Opening Log Lilady©: yw hank Mad Daddy: Hi Nita SwtNita: Hello, .ªßJ´, Hank, Sißßy© {~J~}, Lilady, Ragdoll, Bobb *§, Nawnie, Smokie, Mad Daddy and Ditzi §ø§ Smokie©: hi hank Ragdoll: hi Ditzi .ªßJ´.: hey Swt Ditzi §ø§: hi everyone SwtNita: hiya SJ .ªßJ´.: hello Nawnie©: Hey Hank havent seen you in forever..:) Hank: !NAWNIE!! Lilady©: smokie is comfy Smokie©: yep .ªßJ´.: lol Nawnie©: Smiles.;) Smokie©: have to be Lilady©: is that allowed to be that comfy Lilady©: haha Hank: comfy is allowed :-) Smokie©: hahA Smokie©: thanks hank Smokie©: lol Lilady©: lol Ditzi §ø§: LOL Lilady©: shhhhh just don't tell hank that im sleeping Lilady©: haha Ragdoll: :i know i gots some litte peeps in dis bag somewhere SwtNita: LOL Nawnie©: I got some...Doll *** class starting in 1 minute in the class hall .ªßJ´.: hello lost Bobb *§: wow Bobb *§: hiyas all Lost Reality: yea look at sam Hank: welcome everybody Ditzi §ø§: Bobb you look pretty comfy too ~SuzySpice©ô: oopsie Bobb *§: I am Lilady©: ty Bobb *§: ty Lost Reality: Hi all Ragdoll: ty suga:) ~SuzySpice©ô: howdeeeee Mutlea©ß: lol Mad Daddy: Hank is sooooo....... BIG Ditzi §ø§: hi lost Nawnie©: Helllo Lost..:) Bobb *§: hiyas lost Mutlea©ß: Hey ya'll SwtNita: hiya Lost Hank: :it's the stool Ragdoll: hi Mutlea Ditzi §ø§: lmao J SwtNita: hiya Mutlea ~SuzySpice©ô: cmere lost .ªßJ´.: heh. ~SuzySpice©ô: sista Mutlea©ß: yeah?? Bobb *§: hiyas obi Sißßy© {~J~}: hey Obi SwtNita: hya obi .ªßJ´.: hola Obi Obi: HI all ~SuzySpice©ô: you on stage for a reason, lol Lilady©: hi obi, suzy, lost mutlea Hank: ok we'll go ahead and get started and let stragglers show up when they want ~SuzySpice©ô: hi there lillady Mad Daddy: :remember to shut down ICQ ~SuzySpice©ô: oakis hank, mush .ªßJ´.: heh ghost Ditzi §ø§: LOL daddy Hank: I'm Hank - I work at Chatserve as the Ops Manager Bobb *§: hiyas gr Mutlea©ß: Hey there Ghost Ditzi §ø§: good to see ya Hank GhostRider©Æ: Hi, all. Hank: Ty Johnston is another guy you've probly talked to a lot - but he's playing in Yosemite today Bobb *§: lucky him .ªßJ´.: hehe always talkin to him heh Hank: Ty and I deal with all the palace support Hank: :until we get the rest of the techs trained Ragdoll: :) .ªßJ´.: hi Jonas Ditzi §ø§: You guys do an awsome job Hank Hank: let's start by everyone saying their name and what palace they're from Jonas {~ß~}: Hiya SJ .ªßJ´.: ok Mad Daddy: Mad Daddy, Lady Luck Palace SwtNita: SwtNita/Crystal Ranch Jonas {~ß~}: I'm Jonas from Lexicon's Labyrinth ~SuzySpice©ô: ^Suzy-Paradise-South Smokie©: Paradise South Ragdoll: Ragdoll/Cybercity Nawnie©: Nawnie from CyberCity Obi: Obi/Lexicon's Labyrinth Bobb *§: Bobb *§ Purrfect Illusions Sißßy© {~J~}: Sißßy Lexicons Labyrinth Lilady©: Lilady......Love Connections ~SuzySpice©ô: .ªßJ´.: Im SJ im from props r us and palace city apt's/props GhostRider©Æ: GhostRider©Æ from Purrfect Illusions. Ditzi §ø§: Ditzi from Lady Luck Mutlea©ß: Mut, Paradise South Hank: ok cool Lost Reality: Lost Paradise South Mad Daddy: :That was fun ~SuzySpice©ô: lol SwtNita: lol MD ~SuzySpice©ô: cute lost Lost Reality: lol Hank: first off - contacting tech support Hank: we have a lot of people trying to reach tech support thru ICQ Hank: ICQ sucks Ditzi §ø§: lol Nawnie©: lol Mad Daddy: :NS Lost Reality: here here Hank: yur best way is email to Hank: you can try ICQ but I can't guaruntee results Hank: my ICQ is 1071680 Nawnie©: woohoo.:) Nawnie©: hehe Ragdoll: :) Hank: ok - recent news Mad Daddy: :massive add time ~SuzySpice©ô: not a new one is it hank Hank: we've got the new T1's in and running .ªßJ´.: yes there great Ditzi §ø§: cool Hank: nope - same old number ~SuzySpice©ô: k .ªßJ´.: my server has been running alot faster Hank: we're still tweaking the lines to balance the load but the lag shud be a lot better Ragdoll: hey Dev:) Hank: hiya Dev .Deven ÷: hiyas SwtNita: hiya Dev Hank: where ya from Devf - what palace? Hank: the next big question seems to be the new licences Hank: everyone know about them? Sißßy© {~J~}: yes Ragdoll: :nod Ditzi §ø§: yeah ~SuzySpice©ô: yeppers Jonas {~ß~}: yep .Deven ÷: yeppers Nawnie©: mmhmm Mad Daddy: :y Ragdoll: :was cool too .ªßJ´.: ye Hank: people have been askin what that means to yur limits here Hank: the answer is - no change :-) Hank: we still have the two packages - 50 and 100 .Deven ÷: kewlies Isa: Ragdoll: :) .ªßJ´.: were allowed to register a 1000 reg code right if we set it to are limit's for what server were payin for Ditzi §ø§: hiya isa Hank: right .ªßJ´.: ok SwtNita: hiya isa hugz Hank: we're considering a change in the plans that I think y'all will really like ~SuzySpice©ô: oh? Hank: I gotta get it past the accountant first :-) Mad Daddy: :Free beer? .Deven ÷: lol ~SuzySpice©ô: lol Ragdoll: : ) Mutlea©ß: LOL Jonas {~ß~}: LOL Ditzi §ø§: hehehe Hank: I'm not gonna say anymore cuz the accountant will hurt me Jonas {~ß~}: LOL Ragdoll: lol Hank: and she studies martial arts Sißßy© {~J~}: cant have that SwtNita: LOL Lilady©: awwwww .ªßJ´.: heh Obi: :and signs your check too GhostRider©Æ:Lilady©: teehee! ~SuzySpice©ô: kiss kiss! .Deven ÷: :damn the accountant ~SuzySpice©ô: oh man Hank: if any of you ever call in for billing problems - the gal to talk to is Wendy Hank: she helps us pay for all this :-) Ditzi §ø§: k Hank: ok - the next big question seems to be version 4.3.2 Hank: you all know it's available? SwtNita: y Sißßy© {~J~}: uh huh ~SuzySpice©ô: yes Lilady©: yes Bobb *§: yep ~SuzySpice©ô: on it Jonas {~ß~}: Yup Ragdoll: :is much better too Sißßy© {~J~}: yes it is .ªßJ´.: yes Hank: ok does anyone have any questions about converting - and prop rooms .Deven ÷: yep yep Ditzi §ø§: how come i dont notice a difference GhostRider©Æ: Is it any better than the New Personal server. That is garbage. .Deven ÷: nopers SwtNita: cuz your ditzi Smokie©: lol Hank: there is no real difference except a few commands Hank: the main difference is stability Hank: it fixes a lot of bugs Obi: yeah can you kill a prop from the propfile yet? I know you can kill a prop on a user but I want it outta my propfile Hank: like the random hide bug Ditzi §ø§: Do we still need to do the prop maintenance? Kandy©*§: !Hi! Again, So Glad to be Back Hank: no you can't kill just a single prop GhostRider©Æ: I saw one of the new pers, had blocks of rooms in the script 3 times. GhostRider©Æ: Had a devil of a time sorting it out. Bobb *§: hiyas K Hank: ya that's actually a bug in the client software for the PC Kandy©*§: hey ! Kandy©*§: y amind? Obi: :use a text editor Bobb *§: not you not ever Ditzi §ø§: Hank, we still need to flush the props regularly? Kandy©*§: hey Swt Hank: CC (new name) says you should use the new ad client to prevent authoring errors GhostRider©Æ: Ended up hand converting it; and installing old server. SwtNita: hiya kandy :) Hank: :but then maybe they just want you to see the ads :-) .ªßJ´.: i hate when my doors get stuck ... Jonas {~ß~}: LOL Hank: so no questions on 4.3.2? Ditzi §ø§: YES Ditzi §ø§: LOL Hank: does everyone know about the new setrank command? .ªßJ´.: no Bobb *§: no SwtNita: no Jonas {~ß~}: no Lilady©: no Smokie©: no .Deven ÷: nope ~SuzySpice©ô: yes GhostRider©Æ: no Obi: yes Ditzi §ø§: Do we still need to do the prop maintenance ? flush props? .ªßJ´.: ye i think ditzi Hank: the setrank command lets you set who can do what Hank: like kill, pin, etc .ªßJ´.: oh really sweet! Obi: yes ditzi you do Isa: how 'bout authoring? .ªßJ´.: like only let gods author Ditzi §ø§: lmao thanks Hank: yes you still have to do prop maintenance ~Joy©Æ: :boo Hank: yes SJ ~Joy©Æ: hiyas :) Ragdoll: hey joy .Deven ÷: :whut? ~Joy©Æ: lol .ªßJ´.: omg yes .ªßJ´.: would it be 'setrank author godsonly? Hank: no .ªßJ´.: or somethin .Deven ÷: hiyas mega ~Joy©Æ: hiya Deven :) Hank: the format is 'setrank 'command rank Hank: the ranks are....... .ªßJ´.: o ok Hank: 0=guest or java .ªßJ´.: thankie Hank: 1=registered member Hank: 2=wizard Hank: 3=god Hank: so - let's say you only wanted gods to be able to kill Hank: it would be 'setrank 'kill 3 Jonas {~ß~}: OIC .ªßJ´.: ^'setrank 'author 3 .ªßJ´.: that right .Deven ÷: kewlies Hank: yup Sißßy© {~J~}: very nice feature for a change .ªßJ´.: that rule's Hank: everyone is welcome to god up during the class here Lilady©: does that mean they can go into ur author mode and turn it on too the wiz? Hank: the godpass is qsx3fty *** Page from System: Kandy©*§ denied wizard access *** Page from System: ~Joy©Æ made god *** Page from System: .ªßJ´. made god *** Page from System: Obi made god *** Page from System: Bobb *§ made god *** Page from System: GhostRider©Æ made god Hank: ok - another cool new command Isa: is there a problem with locks on rooms that you know of? ~Joy©Æ: :lol *** Page from System: Ragdoll made god .Deven ÷: grins *** Page from System: Mad Daddy made god *** Page from System: SwtNita denied wizard access Hank: there is a problem with locks on rooms and CC is workin on it ~Joy©Æ: :lotsogods here Lilady©: i get problems sometime with lock disappearing .ªßJ´.: Hank Obi: paste it nita Hank: everyone does Ragdoll: :ahhh nice to know Isa: ohhh.....well, at least I'm not imagining it Mad Daddy: :god-o-rama Ditzi §ø§: lol .ªßJ´.: is their a problem on fixing doors that get stuck in the corners or something eithout going into your pserver dat Hank: it seems to be a bug in the PC client ~Joy©Æ: hiya Gem Gem :) Nawnie©: Hello Gem..:) .Deven ÷: !baby .Gemô ÷: Hi, .ªßJ´., Hank, Sißßy© {~J~}, Lilady©, Ragdoll, Bobb *§, Nawnie©, Smokie©, Mad Daddy, Ditzi §ø§, SwtNita, .Deven ÷, Isa, ~SuzySpice©ô, Obi, GhostRider©Æ, Jonas {~ß~}, Kandy©*§, ~Joy©Æ *** Page from System: SwtNita made god Lilady©: hi gem Hank: yes - the problem with doors dissapearing is a client bug Bobb *§: hiya gem .ªßJ´.: darn Ragdoll: hey Gemmers:) ~SuzySpice©ô: oh man Mad Daddy: :bug-o-rama .ªßJ´.: for pc's only .ªßJ´.: ? SwtNita: hiya gem Hank: pc only - yes .ªßJ´.: oh damn Ditzi §ø§: Thats when its good to know a few mac users SwtNita: i gotta lota doors do that .ªßJ´.: Hnak .ªßJ´.: Hank Hank: there are a lot of bugs with doors Hank: yes? .ªßJ´.: how come when i move rooms downthe list they wont move down Hank: hmm hadn't heard that one Ragdoll: :mine move .ªßJ´.: like 'downlist Obi: refresh the list maybe? Nawnie©: mmhmm.. .ªßJ´.: and how many you want it down .ªßJ´.: i tryed Hank: ok let me get thru none more new command and I'll open it up for questions ~SuzySpice©ô: mine move ok Obi: it wont show right away but if you CTRL G twice... .ªßJ´.: o ok Hank: there is a new command that lets you see all the settings on your server *** Palace Server 4.3.2 Build 506 i686-unknown-linux Mon Jun 21 18:48:21 PDT 1999 SwtNita: kewl Hank: type 'reportprefs Jonas {~ß~}: Ooh nice :-) .ªßJ´.: wow sweet ~Joy©Æ: cool beans! ~Joy©Æ: wow that is so cool .ªßJ´.: arg i got another ? heh is their a way to change what your palace says at the a-z list while your on god mode Ragdoll: :nod Hank: you mean the blurb? .ªßJ´.: im not sure is that how? ~Joy©Æ: yep Hank: you can't change the blurb from god mode .ªßJ´.: darn Hank: but - you can from our utility page .ªßJ´.: o ok ~SuzySpice©ô: lol Hank: everyone know about the utility page? SwtNita: yes .Gemô ÷: yup Bobb *§: no Jonas {~ß~}: eyp Sißßy© {~J~}: yup Obi: yep Lilady©: yes .ªßJ´.: not really ~Joy©Æ: :raising hand ~Joy©Æ: hehehe .Deven ÷: yep yep GhostRider©Æ: ae Hank: the utility page is at .ªßJ´.: k Bobb *§: 2 u's? Hank: it lets you restart, kill the prop file - and a ton of other stuff Hank: yes - uutils Jonas {~ß~}: Yes Bobb Bobb *§: ty Hank: stands for user utilities .ªßJ´.: oh i no that now Ditzi §ø§: looking up the passwords was a nice new feature .ªßJ´.: i always use restartserver Hank: ok - Joy had a Q ~Joy©Æ: huh? .ªßJ´.: you can look up passwords? *** Page from System: Kandy©*§ made god Hank: oh - guess not ~Joy©Æ: no no Jonas {~ß~}: LOL ~Joy©Æ: hehehe Lilady©: ? Ditzi §ø§: yes on the utility page .ªßJ´.: kewl Hank: ok - if anyone has a Q just put up a Q Lilady©: how can i change the kill? Hank: what do you mean change the kill? Lilady©: i want the kill to 2000 Ragdoll: ^Q .ªßJ´.: banip *** ; `hide on|off - hide from all other users *** ; `hidefrom - hide from another user *** ; `page - summon help from an operator *** ; `respond - reply to the last sender of an ESP message *** ; `mute - mute another user *** ; `rejectesp on|off - reject ESP messages *** ; `rejectprivate on|off - reject private messages *** ; `newroom [name] - Create a new room (one allowed per user) *** ; `password - Specify a navigation password *** ; `repage - respond to the last (non-operator) page sender *** ; `er - go to the room of last (non-operator) page sender *** ; `list [-k o p w] - list ip address of specific user *** ; `list [-k o p w] - list users matching ip address *** ; `list [-k o p w] - list ip addresses of users in room *** ; `glist [-k o p w] - list ip address of all users *** ; - LIST OPTIONS *** ; - -k Show the users reg key hash *** ; - -o Show the users software orignation code and machine type *** ; - -p Show the users PUID hash *** ; - -w List only operators *** ; `paint on|off - turn painting on or off serverwide *** ; `bots on|off - turn cyborgs on or off serverwide *** ; `death - set default death penalty to N minutes *** ; `flood - kill flooders after N events in 1 second *** ; `duplicate - duplicate the current room *** ; `delete - delete the current room *** ; `banlist [str] - show banned users *** ; `purgebanlist - purge elapsed ban records *** ; `unban - unban user(s) who match str (ip or name) *** ; `untrack - untrack user(s) who match str (ip or name) *** ; `banip [minutes] - ban ipaddress (may use 12.24.23.*; numeric IPs only!) *** ; `trackip [minutes] - track sign-ons from ipaddress (may use 12.24.23.*) *** ; `kill [minutes] - kill currently connected user *** ; `track [minutes] - track sign-ons from currently connected user *** ; `comment - add a comment to a banlist record *** ; `extend - change death penalty on a ban record *** ; `gag - gag currently connected user *** ; `ungag - ungag currently connected user *** ; `propgag - propgag a member *** ; `unpropgag - unpropgag a member *** ; `purgeprops - purge props older than N days from memory *** ; `autoannounce - set the server greeting *** ; `roommaxocc - set the max occupancy for the current room *** ; `roommaxguests - set max guest occupancy for the current room *** ; `opcount - tell how many operators are logged in *** ; 'defaultpaneurl [pane [url]] - set default pane URL for pane *** ; 'paneurl [panenumber [urlstring]] - set pane URL for pane in room to urlstring *** ; 'displayurl [pane number] url [user] - display URL to a user or the room *** ; `reset - reset room counts *** ; `ban user - banish a user from the server *** ; `recycle - automatically recycle guest ID numbers at N *** ; `recycle - recycle guest ID numbers now *** ; `shutdown - shut down the server *** ; `operatorpass - set the operator password *** ; `adminpass - set the administrator password *** ; `servername - set the server name *** ; `maxserverocc - set the maximum server occupancy *** ; `defaultroomocc - set the default room occupancy *** ; `picdir - identify the pictures folder *** ; `guests on|off - enable guest access to the server (on by default) *** ; `custom on|off - enable the user of custom props (on by default) *** ; `operators on|off - enable support for operators (on by default) *** ; `opkill on|off - operators may kill (on by default) *** ; `playerkill on|off - members may kill (off by default) *** ; `spoof on|off - members may spoof using @x,y (on by default) *** ; `memberrooms on|off - members may create their own rooms *** ; `oponly on|off - set current room as operator-only *** ; `uplist N - move the current room N slots up in the room list *** ; `downlist N - move the current room N slots down in the room list *** ; `dropzone - make the current room a drop zone (front gate) *** ; `botkill on|off - cyborgs may kill (off by default) *** ; `author on|off - operators may author (on by default) *** ; `passwordsecurity - enable password security (auto-kicks after 3 attempts) *** ; `fileserver - set the URL for an external file server or turn off file server support. *** ; No parameter returns the current setting *** ; `avatarurl - set the URL for finding default avatar GIFs, or turn off customized default *** ; avatar support; No paramater returns the current setting. *** ; `chatlog filename - enable chat logging to specified file *** ; `nowhisper on|off - disables all whispers *** ; `revision - revision number of the server *** ; `flushprops - flush props older than N days from prop file *** ; `security : [ ]| *** ; - set the security deamon. *** ; authhost is the URL of the authentication daemon *** ; authport is the port of the authentication daemon *** ; retrys is an optional field to specify how many attempts a user may make. *** ; The default is 1 try *** ; `securesite on|off - Name & Password required to access this server *** ; `securelogoff on|off - Authentication engine tracks logoffs *** ; `securejavaaccess on|off - require additional authorization for Java users *** ; `setrank `command [rank] - Set or see rank for `command *** ; `propcontrol [on|off] - Turn prop control on or off *** ; `reportprefs - Return Current Preference Settings Ditzi §ø§: ^Q .Gemô ÷: :raising hand Hank: that would be 'death 2000 Lilady©: ok ty Hank: yes rag? Ragdoll: is abotu TCM Ragdoll: i know is a not a guest Hank: tcm? Nawnie©: think it is a bot Doll Ragdoll: yes i think is like...who's on// Nawnie©: like the who's on? Ragdoll: yes Hank: the who's on bot? Ragdoll: it is Ditzi §ø§: what the heck is that? Ragdoll: but i cut that off ~SuzySpice©ô: name is TCM now Ragdoll: with a command you had Bobb *§: wb smokie ~Joy©Æ: hiya Smokie Hank: it's a bot from a webpage Ditzi §ø§: tcm has been coming to lady luck too ~SuzySpice©ô: yes ~SuzySpice©ô: wb sam Hank: tcm is Ty Smokie©: ty Ditzi §ø§: okay LOL Ragdoll: ohhh ok ~SuzySpice©ô: i thought so .ªßJ´.: raises hand Ragdoll: thats cool Nawnie©: lol .ªßJ´.: i got a ~Joy©Æ: :watcha talking about Hank: he's usually just checkin on things .Gemô ÷: what is the max number av's you can put in a prop room on this server Ragdoll: just wanted to know Ditzi §ø§: ^Q .ªßJ´.: ? Ragdoll: thats cool then .ªßJ´.: i got a ? SwtNita: TCM comes in to check that everything is working ok ~Joy©Æ: ooohhhhhhh ok Hank: does that answer yur q rag? Ragdoll: yes thank you so much Obi: ^Q and comment Hank: ditzi? Nawnie©: :loves Hank.:) ~Joy©Æ: ^Q Hank: :mush .ªßJ´.: ^Q .Gemô ÷: ^brb SwtNita: lol Nawnie©: lol Ditzi §ø§: I know this really isnt server related, but regarding the site pages i cant get an answer out of palace ~SuzySpice©ô: :i know mush .Gemô ÷: Hank: niether can we :-) Ditzi §ø§: i cannot get my name on there to save my soul, is there a trick to that? Jonas {~ß~}: LOL .Deven ÷: LOL Hank: you need your server reg code Ditzi §ø§: its on there .Deven ÷: wb hon Ditzi §ø§: everything is on there accept my name LOL .Gemô ÷: ty Hank: there are still a lot of bugs in the new site pages Ditzi §ø§: okay *being patient* .ªßJ´.: ye me and carols ids are the same Hank: obi? .ªßJ´.: ^Q Hank: Obi? Smokie©: lol ~SuzySpice©ô: lol Nawnie©: giggle Ditzi §ø§: hehehe Obi: myq is have you considered doing a class on palace presents and my comment is that I have a lot of cool tools and a couple shell scripts that the gods might be interested in Hank: cool Nawnie©: woohoo Hank: as for palace presents we could do that Ragdoll: :love goodies ~SuzySpice©ô: yes, please obi Bobb *§: me too Nawnie©: :nod Hank: :cept PP kicks my butt big time ~SuzySpice©ô: me too .Deven ÷: hehe Jonas {~ß~}: LOL Hank: on the scripts - we are trying to set up a mail list to share info amongst you all Lilady©: whats ur addy obi Ragdoll: ^Q .Deven ÷: whats a little bruise here and there hank? Obi: okay the scripits i was refering to are shell scripts for your unix shell account SwtNita: I'd be interested to Obi Hank: as soon as the UNIX guy gets the T1's tweaked he is gonna set up the mail list Obi: like one to check for fails without wading through your log... Kandy©*§: oooooxclent Obi: nope telent Obi: LOL Jonas {~ß~}: LOL Kandy©*§: lol Hank: most of the people wouldn't be able to use UNIX :-) GhostRider©Æ: Lilady©: teehee! ~SuzySpice©ô: kiss kiss! ~Joy©Æ: Ragdoll: :UNIX dumass here Isa: hey........ Ragdoll: ^Q Hank: we are workin on a lot of log analysis tools SwtNita: LOL Rag, me too GhostRider©Æ: What's Unix? ~SuzySpice©ô: oh man GR, lol, setting my borg off GhostRider©Æ: Lilady©: Damm annoying ppl.. ~SuzySpice©ô: Hey, you goof ~SuzySpice©ô: oh geesssss Hank: ok SJ? .ªßJ´.: how do you get someones member code? my listing them and how can you ban it? Kandy©*§: :shush Kan .ªßJ´.: by listing them i mean Hank: ok there are three things you can ban by .ªßJ´.: uh Hank: IP, Reg code, PUID Hank: IP is pretty useless .ªßJ´.: yes ~Joy©Æ: hi Munchie and TS2 Hank: and will not work at all for registered members Lilady©: hi munch and ts Munchie(SJ's): hi all TS2: hello .ªßJ´.: i prefer banning by reg but i dunno how Hank: palace dosen't even check IP for registered members SwtNita: iya munchie Smokie©: hi munchie SwtNita: hya ts2 .ªßJ´.: oh Hank: ok - to get a regkey - type 'list -k .ªßJ´.: o ok Hank: to get the PUID type 'list -p .ªßJ´.: how would you ban a reg Hank: but - version 4.3.2 saves you the effort Jonas {~ß~}: ^Q GhostRider©Æ: Which is better for ban? ~Joy©Æ: i like version 4.3.2 Hank: puid is better - it's a lot harder to change .Deven ÷: kewlies .ªßJ´.: once you get these things how would you ban them Hank: when you ban either a regkey or a PUID on 4.3.2 - or a regular kill - it bans both codes automatically Isa: great Ditzi §ø§: oh thats nice ~SuzySpice©ô: oh goody .ªßJ´.: you type 'ban puid? .Deven ÷: excellent GhostRider©Æ: cool beans Smokie©: cool ~Joy©Æ: :heh .ªßJ´.: n then there number or whatever Hank: to kill with a regkey or puid use 'ban key .ªßJ´.: o ok Hank: one of the biggest mistakes people make in killing is trying to ban members through banning IP Ragdoll: winks, i am patient person .ªßJ´.: hehe yes Hank: palace does not check IP for members .Deven ÷: lol Ragdoll: ^Q .ªßJ´.: it only works for people on cable's Hank: so an IP ban is useless .ªßJ´.: not if the person would be on a cbale modem ~Joy©Æ: :i know ~Joy©Æ: hahahaha Hank: yes - even then .ªßJ´.: oh .Gemô ÷: lol joysie ~Joy©Æ: :heh Hank: palace does not check even IP for members Hank: an IP ban will not work against a member - ever Sißßy© {~J~}: :lol why is the option there? .ªßJ´.: yes Hank: it's for guests Sißßy© {~J~}: OIC .ªßJ´.: it shouldnt be a option than Sißßy© {~J~}: thanks .ªßJ´.: there arnt many guests anymore * ~Joy©Æ * Hank, i think SJ doesn't know about the 'help command? Hank: IP ban is the only way to block a guest Bobb *§: lol Obi: all java are guests GhostRider©Æ: besides the fact it changes, every time they connect. Sißßy© {~J~}: with the new TVP there will be more Jonas {~ß~}: .Gemô ÷: yes palace still has guest .ªßJ´.: not many Hank: ok does that answer the kill q? .ªßJ´.: ya Kandy©*§: yep Jonas {~ß~}: Well pretty much :-) Hank: ok sissy? Sißßy© {~J~}: it was Jonas Sißßy© {~J~}: LOL Munchie(SJ's): so banning the key is best? Hank: ok - jonas ? :-) Jonas {~ß~}: Well I just wondered... Hank: yes - banning the keys is the only way Jonas {~ß~}: If you can PERMANENTLY kill a java user? Jonas {~ß~}: or if they can just come back on another connection Hank: not if their IP changes - no Jonas {~ß~}: K, thanx Hank: you can disallow all jave though Jonas {~ß~}: Ahhh Jonas {~ß~}: ty Hank: if you set 'guests off - no java Nawnie©: cool Jonas {~ß~}: gotcha Ragdoll: :we did that nawns Hank: ok rag? Ragdoll: ^Q Ragdoll: i have 2 q's Hank: ok .ªßJ´.: i see the no avatar command is in there Ragdoll: one is on a ban Ragdoll: some of us have a problem with Ragdoll: if the user is not there Ditzi §ø§: yeah i do SwtNita: yes Ragdoll: and i find there puid and hash Nawnie©: ah yes cant find user.. Ragdoll: i do a `ban and cut and past that Ragdoll: and sometimes say Ragdoll: user not found .ªßJ´.: )821.wav Hank: yur usin ban and not kill? Ragdoll: yes Ragdoll: if they arent there Nawnie©: is big problem Hank: and you put in the reg or puid hash? Ragdoll: yes tried it both ways .ªßJ´.: )819.wav Ragdoll: with both Ragdoll: and sep Hank: so if you wanted to ban me what wud you type? Obi: never had that problem I do offline bans all the time SwtNita: how Ragdoll: i would type,,`ban {ZHEEAHMIDH} Hank: leave off the brackets Nawnie©: I dont use the bracets.. Obi: drop the braces Ragdoll: thnks you!!! ~Joy©Æ: :drop the gun ~Joy©Æ: :hahaha Ragdoll: one more .Deven ÷: LOL Ragdoll: about a dropzpne Nawnie©: but it happens that way too Hank Lilady©: do u have to put in a time for the ban or just the way doll did it Hank: what happens? Hank: the user not found? Ragdoll: right Nawnie©: cant find user Ragdoll: do we need to add the time? somewhere in it? Hank: ok - if palace says can't find user - it means it is not recognizing your key as a reg key or puid Ragdoll: :sigh Hank: and it thinks you are putting in a name ~Joy©Æ: hmmm Nawnie©: :hmm Ragdoll: i knew i tried with brackers and without Hank: either you are putting a space after the key - or it is not a valid key ~Joy©Æ: Hank show the right way to do it Nawnie©: please.:) ~Joy©Æ: :use me ~Joy©Æ: hahaha Hank: hmm - it might be a guy using an invalid key SwtNita: or me Obi: yeah but doesnt palace kill invalid keys? Hank: ok to ban me it would be 'ban ZHEEAHMIDH ~Joy©Æ: no space? Hank: That's what I'm wondering Obi Nawnie©: not time put in there? Hank: no time needed .Deven ÷: not for a ban...ban is forever Hank: bans are permanent Ragdoll: no space needed either? SwtNita: what is the max time of a ban? .Deven ÷: need time for a kill GhostRider©Æ: Default time? Obi: I think that they are pasting and catching either a leading or trailing space Hank: a space between ban and the key - but not after Sißßy© {~J~}: yup Jonas {~ß~}: Just a space between the command and the key Doll Sißßy© {~J~}: been there done that Ragdoll: k Hank: you may be right Obi Ragdoll: :i have made it work Ragdoll: :sometimes .Deven ÷: lol GhostRider©Æ: ^Q Hank: I need to see if it will ban an invalid key - hang on a sec Lilady©: on if my wiz put a -1 and that bans them for life... *** can't find ZHEEAHMXXX Jonas {~ß~}: Lady...bans are already permanent Hank: ok - it will not ban an invalid key GhostRider©Æ: SwtNita: my understanding is a ban/kill only lasts 30,000 max Hank: I just made up a key and couldn't ban it Obi: okay must be a flashback from when you had to pay for the client LOL Kandy©*§: hey RH Jonas {~ß~}: Kill is the command that needs a time limit ~Joy©Æ: hiya RedHook :) Nawnie©: thats what I was wonderin about was the -1 or time on a ban.. Hank: kill is timed - ban is permanent Jonas {~ß~}: Kill and Ban are not the same SwtNita: ok Nawnie©: k RedHook©: Hi, all Hank: ok - the -1 on a kill = permanent SwtNita: hiya red ~SuzySpice©ô: hey there redhook .Gemô ÷: hi redhook GhostRider©Æ: hi RH Nawnie©: ah.. .ªßJ´.: ^brb Hank: it's a way for a wiz (who cannot use ban) to do a perm ban ~Joy©Æ: show us Hank: like 'kill Hank -1 Sißßy© {~J~}: please Obi: ^Q Ragdoll: ^Q about dropzone Hank: any more q's about bans and kills? Hank: ok - dropzones :-) Ragdoll: smile Ragdoll: when you change your gate ,, i know you make it dropzone but Ragdoll: if you want to use the room somewhere else i want to know how to make it not a dropzone Hank: you mean the first room on the list? Ragdoll: no Mad Daddy: :Rag has such good questions Ragdoll: i mean Ragdoll: i had a gate Ragdoll: i moved it .Gemô ÷: as second dropzone? Ragdoll: down list Ragdoll: it is marked dropzone GhostRider©Æ: type 'dropzone off Ragdoll: ty ty Hank: :what Ghost said Ragdoll: thats all i needed Jonas {~ß~}: LOL SwtNita: lol ~Joy©Æ: ^Q Hank: Obi? Obi: CC says that the older serveres will stop registering with the dir and etc... does that mean that the 8 user palaces are going away since they are dropping low capacity licenses? Hank: not sure on that one Hank: it might just mean they won't show up on the directory Hank: the 8 user license is the free one Ditzi §ø§: and thats just like a free horse...most expensive kind ROFL Sißßy© {~J~}: the way I understood the TOS Sißßy© {~J~}: was that this MIGHT happen in the future Hank: not sure - sorry Hank: will try to get that answer from CC Obi: :just wondering Mad Daddy: :pressure Hank: Joy? ~Joy©Æ: are we going to get the minutes or resumÈ of this class via email, since some people couldn't attend and ......i forgot to save the log...damnabit Hank: yes the log will be available SwtNita: kewl ~Joy©Æ: coolies Ragdoll: i got it joy .ªßJ´.: great Sißßy© {~J~}: I got it .ªßJ´.: hey hank ~Joy©Æ: i see some people are not as forgetful as i am....hehehe Jonas {~ß~}: The class logs are on the website Joy Mad Daddy: :savinganyway .ªßJ´.: is there a way if you ban someones ip you can get there reg code off there ip Hank: nope ~Joy©Æ: oh ok .ªßJ´.: oh darn Obi: look it up in the pserver.log if you have access to the uutils page Hank: just a sec - I got a server emergency .Deven ÷: ^Q ~Joy©Æ: k thanks Obi :) .Deven ÷: :ruh ro ~Joy©Æ: :ut oh....Gem went poof? .Deven ÷: yep Mad Daddy: :Off to grab a snack ~Joy©Æ: and offline? ~Joy©Æ: ack! .Deven ÷: still online for me Hank: back ~Joy©Æ: :oh sure Lilady©: wb ~Joy©Æ: lol SwtNita: wb GhostRider©Æ: wb .Deven ÷: lol Sißßy© {~J~}: wb Nawnie©: Excuse me all....R/L callin..:( ~Joy©Æ: wb wb :) Hank: thanks .Deven ÷: ^Q ~Joy©Æ: see ya Nawnie...*hugs* ~Joy©Æ: take care girlie Hank: ok - yes Dev? Ragdoll: hugs nawns Nawnie©: thanks for all your help Hank...nice seein ya again.;) Nawnie©: @128,151 !)kiss WET and Naughty kiss just for u !!!!! SwtNita: take care Nawnie Hank: great seein ya nawners Mad Daddy: Bye Nawn .Deven ÷: the code you can find in your server logs is that the PUID or the regcode? Obi: it has all ~Joy©Æ: both Hank: both .Deven ÷: then which is which? ~Joy©Æ: :don't ask me ~Joy©Æ: hahahaha SwtNita: LOL .Deven ÷: :not askin you joysie Hank: the short one is the reg key and the long one that starts with a Z is the PUID ~Joy©Æ: :fine .Deven ÷: :so :OP ~Joy©Æ: neener neener.....Þ .Deven ÷: k tanks hank GhostRider©Æ: airplanes Isa: ^Q .ªßJ´.: ye thanks Hank for the help ~Joy©Æ: fly? Hank: does everyone know what a PUID and a reg key are? .ªßJ´.: it helped alot ~Joy©Æ: oooooo fly? SwtNita: no ~Joy©Æ: nope .ªßJ´.: i no the reg key but .ªßJ´.: not .ªßJ´.: puid Hank: ok - the reg key hash is a key based on the software registration key the user enetered .Deven ÷: :now gem offline for me too :O( SwtNita: the one they got in email? .ªßJ´.: ye Hank: it's what you see when you type 'list -k .ªßJ´.: the one they registered for SwtNita: ok Hank: a problem user can have a dozen reg keys to get around a ban ~Joy©Æ: *pat* *pat* Deven Ragdoll: :lag? Jonas {~ß~}: ahhhhhh SwtNita: ugh ~Joy©Æ: say what????? *** Page from System: Ragdoll has logged off, 9 wizards remain(including you) ~Joy©Æ: :ut oh Hank: the PUID is a code written to the computer when they run the palace installer ~Joy©Æ: :Rags went poof poof too Hank: it never changes SwtNita: so ban with that instead Jonas {~ß~}: ty Hank SwtNita: ? .Deven ÷: :another one bites da dust Hank: even if they deinstall palace and reinstall it Sißßy© {~J~}: TY Hank ~Joy©Æ: :that's a song Deven... .ªßJ´.: so the first time you install palace .Deven ÷: :duh joy ~Joy©Æ: Queen! .ªßJ´.: ur puid stays forever ~Joy©Æ: wut? Munchie(SJ's): how do u get the puid? Hank: some of the more talented snerts have two computers - or have figured out how to change the PUID .Deven ÷: lol teasin ya ~Joy©Æ: gonna kick yer butt mistah Hank: you get the PUID with 'list -p Jonas {~ß~}: type 'list -p Munchie .Deven ÷: :wigglin it at ya ~Joy©Æ: hehe ~Joy©Æ: ^brb .ªßJ´.: thats when u track em ban there reg and puid Munchie(SJ's): k thanks Obi: ^comment about keys and banning .Deven ÷: :uh oh she gettin a bigger boot .ªßJ´.: can you track a member code? Hank: go ahead Obi Obi: importatnt point for people that want offline ban capabilities... they have to save session keys right? Hank: yes Hank: that's on by default SwtNita: huh? .Deven ÷: and session keys are? SwtNita: wb gem Sißßy© {~J~}: but is not session keys the reg and not the PUID? .Deven ÷: wb baby Hank: session keys are the reg key and the puid .Gemô ÷: ouch...thanks Sißßy© {~J~}: OIC .Deven ÷: ahhh okies SwtNita: ok SwtNita: ty .Deven ÷: *rappin my noggin* .Deven ÷: duh Lilady©: ^Q Hank: go ahead lil Lilady©: is there away we can find all of this information for all of these things people r talking about Hank: :I can't read the name in the corner :-) Lilady©: im so confused and im new at this ~Joy©Æ: wb gem Gem :) .Gemô ÷: thanks mega Sißßy© {~J~}: it is Isa GhostRider©Æ: Isa been waitin' a while. Isa: is there a way to find the size of a single room? Isa: lol...sorry Hank: yea we're putting together some help pages - plus there are manuals on the palace web site Lilady©: ok ty Hank: finding the size of a room - use our utility page Sißßy© {~J~}: size? Isa: k, thanks Hank: you mean script size right? Isa: yes Sißßy© {~J~}: OIC Sißßy© {~J~}: TY hank Hank: there is a 16KB limit on a single room Hank: if you violate it - yur server crashes - very dirty :-) RedHook©: ^Q SwtNita: uhoh Isa: uh-huh...found that out the hard way ~Joy©Æ: oh that's precious info....thanks :) Isa: : ) Ditzi §ø§: lolol SwtNita: ohh isa hugz Hank: :wish they would just warn you Obi: has anyone been able to get a copy of the 4.3.2 server pdf? everytime I try its 404 File not found .ªßJ´.: how do u no ifur over .Deven ÷: ^brb Hank: no - but I'll get it and post it Obi Hank: Red? RedHook©: Does that limit include prop rooms? Hank: yes Hank: especially prop rooms RedHook©: ok, thanks ~Joy©Æ: Gem did you see that? SwtNita: yikes ~Joy©Æ: :shit Hank: usually you can get away with 50 props in a single room Hank: 30 is a better limit to use tho .ªßJ´.: i use 20 in each SwtNita: whew ty ~Joy©Æ: alrighty Hank: 20 is good Jonas {~ß~}: Depending on the script your using to view them Kandy©*§: yep 20 Hank: :what jonas said Isa: exactly Jonas ~Joy©Æ: hmmm? Sißßy© {~J~}: the prp gen is a factor Joy Kandy©*§: which is the bes viewer Jonas? ~Joy©Æ: oh SwtNita: :making note to check size of my prop rooms Hank: some prop scripts are bigger than others Jonas {~ß~}: If you're using a Next - Back script where you have to put prop id's in both scripts...don't go much higher than 20 ~Joy©Æ: ack! Jonas {~ß~}: Especially if they are all 9 piece props SwtNita: ty jonas .ªßJ´.: i use a cheap one it doesnt allow a back button ~Joy©Æ: thanks :) Jonas {~ß~}: yw Obi: oour biggest prop room is only 5 K and we stick to 25 max Kandy©*§: [[*-*]] thankee Hank: one quick intro Hank: the guy up by the sign is Lance SwtNita: hiya Lance Hank: he's a tech support guy Kandy©*§: Obi i want ur Sißßy© {~J~}: Hi Lance Bobb *§: Hi lance Jonas {~ß~}: Hiya Lance Hank: he's learning palace Ditzi §ø§: hello Lance ~Joy©Æ: hiya Lance :) GhostRider©Æ: hi Lance .ªßJ´.: oh TS2: hello all Hank: he's a great guy and learning fast Bobb *§: welcome to our world RedHook©: Hi, Lance Kandy©*§: hey Lance Jonas {~ß~}: Welcome to Palace life! SwtNita: teach me when your done lance .ªßJ´.: welcome to the best chat TS2: thanks all ~Joy©Æ: lol Swt .ªßJ´.: ever Jonas {~ß~}: LOL Kandy©*§: lol Swt Mad Daddy: Greetings Lance Obi: LOL no aol here? no age/sex??? hehe Lilady©: hi lance and where is lance Jonas {~ß~}: chutup Obi .Gemô ÷: ewwww A word Jonas {~ß~}: LOL ~Joy©Æ: Lance is TS2 SwtNita: LOL Lilady©: ty joy Hank: if you call or email during a weekend or evening - yur probly talkin to Lance ~Joy©Æ: yw :) .ªßJ´.: oh ~Joy©Æ: oh .ªßJ´.: i usually talk to Ty Ditzi §ø§: lucky you Lance .ªßJ´.: or somethin ~Joy©Æ: meaning no cybering and stuff? Lilady©: maybe i did a few times ~Joy©Æ: :hahaha .Gemô ÷: lol nut ~Joy©Æ: jk! Hank: he's new to palace so be gentle :-) ~Joy©Æ: :ok ok Jonas {~ß~}: LOL .ªßJ´.: ok Sißßy© {~J~}: ooooo virgin ~Joy©Æ: hahaha SwtNita: :always gentle Kandy©*§: :Oh! Oh! .Gemô ÷: fresh meat ~Joy©Æ: love newbies Lilady©: u mean we can't break him in Lilady©: haha Jonas {~ß~}: Down Sissy...down girl SwtNita: brb Ditzi §ø§: gawd...poor guy .Gemô ÷: LOLOL Joy Sißßy© {~J~}: :down ~Joy©Æ: *smoooooch* Hank: :watch out Lance Sißßy© {~J~}: theres an idea Bobb *§: or lucky Obi: )whip Kandy©*§: wooohooo Jonas {~ß~}: Later Sissy :-) Lance: felt goo Bobb *§: you go joy Sißßy© {~J~}: LOL ~Joy©Æ: :goo?......gooey? Bobb *§: needs a body tho ~Joy©Æ: :heh Jonas {~ß~}: We have to grow up first Lilady©: ^Q Lance: good .ªßJ´.: you work for acceess internet through ur house ~Joy©Æ: yeah ....we want a body! Lance: sorry Hank: you guys are embarassing him :-) Bobb *§: awwww .ªßJ´.: hah Isa: somebody dress the guy Ditzi §ø§: i would think so Jonas {~ß~}: Aw he hasn't turned red yet... Sißßy© {~J~}: well that means it is a warm welcome SwtNita: you blush easy Lance? Hank: YES LIL? Lilady©: is there anything we have to change when we start up a palace in a hosting server Hank: change from a home server you mean? Lilady©: or even turn things on Lilady©: yes off my puter to u guys Bobb *§: woooohooo lance Kandy©*§: hehehehehe .Deven ÷: Kandy©*§: wtg .ªßJ´.: just send em ur prp file day file .ªßJ´.: dat Hank: we change all the stuff that has to be changed when we set you up ~Joy©Æ: :fine i'll just cross dress ~Joy©Æ: sheeesh Lilady©: no i mean after im all on the hosting server .Gemô ÷: wb sugar .Deven ÷: :ummm go brb for a few an joysie gets sex change? Hank: nope - nothing ~Joy©Æ: LOL Bobb *§: lol Kandy©*§: lol Lilady©: ok but i set my kills and stuff Hank: they can stay that way if ya want .Deven ÷: lol mega Lilady©: can i do any damage by following the list i got for the guest, wiz and gods ~Joy©Æ: wut? Obi: you might want to increse the flood limit a lil bit when moving from a personal server to hosted... .Deven ÷: ya crackin me up .Gemô ÷: :angel my butt Jonas {~ß~}: can use the arrow buttons to move too Hank: not sure what you mean lil ~Joy©Æ: :giggles .Deven ÷: lol yup .Deven ÷: :lil sk8ter angel ~Joy©Æ: uh huh .ªßJ´.: dont give him that if a heh Lance: thanks j Jonas {~ß~}: yw Lilady©: ok when i put my palace on ur server i was told i had to turn things on Hank: like what? .ªßJ´.: is it true you guy's may not host anymore server's? Lilady©: sorry i don't remember what it was ~Joy©Æ: :silence? RedHook©: ^Q .ªßJ´.: hrmm * Obi * sorry if i have answered over you its a bad habit I am head of my IS dept LOL Lilady©: ^Q Hank: yes red? RedHook©: What agreements have to be made to use Palace in commercial applications? Hank: you have to have a commercial license Jonas {~ß~}: monetary ones? LOL Hank: at least that was the answer last month Obi: pioneer license is personal right? SwtNita: lol Ditzi §ø§: lol * .ªßJ´. * Is it true you guys may not be hosting any more server's? Hank: yes - the commercial licenses are LOTS more expensive RedHook©: How much? Hank: no SJ - we're still takin servers * .ªßJ´. * o ok Hank: they are like $5000 Bobb *§: yikes SwtNita: yikes ~Joy©Æ: ack! Kandy©*§: pass ~Joy©Æ: :gotta win the lottery for sure now Bobb *§: me too Jonas {~ß~}: They pay for our freebies! ~Joy©Æ: i paid for palace! .ªßJ´.: so did i ~Joy©Æ: :sigh .ªßJ´.: well my member code Bobb *§: rookie Ditzi §ø§: lol i am now .ªßJ´.: but they gave us free 50 codes for paying Hank: the whole license thing has changed - so I'm not sure of my answers Bobb *§: me am i mean GhostRider©Æ: *Paid $40 for client* Bobb *§: fdree ~Joy©Æ: ^brb Hank: you got a q lil? Obi: 40? lol i paid 25 sheesh did we get scalped Lilady©: what does the 'banlist {str} mean...want to know what the [str] means .ªßJ´.: mine was like 35 .ªßJ´.: for member code Hank: ok - the banlist lets you look up a ban Hank: the STR can be a regkey, a puid, a name, or an IP Lilady©: ok ty Hank: but.... Lilady©: but? Obi: ^Q ~Joy©Æ: Jonas {~ß~}: That's just to look up a particular one in your banlist right? Hank: the key you use to look up the ban has to be the key that was used to make the ban .ªßJ´.: brb Mad Daddy: :Hank and his "but" *** Page from System: .ªßJ´. has logged off, 8 wizards remain(including you) ~Joy©Æ: heh Kandy©*§: LOL Ditzi §ø§: LOL Hank: :butt? Sißßy© {~J~}: LOL Lilady©: lol Bobb *§: lol Kandy©*§: wooohooo Jonas {~ß~}: LOL SwtNita: LOL hank .Gemô ÷: LOLOL ~Joy©Æ: :munching Bobb *§: bite him Jouy ~Joy©Æ: hey! Jonas {~ß~}: ^Q Hank: :watch the ears ~Joy©Æ: where's my lunch? ~Joy©Æ: sheesh SwtNita: lmao Hank: yes Obi? .Deven ÷: lol GR SwtNita: LOL ghost cute ~Joy©Æ: awwwww GR....too cute :) Sißßy© {~J~}: GR that is GREAT Obi: can you clarify the propcontrol command ~Joy©Æ: hahah Obi Hank: yes and no Kandy©*§: awww hon!...woooohoooeys ~Joy©Æ: yes and no? Hank: it's new and I don't know a lot about it Mad Daddy: :but? ~Joy©Æ: should i get my angel out too? Isa: lol MD Hank: I know what it's for - but not the details of usin it Sißßy© {~J~}: From what I understand .Deven ÷: :joy is buckin for class clown title Ditzi §ø§: whats it for? Obi: all i get when i turn it on is a message that says only gods can add props... SwtNita: lol Deven Sißßy© {~J~}: the prop control is that they can only wear the props in YOUR palace prp Hank: it allows you to restrict what props people can wear ~Joy©Æ: welp Obi: kinda made me think of custom off Isa: hmmmmm Mad Daddy: Cool Bobb *§: hmmmm like south park Kandy©*§: yep ~Joy©Æ: :ill be quiet now Ditzi §ø§: i dont think ppl would like that Sißßy© {~J~}: not sure tho Ditzi §ø§: if they could only wear my props...hmmmm ~Joy©Æ: haha Ditzi Obi: :thats why i want that 4.3.2 pdf lol Hank: Southpark uses it Hank: and everyone hates it Bobb *§: i know Bobb *§: maintains their theme though ~Joy©Æ: :hiding GhostRider©Æ: Southpark is retarded, to begin with. Obi: and their speed Hank: Q over on the right? Isa: :never been to Southpark...never want to SwtNita: :another note, dont go to southpark Lilady©: i have noticed the few times when im in the palace some of my av disappears off of me Jonas {~ß~}: Can the STR in the banlist command also be used to find a keyword in your banlist comments? Hank: yes and no Jonas {~ß~}: LOL Hank: the STR is very sensitive to case and such Isa: :again with the yes and no? Obi: :*nix Mad Daddy: LOL Isa Jonas {~ß~}: Ok Hank: you pretty much have to get the name exactly right Bobb *§: ^Q Hank: sometimes it will find a partial name ~Joy©Æ: ^Q Isa: ^Q Jonas {~ß~}: No I don't mean for names RedHook©: bbl Ditzi §ø§: bye red Jonas {~ß~}: I mean if you put "prop ban" in the COMMENTS for your ban... Hank: what else wudya search for? Hank: no - you can't ssearch the comments Jonas {~ß~}: Oh ok Obi: ^wish list items for uutil page Hank: Bob? Jonas {~ß~}: thanx Bobb *§: anyway to combat those with antiallscray? Kandy©*§: lol Bobb *§: or Macs with a secret Hank: yes - there are versions of allscray that cannot be defeated ~Joy©Æ: ^Q Hank: I'll find one and send it out with the class log Mad Daddy: :Nuke all Macs Bobb *§: where can I find them .Deven ÷: :pushy joysie wit her question Hank: Joy? Bobb *§: ty ~Joy©Æ: is there a way to see who used a certain script? ~Joy©Æ: like the blanket one? Hank: most of the time yes Hank: if you are wizzed up and in the room Hank: when it happens Hank: otherwise - no ~Joy©Æ: :i was ~Joy©Æ: but couldn't see it ~Joy©Æ: even the god couldn't see it Hank: usually the log says "so and so is shouting" Hank: then no - no way ~Joy©Æ: do you have it? Hank: there is one trick I use SwtNita: I only see that on a few scripts Hank: turn off scripts - then watch for who says it Jonas {~ß~}: LOL Sißßy© {~J~}: to late then Bobb *§: lol ~Joy©Æ: oooooooooo Jonas {~ß~}: nice trick Hank SwtNita: LOL ~Joy©Æ: clever! Mad Daddy: :Oooo Tricky Hank: yes Isa? Jonas {~ß~}: Not when someone is on a roll sissy ~Joy©Æ: :snicker Isa: this is a long one.... Hank: ok Hank: go ahead too Obi Obi: grep capability to search logs for people that dont want to use unix and 2.notification by email of wizfails Isa: about props that you sometimes can't see....I've been told two different ways to make them appear... Isa: dotting...and giving them a unique name SwtNita: ohh cute joy Hank: how about just a webpage to analyze logs for things like wizfails? Isa: which is better and why? Obi: that would be nice Hank: both work Isa Sißßy© {~J~}: the new cersion is supposed to address teh prp seeing Jonas {~ß~}: All props SHOULD be given a unique name regardless of whether you see them or not Isa... Jonas {~ß~}: And dotting always works for the stubborn ones Mad Daddy: Rarely done ~Joy©Æ: :o Isa: lol a perfect world Hank: does everyone understand how props and prop rooms work and how to fix em and back em up? GhostRider©Æ: It sometimes werks. Isa: name first..then dot if that doesn't work? Lilady©: no SwtNita: no new to prop rooms Bobb *§: no ~Joy©Æ: a friend of mine couldn't find a corrupted prop? Bobb *§: ditto what nita said Jonas {~ß~}: Yeah Isa Hank: y'all want the quick version of props 101? Isa: thanks, Jonas Mad Daddy: :Kinda clued in ~Joy©Æ: in her bag Bobb *§: yes ~Joy©Æ: k SwtNita: yes then maybe prop 102 too Kandy©*§: go for it Hank Hank: ok - the server has a prop bag and everyon's home puter has a prop bag Mad Daddy: :is this gonna be an all nighter? ~Joy©Æ: :shh MD Ditzi §ø§: ^lol Ditzi §ø§: Hank: when you log on - the server sends yur puter a message that says - use the following prop serial numbers Hank: and yur client says - I am wearing the following prop serial numbers Hank: so - yur prop bag at home saves all the props you have seen - not just the ones you see when you open yur bag Hank: :that's why it gets so big ~Joy©Æ: lol ~Joy©Æ: why are some props corrupt? ~Joy©Æ: what causes it? Jonas {~ß~}: They overeat Hank: because they get sent back and forth so much Hank: bits get corrupted in transmission ~Joy©Æ: ah Obi: :specially at the adult palaces ~Joy©Æ: :really? Hank: ok - so you log on and you see a guy with the left side of his face missing Mad Daddy: :Hate dem corrupted bits Hank: the prop for the left side of his face is corrupt either on the server or in yur home bag ~Joy©Æ: how do you fix it? Hank: no real easy way to tell ~Joy©Æ: or is there a way? ~Joy©Æ: ah Hank: you can do what Isa said - dot the prop or name it Jonas {~ß~}: having the dot the missing piece usually always works Jonas {~ß~}: having them even SwtNita: wb J ~Joy©Æ: ya mean the pixel thingy? Hank: that changes the serial number of the prop and it is resent Jonas {~ß~}: yep ~Joy©Æ: wb SJ .ªßJ´.: thanks Obi: if its you that have the corrupt prop the server will tell you ~Joy©Æ: k .ªßJ´.: man i forgot my gate lock password.. GhostRider©Æ: Any way to get the corrupted prop out of the bags? Hank: the new server versions reject corrupt props SwtNita: flush Hank: yes - purgew yur home bag Hank: if the prop is corrupt there ~Joy©Æ: oh Ditzi §ø§: to correct a corrupt prop...mark only one piece as head and resave it ~Joy©Æ: is it better to purge props after every palace session? Hank: if it is on the server you use flushprops and purgeprops Hank: does everyone know about the server prop commands? SwtNita: use both? Hank: not both SwtNita: ok ~Joy©Æ: i aint touching that one * .ªßJ´. * is their a way i can get my lock password somewere ~Joy©Æ: no sireeeeeeeee SwtNita: whats the diff then? Lilady©: what is the difference between the flushprops and purgeprops Hank: when you boot your server, the prop file is read into memory Hank: purgeprops effects the memory copy only SwtNita: ok Hank: flushprops writes the file back to disk Lilady©: do u do both? Hank: usually do a flush if a purge dosen't help Mad Daddy: That is only locally right? SwtNita: ok Hank: if you have prop rooms - do regular flushes Jonas {~ß~}: But show your props to the server first Ditzi §ø§: LOL and use bleach Lilady©: my prop rooms aren't open yet ~Joy©Æ: how regular? Hank: also - a purge or a flush will kill prop rooms if you don't take precautions ~Joy©Æ: eeeekkkkkk! SwtNita: precautions? Hank: once a week is a good number Joy Ditzi §ø§: yep flash n flush Mad Daddy: :Paying close attention now ~Joy©Æ: k, thanks :) Lilady©: what will happen? GhostRider©Æ: Does keeping a prop vault, with the props out, on the floor prevent that? Hank: ok - the purge and the flush don't know one prop from another - they will kill the props for yur prop rooms if yur not careful ~Joy©Æ: k what to do then? Bobb *§: wear them? Hank: there are three ways to save the props for your prop rooms from a flush or purge Bobb *§: 1 a day? Hank: 1- prop vault - what Ghost said SwtNita: whats a prop vault? GhostRider©Æ: Look, before you flush. Right? Ditzi §ø§: which can fill up alot of rooms real fast Hank: have a room where all the props are laying out Hank: then the server is always seeing them so it dosen't flush them SwtNita: ohh ok Jonas {~ß~}: Mother gets mad at us for that...too many! LOL Hank: 2- Flash and Flush Ditzi §ø§: lol yep Hank: flash means go through yiur prop rooms Hank: and look at your props GhostRider©Æ: k Jonas {~ß~}: :Don't forget your PRIVATE prop rooms for just yourself Hank: then when you flush, the server will have just 'seen' them so it will leave them SwtNita: ok Hank: 3 - Flush and Flash Hank: go ahead and flush - and then go in after and fill the prop generators back in from yur bag Jonas {~ß~}: ^Q ~Joy©Æ: won't save the props you don't have in your prob bag tho..right? Hank: yes Jonas? SwtNita: no joy wont Jonas {~ß~}: Is any one way better than another? ~Joy©Æ: k Hank: no Joy Hank: I like the Flush and Flash Obi: :I may be anal about it but I keep seperate prop bags for authoring and archive them so I can reload my rooms with if I lose props Jonas {~ß~}: Yeah that sounded more complete Hank: ok - a word about your prop bag at home SwtNita: me to obi .Gemô ÷: i do too obi Obi: 4- truncate and restore LOL Sißßy© {~J~}: hehe me too now thanks to Obi Hank: it has all the props you see when you open it - PLUS every prop you have seen Hank: yes - what OBI said is right Mad Daddy: Is there a way to access all of them? Hank: there are two ways to backup your props SwtNita: i have a prop bag for each prop room Hank: one is our user utility page Jonas {~ß~}: Only one bag at a time Mad GhostRider©Æ: With a super secret C program, MD. Hank: the othe is your local prop bag SwtNita: how with the server? SwtNita: backups?? Hank: we have a utility on our page that will shut down your server and make a backup copy of the prop file Hank: you shud use it after you make a lot of prop changes Ditzi §ø§: thats alot easier than downloading the prp file LOL Hank: but the quickest and easiest backup is your local prop bag ~Joy©Æ: yeah what Ditzi said Hank: thenif you really get a lot of corrupt props you do what Obi said Hank: you zero out the prop file and fill back in from your local bag Jonas {~ß~}: ^Q Hank: yes Jonas? Jonas {~ß~}: Is there a size limit to the prp anymore? Jonas {~ß~}: Before it explodes? ~Joy©Æ: :good question Hank: nope Ditzi §ø§: oh cool Mad Daddy: :Really really big Hank: one last thing about props Jonas {~ß~}: Client? Hank: the "virgi" prop bag Hank: oops Hank: I meant virgin prop bag ~Joy©Æ: :we knew that Mad Daddy: :I knew that ~Joy©Æ: :hehehe Hank: if you have prop rooms - get a virgin prop bag ~Joy©Æ: gives a new meaning to Palace voc Lilady©: where do u get it at? Hank: that's a prop bag fresh from when you install palace Obi: :an "ad" for a prop utility if I may Sißßy© {~J~}: they are at the palace website Hank: you can get it from the palace download section on their web page Ditzi §ø§: lol obi Mad Daddy: Cool Hank: the reason for a virgin prop bag is..... SwtNita: think its download/extras Mad Daddy: Pleas do Obi Hank: if you want to really check out yur prop rooms - use a virgin bag Hank: otherwise any problems you see could be in yur ocal bag Mad Daddy: :Isa should be able to help me with that Hank: yes Obi? ~Joy©Æ: ^brb Isa: lol Obi: I wrote a prop bag changer for windows that will allow you to have unlimited number of prop bags and also save the macros associated with EACH bag Mad Daddy: Uh-huh Hank: cool Kandy©*§: ooo Obi! Obi: it installs a virgin bag when you add a prop bag Bobb *§: wow GhostRider©Æ: You stud. .Deven ÷: ohhhhh Hank: :need to talk to Obi Obi: its freeware Kandy©*§: give give give plzzzzy! Sißßy© {~J~}: LOL Jonas {~ß~}: LOL Hank! Ditzi §ø§: i think i have it obi Lilady©: :whats it called obi? SwtNita: :Obi lost me Hank: I just got a phone call from someone who assasinated their palace Isa: where can you get it? Kandy©*§: :I wanna take Obi home Bobb *§: ooops Jonas {~ß~}: Uh oh Hank Sißßy© {~J~}: oh no Obi: you can download it from my website Hank: ok if I go BRB for a few? Obi: @10,10 ^My website: Captured a URL, see log. I have captured a possible WWW address from Obi: "" SwtNita: addy obi? SwtNita: ty Isa: sure Hank Jonas {~ß~}: Run hank Run Hank: ^brb GhostRider©Æ: ty Obi Bobb *§: ty obi Obi: also have a util that allows you to save alsscray commands and such so that youdont typo Ditzi §ø§: is that PFM obi? Obi: yep Mad Daddy: What is it called obi? Ditzi §ø§: yeah...thanks Bobb *§: woohoo Lilady©: ty obi Kandy©*§: Thank You! Obi Kandy©*§: [[*-*]] Hank: they are not there Bobb *§: =^..^= GhostRider©Æ: o well SwtNita: anyplace to find a full list of allscray commands? Obi: they are just iptscray SwtNita: ok GhostRider©Æ: anything you can do in Iptscrae. Swt. Ditzi §ø§: it suggestion time? Jonas {~ß~}: Hey Obi... Obi: anything new on the poundprotect command hank? Jonas {~ß~}: They were asking for the names of your programs... Mad Daddy: Hank is BRB Hank: the pound protect command is undocumented Obi: PFM for the propbag manager and ptms for the text macro sender Hank: you want to know about it? Kandy©*§: aye .Deven ÷: yes Obi: i read something in the newsletter but was wondering if you have anything new about it Hank: ok - the new servers have an undocumented feature for pound protection Hank: nothing over what's in the newsletter Hank: does anyone need an explanation of pounding? Sißßy© {~J~}: yup Isa: yes SwtNita: please Bobb *§: yes Jonas {~ß~}: Nope .Gemô ÷: yes please GhostRider©Æ: ae SwtNita: LOL Jonas Lilady©: :im lost Ditzi §ø§: lol jonas...lets just hope we dont get pounded Jonas {~ß~}: Obi's my boss...he told me SwtNita: LOL Isa: :always wants to hear the explanations Hank: ok - pounding is an attack on your server by flooding it with invalid packets Jonas {~ß~}: :-) Bobb *§: yikes Hank: a pounder attacks your server without logging on Hank: so bans will not stop them Sißßy© {~J~}: !YIKES .Gemô ÷: whoaaa Hank: the attack is at the packet level GhostRider©Æ: The telnet peek? Hank: the newer versions have protection against pounding built in Sißßy© {~J~}: whew Hank: but you have to turn it on SwtNita: how? Hank: CC says there will be a "minor performance hit" if you turn it on Sißßy© {~J~}: what does that mean Kandy©*§: ??? Ditzi §ø§: what does that mean? Bobb *§: lagg? Hank: to turn it on just type 'poundprotect on SwtNita: ok Hank: from what I can see so far - the "minor performance hit" is unnoticeable Bobb *§: kewl Hank: but I haven't done much testing Mad Daddy: That is what is also known as a "denial of service" attack correct? Hank: what pound protection does is......... Hank: if it sees more than a certain number of packets from the same IP within a second - it locks out that IP Isa: cool SwtNita: kewl Kandy©*§: whoaaaa great Hank: yes - pounding is a denial of service attack - and a federal crime Mad Daddy: aka mass pinging Hank: we have turned over three pounders to the FBI since we started hosting palaces Isa: does that work for people who are using scripts to lag out the server to? Sißßy© {~J~}: in otherwards if someone does a mass pingin Sißßy© {~J~}: yeah what MD said Hank: it is more than a mass pinging .Gemô ÷: wow Hank: mass pinging uses valid packets Sißßy© {~J~}: ahhh Hank: pounding uses garbage packets Mad Daddy: Okay Hank: the server has to spend time trying to figure out each garbage packet - and gets bogged down Obi: ;note to self stop pounding hank NOW Isa: lol Obi Jonas {~ß~}: LOL Obi Kandy©*§: lol Mad Daddy: LOL obi Sißßy© {~J~}: LOL Obi ~Joy©Æ: well guys....i'm off..thanks for the info.....was great :) Sißßy© {~J~}: ok so will it revers the pounding Hank: :thas OK OBI - I'm sending you some nice people to talk to you :-) SwtNita: take care Joy Jonas {~ß~}: Night Joy Lilady©: bye joy .Deven ÷: laters mega Sißßy© {~J~}: and shut THEM down ~Joy©Æ: you all take care :) GhostRider©Æ: Laterz, Joy. Kandy©*§: toodles Joy...take care Bobb *§: bye Joy ~Joy©Æ: :poof .Gemô ÷: later megas Ditzi §ø§: bye joy *** Page from System: ~Joy©Æ has logged off, 7 wizards remain(including you) Hank: bye Joy Jonas {~ß~}: You can't "reverse" a pounding Sissy Jonas {~ß~}: But it will ban their IP Sißßy© {~J~}: thats a shame Obi: :you can but its illegal Mad Daddy: LOL Hank: :what Obi said Jonas {~ß~}: LOL as I said Obi... Isa: lol Obi Jonas {~ß~}: LOL Lance: later joy Jonas {~ß~}: Two wrongs make four cuffs... GhostRider©Æ: Anything's legal, if you don't get caught. Hank: anyone got any security rumors/questions/etc? Ditzi §ø§: i have a suggestion Isa: I have a question about allscray Hank: ok SwtNita: yes.. anything being done about cey`tan Hank: who's that? GhostRider©Æ: A major Jerk. SwtNita: he hacked 2 sites, killed 118 rooms in Dawn2Dusk Isa: yup Sißßy© {~J~}: lol Hank: send me his info Sißßy© {~J~}: yeah he sure did Jonas {~ß~}: Ouch .Gemô ÷: gotta run...thanks for everything hank. SwtNita: ok i have it in mail Hank: I'll talk to his ISP .Gemô ÷: have a good one folks Jonas {~ß~}: Night Gem Obi: yes... how secure is the uutils page? especially since our passwords are up there... SwtNita: I got a mail he had 3 or 4 IPs .Deven ÷: yep yep..laters all Ditzi §ø§: bye Obi: nighht gem Kandy©*§: u too Gem...hugggerz .Deven ÷: tanks for the info hank Hank: they are as secure as yur passwords Isa: his IP is an it doesn't matter Jonas {~ß~}: I think that's the question Hank...LOL Jonas {~ß~}: How secure ARE our passwords? LOL Ditzi §ø§: ^suggestion Hank: question for you all - I have mixed feelings about the password lookup utuility SwtNita: I dont like it Obi: i dont like it either Hank: is it a handy feature or a security risk? Jonas {~ß~}: Risk Isa: both SwtNita: risk GhostRider©Æ: *Never seen it* Jonas {~ß~}: IMO Kandy©*§: Risk Lance: risk Bobb *§: risk Ditzi §ø§: i love it because to lock a room there is no double command to enter the password Hank: I agree Obi: packet sniffer means your smoked Hank: we'll take it down Ditzi §ø§: so if you mistype it...then you cant find it Bobb *§: write it down Bobb *§: off the puter Ditzi §ø§: yes but if you make a typeo...then you cant get in Hank: the alternative is if you lose yur wiz and god words you will have to contact us to get it Obi: thats acceptable Jonas {~ß~}: I'd rather do that hank Kandy©*§: yep Bobb *§: nods GhostRider©Æ: Gotta edit the pscript, Ditz. Hank: ok - that's how I feel about it too Hank: thanks for the confirmation :-) Obi: now if only you used secure login on telnet LOL Ditzi §ø§: is that info in the dat file? Jonas {~ß~}: LOL go Obi GhostRider©Æ: YEah. The dat. Hank: the passwords are in the dat file yes - encrypted Ditzi §ø§: k Ditzi §ø§: well chit i cant read encrypted GhostRider©Æ: I use SCI, too. There, it's the pscript. Hank: our shell does support secure shell Obi Isa: room passwords are encrypted too? Hank: yes Isa Obi: great I will start using it then thx! Ditzi §ø§: good thing chatserve is halfway local...ill just call LOL Obi: if they get your dat it doesnt matter you are through until you fix the security hole IMO Hank: yea for you Ditzi :-) Ditzi §ø§: ^suggestion Hank: yes? Ditzi §ø§: i think the email list to hook up all chatserve palaces is an excellent idea....and Hank: :and? Ditzi §ø§: i think there should be a way for addition to the announcements on the palace page Hank: like what? Mad Daddy: Special palace events? Ditzi §ø§: like upcoming events...or new and exciting rooms Hank: we have a listing on our web site Hank: ok Obi: use a sign as your entry av then go hopping LOL Jonas {~ß~}: LOL Obi... Isa: lol Obi Ditzi §ø§: would be nice to have another form of publicity Hank: hey Obi? Mad Daddy: LOL Obi Jonas {~ß~}: :done that Bobb *§: lol Obi: ruh roh...busted yes hank? Jonas {~ß~}: LOL SwtNita: lol Lilady©: lol Hank: can I steal that AV? :-) Jonas {~ß~}: LOL Sißßy© {~J~}: LOL Kandy©*§: lol SwtNita: LOL Obi: you can have it Sißßy© {~J~}: man he has had that for YEARS Hank: !THANKS!! Obi: give it back GhostRider©Æ: It is a cutie. Obi: LOL Isa: lol Mad Daddy: :Hank be a happy camper Jonas {~ß~}: LMAO SwtNita: lol Obi Kandy©*§: aye it Hank: you said I cud have it :-P Obi: LOL hank Isa: time for an allscray Q? Hank: ok Isa Hank: :gonna yotefy this Isa: it's about the script that stops allscray from working Hank: anti-allscray - yes Isa: you said there is a version that gets around that, right? Hank: yup GhostRider©Æ: !Death to antiscray!! Kandy©*§: awww hon! Hank: I'll find it and add it to the log of this class Obi: just kill em LOL no script blocks that Isa: ok.....what about the people that try to use allscray on a god to get the passwords in a palace? Mad Daddy: LOL Kandy©*§: both? Hank: there is no way to use allscray to get a password - but...... SwtNita: yikies Isa Jonas {~ß~}: That's when ban comes in handy Isa Jonas {~ß~}: LOL SwtNita: but again Mad Daddy: :but again Isa: if the allscray protection doesn't work, are we at risk again? Ditzi §ø§: well it happened to me Hank: if yur allscray is set up so that non wiz/gods can access it.... Isa: I've seen it done, Hank Hank: then people can use wizzes and gods like bots Isa: exactly Hank: but they cannot get the password Isa: and I have the allscray stop thing to prevent that Obi: use ao and restrict it to badge wearing wizards... Isa: but...should I have something else? Hank: :what Obi said SwtNita: you mean the stars obi? Isa: don't allow as? Hank: ^phone Ditzi §ø§: and what is that text string exactly? Isa: in the palace at all? Obi: on my webpage Obi: LOL Mad Daddy: LOL Jonas {~ß~}: LOL GhostRider©Æ:'t matter, as long as you restrict to badged ppl. Kandy©*§: :got that booked Sißßy© {~J~}: plethera of info on that site SwtNita: gonna have a lota visits to your web page Mad Daddy: :Obi is going for 100K hits Jonas {~ß~}: LOL Ditzi §ø§: is that a string we should put in the gate? Ditzi §ø§: or in our borg? Obi: and in each room you want to use it Obi: no not the borg GhostRider©Æ: It is part of the core scray script, at the gate. SwtNita: :sigh Isa: what does it do exactly, Ghost? Isa: looks for the *? Ditzi §ø§: so if its at the gate and it is global then we are protected right? GhostRider©Æ: It is an if statement, that checks the name for a star. Isa: k, Ghost Obi: LOL you can make alscay do all kind of fun things Isa: we have that GhostRider©Æ: No Star, no go. Isa: but I have seen someone come into the palace...without the star Isa: take over a god SwtNita: ouch Isa: and run with it Kandy©*§: yikes! Jonas {~ß~}: Only wiz/gods can wear the star Ditzi §ø§: and sent me to kids nation...ROFL Isa: right Mad Daddy: LOL GhostRider©Æ: Take over, how? SwtNita: LOL Di Bobb *§: how isa Obi: probably because the god used zombie in his/her borg Obi: DUMB move GhostRider©Æ: Not if the scray and their borg are right. Isa: dunno, Ghost....he said he did it with allscray Ditzi §ø§: it wasnt a god or a wiz and i was goded up Lilady©: i have a wiz that can pin a god in his borg Isa: that's when we put the stop allscray commands in our borg Mad Daddy: : I think we should all make a point of visiting Obi's page SwtNita: that can be gotten around tho Isa Kandy©*§: :hmmm need that too then Obi: never ever have zombie in your borg if you are a wiz Isa: yeah..he was a guest...we were gods Ditzi §ø§: then he changed the god password too Kandy©*§: noted Obi Isa: yup...locked us out of the palace GhostRider©Æ: How did he get the pw? SwtNita: damn Di, did you know who he was? Ditzi §ø§: yeah Isa: he was just playing...not malicious Ditzi §ø§: i dunno ghost...from his borg Isa: showing us what peeps could do Kandy©*§: dam! Bobb *§: ditto1 Bobb *§: ! Kandy©*§: u thinkn what i'm thinkn bb Mad Daddy: :waving hand wildly, "I think I know who it is" Sißßy© {~J~}: did you find out how he got the PW Ditzi §ø§: so we were told if we put anti scray in our borg...then that couldnt happen Isa: any suggestions? SwtNita: I know someone who had gotten around peps with anitallscray in their borgs GhostRider©Æ: That doesn't explain how he got the godpass. Ditzi §ø§: he didnt get it...he changed it Sißßy© {~J~}: did he tell you how he changed it GhostRider©Æ: You can't change pws without first having it. Obi: the godpass should NOT be in your borg Isa: it's not Obi: but if you have zombie enabled and he "zombies" you then he can make you change passwords and etc Isa: but what I'm wondering is about the stuff that stops the anti-allscray Jonas {~ß~}: You can't change the god pw unless you are a God Isa: he did it without being a god, Jonas Ditzi §ø§: i dont think i have zombie Mad Daddy: What Obi said GhostRider©Æ: With say...ahhhhh... *LIGHTBULB* GhostRider©Æ: Does that werk? Kandy©*§: know that.. SwtNita: is lightbulb, halo, etc zombi?? Ditzi §ø§: dont have zombie in my borg Isa: what is a zombie? Obi: when hank gets off the phobne I would like to try something Isa: explain that please? Mad Daddy: :Obi is going to breath fire? Obi: zombie is a script that allows someone else to control your client Ditzi §ø§: with zombie in there they execute a command...that makes you change it only you dont know it SwtNita: obi blonde here, dunno what you mean Isa: without your consent? and how do you stop it? GhostRider©Æ: Don't put it in your borg. Jonas {~ß~}: take zombie outta yer borg Ditzi §ø§: make sure you dont have zombie in your borg Mad Daddy: Why would anyone want that in their script? Isa: never heard of it before...I don't have it Ditzi §ø§: cept i dont have it so i still dont know how he did it Sißßy© {~J~}: do you have to have it in YOUR borg for them to be able to use it? Obi: for bots mainly Kandy©*§: me neither... GhostRider©Æ: DMSB?? Who knows. Bobb *§: dom/sub? Jonas {~ß~}: yes Sissy Sißßy© {~J~}: ty GhostRider©Æ: ^BRB Mad Daddy: Hmmm Hank: back Isa: wb Bobb *§: wb hank Lilady©: wb Ditzi §ø§: wb Kandy©*§: w/b Hank SwtNita: wb hank Jonas {~ß~}: :ooh goodie Hank: thanks Jonas {~ß~}: wb Hank Hank: :love this AV Obi Mad Daddy: :Have to remember to zombify scriptsI hand out Jonas {~ß~}: Now we can watch Obi make Hank his guinea pig.... Isa: lol MD Obi: hank we have been having a discussion on zombie and passwords I have a proposition for you Hank: ok GhostRider©Æ: DMSB=Dum Sum Bit Obi: but i would like to try it later in private and you can email the results to the palace owners Hank: :is this gonna hurt? Kandy©*§: w/b and LOL SwtNita: LOL hank Mad Daddy: Awwwwwwwwwww Bobb *§: awwwwwwwww Ditzi §ø§: LOL Obi: kind of make them feel better about the whole thing Mad Daddy: I wanna watch Hank: feel bvetter about what? Bobb *§: me too X2 Lilady©: me too.. Obi: the password changing by allscray issue Jonas {~ß~}: You gotta lotta scrollin to do Hank...LOL Hank: ah Ditzi §ø§: lol Hank: I see Mad Daddy: :Obi is on top of this stuff Hank: if yur allscray is set up wrong - a snert could use a god to set the passowrds Kandy©*§: dang Obi: yep Hank: wow - that's right Obi: or a mad wiz... Mad Daddy: :aha Ditzi §ø§: so do a search for zombie on our borg? GhostRider©Æ: Got the essence; but, what exactly is a snert? Isa: uh-huh SwtNita: then just how should it be set up to block that? Hank: a snert is just a generic name for a troublemaker Jonas {~ß~}: :snert Obi: LOL Jonas Hank: zombie has nothin to do with it Mad Daddy: :Snert Daddy? Isa: do we know we have that blocked? Ditzi §ø§: uh oh Hank: yur allscray has to be set up so it is accessable only to wizzes and gods Isa: did that...didn't help SwtNita: can you add that to the log then Hank? Sißßy© {~J~}: psst Hank: sure Isa: he got in anyway GhostRider©Æ: Also, set it to not effect staff. Hank: who? Obi: isa you probably didnt restrict it SwtNita: :need allscray classes Isa: restrict it how? besides the * thing? Obi: take a peek at my website it shows the restricted and NON restricted versions Ditzi §ø§: so you will put instructions on how to restrict this? Isa: ok, Obi GhostRider©Æ: That's hoe, I. SwtNita: ok obi Mad Daddy: :Listen to Obi Isa, he has a ray gun Hank: log onto your palace and try to use allscray to get someone to saysomething - without wizzing up GhostRider©Æ: how, even Jonas {~ß~}: LOL MD Isa: with msay? Hank: if you can use allscray without wizzing up - that is a MAJOR security problem Hank: no - allscray GhostRider©Æ: not msay. just say Isa: well, I can't use it without wizzin up...but he did Ditzi §ø§: thats right Obi: like as 'godpass iownyounowhahahahahaha GhostRider©Æ: Is there scray in here? Isa: how did he do that? Obi: *wink* Hank: not sure - Obi? Obi: huh hank? Bobb *§: ;allscray "Yes" say Bobb *§: nope Hank: why wud a non wiz be able to allscray Isa: lol Bobb Ditzi §ø§: something in his borg allowed him to Obi: some palaces think its a cool way to let nonmembers play with scripts *GhostRider©Æ: ;as "Hank be da bomb." say Bobb *§: yikes Obi: a throwback to the pay for palace days Isa: yeah, he said he had something in his borg that got around it *GhostRider©Æ: No werky. Obi: very dangerous as hank said Hank: :I don't have allscray here Bobb *§: nope Obi: snerts tend to lie and make you think they are smarter than they are Ditzi §ø§: lol Isa: but I saw him do it ,Obi...dunno how he did it, but he did Hank: ok guys I gotta run work at the fair Isa: I thought someone here might know? Ditzi §ø§: thank god he was a friend and was alerting us GhostRider©Æ: Thanx a bunch, Hank. Jonas {~ß~}: Thanks for your time Hank Kandy©*§: k Hank ...thanx...very informative Sißßy© {~J~}: thanks for EVERYTHING Hank Obi: if you have allscray for everyone he could SwtNita: nice to meet you hank thank you Isa: thanks Hank Bobb *§: thanks hank Sißßy© {~J~}: very educational Lilady©: ty hank and have a nice time Obi: have a great day hank Ditzi §ø§: thank you Hank GhostRider©Æ: Where's yer palace, Isa? Kandy©*§: and we will get the log with the goodies right/ Mad Daddy: :I think if anyone knew it would prolly be Obi Hank: I'll post the log Kandy©*§: okies Bobb *§: when? Hank: feel fre to stay and chat SwtNita: kewl gonna need it Sißßy© {~J~}: carreful MD Isa: you wanna come steal the passwords, Ghost?...LOLOL Kandy©*§: will check back for it Hank: today Bobb *§: cool Obi: gr can you go to isas and see if you can allscry as a non wiz? GhostRider©Æ: Just see if I can finger it out, fer ya. Hank: ok have a blast all - thanks for comin SwtNita: where will it be posted at? Kandy©*§: Fantastic! huggggy Hank: Obi - we'll talk :-) Mad Daddy: Thanks Hank Isa: k, Hank: it will be on our web page Kandy©*§: k SwtNita: ty Hank: :poof GhostRider©Æ: got it. Obi: i am on a firewall so I have to add her to go there No Connection