Opening Log Gyrithe©: Hello Psyklone Lilady©: hi Ahree^^^: Tal Shaia sweety Gyrithe©: wb Hank Mad Daddy: :Thnx Bratty Obi: hi Shaia Katt: hiyas shaia Psyklone^^^: hi all Ahree^^^: Hi ya Sunset .ßhaia[Try's]^^: Tal Ahree ~smile~ Obi: HI Psyklone Ahree^^^: smiles Katt: hiyas phyklone Ahree^^^: Tal Psy *** You now have god privileges. Katt: and joy Gyrithe©: Hello Joy ~Joy©Æ: allo :) Katt: hey matt ~Joy©Æ: how is everyone? matt snow: hiya Katt Sunset©: hey joyster ~Joy©Æ: hey hey Sunny :) Mad Daddy: Hi Joy, Sunset, Shaia (smile) ~Joy©Æ: :da boss is here ~Joy©Æ: lol Bratô: hiya all you new entrants Sunset©: hello mad daddy ~Joy©Æ: hiya Hank Sunset©: hiya Brat Trystan[ß]^^^: nice and coze here huh? ~stupid grin~ .ßhaia[Try's]^^: Waving at everyone coming in Hank: :now I can see over the podium .ßhaia[Try's]^^: grinning ~Joy©Æ: :lol you shorty you, Hank matt snow: :poop, i forgot an apple for the teacher Katt: hi zesis Mad Daddy: Hi Zesis Ahree^^^: Tal Z ~Joy©Æ: hiya Zesis Ahree^^^: smiles Obi: hiya Zesis Hank: :extra homework for Matt .ßhaia[Try's]^^: Tal Zesis ~Joy©Æ: lol Bratô: hiya Zesis matt snow: :uh oh SwtNita: Katt: hehe hank Zesis^^: <s> knew it would be Hankie Pankie Katt: hi nita SwtNita: hello everyone ~Joy©Æ: :i got an apple here somewhere, i'm sure Obi: !nita Mad Daddy: Hi Nita (Hugz) SwtNita: Howdy, Gyrithe, Lilady, Katt, Lance, Ahree^^^, Brat, Trystan[ß]^^^, Obi, Red, Sunset, .ßhaia[Try's]^^, Mad Daddy, Psy, Hank, ~Joy, matt snow and Zesis^^ Hank: :there will be no hanky panky till after class SwtNita: aww hugz MD nice to see you hon ~Joy©Æ: hi SwtNita Katt: heh SwtNita: aww hank take all the fun outa it Sunset©: hello SwtNita matt snow: hiya swtnita ~Joy©Æ: Sunny ya got small av? Gyrithe©: :do that mean there bil bee AFTER class than?? ;) Sunset©: i am looking Obi: :spank hank??? sounds like screen capture time Gyrithe©: :will even Sunset©: i was a yellow ball for so long Sunset©: lol ~Joy©Æ: lol Trystan[ß]^^^: lol matt snow: :we all get to pank hank after class * Hank * ;ao [ -1329583212 ] SETPROPS Zesis^^: :not even from your favorite snake? Katt: lol ~Joy©Æ: i have a few if ya need SwtNita: LOL Matt .ßhaia[Try's]^^: lol Psy ~Joy©Æ: oh my's DA eye Ahree^^^: here Z have this cornor Obi: :sucked in again Zesis^^: Thanks Ahree....<s> Katt: heh SwtNita: OBI!!! hiya kiddo Ahree^^^: yw, hon Obi: kisses nita : ) Hank: ok we can get started and let people show up when they want SwtNita: how ya doing hon??? nice to see you again Hank: For anyone I haven't met I'm Hank and I'm the Ops Manager at Chatserve Hank: Lance there is one of our techs ~Joy©Æ: hi Lance :) Zesis^^: :Hi Lance Mad Daddy: :Hiya's Hank and Lance SwtNita: hiya Lance Lilady©: hi lance Trystan[ß]^^^: wavers Ahree^^^: Hi Sunset©: hiya lance SwtNita: hiya Hank good to see you again matt snow: hiya lance Lance: hi all Hank: let's start by everyone sayin their name and what palace they're from Bratô: hiya hank and lance Lance: nice to meet you all! SwtNita: Nita with Crystal Ranch Lilady©: Lilady...Love Connections Katt: Katt with Summertree ~Joy©Æ: want this one Sunny Zesis^^: Zesis, Lara ~Joy©Æ: Joy with Xtasy Ahree^^^: Arey from Lara .ßhaia[Try's]^^: Shaia from Lara matt snow: Matt from Belt Loop Hank: :no need to take turns - shout it out Gyrithe©: Anne Gyrithe - Utopia Bratô: Brat.. MyCorner/Lady Luck Trystan[ß]^^^: Trystan Lara Obi: Obi/ Lexicon's Labyrinth Redô: Red, my Corner© Mad Daddy: Mad Daddy ....LadyLuck Sunset©: Sunset from Xtasy Psy: Psy, Lara Hank: ok guess that's everybody Hank: ok first a few news articles Mad Daddy: :Why did wee have to say our name? Hank: :cuz I'm the teacher and I said so SwtNita: LOL Katt: hehe ~Joy©Æ: :fine Lilady©: lol Mad Daddy: Okay Ahree^^^: lol matt snow: :ooooo SwtNita: roll call Bratô: :behave, MD! Mad Daddy: :pout SwtNita: aww MD behave?? no fun Hank: anyway - first news item ~Joy©Æ: ^raising hand Hank: One of our providors - GlobalCenter - had a major problem at thei Santa Clara Operations Center this mormning Hank: so we had a small lag storm for a couple hours SwtNita: :uh huh Sunset©: :yes we did ~Joy©Æ: oooooo Ahree^^^: yup ~Joy©Æ: :noticed matt snow: :lag storm shields up Hank: I called them and told them I was gonna have each of you come visit them and they fixed it Sunset©: haha ~Joy©Æ: LOL Ahree^^^: lol matt snow: hehe Lilady©: lol ~Joy©Æ: atta boy! Katt: :good job Bratô: :heh Obi: put my plane ticket on your expense account Lufthansa pls *wink* ~Joy©Æ: lol Zesis^^: scaring them with the thought of you visiting alone would have worked, Hankie Hank: if any of you is the type that does traces - when you see lag at BBN or GlobalCenter - please message me right away SwtNita: LOL Zesis Hank: those are the folks I can reach out and touch matt snow: okeis hank Sunset©: :ok Hank: if it's AOL - yur on yur own:-) SwtNita: :traces? Sunset©: :or slap Lilady©: k ~Joy©Æ: lol Bratô: :so noted ~Joy©Æ: :spank Hank Hank: :slapping is good in most cases :-) SwtNita: LOL Ahree^^^: lol Hank: ok - server news Mad Daddy: :people really use AOL? Sunset©: :sad, ain't it Hank: the last palace upgraded to 4.3.2 last night Hank: )applause Obi: yipeee Gyrithe©: :dont know what aol is SwtNita: :LOL Obi: pinkys I bet Hank: yup :-) Sunset©: :it's a version of hell Gyr Gyrithe©: :oh Mad Daddy: :sure was painful matt snow: :i updated to ms-dos 5.3 Obi: LOL hank forgot to mention im from there too Hank: we will be goin over the new 4.3.2 commands today ~Joy©Æ: ^q Hank: also - one security note Hank: we have a really active bad guy named Slag SwtNita: doing? Mad Daddy: :bad stuff Hank: he has been going around harassing and threatening people ~Joy©Æ: :sounds like someone i know Hank: nothin really bad but he's a pain matt snow: :lemme at 'im Hank: ignore him - he's harmless ~Joy©Æ: didn't we get email bout him? Hank: :I will be talkin to his daddy after class SwtNita: :note--check email ~Joy©Æ: :o Obi: ^suggestion for hanks cgi guru ~Joy©Æ: lol Nita Hank: in a minute Obi Obi: k Hank: ok - so that I can know what to cover - everyone just shout out their favorite topics for today SwtNita: :uhh all of them? Ahree^^^: lol Sunset©: :cybering Hank: :ok :-) Sunset©: :j/k Katt: hehe Hank: :I don't do cyber Obi: ;perking up SwtNita: ;drats Trystan[ß]^^^: server commands and server plugins like gatekeeper Sunset©: :i was kidding Mad Daddy: :Women in small swimsuits Zesis^^: :mush Hank: :can barely type with both hands matt snow: eigen-vibration factors Redô: ^? Katt: lol Ahree^^^: lol Hank: ah yes plugins ~Joy©Æ: :my virgin ears Hank: ok - a few new things in 4.3.2 for those who have not played with the new stuff SwtNita: :gosh he knows me Hank: if anyone wants to god up here the godpass for this class is qsx3fty *** Page from System: ~Joy©Æ made god *** Page from System: Sunset© made god *** Page from System: Obi made god *** Page from System: SwtNita made god ~Joy©Æ: :i feel so powerful now *** Page from System: Trystan[ß]^^^ made god Hank: I'll give everyone a minute to god up ~Joy©Æ: woooo hooooooo, let's raid this place! Gyrithe©: :I would like to hear your advise if I should use a new server code or just let the old one stay? matt snow: how do you spell that? *** Page from System: Mad Daddy made god *** Page from System: Katt made god Sunset©: can we disable joy's kill feature? ~Joy©Æ: :copy and paste SwtNita: lol matt Trystan[ß]^^^: Shaia god up ~Joy©Æ: hey now! Sunset©: hehe Hank: ok Gyrithe *** Page from System: Zesis^^ made god Redô: ^? *** Page from System: Psy made god *** Page from System: Ahree^^^ made god *** Page from System: Lilady© made god *** Page from System: Bratô made god Hank: ok - a good news item - the new server licenses *** Page from System: Gyrithe© made god *** Page from System: Lance made god Obi: use the new because ec will support ot longer is my opinion Hank: everyone knows CC is now selling "unlimited" licenses Hank: a lot of people have asked what that means here Hank: basically - no change Hank: we still have the 50 user and 100 user levels of service *** Page from System: .ßhaia[Try's]^^ made god Hank: we'd love to let everyone cut loose with the unlimited licenses - but they don't make servers that big :-) Katt: heh ~Joy©Æ: awwww Hank: so - set your maxserverocc to whatever your service contract is Gyrithe©: That mean I can let the old reg need to mess with it? Hank: yes Gyr Gyrithe©: okay :) Hank: now - 4.3.2 Hank: the first thing you'll notice in 4.3.2 is when you kill someone it does it twice matt snow: just in case they're still alive Katt: hehehe ~Joy©Æ: )Bagpipes.wav Hank: it is killing both the PUID and the reg key - to save you work SwtNita: :cuz im a lousy shot ~Joy©Æ: :good good matt snow: hehe Gyrithe©: :How to we keep people out who uses invalid codes? Hank: also - a lot of you have those scripts at your palaces for turning off hide and rejectprivate at login Hank: you can toss those - that bug is fixed SwtNita: kewl Trystan[ß]^^^: !WOOHOO Hank: let me know if you see otherwise Hank: ok - a new command Gyrithe©: I deletet that script some time ago... Gyrithe©: And have had no problems :) Hank: anyone ever wanted to know what something is set to on yur palace? SwtNita: y Katt: yep Hank: try this - 'reportprefs Lilady©: yes SwtNita: wow Katt: wow indeed matt snow: :kewl Hank: it tells you what EVERYTHING is set to Gyrithe©: :Impressive Katt: very good Mad Daddy: Coolest SwtNita: and those setting can be changed? Hank: ok - the last new command is called setrank Lance: great command Trystan[ß]^^^: i like setrank Hank: you use it to determine who can do what Hank: like say you don't want wizzes to be able to kill Obi: :excpt author Hank: you would type 'setrank 'kill 3 Gyrithe©: what do Authentication means? Hank: it's a "future feature" gyr Hank: yes Obi you can control access to author Gyrithe©: oh Hank: anyway - the "ranks" are....... Hank: 0=guest Hank: 1=member Hank: 2=wiz Hank: 3=god Hank: so say you don't want yur wizzes authoring Hank: you turn authoring off by ytping 'authoring off Trystan[ß]^^^: lol Gyrithe©: would setting author to only god level...give the same protection as setting it to off....when I am not present? matt snow: :i see a trend here Trystan[ß]^^^: not setrank Hank: then you make it so the wiizzes cannot turn it back on by typing Hank: 'setrank 'authoring 3 ~Joy©Æ: isn't authoring a god's command? Obi: lol thats exactly what i meant Gyrithe©: Yes it is Joy Hank: or say you do want your wizzes to be able to shutdown Lilady©: ^? Hank: you would type 'setrank 'shutdown 2 Gyrithe©: :Think shutdown is a god only command too? ~Joy©Æ: :yes Sunset©: :it is at my place Hank: :you can change it to wiz if ya want Obi: yuhuh ~Joy©Æ: ah Trystan[ß]^^^: so is uplist downlist and flushprops ~Joy©Æ: okie Hank: ya'all get the general idea right? matt snow: yeppers SwtNita: somewhat Ahree^^^: can it be selective? Mad Daddy: :Yep Sunset©: yup ~Joy©Æ: :i'm not taking notes, really Hank: questions nita? ~Joy©Æ: :Sunset is Bratô: :uh-huh Gyrithe©: I would very much like to have my wizards beeing able to restart the that possible in any way?? Obi: just wish you could set authoring to god only without having to turn it off and on when you author Katt: if i have authoring off.. but want wizzes to be able to turn it back on.. type setrank author 2? Hank: they would need your user utility password Gyr SwtNita: is there a way of having 2 levels of wiz's?? some that can author and some cant?? Hank: yes Kat ~Joy©Æ: :good question Katt: excellent Sunset©: i'm with obi on the author thing Hank: no Nita SwtNita: k Obi: lol nita god wizads *wink* Hank: sorry :-) Gyrithe©: Yes...that I do not want....But I suggest you some day make it possible somehow...without giving them any other access :) Hank: we would have to create multiple accounts for everyone to do that Gyr matt snow: that's an unknown future feature Nita ~Joy©Æ: i vote for Gyr for president ~Joy©Æ: :heh Katt: heh SwtNita: i need that matt LOL Redô: ^? ~Joy©Æ: multiple is good........ ~Joy©Æ: :in some cases Hank: is restart the ONLY thing you want wizzes to have access to from user utilities? Gyrithe©: Yes Sunset©: yes Lilady©: Hank: no log access? SwtNita: no Sunset©: no Hank: is everyone unanimous on that? ~Joy©Æ: yep Gyrithe©: :reason is I cant affort to be online as much as I want...and it would be nice if a wiz could try restart...if needed SwtNita: exactly G Obi: log access is good but i dont mind not having it available Sunset©: that's why i want it too Gyrithe©: No, no logaccess Hank: well we could do a couple things ~Joy©Æ: :kewl Sunset©: :hop on it Hank: 1) find another password protected mechanism for restart ~Joy©Æ: heh Hank: 2) make the palaces restart themselves if they fail ~Joy©Æ: oooohhhhhhhh SwtNita: how? Sunset©: i like thta betta ~Joy©Æ: that would be great SwtNita: sure would Hank: we use a function called cron Gyrithe©: Make it restart automatically could give a problem... Trystan[ß]^^^: i would like the cron restart Obi: no i dont like that option because it might cause further corruption SwtNita: how G? Hank: why Gyr? ~Joy©Æ: hmmm? Gyrithe©: Would be no good if it try restart in the middle of me changing the dat Redô: ^? Hank: true SwtNita: could it restart in a "safe mode" like my windows likes to do? Obi: bingo Hank: well I'll look at options and see what we can do Obi: Gyr hit it on the head Hank: maybe an email bot Sunset©: you should be able to disable the restart if you are gonna do sumpin Sunset©: like the dat Hank: hmm - ok SwtNita: yes would be good ~Joy©Æ: i vote for Sunset as president Hank: so - auto restart that you can turn off ~Joy©Æ: :lol lotsopresidents today SwtNita: :joy as sec. she already has a desk Gyrithe©: thats a possibillity Sunset©: i think that would work ~Joy©Æ: :haha Hank: ok let me see what we can come up with ~Joy©Æ: :where's Monica when ya need her Obi: cron job to email wizfails too?? *hint* : ) SwtNita: can you do a 2nd wiz level to hank? Mad Daddy: :don't ask Joy ~Joy©Æ: lol Mad Daddy Sunset©: lol ~Joy©Æ: :ok Hank: emailing wizfails is overkill - we can give you the tools to find those in the log Gyrithe©: :Loghelp do that very well :) Hank: Nita - that's a limitation of the software - not something I can change SwtNita: ok Hank: talk to CC about that one Sunset©: :right SwtNita: gimme phone number? Sunset©: :talk to the hand ~Joy©Æ: :Lance is too quiet matt snow: c, cc ryder ~Joy©Æ: yo Lance? Hank: ok - the biggest feature of 4.3.2 is plugins ~Joy©Æ: ok being quiet now Mad Daddy: Hmmm Hank: yes Red? Redô: Since you started to mention plug-ins a bit ago .... . Mad Daddy: LOL Hank: ya gettin to that now Redô: What is the "" file referenced in my plugins.conf file and will additional plugins be added as you see fit(and they become available) or will we ... Redô: server operators be notified that the plugin is available before it is randomkly assumed that 'we want to use it'? SwtNita: translation obi? Hank: :getting to that Redô: :waiting/.... Obi: LOL hank will translate in english : ) Mad Daddy: :scary stuff ~Joy©Æ: :oh boy ~Joy©Æ: here we go Hank: ok - plugins is a new thing in 4.3.2 that lets us add features Hank: the first one is what red referred to Hank: occumon Gyrithe©: :For the wishlist: A class where we learn all about the plug inns....I know nothing about it at all :( Redô: :occupancy monitor> Hank: we put that in to monitor activity on each server - to find load problems and glitches ~Joy©Æ: :k another vote for Gyr Gyrithe©: :lol Hank: it simply tells us how many people are on each server Hank: the next plugin is gatekeeper Trystan[ß]^^^: :NODING Hank: everyone heard of it? SwtNita: nope matt snow: :i am the keymaster Sunset©: no ~Joy©Æ: :no Mad Daddy: :big brother Lilady©: no Redô:Gyrithe©: :know very little ablot it SwtNita: :red knows everything Hank: gatekeper allows you to set up a list of known wizards and gods Gyrithe©: :About Redô: no ... matt snow: it's from tupperware SwtNita: lol Hank: anyone not on the list cannot wiz or god up - even with the password Sunset©: ohhhh ~Joy©Æ: :psst Lance, while Hank is busy typing....... Sunset©: so no hacking Gyrithe©: How do I set that up?? Trystan[ß]^^^: will this feature be installed? Gyrithe©: :Sounds usefull :) Hank: we've given it out to a few palaces that had security problems SwtNita: is it already? Obi: sounds good on the surface... Hank: we are releasing it next week SwtNita: and how do we access it? Hank: there is a web page you go to and turn on gatekeeper Hank: then restart your server Gyrithe©: Is it a pluginn from AIC or CC? Trystan[ß]^^^: smile, will it have its own password athentication? Hank: Gatekeeper was written by CC SwtNita: will access email the url? Hank: yes we will SwtNita: k Hank: here's how gatekeeper works *** Page from System: ~Joy©Æ has logged off, 15 wizards remain(including you) *** Page from System: Psy has logged off, 14 wizards remain(including you) Hank: once you have it on ....... *** Page from System: Lilady© has logged off, 13 wizards remain(including you) Hank: to register a wiz - whisper "gatekeeper bless" Hank: to unregister a wiz - whisper "gatekeeper unbless" *** Page from System: .ßhaia[Try's]^^ has logged off, 12 wizards remain(including you) SwtNita: :lag *** Page from System: Obi has logged off, 11 wizards remain(including you) Hank: to see who's registered type "gatekeeper list" Sunset©: if someone changes their name to a wiz's name they could still wiz up though? *** Page from System: Bratô has logged off, 10 wizards remain(including you) Hank: no - it keys off their reg key Mad Daddy: :dropping like flies .ªßJ´.: laggin thats why SwtNita: yes Ahree^^^: .... Hank: everyone still here? Trystan[ß]^^^: any god can bless? Gyrithe©: I am Sunset©: ok Hank: everybody say Yo:-) Mad Daddy: Yo .ªßJ´.: gatekeeper rules Trystan[ß]^^^: !YO Sunset©: yo Lilady©: ya .ªßJ´.: yo Ahree^^^: yo .ªßJ´.: ag lag Sunset©: ho and a bottle of rum Sunset©: can we lose the animated av's? Gyrithe©: :dont know what yo means...better not say it ;) Katt: yo Obi: freaking gateway1 frankfurt again Hank: ok any questions on gatekeeper or plugins in general? Mad Daddy: Not just you Obi Ahree^^^: yo Ahree^^^: yo Ahree^^^: yo Trystan[ß]^^^: yes Lilady©: test Hank: go ahead Trystan[ß]^^^: any god can bless then? SwtNita: lag is bad again Hank: yes Trystan[ß]^^^: noding Obi: sorry missed a bit- is gatekeeper generally available/what is cost? Katt: test Gyrithe©: :Might have questions when I have seen it :) Sunset©: Hank... joy can't get back in Hank: Gatekeeper is free Lilady©: missed it Hank: what do you mean can't get in? Trystan[ß]^^^: :perk FREE .ªßJ´.: the website wont connect Sunset©: she thinks she is ghosted here Mad Daddy: :refused connection? Sunset©: :animation encourages lag Hank: the web site is fine SJ Obi: chatserve installs plugins or can I do it from my shell account? *** Page from System: Zesis^^ has logged off, 9 wizards remain(including you) Hank: there will be a web page Obi Hank: you just check a box Obi: ok ty hank Trystan[ß]^^^: :will be means not one now Hank: yes it is there now Tryst Lilady©: if i have ?'s i will email .ªßJ´.: ? .ªßJ´.: ... .ªßJ´.: i dunno im like laggin n all today .ªßJ´.: i dunno whats goin on SwtNita: laggg Trystan[ß]^^^: we will get a amail for the public rolout then? Hank: yes Mad Daddy: No lag here Katt: test Trystan[ß]^^^: noding Gyrithe©: :I fully trust the webpage will be as easy to use as AIC's webpages alwayes are :) Ahree^^^: lots ppl complain they cant get in .ªßJ´.: . Sunset©: yes i like the AIC webpage ease Mad Daddy: :Hank looks frustrated Obi: ;test Ahree^^^: greetings pilar matt snow: sorry, i was expelled Mad Daddy: :Hi Pilar Gyrithe©: :Thank you for some great and 'easy to use' webpages AIC :)) Hank: waiting for everyone to work out their lag problems *** Page from System: SwtNita has logged off, 8 wizards remain(including you) Mad Daddy: WB Matt, Obi .ªßJ´.: brb matt snow: thanks MD Sunset©: wb everyone Trystan[ß]^^^: :no lag here Ahree^^^: sheeshhhhh SwtNita: Redô: :a trace was emailed when I crashed Lilady©: test matt snow: actually, my winsock lost Mad Daddy: WB Red, Nita Redô: tx SwtNita: ty did i miss anything? Lilady©: awwww hank .ßhaia[Try's]^^: :think lag is over Katt: test Katt: ahhh better Trystan[ß]^^^: ping matt snow: smile hank Sunset©: just a bunch of poofing SwtNita Ahree^^^: smiles SwtNita: kk ty sunset Lilady©: )kiss !Sweet Hot Lips for you Baby!! *** ; Lilady© is Painting Ahree^^^: gigglin Lilady©: cheer up Hank: ok we all back? Lilady©: i am so far *** ; Hank is Erasing Ahree^^^: yep here matt snow: where's Joy? Hank: ok to recdap Sunset©: well, she found a hunk on a palace she could get into Hank: gatekeeper and the other plugins are free Redô: Brat's not back, but who knows .... matt snow: heh Sunset©: guess she will be back when she is done Mad Daddy: Obi abd Red are back, that's a good start Hank: you will go to a web page and turn on the ones you want matt snow: plug us in Hank Hank: then restart Trystan[ß]^^^: there are 2 currently? Hank: there will be a detailed webpage with instructions for each SwtNita: so?? shutdown. plug-in then restart? Gyrithe©: what do recdap do? Katt: good Hank: 3 actually Lilady©: cool Hank: Red di I answer yur question about occumon? matt snow: wb Joy SwtNita: wb joy ~Joy©Æ: don't believe a word she says matt snow: :how was it? Sunset©: :she's done Lilady©: wb Obi: wb joy ~Joy©Æ: :lol Ahree^^^: Psy is having problems says all is black and muted Mad Daddy: lol ~Joy©Æ: thanki :) SwtNita: wb SJ .ªßJ´.: thanks =} ~Joy©Æ: how come i couldn't log on to chatserve? Hank: red? ~Joy©Æ: uh uh uh? Redô: I'd just as soon edit the danged plugins.conf and be done with it, is that possible?..are permissions set such that we can do that? Hank: there was a network problem I suspect Joy ~Joy©Æ: :sorry bout my back * .ªßJ´. * how can i get props r us ip so i can traceroute ~Joy©Æ: you look pissed Hank ~Joy©Æ: :heh Hank: editing the file directly is not good Obi: the lag starts at Redô: :because? Hank: because you can screw it up matt snow: :shields down to 30% Sunset©: :trust him Mad Daddy: :someone did a traceroute ~Joy©Æ: lol matt SwtNita: lol matt * .ªßJ´. * nm matt snow: wb zesis SwtNita: wb Z Ahree^^^: wb Z ~Joy©Æ: re's Zesis matt snow: :back up to 18 peeps Obi: wb Z Hank: amd because it requires root permissions Sunset©: wb Z Mad Daddy: :wb z Zesis^^: odd, never left on my screen....<s> ~Joy©Æ: :Hank is smokin good shit..i want some of that SwtNita: lol .ªßJ´.: lol Ahree^^^: lol Hank: huh? ~Joy©Æ: :heh * Redô * :I've been a systems analyst/programmer for 20 years, Hank .. i _think_ I can edit a damned file SwtNita: share hank? ~Joy©Æ: just teasin Sunset©: :he has to in order to put up with us ~Joy©Æ: :typo? matt snow: *cough cough* ~Joy©Æ: yes that's true Hank: Red - the file requires root permissions .ªßJ´.: well that slag guy is givin him trouble Redô: ok, thank you Redô: :askwed that originally as I recall Hank: and I have to set up my systems for people who are not sys admins Redô: right Redô: understand SwtNita: wb psy Trystan[ß]^^^: means security whole Ahree^^^: wb Psy Psy: thanx matt snow: :wiring netbus to hanks's system SwtNita: lol matt Gyrithe©: :Why not just give us all root permission? :) Hank: any other questions about plugins? Sunset©: :checking to see that my lockdown is on Hank: :oh sure Gyr :-) .ªßJ´.: hank is their a plugin Gyrithe©: :Smiling now .ªßJ´.: that allows the cyberg name not be on the server Zesis^^: :hi baby. Obi: LOL snail him a server and Im sure hed be glad to Trystan[ß]^^^: cuz with like 3 key strokes we could flaten it Hank: no - but we could write one Mad Daddy: :hank has netbus detective, the major memory hog .ªßJ´.: that would be great Hank: speakin of security Hank: there is a major announcemnet from CC Hank: everybody get it? matt snow: :drum roll SwtNita: :uh oh Obi: y Katt: yep .ªßJ´.: yes .ªßJ´.: i think Trystan[ß]^^^: nope Ahree^^^: nope Lilady©: i think SwtNita: nope matt snow: no sir Pilar: nope Sunset©: i dont think so Hank: seems some talented folks hacked the PC client Sunset©: and? Sunset©: no more ads??? Hank: they made it so they can clone AV's Sunset©: can i meet them? Trystan[ß]^^^: wiz powers i ear Hank: no they do not have wiz powers .ªßJ´.: ye and 1 of em wont leave my server alone Gyrithe©: I read it this morning matt snow: :not me Gyrithe©: :Am thinking of making author make sure nothing happens Hank: it is the same as the old hacked mac client - it turns on the wiz menu but does not give wiz power .ªßJ´.: they can author also ~Joy©Æ: :test Hank: what the hacked client does do is.......... Obi: test matt snow: how do we protect our palaces from that? Hank: 1) they can clone props Pilar: Greetings Trystan, Psy, Ahree .ªßJ´.: turn athor off Hank: 2) they can see but not change room scripts Hank: 3) they can change the settings in a room Sunset©: :oh dear Hank: but the changes go back when they leave .ßhaia[Try's]^^: Greetings Pilar Mad Daddy: :that sux ~Joy©Æ: hmmmmm Sunset©: :whew Hank: so - what do you do about it? ~Joy©Æ: :tell us .ªßJ´.: keep author off .ªßJ´.: lol Gyrithe©: But then its too late...they have seen all passwords Obi: global center may get a call from germany soon.........GRRRR Hank: 1) there is nothing you can do right now about the cloning ~Joy©Æ: no they have not .ªßJ´.: wear this Hank: no - they cannot see a password ~Joy©Æ: hahahaha SJ Katt: lol sj Gyrithe©: Yes, I mean any passwords I have in scripts ~Joy©Æ: kewl! .ªßJ´.: it helps Hank: Gyrthie - even you cannot see a password Ahree^^^: lol Gyrithe©: :I have password protected rooms and so Hank: yes - passwords in scripts they can see SwtNita: in scripts for private rooms you mean? SwtNita: k Hank: so what you do is.... Hank: turn authoring off when you are not actually authoring Hank: then they can not see or change anything Gyrithe©: Okay...will do so after this meeting ~Joy©Æ: ok Gyrithe©: :At least for some time Obi: :you could use prop keys toodont use name use prop id ~Joy©Æ: I do it all the time but "someone" turns it back on again Mad Daddy: What if wizzes are set to turn author on? Gyrithe©: Only Gods can turn it back on Sunset©: any way to make it so that when the person who turned authoring on leaves it goes back on ~Joy©Æ: :i know Hank: then use setrank so they can't Sunset©: :i always forget to turn it back off Mad Daddy: Ouch ~Joy©Æ: :pointing at Sunset ~Joy©Æ: ok at least she admits it ~Joy©Æ: :heh Hank: This is actually a pretty big deal and CC is workin on it Sunset©: ^guilty Obi: use a disconnect script that syas author off? Mad Daddy: NS ~Joy©Æ: @477,51 !)kiss Smooch! *** ; ~Joy©Æ is Painting * .ªßJ´. * do you know why every other half n hour pru lags to deatj? Hank: almost all wiz/god functions are executed by the server - so the hacked client cannot use them Sunset©: :think lag joy Gyrithe©: :Guess a script, ON LEAVE could be written for that Obi Hank: cloning is done at the client - so they can do that ~Joy©Æ: :sowwy sheesh Hank: basically - any of the ~ commands they can use Trystan[ß]^^^: on leave script not good either Obi: yuhuh gyr thats what i was suggesting Obi: but on disconnect Hank: turning authoring off when you are not using it is something you shud get into the habit of anyway Trystan[ß]^^^: yes Gyrithe©: :No 'on disconnect' command in itpscray Mad Daddy: :bummer Hank: :she's right Hank: ok - general questions Obi: meant turn author on and blast off easy to do ill email it to ya later if ya want Obi: off even LOL Gyrithe©: :I will simply teach myself alwayes to turn it of when I leave Sunset©: ok Hank: :answer to the first question - yes we are on the phone checking that lag storm and it's fixed Sunset©: :i been trying for over a year... can't seem to remember ~Joy©Æ: lol Sunny Redô: :thanks Ahree^^^: can setrank be selective to seperate wizzs Hank: :gonna send y'all over to talk to Chris at GlobalCenter Hank: nope - just by "ranks" ~Joy©Æ: ^comment Sunset©: :cool, lemme at him Hank: yes Joy? Ahree^^^: nope ~Joy©Æ: ^comment Sunset©: so can we have two ranks of wiz's? SwtNita: LOL will he be hapy to see us?? Gyrithe©: :I would like to see the mailinglist soon come to live :) Sunset©: and set it that way? Mad Daddy: Ni Sun Mad Daddy: No even Hank: ya I hope to have that up soon Gyr Sunset©: :speak joy Hank: Sunset - you have 4 ranks to play with - that's all the software provides Sunset©: ok SwtNita: LAG Gyrithe©: :I run a mailinglist...if anyone is interested in using that till AIC is ready to go with theirs Sunset©: i always want more... sigh Obi: :imagining an ISWIZARD and USERNAME script in everyroom and turning green Hank: Joy? Sunset©: she is lagging SwtNita: wb matt ~Joy©Æ: i like the email linking to previous classes ~Joy©Æ: :and i'm laggin SwtNita: :hate laggggg matt snow: :sigh matt snow: thanks nita Hank: other general questions? Gyrithe©: I have an order :) Hank: ok Ahree^^^: kk Ahree^^^: . Ahree^^^: :hm fixed, HUH??? Ahree^^^: sheeshhh Gyrithe©: :lol Trystan[ß]^^^: what is the rollout date for the plugins? Gyrithe©: Get the scriptlibrary started soon :) Hank: I can let ya use them now if ya want Hank: yes ma'am Trystan[ß]^^^: OOooOOooOO Gyrithe©: Smile Trystan[ß]^^^: please Sunset©: and thank you Hank: ok - a few warnings here Hank: first - you will see three plugins on the plugin page Katt: Hank: LEAVE THE ONE CALLED EVEIL FLY HEAD CURSE alone :-) Hank: it was a test :-) Trystan[ß]^^^: LOL Gyrithe©: :making notes :) Mad Daddy: :Don't push the red button SwtNita: grrrr Hank: go to Hank: check the box for Gatekeeper and hit submit Hank: then restart your server ~Joy©Æ: :grrrrrrr SwtNita: do we need to shut down first? matt snow: i'm really sorry i keep poofing on ya's Hank: then - log onto your palace and god up Gyrithe©: Shot down before doing it...or just restart after? ~Joy©Æ: so do i Ahree^^^: just one god need do this?? Hank: just restart after Gyrithe©: k Hank: ok - this is IMPORTANT ~Joy©Æ: matt? matt snow: Joy? ~Joy©Æ: :oops...being quiet now Hank: Gatekeeper will not kick in till after the first "bless" Hank: after that - noone who has not been blessed can wiz or god up Hank: :don't forget to bless yourself :-) Obi: LOL Gyrithe©: LOL Hank: :it's hapened SwtNita: and to do that? Hank: :to me :-) Ahree^^^: in a multi gid palace, just one god need do this?? SwtNita: wb Z Ahree^^^: god ~Joy©Æ: ok i missed that Sunset can do it for me? Hank: any god can do it Hank: so - anyone you know to be a wiz needs to be registered Sunset©: i will do it for everyone joy matt snow: "bless Bach and Ant and mom and dad and Gyrithe©: :wonder if I can do it then?...I am a God ;) Obi: is shutdown required IMMEDIATELY or can it wait? Katt: heh Hank: to do that - whisper to them "gatekeeper bless" ~Joy©Æ: :goddesses rule Mad Daddy: :And little tommy too Hank: OBI - Gatekeeper will load when you get around to restarting ~Joy©Æ: heh Sunset©: cool Obi: not pushing the button yet LOL...ok ty hank Hank: ok - let me get through these instructions one time clean ok? ~Joy©Æ: yes yes Gyrithe©: do you whisper it with or without the "" thingys? Hank: so - you ......... ~Joy©Æ: i promise i'll be quiet SwtNita: ^? SwtNita: damn Hank: 1) go to the webpage and click the bos and hit submit matt snow: nita's kodak moment Hank: 2) restart your palace SwtNita: shh Hank: 3) go to your palace and god up Hank: 4) whisper "gatekeeper bless" to any wizard or god you want registered Gyrithe©: do you whisper it with or without the "" thingys? Hank: 5) bless yourself Hank: without SwtNita: ^? Gyrithe©: k ~Joy©Æ: ya got that sunny? ~Joy©Æ: hehe hiya Luc :) Hank: now - if you have a problem wiz and want to fire them..... ~Joy©Æ: :you're late Gyrithe©: I have a question Lucid©: :yea yea Hank: type "gatekeeper unbless name" Sunset©: yes ~Joy©Æ: kewl ~Joy©Æ: so like we don't need to change pw now? Hank: if you want to see the list of blessed people - type "gatekeeper list" Hank: no need to change the password no ~Joy©Æ: :hate thinking bout new pw Hank: one other important thing Mad Daddy: Cool ~Joy©Æ: kewl! Sunset©: can we unbless them without them being on ? Hank: Gatekeeper triggers off of reg key Gyrithe©: I know AIC emergency case...god up at my palace....what I bless you people too? Sunset©: lol Hank: if you or anyone wants to wiz from more than one machine with diff reg keys - they both have to be blessed ~Joy©Æ: :3rd ~Joy©Æ: vote ~Joy©Æ: for ~Joy©Æ: Gyr Gyrithe©: LOL Joy :) Sunset©: ohh, gotta do the lap top too ~Joy©Æ: :heh Obi: ^q Hank: Gyrthie - that is the one reason I have withheld Gatekeeper Gyrithe©: What do withheld means? Hank: not told anyone about it ~Joy©Æ: ok so like if the wizard don't show up then they can't be blessed? Hank: like Gyrithe siad....... Mad Daddy: : I want to keep Gyr handcuffed to the bedpost ~Joy©Æ: lol MD Hank: we can god up on your palaces in emergencies Gyrithe©: Hahahaha matt snow: is there a palace for defrocked wizzes? Hank: with gatekeeper we cannot Lucid©: lol matt ~Joy©Æ: :you make one Katt: lol ~Joy©Æ: i'm sure it will be busy Gyrithe©: how do we solve that then Hank? ~Joy©Æ: :lol Pilar: . Hank: you will need to bless us Gyrithe :-) ~Joy©Æ: :we need names ~Joy©Æ: :all of em Gyrithe©: :But I am never there when you are?? Sunset©: are we making appointments for blessings? Hank: you can't use a name for blessing - the wiz has to be there ~Joy©Æ: TCM is one, right? ~Joy©Æ: ah ~Joy©Æ: ok appointment pls? Mad Daddy: :I have a 10 oclock hair bleesing appointment ~Joy©Æ: lol Katt: heh Pilar: :smile Hank: I am talking to CC to try and get a modified version of Gatekeepr - so we can have a separate list for us Ahree^^^: bless me anytime Gyrithe©: For security...I would like a list from You Hank...of the AIC people I should bless Sunset©: me too Hank: like I said - you cannot bless unless the person is there Sunset©: so do we schedule an appointment? Obi: i think they meant puids so they can verify SwtNita: have a blessing party at each palace Gyrithe©: I understood that...but I still want a list...not to have anyone sneak in and clame they are from AIC Hank: puid's won't help ~Joy©Æ: :heh Hank: tell ya what ~Joy©Æ: :SwtNita = 1 vote Sunset©: good point G Lucid©: :can the pope be there to bless me? Sunset©: :no luc SwtNita: LOL Luc Sunset©: :he's afraid of you SwtNita: ^? Mad Daddy: How to pope up? ~Joy©Æ: oh wow.....Gyr = 4th vote Lucid©: :shrugs ~Joy©Æ: :she's the next president, i tell ya Gyrithe©: :LOL:Joy Hank: give me till the end of the week to work out a slick anser - then we will say screw it - and make blessing appointments Lucid©: lol ~Joy©Æ: hehehe Sunset©: thank you Hank ~Joy©Æ: lol Hank Gyrithe©: :Will be the first Danish President Katt: lol Katt: :thought hank said he didnt cyber Gyrithe©: :we dont have presidents so far ;) Mad Daddy: :Prune? ~Joy©Æ: :s'ok i'm canadian...hahaha Obi: LOL hank just email us the puids of your emploess and we can list them to verify identity before blessing them Sunset©: :they all do in the end SwtNita: ohhh nooo lagggg Pilar: :smile Hank: we will figure something out Obi Gyrithe©: So...we do NOT add the gatekeeper till after you have desided how to solve the bless prob? ~Joy©Æ: btw ~Joy©Æ: i love danish ~Joy©Æ: with cinnamon on em SwtNita: ^? Sunset©: :she didn't mean pastries joy Hank: up to you Hank: some people sounded like they wanted it today Gyrithe©: :I like to know you can help out if needed :) Sunset©: me too Hank: so - If you put it in place - we cannot god up Gyrithe©: :I'll wait SwtNita: i'll wait to Obi: yeah im gonna wait too Sunset©: ok, i will too Gyrithe©: :I have no major reason to add it quick Sunset©: helps us with some of our house cleaning Pilar: I can wait Hank: the few places we gave it to were for testing and security problems (big mouth wizzes) Hank: ok - any other topics Gyrithe©: :I pick my staff problems with that :) Mad Daddy: :Have you killed your quota of wizzes today? SwtNita: ^? Hank: nothing? ~Joy©Æ: ok now i'm pissed SwtNita: what is this one? Require PUID Server Plugin....should i check that? Gyrithe©: Hmm...cant think of more right now :) Hank: not yet Nita SwtNita: k Sunset©: what's wrong joy? ~Joy©Æ: me thinks my tech guy is gonna get a call soon Redô: Solved?: *** Your lag time: 59.67 secs ~Joy©Æ: :aint gonna be pretty Hank: where are you Joy? ~Joy©Æ: near Montreal Mad Daddy: : Go get em Red SwtNita: :can i listen Joy? ~Joy©Æ: i'm on cable Hank: let me check your trace real quick *** ; m ~Joy©Æ Class Hall {ZFIGODGHCF} Lucid©: :never seen her mad ~Joy©Æ: :don't kill me! matt snow: :i'm on cheez-its ~Joy©Æ: lol Sunset©: I have... just once *** Page from System: Ahree^^^ has logged off, 7 wizards remain(including you) ~Joy©Æ: don't like being mad Sunset©: :not pretty SwtNita: :ohh chez-its!! ~Joy©Æ: lol ~Joy©Æ: pls don't talk bout food Lucid©: ok im hungry now ~Joy©Æ: i'm starving Obi: everyone clear on the dangers of allscray in the hands of unscrupulous wizards? I remeber last time we talked about that... matt snow: thry're a real handful nita ~Joy©Æ: LOL matt snow: yeppers, i read about the zombie thing .ßhaia[Try's]^^: :calling for pizza delivery ~Joy©Æ: lol Shaia Lucid©: :pizza omg ok thats it SwtNita: :Extra cheese Gyrithe©: I solved that by writing an 'anti allscray script' Hank: Joy - you are having intermittent failures at some place called Sunset©: are we done?.. I have a date soon SwtNita: wb A Zesis^^: :hank never shares pizza ~Joy©Æ: hmmmmm Obi: yeah that works gyr i suggest all gods use it ~Joy©Æ: :can i call em? .ßhaia[Try's]^^: grin Hank: :pizza? ~Joy©Æ: lol Gyrithe©: :I suggest that too Obi :) ~Joy©Æ: i want chinese fondue Obi: :I do hehe Lucid©: :pepperoni...ham....mushrooms * Zesis^^ * never shares it with Hebi........<s> Hey Hankie Pankie ~Joy©Æ: with garlic bread Trystan[ß]^^^: Prime rib and ribs matt snow: :the Pizza Hut Palace Sunset©: joy can we have that when i get to your house? SwtNita: LOL Matt ~Joy©Æ: tossed salad * Hank * !HEBBERS!!! Sunset©: lol ~Joy©Æ: of course Sunny Mad Daddy: anti-alscray in active mode Sunset©: yumm ~Joy©Æ: it's on DA menu Lucid©: she still never sent me the lasagna cooks good lasagna Hank: anyone want to learn about traces? SwtNita: yes matt snow: i do, i do Lucid©: yea definitely Hank: follow me Gyrithe©: Sure Hank SwtNita: k SwtNita: ~Joy©Æ: :whoa ~Joy©Æ: :need my shades Lucid©: coool man Hank: put on a small prop and go to the bottom :-) ~Joy©Æ: :i'm small Lucid©: everyone go down *heh* Hank: small props please :-) ~Joy©Æ: :there ~Joy©Æ: Luc ya can sit on my desk Hank: ok - this is a traceroute ~Joy©Æ: :heh Lucid©: ok Gyrithe©: :I have no small props in this it offend anyone if I stay naked? Mad Daddy: :I don't have a small one Sunset©: naw, you can be a ball matt snow: noperz Gyr Redô: : ;) Lucid©: naked is good Gyrithe©: LOL Obi: :just dont turn blue Redô: :we all started out naked Hank: if you are on a PC you can do a traceroute by bringing up a DOS window - or "command Prompt" Mad Daddy: Sorry Hank, go ahead ~Joy©Æ: there Gyr Hank: waiting till everyone has the picture Katt: got it Sunset©: ^got it Gyrithe©: :Hmmm...maybe a bit too naked for me ;) Zesis^^: :c'mon down Ahree Hank: anyomne not ready? Hank: ok Hank: this is a traceroute Hank: if you are on a PC you can do a traceroute by bringing up a DOS window - or "command Prompt" Hank: to trace from you to us - in the command prompt window - type "tracert" Hank: that cammand again Hank: ^tracert Hank: you will get something that looks like this Obi: global center timing out again matt snow: :kewl Hank: ok - each numbered line is a "hop" between me and you Hank: the first part of each line tells you who it is Hank: for instance Hank: (line 1) is my router Hank: sitting right behind me Mad Daddy: :domain name Hank: then (lines 2-4) it goes through BBNPLANET Hank: then sprintlink Hank: then cvnet Hank: etc Hank: this is just a sample - not the real trace for any of you Hank: ok - the numbers in parentheses is the IP address that goes with the name Hank: then you see three numbers on each line Hank: that's three samples of the time for that hop Hank: each time is in milliseconds (thousanndths of a second) *** ; Hank is Painting Hank: see am? SwtNita: y Sunset©: y Hank: if you see an asterisk - that means a failure Hank: like these .ßhaia[Try's]^^: :getting out lag repellant Mad Daddy: :artistic genius Hank: everyone with me so far? SwtNita: y Sunset©: y Mad Daddy: Yep Hank: ok so if I wanted to analyze this trace Hank: I'd say this user was having major problems with sprintlink Gyrithe©: :I have a question Hank: yes? *** Page from System: Katt has logged off, 6 wizards remain(including you) *** ; Hank is Erasing Lucid©: yup Gyrithe©: the time I see...(milisecs) such small numbers... Hank: yup Gyrithe©: not long ones like here in this room Mad Daddy: LOL Hank: small numbers is good Gyrithe©: how do I read them...comparing to what I see here? Hank: big numbers (over 750) are bad Gyrithe©: mine looks like this 000 not 000.000 Hank: you can also do a trace from our web page Hank: that means it was too quick to measure Gyr Gyrithe©: well...its not 000's but I do not have any . (Dot's) Hank: to do a trace from our webpage - go to matt snow: i think i get it Hank: so - why do a trace? Sunset©: to find the problem Hank: it will tell you where the lag is and who to yell at :-) Gyrithe©: to discover what/where courses the lag SwtNita: Sunset©: translation... no yelling at chatserve Lucid©: i know that most TCP/IP apps die when response times are over 600 ms Obi: [] Mad Daddy: W'll yell at you Hank and you can yell at them Obi: is the prob for me Hank: no - if you see a problem in bbnplanet, or glabalcenter - yell at me rright away Hank: and I will yell at them Gyrithe©: :still do not feel sure how to read my DOS prompt Hank: if ya see a problem on your end - yell at your ISP Sunset©: hank... did you trace joy? Hank: if ya see a problem in the middle - we can try to yel at them but it usually dosen't help Hank: yes I did Obi: :yelling LOL Sunset©: k Hank: her problem is with the upstream providoe that her ISP connects to Lucid©: im guessing most backbone providers are hard to deal with lol Hank: I will report it to BBN and see if they can fix it Hank: yes they can be Lucid :-) Gyrithe©: Hank: OK I'm gonna call BBN and see if they can put any pressure on teleglobe to fix Joy's problem Sunset©: she thanks you Hank: anyone got any other questions? Gyrithe©: No Hank: :Matt's tryin to pull the numbers down Ahree^^^: non here Redô: rrrrrrrrrrrrr......... *** Your lag time: 121.1 secs SwtNita: millions but non defined yet SwtNita: LAGGG Hank: youch Red Gyrithe©: Thank you for doing this teaching Hank...Its appreciated :) Hank: want me to trace you red? Lucid©: thanks for the class Hank matt snow: sorry, i'm not doing it on porpoise matt snow: :don't know how Ahree^^^: Yes thanks Hank Hank: ok I'm off to talk to BBN matt snow: thanks Hank! Gyrithe©: take care Obi: hope hank has a QOS contact with globalcenter Hank: ya'all feel free to kick the place around :-) Lucid©: ok guys, see ya's all next time Hank: my ICQ is 1071680 matt snow: nice meeting everybody Closing Log