
Rik:              question please
Hank:             go ahead Rik
FrOsTy:           can we reduce our server max connections for this maintenance window
Hank:             it only takes a couple minutes Frosty - tops
Rik:              to get a virgin propbag, can i just rename client palace.prp file
.«oolßhade.:      :don't need to
Rik:              then name it back after refresh
Hank:             yup
.«oolßhade.:      yes
.«oolßhade.:      you can download a 'replacement' from the Palace webpage
FrOsTy:           or download one from palace
Rik:              so then there is no palace.prp on client, right
.«oolßhade.:      I am obsessive
Hank:             you can get a clean bag from the palace webpage
Hank:             yes - there is
.«oolßhade.:      I delete all of the guest props
.«oolßhade.:      then compress THAT one
.«oolßhade.:      also...
.«oolßhade.:      since some will ALWAYS corrupt
.«oolßhade.:      I take a cleaned out bag
.«oolßhade.:      and save every single prop I have on it
Hank:             :he's VERY compulsive :-)
FrOsTy:           I agree
.«oolßhade.:      I have about 1700
.«oolßhade.:      it doesn't take THAT much space
Gyrithe©:         :I have all my prpfiles stored on cd's
.«oolßhade.:      I use zip disks for backups...but's only about 17-18 MB
Hank:             that's an important part - sometimes your server prop file can become corrupted - or ceratin props in it
.«oolßhade.:      right
Hank:             and the only way to fix that is to zero the file and refill it
.«oolßhade.:      if, when I run through them, I find one messed up...
Hank:             and the best way to refill it is from your prop bag
.«oolßhade.:      I go BACK with that saved backup and restore it
.«oolßhade.:      it's really easy to do
.«oolßhade.:      you just rename it...or edit one pixel...
.«oolßhade.:      and that restamps it
.«oolßhade.:      then...
.«oolßhade.:      I replace the prop ID number in my dat file
.«oolßhade.:      I do that in authoring mode usually.
Hank:             everybody understand the concept of the memory copy and the disk copy of the files?
.«oolßhade.:      right...
FrOsTy:           good idea to save the generator script with all the ids in it too?
.«oolßhade.:      that's just in my dat
FrOsTy:           true
Rik:              can i ask about generators since Frosty brought it up
Gyrithe©:         I backup my datfile every time I have done changes
.«oolßhade.:      absolutely
Rik:              i have an old one. are they basically all the same
Hank:             ^nature call
.«oolßhade.:      :the first 3 rules of computing
.«oolßhade.:      :backup backup and backup
Gyrithe©:         :and backup
.«oolßhade.:      lol
FrOsTy:           I use one that holds 50 and has the forward, back & reset
.«oolßhade.:      running through the props with a virgin bag will put the props into the MEMORY section of your client bag...
Rik:              are there different generator scripts out there or where do you get a good one
FrOsTy:           there are different ones
Gyrithe©:         I have learned that 50 is usualy too many pr room
.«oolßhade.:      but saving each one using the SAVE button puts it into the "hard copy" section
.«oolßhade.:      there are many generator scripts...from simple to complex
Gyrithe©:         :makes the scripts usstabile
Steed~m~:         we keep ours at around 30 porps
.«oolßhade.:      Hex has some on his webpage
Rik:              so what limit on number Gyrithe?
.«oolßhade.:      I have some with well over 100 props
Gyrithe©:         I only use max 30
Rik:              where do i find a script with 30 max
FrOsTy:           wb hank
.«oolßhade.:      the older servers didn't like more than 30
Gyrithe©:         depending of which props it is
Rik:              i don't know Hex
Hank:             thks
Rik:              wb Hank
Steed~m~:         wb hank
Gyrithe©:         :More props pr room if small ones
.«oolßhade.:      but I have no trouble with 50 in most rooms
.«oolßhade.:      right Gyrithe
FrOsTy:           Rik, I'll share the one I use
Rik:              thank you Frosty
Rik:              very mcyh
Hank:             the limit is 16K worth of scripting per room
FrOsTy:           np
.«oolßhade.:      I can fit 150 little miscellaneous props in one room
Hank:             if you exceed that the servder crashes
.«oolßhade.:      but only 30 to 50 large ones...
.«oolßhade.:      right
Hank:             and you get the ROOM TOO BIG error
.«oolßhade.:      used to be 12 K
.«oolßhade.:      but now it's better
Gyrithe©:         :150 small = les than 20 big ones....
.«oolßhade.:      most avs are 6 props
Gyrithe©:         :Should give no probs :)
.«oolßhade.:      the simple way to check...
Hank:             :Gyr is gonna help me do a script library here
Rik:              so by 30, you mean 30 6 piece avs
.«oolßhade.:      is to cut and paste any room that you are worried about
Gyrithe©:         :I jump when you yell Hank :)
Hank:             :yell
.«oolßhade.:      save it into a txt file with Editpad or whatever
Rik:              lol
Hank:             :cool :-)
.«oolßhade.:      and see how big it is
Rik:              can't you tell by the user utilities page, room size
Hank:             there is a utility on the user utility page that will measure the script size of all your rooms
.«oolßhade.:      I find 50 is about as many as I dare on "real people" avs
Gyrithe©:         :You know my email hank...lets get started soon
.«oolßhade.:      :yes...WONDERFUL page BTW Hank
Hank:             yes Rik - that's what it's for
Hank:             :thks
Hank:             :I didn't write any of it :-)
.«oolßhade.:      LOL
Hank:             anyone got any more prop questions?
.«oolßhade.:      I just moved over to accesscom...
FrOsTy:           I just looked at my room sizes
Hank:             :welcome CS :-)
.«oolßhade.:      and was able to restore all but 17 avs
FrOsTy:           and the biggest with 50 is only 7k
.«oolßhade.:      of my 1700
Gyrithe©:         :I have been here almost an year
Rik:              :almost a month
.«oolßhade.:      :and I have those somewhere on a disc
Hank:             ok I wanted to talk about a problem we been seein a 
lot lately
Hank:             anyone restarted their servfer and lost rooms?
Gyrithe©:         :one time...loooong time agop
.«oolßhade.: rooms are perhaps larger...because I have numbers that you see...and other scripts in every room
Nuh@:             I have
Hank:             :OK I won't talk about it :-)
Gyrithe©:         :I had an error in my dat, after editing it manualy
.«oolßhade.:      :if I ever did it was because of a cotton-picking extra quotation mark
lilone:      please well everyone
.«oolßhade.:      bye bye lilone
Hank:             :or carriage return
Nuh@:             I have found that it was a lost Bracket
Rik:              bye hon
.«oolßhade.:      :I hate curly brackets
Rik:              hugs
Hank:             ok I see everyone understands this bug :-)
Hank:             bye lil
Gyrithe©:         bye lilone
Hank:             ok anyone got any other favorite topics?
.«oolßhade.:      I will be glad to let anyone see my rooms and scripts...I can put up my testpalace..
Gyrithe©:         Html ;)
Gyrithe©:         that would be nice cs
FrOsTy:           Not sure I followed that last bug reference Hank
Hank:             the lost rooms bug
FrOsTy:           with a restart
FrOsTy:           test
Nuh@:             am I here?
GRACE:            lol
Rik:              no Nuh@
Rik:              you are gone
Nuh@:             thought I was lol
Rik:              lol
FrOsTy:           time warp
Hank:             you have a question about the lost rooms bug?
FrOsTy:           Explain it again quickly
FrOsTy:           Was reading log
Hank:             ok - if you make an error in a script in a room...
FrOsTy:           k
Hank:             when you restart your server the rooms after the error are lost
FrOsTy:           k
Nuh@:             but it loads that bad room
Hank:             yes Nuh - exactly
Nuh@:             so you know where to look
FrOsTy:           correct
FrOsTy:           I seem to get alot of doors/spots to go away when authoring them
Hank:             because of this bug we cjhanged our server start script so that it saves offf the dAT FILE WHEN YOU START
.«oolßhade.:      the disappearing door bit..
Hank:             that's a different bug
Nuh@:             that's why if I do a haevy scripter room I Dupe it first and work on the dupe
FrOsTy:           yes,  must name it first I find CS
Gyrithe©:         :I HATE poofing doors :(
Hank:             the door problem is a bug in the PC client
Nuh@:             then it its the last room
FrOsTy:           I agree A DUP room helps
FrOsTy:           saves time
Nuh@:             yep
.«oolßhade.:      that is one of the worst annoyances..
Hank:             I'm thinkin of putting a door utility on the user utiliy page
Gyrithe©:         :And exploding doors too
Hank:             exploding doors?
.«oolßhade.:      going to a room after a long hiatus...and finding doors sliding off or gone
Gyrithe©:         yes...then the room looks like spagetti
.«oolßhade.:      hahaha
.«oolßhade.:      yeah
Nuh@:             hat when you lose a door  have to find a mac  lol
FrOsTy:           getting hungry here
.«oolßhade.:      I find...most of the time
.«oolßhade.:      if I just do everything very slowly
Hank:             the door problem is basically this
.«oolßhade.:      things don't mess up
Hank:             every door has a property called OUTLINE
FrOsTy:           if u go back and recreate with same ID
.«oolßhade.:      :blame it on lag
Gyrithe©:         :true...working slow helps
.«oolßhade.:      :basic OOPS
Hank:             it's sposed to contain 4 points - all within the confines of the screen
FrOsTy:           keyword suppose
Hank:             bad doors either have an incomplete set of points or points that are way off the screen
Nuh@:             yeak thats where you put it   but---
Gyrithe©:         :One thing I realy miss often, is to be able to dupe a door
.«oolßhade.:      :OOPS (object oriented programming stuff)
Gyrithe©:         :it would save so much time
Rik:              me too G
Rik:              would be great
Hank:             does anyone here actually look at their dat file?
Rik:              Hank is there a limit to number of doors in a room?
FrOsTy:           yes
.«oolßhade.:      Hank...I find that my door points somehow get wierd numbers
Steed~m~:         yep
Hank:             not that I know of Rik
.«oolßhade.:      :I look at mine ALL the time
Gyrithe©:         I almost look in my datfile daily
Rik:              i do Hank
Rik:              easier to repair it than find lost doors
Hank:             does everyone know you have to shutdown before you play with the dat file?
Gyrithe©:         :And I often edit it directly
FrOsTy:           yes
.«oolßhade.:      I usually edit directly
Gyrithe©:         Yes, ofcourse :)
.«oolßhade.:      duping rooms and things
Hank:             :ok :-)
Nuh@:             Question?
.«oolßhade.:      I don't like to do too much authoring when people are around
.«oolßhade.:      :hence ... the testpalace
Hank:             another real bad way to mess up is to have more than one person autoring at the same time
.«oolßhade.:      yes....
FrOsTy:           never do that
Gyrithe©:         :I use my littl pserver to do test on
Hank:             that will really screw things up
FrOsTy:           have staff page before going in
Rik:              :was wondering about that
FrOsTy:           limit who can
Gyrithe©:         We use an easy rule at Utopia...
Hank:             always tell others when you are authoring and make sure noone else is in author
Gyrithe©:         When anyone author we add Authoring to our name
Rik:              good idea on page
.«oolßhade.:      :we have an easy rule...we have no wizards..
Hank:             you can also limit who can author
Rik:              oh good Gyrithe
Rik:              like that
.«oolßhade.:      yes...that's good.
Rik:              how Hank
Hank:             great plan Gyr
FrOsTy:            setrank command?
Hank:             anyone not know about the setrank command in the new version?
Rik:              i do not
Gyrithe©:         I wish I could set author allowed to only a few persons
Rik:              me too, to only 3
Hank:             ok - setrank allows you to change who can use certain commands
Rik:              is it a server command    'setrank
Hank:             the "ranks" are 3-god, 2-wiz, 1-member, 0-guest and java
Nuh@:             ^Question?
Hank:             if you want only gods to kill - you type - 'setrank 'kill 3
Hank:             yes nuh?
Nuh@:             Some palaces use a room to  template thier scripts in  Those scare me-- Are they ok?
Gyrithe©:         :Wouldent it be possible to write a *gatekeeper* that allowes us to only let a few persons author?
Hank:             yes - as long as there are no errors in it :-)
Hank:             that's easy to do Gyr
Nuh@:             you wouldnt get a conflict?
Gyrithe©:         how?
Hank:             password protect your rooms and only tell certain people the password
Gyrithe©:         yes, thats what I do now...
Rik:              i like it Gyrithe
Gyrithe©:         but it is a pain in the but to lock and unlock all the time
Hank:             I don't understand nuh
Gyrithe©:         :And it is such a waste of time
Rik:              yes it is
FrOsTy:           what room are u pw protecting here
FrOsTy:           just one
Hank:             :an authorkeeper plugin?
Gyrithe©:         I often feel I use most of my money to lock and unlock rooms :(
Nuh@:             Well if not a problem , then I wont worry about but I keep my scripts in a seperate file
Rik:              would be very helpful hank
Hank:             we mean the password in the room info box frosty
FrOsTy:           k
FrOsTy:           got ya
Gyrithe©:         :time = money for me
FrOsTy:           thats why we work for a living G
FrOsTy:           and play in palace
Gyrithe©:         :An authorkeeper would be GREAT
Hank:             ok since some people cannot be here later - any questions about the hacked client?
FrOsTy:           Only know what I read in the palace mail list
Gyrithe©:         :I play AND pay in palace ;)
FrOsTy:           me too, no harm meant
Gyrithe©:         Smile
Hank:             no questions on the hacked client?
FrOsTy:           yes, describe it to us
Steed~m~:         yeah
Rik:              only a general one. we have a complicated pserver.dat file that reduces hacking by hiding scray in a room they can't go back to, but we keep getting wiz and god kicked out. is there an easy way
Gyrithe©:         It dont seems like any real threath to me Hank
Hank:             I don't understand what yur tryin to do Rik
Rik:              when person enters they go to one room where all scray and security is, then transport to gate
Rik:              the script checks beenhere
Rik:              if you wiz or god up, after entry, sometimes you get kicked out
FrOsTy:           Ive seen where staff can come back on in a backdoor and change names and be ok
Hank:             to make sure they can be allscrayed?
Rik:              am wondering if there is a way to hide from hackers withoutout doing it the way we are
Hank:             what do you mean hide from hackers?
Rik:              yes hank
Rik:              i mean hide the scripts from hackers
Gyrithe©:         what are you hiding from hackers?
Rik:              the first room information
Rik:              we have a complicated scray
Hank:             ok - the hacked client allows people to look at your scripts - IF AUTHORING IS ON
Gyrithe©:         what is a scray?
Rik:              it is possible to capture a god without being authorized
Hank:             if yur not authoring - turn authoring off
Rik:              maybe the gatekeeper will prevent that
Rik:              allscray G
Gyrithe©:         oh
Hank:             does averyone understand what the hacked client is exactly?
Rik:              what nuha was asking about, using templates, is because we hide a spot
Rik:              that allows us to put 50 commands in a single spot
Rik:              i like that, but am tired of being kicked out
Hank:             kicked out?
Rik:              yes, by our own script
Gyrithe©:         :sounds too complicated for me
Nuh@:             I was worried about haveing a lot of differient scripts in the same room
Rik:              it is for me too hon, which is why i want to dump it
Steed~m~:         it just alowes them to use the client side wizard commands right?
Hank:             the best (and ONLY) way to hide scripts from the hacked client is to turn off author when yur not using it
Rik:              ok Hank
Rik:              we try to do tht
Rik:              but i sometimes forget
Gyrithe©:         :Why add 50 or more commands in one spot?
Hank:             the hacked client is just a client with the wizard menu turned on - period
Rik:              cuts down on number of spots in a room and takes much less space in pserver.dat
Rik:              we do a lot of strnge things, lol
Gyrithe©:         But no changes is stored
Gyrithe©:         :by the hacked client
Hank:             ok - a person with the hacked client - IF AUTHORING IS ON - CAN CHANGE PROPERTIES AND LOOK AT SCRIPTS
GRACE:            sorry guys i need to go
Hank:             opps sorry for the caps
GRACE:            nice meetin u all
Gyrithe©:         they can???
FrOsTy:           take care Grace
Hank:             seeya Grace
Rik:              and can kill people from the palace, delete rooms and such
GRACE:            k
Nuh@:             samn here Grace
.«oolßhade.:      laters
Danielle:         cya sis
Rik:              bye Grace
GRACE:            i'll be back later sis
Hank:             no Rik - they cannot do any of that
GRACE:            bye
Rik:              they can't Hank?
Hank:             no
.«oolßhade.:      the wiz menu is on...but they can't GOD up??...just use the wiz commands
Rik:              i thought they could capture god authority
.«oolßhade.:      :I'm asking
Hank:             the hacked client does NOT give them actual god or wiz powers
.«oolßhade.:      :that's what I thought
.«oolßhade.:      just the MENU commands
Hank:             just the menu
Gyrithe©:         :I thought the changes they did was not permanent
Hank:             correct Gyr
Rik:              please explain how they are undone
Rik:              if not permanent
Gyrithe©: would only take me 1 min to upload a I dont see a big problem
*** Sorry - you don't have the privileges to use that command
*** You now have god privileges.
Rik:              if i am there, i agree Gyrithe
*** Operator Password Changed
Rik:              i'm not there a lot of times, particularly at night
Hank:             there is nothing permanent a hacked client can do to your server
Rik:              DarkSun was hacked at Sin the other day. palace crashed
Rik:              he could not restore and had to reload pserver
FrOsTy:           he gets it all the time
Rik:              how does that happen
Hank:             a lot of crashes get blamed on hacking
Gyrithe©: you recomment I should take of author when I am not there?
Nuh@:             there ya go
Hank:             absolutely Gyr
Gyrithe©:         But....
Gyrithe©:         then noone can author if an error accurs?
Hank:             they simply turn it back on
Gyrithe©:         and I cant be there 24/7
Hank:             turn authoring on when yur using it
Gyrithe©:         you see...
Hank:             and off when yur not
Gyrithe©:         thats why I want to give a few wizards access to author
Gyrithe©:         :But not them all!
Hank:             ok - but we're talking about blocking script access to hacked client users
.«oolßhade.:      The only way that I know of to do that Gyrithe...if you trust to make them gods...
Hank:             yup
.«oolßhade.:      then they can turn authoring on and off
Hank:             and then limit authoring to gods
Danielle:         yes
.«oolßhade.:      right
Gyrithe©:         yes....but it would be nice if one or two wizards could turn it on and fix things when I am away
Nuh@:             wizards with god powers  lol
.«oolßhade.:      sure
Gyrithe©:         :I dont trust noone that much
.«oolßhade.:      hahaha
Nuh@:             you tel them thier gods and they get big headed    *S*
Hank:             :it's a tradeoff Gyr
Gyrithe©:         :yeah
.«oolßhade.:      you can change the god command frequently
Nuh@:             hahahaha
.«oolßhade.:      and...
.«oolßhade.:      if someone tries to kick YOU out
.«oolßhade.:      you FTP a backup DAT file
.«oolßhade.:      :or just change the header on the new one
Gyrithe©:         I am not affread of beeing kicked out
Hank:             does everyone understand the hacked client does NOT give anyone god powers?
Steed~m~:         yep
.«oolßhade.:      I knew that
Danielle:         yes
FrOsTy:           yes
Nuh@:             yes
Gyrithe©:         :But I dont wanna share my god status with anyone :)
.«oolßhade.:      :there would be wretched anarchy all over main if it did...LOL
Nuh@:             :she smart
Danielle:         lol
Rik:              i heard you say that Hank, but i did not know that
Hank:             ok - the wiz pass here is "class"
Hank:             anyone who wants to wiz up - go ahead
.«oolßhade.:      Me me me me
.«oolßhade.:      LOL
*** Page from System: .«oolßhade. made wizard
Steed~m~:         hehe
Nuh@:             what's here to see?
.«oolßhade.:      :hey...I enjoy abusing power
Gyrithe©:         :Soo...whats the prob?...last time we were granted godaccess??
Gyrithe©:         :LOL
FrOsTy:           this a test now
Hank:             once you've wizzed up - look at the wiz menu
Rik:              god pass must be teacher
Nuh@:             ok
*** Page from System: Steed~m~ made wizard
*** Page from System: FrOsTy made wizard
*** Page from System: wizard .«oolßhade. created a new room (New Room 96)
*** Page from System: Nuh@ made wizard
*** Page from System: Gyrithe© made wizard
*** Page from System: Danielle made wizard
Hank:             that stuff in the wiz menu is what the hacked clkient gives access to
.«oolßhade.:      :anarcy
.«oolßhade.:      :muah hah hah
Hank:             there is no kill or pin or anything like that there right?
Gyrithe©:         :I baked a cake for the class :)
*** Page from System: Rik made wizard
Hank:             :OH BOY - MUNCHIS
Gyrithe©:         right
Danielle:         right
Nuh@:             I have a kill
*** Page from System: .«oolßhade. made wizard
Hank:             not in the wiz menu nuh
Rik:              i see kill
.«oolßhade.:      but hank
Nuh@:             who wants to get pinned?
.«oolßhade.:      if I go to user list...
Hank:             yes?
*** Page from System: Nuh@ pinned by Rik
Rik:              you do
.«oolßhade.:      the KILL button is is NOT in the hacked client??
*** Page from System: Nuh@ unpinned by Rik
Nuh@:             see what I mean?
Rik:              i still don['t understand
Hank:             that's because you really are a wiz now
.«oolßhade.:      OK
Rik:              ah haaaaaaaa
Nuh@:             but but bubt
.«oolßhade.:      :hmmm...
Rik:              sorry nuha
Hank:             a hacked client has the menu but is not really wizzed
Steed~m~:         the pin and kill are server side commands, they dont work in the hacked client
.«oolßhade.:      that's what I thought
Hank:             exactly Steed
Rik:              ok got it, thanks
.«oolßhade.:      gotcha
FrOsTy:           so exactly what does it give them
Nuh@:             I thought you said that they wouldnt be ther
Nuh@:             there
Gyrithe©:         Hank, please try take godmode off
Hank:             the server will check to see the person is really wizzed up before executing a server side command
Hank:             huh?
Nuh@:             Huh huh??
Gyrithe©:         :I have for a long time wanted to try pin ya ;)
Hank:             ah ok :-)
Rik:              :lady wrestler
Hank:             go for it
Nuh@:             I must have misunderstood
Gyrithe©:         :I cant :(
Gyrithe©:         !YEAHHHHHHHH
Danielle:         wn Hank
Gyrithe©:         !I DID IT
.«oolßhade.:      LOL
Nuh@:             *S*
.«oolßhade.:      ^checking something
FrOsTy:           feel better G
Gyrithe©:         :Thank you made my day :))))
* .«oolßhade. *   may I check something??
Rik:              what a wrabbit
FrOsTy:           so the hack client has the menu option but nothings activated
FrOsTy:           what can they do then
Steed~m~:         right
Gyrithe©:         :I did not gag you
*** You now have god privileges.
*** Page from System: Hank ungagged by Hank
Rik:              :i did
Gyrithe©:         :I saw it was Rik
Rik:              nods
Hank:             ok - a hacked client can do 2 things
Hank:             1- they can execute client side commands
Hank:             like ~clon
Gyrithe©:         :Anyone can steal any prop anyway
Rik:              yep
Hank:             2 - they can make TEMPORARY authoring changes - IF authoring is on
Rik:              if they know how
Rik:              why do you say temporary hank
Hank:             that's it
Rik:              what if we don't notice
Nuh@:             screen cap
Rik:              do they automatically reverse?
Hank:             because when they log off the changes go away
Rik:              interesting
FrOsTy:           and thats from the Room Info Option?
Hank:             right
FrOsTy:           within the Wiz menu
Hank:             right
*** Operators may not Author
Hank:             ok - check the wiz menu now
FrOsTy:           Ive seen at Sin where they are killing wiz and gods at the gate
FrOsTy:           somehow
Gyrithe©:         :author off?
FrOsTy:           not sure
Hank:             yup
Steed~m~:         thats doen be a alscry comand
Hank:             if you turn author of the hacked client cannot touch you
Nuh@:             I see the same thing
FrOsTy:           k
Hank:             allscray is one way
Gyrithe©:         :There are allscray protections scripts
Hank:             you need to make sure yur allscray will not work for non wizzes
Steed~m~:         yep, i have one in myself *s*
Hank:             there is also the % hack
Steed~m~:         % hack?
.«oolßhade.:      :other than clone
Gyrithe©:         What do that actualy do HAnk?
Hank:             it's the oldest hack in palace
Steed~m~:         havent heard of that one?
Hank:             if someone has a % in their name - clicking on them will boot you
Gyrithe©:         I have read a lot about it...but never got to know what it actualy do
Gyrithe©:         is that all
Steed~m~:         does it matter if you click from the userlist?
Hank:             it's not a kill - it just causes the client to crash or log off
FrOsTy:           does the % have to be first
Hank:             no it can be anywhere
Rik:              that's what i was trying to say we had, allscray protection, didn't know what to call it
Hank:             the safe way to kill a % is.....
Rik:              yep yep and my wiz and gods log off all the time by the script
Hank:             do a 'list and kill by pating their name
Gyrithe©:         There is also the trix sending a long textstring as page
Hank:             pasting
Gyrithe©:         :it makes all wizardsa and gods poof
Hank:             never seen such a script Gyr
Gyrithe©:         is not a script
Gyrithe©:         is just a loooong page
Hank:             that hole was patched long ago
Gyrithe©:         :We had it at Utopia some time ago
Hank:             dosen't work now
Gyrithe©:         :is a way to see who is wizards and gods
Hank:             as far as I know
Hank:             will have to ask Ken at 5:-)
Gyrithe©:         :I dont remember how long it have to be to work
*** ; Nuh@ is Painting
Nuh@:             )boom
Gyrithe©:         :Tandika explained it
Rik:              hank, we had a problem where a wiz could not kill a client
Nuh@:             oops
Rik:              any idea why
FrOsTy:           there is still a CGI whos on web site out there for that, if u havent stoped it
Hank:             would need more info
Rik:              was a member
FrOsTy:           to see who is on and what status they are
Rik:              all i know is this guy came in and deserved to be killed. the wiz clicked on him and kill did not work
Steed~m~:         you have the addy for it?
Hank:             !RUBY!!
FrOsTy:           sure do
Gyrithe©:         :pounders dont wanna look at websites...they like more brutal methods
Hank:             what happened?
Hank:             nothing?
Nuh@:             worst I have had was a guy with a looping B L A S T script  Named Terroriest
Rik:              noting happened
Rik:              he stayed there
ruby:             !hi
Captured a URL, see log.
I have captured a possible WWW address from FrOsTy: ""
Hank:             if the guy was lag scripting that could cause the kill to lag
Gyrithe©:         Hello ruby
Steed~m~:         ty frosty
FrOsTy:           yw
.«oolßhade.:      !!RUBY
FrOsTy:           block the IP addy
FrOsTy:           and it stops it
Rik:              no, it didn't work at all, he was there 15 minutes
Danielle:         hi Ruby
Hank:             most times I check on that it turns out to be someone doin it wrong
Steed~m~:         lol had many try to lag me out..being on a cablemodem helps
Rik:              she tried both on list and on clicking
Rik:              hi ruby
Hank:             no idea Rik - would have to check the specific incident
Gyrithe©:         :I hate my cable modem
Rik:              i don't have any data
Gyrithe©:         :it wont let me stay ofline on my pserver
Hank:             wb lil
Rik:              wb hon
Danielle:         wb lil
lilone:      thankyou all
Gyrithe©:         wb lilone
Steed~m~:         wierd
Rik:              this is the wiz that had the problem Hank
Hank:             hiya Lil
Rik:              she tried to kill the guy and nothing happened
lilone:      yes
Nuh@:             Rik I have to Leave   I have this logged to here
Hank:             got any specifics?
Rik:              k Nuh@ be well
Hank:             seeya Nuh
lilone:      be well
Rik:              lilone, anything else you can tell Hank
Danielle:         bye Nuh
Nuh@:             thank you will see you this evening
ruby:             cya nuh
Rik:              kk
lilone:      no just that it told lil that it can not be done at this time
*** Page from System: Nuh@ has logged off, 7 wizards remain(including you)
Rik:              does that sound like a permissions problem?
Gyrithe©:         you sure you were wizzed up lil?
lilone:      yes was sure
lilone:      it allowed lil to gag and pinn him
Hank:             what did it say?
lilone:      just not kill him when he would not stop
lilone:      It said.....Kill request can not be done at this time....
Hank:             never seen that one
Gyrithe©:         never head that
ruby:             nope...nor me
Hank:             did it say something like "You do not have access to that command"?
*** ; g Hank Class Hall
*** ; w .«oolßhade. Class Hall
*** ; w Gyrithe© Class Hall
*** ; w Rik Class Hall
*** ; w Steed~m~ Class Hall
*** ; w FrOsTy Class Hall
*** ; w Danielle Class Hall
lilone:      ahhh...yes...but should have access as a wiz  yes?
ruby:             sounds like host permissions at mansion
Hank:             try to kill me lil
lilone:      am not wizzed up here
Hank:             I know
Rik:              wiz code  is class hon
Hank:             see if it's the same error you got then
ruby:             :hank does NOT have a death
Hank:             no - without wizzing up
lilone:      no had the option to kill just couldn't do it
FrOsTy:           use the command line
lilone:      no do not have that option to kill you
Hank:             I just want to see if you recognize the error message
lilone:      there is no message as lil does not have the option to use it to see an error
Hank:             type 'kill Hank
lilone:      no that wasn't the message
Hank:             hmmm
Hank:             ok then I have no idea :-)
lilone:      said something like it can not be done
Hank:             sounds like a bug
Rik:              have you used it before or since hon
lilone:      Never in Ar Master,,,and never had to try again
Rik:              ok go kill someone and let me know
Rik:              mayve Hank will come cvisit
Hank:             :haha
lilone:      you serious?
Rik:              no hon
lilone:      whew
FrOsTy:           lol
Hank:             we can go check it out if we're done
Rik:              ok great Hank. thanks
Gyrithe©:         ::)
Hank:             anyone got anything else?
Steed~m~:         q about the reportprefs
Hank:             ok
.«oolßhade.:      anyone who wants to check out the scripts
Rik:              heh heh
FrOsTy:           yes CS
Hank:             Rik please don't take that prop
Rik:              yes CS
.«oolßhade.:      can find them at
Rik:              won't hank
Hank:             thanks
Rik:              will never use it
.«oolßhade.:      wizpass hank
Hank:             yes Steed?
FrOsTy:           thxs CS
.«oolßhade.:      or I can email you the copies to study
.«oolßhade.:      :279693
Steed~m~:         in the prefs i see Pound Check Interval..but not turned can i turn it on?
Hank:             ok that's a trick one
Hank:             tricky
Hank:             even CC is not sure what pound interval does :-)
*** Page from System: Steed~m~ has logged off, 6 wizards remain(including you)
Rik:              thanks very much Hank
Rik:              was very interesting for me
Rik:              learned a lot
Hank:             np Rik
Steed~m~:         hate getting booted when asking questions lol
FrOsTy:           Wb Steed
Rik:              palace is etc
.«oolßhade.:      LOL
.«oolßhade.:      wb Steed
Steed~m~:         ty
Rik:              if you want to come in a few
Rik:              lilone and i will be there
*** ; Server Name: Access Internet (chatserve)
*** ; Allow Guests: TRUE
*** ; Allow Cyborgs: TRUE
*** ; Allow Painting: TRUE
*** ; Allow Custom Props: TRUE
*** ; Allow Wizards: TRUE
*** ; Wizards May Kill: TRUE
*** ; Wizards May Author: FALSE
*** ; Players May Kill: FALSE
*** ; Cyborgs May Kill: FALSE
*** ; Death Penalty: TRUE
*** ; Kill Flooders: TRUE
*** ; No Spoofing Allowed: FALSE
*** ; Allow Member Created Rooms: FALSE
*** ; Death Penalty: 120 Minutes
*** ; flushprop default: 21 Days
*** ; Kill Flooders After: 30000 Events
*** ; Max Users on server: 100
*** ; Max Users in room: 40
*** ; Picture Folder: media/
*** ; Maximum Guest Number: 10000
*** ; Save Session Keys: FALSE
*** ; Password Security: FALSE
*** ; Chat Log Enabled : TRUE
*** ; No Whispering Enabled: FALSE
*** ; Authenticate Users: FALSE
*** ; Pound Protection Enabled: FALSE
*** ; Logoffs sent to Authentication Server: FALSE
*** ; Allow Java members (only affects closed servers): FALSE
*** ; Auto Announcement:
*** ; Http Server URL:
*** ; Avatar Server URL:
*** ; Authentication Host Address:
*** ; Authentication Port: 0
*** ; Authentication Attempt Limit(0=Unlimited): 3
*** ; Pound Check Interval(0 = None): 1
*** ; Minimum User Level that can add props: 0
Rik:              good to see you CS
lilone:      be well All, thankyou
Rik:              nice to meet the rest of you
.«oolßhade.:      yes Rik
Steed~m~:         did yu catch my question hank?
Rik:              take care
Hank:             yes
*** Page from System: Rik has logged off, 5 wizards remain(including you)
Hank:             to turn pound protection on type 'poundprotect on
Hank:             and leave pound interval alone
FrOsTy:           looks like dating game starting on stage
Steed~m~:         ok, thanks..didnt see it in the docs
Hank:             it's not in the docs :-)
*** Page from System: Gyrithe© has logged off, 4 wizards remain(including you)
Steed~m~:         that could be why then lol
Hank:             even CC is not sure how it works :-)
FrOsTy:           pound protect is off by default?
Hank:             yup
FrOsTy:           wow
Gyrithe©:         :my cak unplugged my cable
Gyrithe©:         cat
Hank:             that's also not in the docs
FrOsTy:           change request please
Hank:             yikes Gyr
Hank:             yes Frosty?
FrOsTy:           that should be ON by default
Steed~m~:         my cat did that once..makes a nice pelt now lol j/k
Hank:             :I don't write the software :-)
Hank:             actually CC tells me there is a "minor performance hit" if ya turn it on
Danielle:         as in
Hank:             they won't go into details :-)
Steed~m~:         hehe
FrOsTy:           cant win for loosing
Hank:             cuz they don't know
FrOsTy:           lag to death or get pounded to death
Hank:             basically there is a lot of pound protection built in
Steed~m~:         will test it on my palace first before suggesting it at islands
Hank:             so I'm not sure if you need to turn that on
FrOsTy:           ok
Hank:             and CC is not sure either :-)
Steed~m~:         gotta love undocumented features lol
Hank:             yup :-)
Danielle:         lol
FrOsTy:           probably in the readme fine print
Steed~m~:         was testing the web viewer the other day
Hank:             they denied it was there till I cut and pasted a reportprefs to them
.«oolßhade.:      probably in there as a reminder to MAKE it do something sometime
Hank:             yup CS
Hank:             wb Ruby
.«oolßhade.:      :like RARE in the prop window
Danielle:         wb ruby
Hank:             rare actually does something
Steed~m~:         found out if you send someone to hell that uses the web version, the can get out without needing to be freed
.«oolßhade.:      wb ruby
ruby:             ty....lagged off
.«oolßhade.:      yes...not sure it's useful...
.«oolßhade.:      but it does something
Hank:             no argument there :-)
ruby:             i dont think it was ever fully implemented?
.«oolßhade.:      that's what I gathered
Hank:             ok well I'm gonna go if there's nothing else
.«oolßhade.:      :better change that wiz code
Hank:             ya'all feel free to hang around and yack and pin each other:-)
.«oolßhade.:      :or I will run amock
ruby:             lol grythe
ruby:             lol
Gyrithe©:          :)
Gyrithe©:         see you later hank
Danielle:         ty Hank I learned a lot
Hank:             ya'all will find that Gyr here is a script wiz
Steed~m~:         thanks for the info hank
.«oolßhade.:      true enough
ruby:             cya hank
FrOsTy:           thxs Hank
Gyrithe©:         Smile
.«oolßhade.:      laterz Hank...
Hank:             so grill her after I'm gone :-)
FrOsTy:           I got alot out of this
Steed~m~:         lol
.«oolßhade.:      :I did too...
FrOsTy:           and met some new faces at the same time
Hank:             by the way - my ICQ for emergencies is 1071680
Hank:             but email to support is still the best way
Steed~m~:         need to get back to islands. i'll talk to you all later
Hank:             see y'all - thanks for comin
FrOsTy:           take care Steed
Steed~m~:         u 2 frosty
Closing Log