June 26, 1999 Palace Class held by Hank

Opening Log
VIBEL(CLIPPER"S): hehehe deven
.Deven ÷:         hiyas hank
~Cally~:          hi hank
Tigger©ô:         hi hank
LittLe0nE  .ß:    huggers Hank how are you please
Hank:             hey all
Maryellen©:       Hi Hank
LittLe0nE  .ß:    hiya Higgy
Maryellen©:       Hi Higgy
~Cally~:          Hi higgy
~ash~{ß's}:       heya Hig *S*
Smagle©ô:         Hi ya's Higgy :)
Hank:             :did everyone do their homework? :-)
LittLe0nE  .ß:    hiya Gem
.Deven ÷:         !Baby
~Cally~:          Hi gem
Smagle©ô:         hello Gem :)
Smagle©ô:         Hi Tanis :-)
LittLe0nE  .ß:    hiya Tanis
~ash~{ß's}:       afternoon, Gem...Tanis *S*
~Cally~:          Hi baby
~Cally~:          smiles
VIBEL(CLIPPER"S): hi tanis
Higgy~(B's):      hello A/all
Hank:             :ok please pass your homework assignments to the 
front of the room
VIBEL(CLIPPER"S): cally tanis like to float lol
~Cally~:          hehe hank
Jordan:           back
~ash~{ß's}:       :homework?  my brother ate my homework...
~Cally~:          yep...lol
Smagle©ô:         :my dog ate mine
Hank:             :thot it was yur dog
VIBEL(CLIPPER"S): so did mine sorry
Tanis©:           Tanis says HI and HELLO to:, LittLe0nE  .ß, Jordan, 
Cartman©, Cartman's Chica!, Bratô, ~ash~{ß's}, Maryellen©, ~Cally~, 
.Deven ÷, VIBEL(CLIPPER"S), Smagle©ô, Tigger©ô, Hank, Higgy~(B's), 
.Gemô  ÷
* LittLe0nE  .ß * i was molested this week and part of last Hank i 
didnt get home work
Smagle©ô:         LOL
~ash~{ß's}:       don't have a dog...
Smagle©ô:         Gem?
Smagle©ô:         you stuck?
Higgy~(B's):      aw ash he got mine 1st
.Deven ÷:         :she may be laggin
Hank:             ok is everyone here?
~ash~{ß's}:       who...my brother ate your homework, too?  sheesh
Maryellen©:       :the cat ate mine
Smagle©ô:         I am
Smagle©ô:         lol
VIBEL(CLIPPER"S): lol yuppers
~Cally~:          yep..smiles
~ash~{ß's}:       i think Silk is coming along...
Hank:             anyone who is not here please raise your hand
Maryellen©:       Hi Tanis
~ash~{ß's}:       :what if it's a wing?
Maryellen©:       ^hand
.Deven ÷:         mentally or physically?
LittLe0nE  .ß:    put your hand down silly
Hank:             :or wing or paw
Smagle©ô:         Is this considered raising?
~ash~{ß's}:       lol
Maryellen©:       ok
Bratô:            ^fang
VIBEL(CLIPPER"S): lol smags
Maryellen©:       ^wing
Hank:             OK my name is Hank and I'm from chatserve
.Deven ÷:         hi baby
~Cally~:          hi hank
Jordan:           hi hank..
Bratô:            Hiyas Hank
Hank:             if yur here for the wiz/god/palace class yur in the 
right place
Higgy~(B's):      hey Hank
~ash~{ß's}:       *wave*
Maryellen©:       Hi Hank from Chatserv
Hank:             if yur here to pick up a quick date please do it quietly
Jordan:           I thought this was NA
VIBEL(CLIPPER"S): good smags we found the right place lol
.Deven ÷:         lol
Smagle©ô:         ROFL
Tigger©ô:         lol
LittLe0nE  .ß:    rofl
Higgy~(B's):      how quiet
Smagle©ô:         :scouting the room for a quicky
Hank:             so - let's start with everyone saying what palace 
they're from
LittLe0nE  .ß:    Bayou Dreams
Cartman©:         Cartmans Hangout
Hank:             !MS!!!!
~ash~{ß's}:       Bayou Dreams *S*
Jordan:           Cartmans Hangout
Higgy~(B's):      Bayou Dreams
VIBEL(CLIPPER"S): smagsworld
~Cally~:          Splendors of Nature
Tigger©ô:         Smag's & Tigger's World
Maryellen©:       My Corner
Smagle©ô:         Smags & Tiggers World
Bratô:            ^MyCorner©
Cartman's Chica!: Cartman's hangout
.Deven ÷:         Amazing Waterfall Fantasy
Tanis©:           splendors of nature
VIBEL(CLIPPER"S): sorry forgot tigger
Tigger©ô:         haha
Hank:             ok cool
.Deven ÷:         hehe
Tigger©ô:         yer fired
VIBEL(CLIPPER"S): slap me later hehe
Hank:             I'd like to introduce MSLady up in the corner - she's the desigenr of this place and a palace guru
~ash~{ß's}:       greet 
ings, MSlady *S*
.Gemô  ÷:         all done...hi folks :-)
Jordan:           )applause
.Deven ÷:         howdy mslady
~Cally~:          Hi MS
Bratô:            Hiyas MS
Smagle©ô:         Hello MS
LittLe0nE  .ß:    hiya MsLady   huggers
Higgy~(B's):      hi MS
Tanis©:           hi ms
Maryellen©:       :*G* Hi MS :-)
MSlady:           hiya :))
LittLe0nE  .ß:    misses you Mslady
Jordan:           =)
MSlady:           :hehe wow
MSlady:           thanks :)
Hank:             ok so I wanted to start with an announcement that 
EC has released a new server version
Hank:             4.3.2
Maryellen©:       mmhhmm
LittLe0nE  .ß:    coolies
Hank:             we are testing it now
Hank:             it looks like they got the big prop bugs in 4.3.1 fixed
* Maryellen© *    Dont know if you are on the lists.. but there is a 
chat at PCG about server security tuesday
Hank:             it also fixes that wonderful annoying random 
hide/rejectprivate bug
MSlady:           :good
LittLe0nE  .ß:    cool
~Cally~:          cool
~ash~{ß's}:       :a quiet woohoo
.Deven ÷:         :woohoo
Higgy~(B's):      cool
Jordan:           :finaly
Smagle©ô:         :I like to hide
Hank:             and the prop files are a LOT more stable
LittLe0nE  .ß:    yes!!!
Maryellen©:       :good news there
VIBEL(CLIPPER"S): yes good news
~ash~{ß's}:       Silk will be happy...hehe
Hank:             they have not fixed the dat file bug that causes 
loss of rooms yet - but it is in the next rev
* MSlady *        at some point please invite the gods of the 
chatserve.com palaces to contact me about putting their link/room in 
here...I can tell em about it if you want
LittLe0nE  .ß:    ohhh
Hank:             probably around Aug/Sep
Hank:             also - for you folks that do authoring
Hank:             EC advises DO NOT USE the older PC clients to 
author your palace
LittLe0nE  .ß:    kay
Maryellen©:       older as in what versions or earlier?
Jordan:           What about macs?
Hank:             it has bugs that cause things like the lost doors 
and corrupt rooms
Hank:             Macs are OK
LittLe0nE  .ß:    YES!!!!!!!!
Jordan:           k good..
Hank:             ok another quick annonuncment
LittLe0nE  .ß:    hate lost doors
Hank:             turnin the floor over to MS
MSlady:           I wanted you all to know
MSlady:           those of you that have palaces on chatserve.com 
(which I think is everyone here)
MSlady:           We want to add a link/room for each palace here
MSlady:           what we'd like to do...
Smagle©ô:         Kewlies
MSlady:           is get you to send a room in...
MSlady:           any room you choose...
MSlady:           and we need to have it "decorated"...
MSlady:           with your palace name....a link to your palace...etc
LittLe0nE  .ß:    kay
MSlady:           you can be create in this way
MSlady:           here is my addy
MSlady:           ^mslady@mindspring.com
MSlady:           and we can have a really nice section here
Hank:             :if you don't know how to export a room for MS send 
her or me email and tell us which room on your palace to swipe
MSlady:           that has beautiful rooms ..one from each palace
Smagle©ô:         lol
Maryellen©:       room sized gif?
MSlady:           oh sure hehe that works :))
Maryellen©:       mkay
MSlady:           yes
.Deven ÷:         lol
MSlady:           yes a room...
MSlady:           not a thumbnail
MSlady:           each room will be a link to a diff palace
Maryellen©:       k
LittLe0nE  .ß:    cool
MSlady:           and in such will create a wonderful section of rooms here
MSlady:            :))
Smagle©ô:         Great :)
MSlady:           ok !!
Hank:             so a room for each palace that says a little about 
your palace and a link to get there
MSlady:           yes correct and your name
LittLe0nE  .ß:    nice Mslady sis
MSlady:           if you dont do text graphics
MSlady:           :contact me we can work something out
MSlady:           hehe
LittLe0nE  .ß:    gigglin
MSlady:           ok Hank :)
Hank:             if any of you have not sent in a thumbnail graphic 
for the directory web page - send it to support@accesscom.com
Hank:             ok what's the next topic
Hank:             requests?
Hank:             :hmmmm
Maryellen©:       ^hand
Hank:             yes?
Maryellen©:       Ummm dont know how many are on the Palace lisats
Maryellen©:       err lists even
Maryellen©:       But there is a hacker/security related chat at 
Palace Community Group on Tuesday night
Hank:             oh cool
Maryellen©:       PH & MNB from communities.com are the speakers
Hank:             where/when?
LittLe0nE  .ß:    yes
LittLe0nE  .ß:    good chat
Smagle©ô:         ^Can we discuss corrupt props on a constant basis 
by our guests and our prop rooms?
Maryellen©:       Tuesday, June 29th 6:30 Pacific 9:30 Eastern
Hank:             where MaryEllen?
Maryellen©:       I will be running it in Palace Presents software
Maryellen©:       PCG.ksv.com:9998
Maryellen©:       Good talk for all to attend :-)
Hank:             if yur concerned about security I suggest you make that chat
MSlady:           Thanks, ME :))
Maryellen©:       Thanks Hank & MS
Hank:             noone knows more about palace security than those 2 guys
Maryellen©:       mmhhmm that is why I booked them :-)  LOL
Hank:             ok there was a question about props
Smagle©ô:         Yes Hank
Smagle©ô:         our guests along with many of our own props
Smagle©ô:         are not being allowed to be worn
Smagle©ô:         WE get flooded with"Corrupt Prop"
Hank:             ok - a little background
Hank:             the palace server software used to accept any prop
Hank:             if the prop was corrupt it contaminated the server prop bag
LittLe0nE  .ß:    yes
Hank:             then when you tried to restart your server it wouldn't boot
Hank:             because the prop bag had a corrupt prop in it
Hank:             a few versions ago, EC put a check on the incoming props
Hank:             it's called a CRC
Hank:             without getting real technical - it's a 
mathematical tag at the end of the prop that says the prop is valid
LittLe0nE  .ß:    very effective to0
Hank:             if the prop and the CRC don't match - it means the 
prop got corrupted since it was created
Smagle©ô:         ^Question
Hank:             either when it was on someone's disk or when it was 
being sent to the server
Hank:             yes?
Smagle©ô:         Hank...I understand what you are saying, but we are 
talking about over 50% of our guests that are not being allowed to 
use av's
Smagle©ô:         Where they can use them on other servers
Hank:             let me finish
Smagle©ô:         kk
Hank:             EC recently released 4.3.1
Hank:             it had a MAJOR bug
Hank:             it attached the worng CRC to every prop it sent 
from the server
Hank:             so - every other palace server rejected it
Hank:             it was a HUGE problem
LittLe0nE  .ß:    yers
LittLe0nE  .ß:    yes
Hank:             which is why EC was so quick to release 4.3.2
Hank:             MNB and Scottsman came down to our offices and did 
some tests and went back and fixed it the next day
Hank:             they announced the problem and the fix on all the 
palace mailing lists
Maryellen©:       :does everybody know how to get on them?
Jordan:           no..
Smagle©ô:         No I'm totally lost right now
Hank:             great question
Tigger©ô:         me too
Maryellen©:       let me grab the URL
Maryellen©:       :I run a few of them *s*
~Cally~:          thx ME
MSlady:           Hank what is the "fix" the new server version?
Hank:             the new server version calcualtes the CRC correctly
Hank:             ok smagle - the short version :-)
MSlady:           ok...but I think Smagle is referring to the fact 
that there are a ton of props out there still floating around
Smagle©ô:          :)
MSlady:           that are damaged...
MSlady:           and being rejected right??
Smagle©ô:         Yes...
Smagle©ô:         Loads
Hank:             there is really nothing wrong with most of those 
props but they have a tag that makes the server think they are corrupt
Smagle©ô:         Even one I made just today
MSlady:           yes
Maryellen©:       the URL to see all the lists is:
Hank:             you made a prop and it was rejected?
Maryellen©:       ^http://mercury.communities.com/cgi-bin/lyris.pl
Captured a URL, see log.
I have captured a possible WWW address from Maryellen©: 
~ßilk~:           did you make it at your palace?
Smagle©ô:         Yes Hank that happens all the time...most of our 
prop rooms are mising pieces of most of the av's
MSlady:           The only thing I have found that usually works is 
to open each piece of the prop and either rename it or change like 
one pixel in the piece and resave it.  The server then re-downloads 
it as a new pro
Smagle©ô:         And most are custom just made av's
MSlady:           prop
Smagle©ô:         Which we have done
MSlady:           its a pain but usually works...didnt work??
Smagle©ô:         No
Hank:             try one here that your server rejects
MSlady:           :hmm
Smagle©ô:         ALll my husbands props are gone
Maryellen©:       alos, screen capping yourself on a plain bg and 
then re-importing
Smagle©ô:         Well ok lol
MSlady:           they are not being accepted by any palace?
Maryellen©:       empty bag?
Smagle©ô:         RFOL
MSlady:           I see it.
Smagle©ô:         I'm sorry but this is one rigth now
MSlady:           parts of it
Cartman©:         mine too.. even before 4.3 its like ceartain people 
cant see a lot of prop peaces. then some can.
Maryellen©:       I see 2 parts
MSlady:           :nice prop...geez
Hank:             the chest is missing
Tigger©ô:         lol
MSlady:           :um maybe that one needs to be lost..
~ash~{ß's}:       i only see left top and bottom
Tigger©ô:         the arms the chest and the other leg
Cartman©:         lol
Jordan:           that av RULES!
~Cally~:          lol
Jordan:           lol
Smagle©ô:         lol
Cartman's Chica!: lol
MSlady:           :oh yah.
Maryellen©:       can you see it all on you Smagle?
VIBEL(CLIPPER"S): yes if we could see the rest lol
Smagle©ô:         ^  *** The prop you tried using (928580373) is 
corrupted and will not be accepted by the server
Hank:             ok a little about prop file maintenance
MSlady:           well usually that helps, Smagle...try doing it on a 
diff server...
Smagle©ô:         Thats what I just got
MSlady:           then going back to your sever
Smagle©ô:         I have MS :-)
MSlady:           server with it
MSlady:           oh ...
Smagle©ô:         It works fine
Hank:             and you treied the edit and it's still rejected?
Smagle©ô:         yes hank
MSlady:           hmm
Smagle©ô:         Twice that one has been renamed and edited
Hank:             try it now
Smagle©ô:         My hubby has put in over 200 av's
MSlady:           on your server or others?
Maryellen©:       then if you can see it all, screen cap yourself and 
re-make it in a new prop bag
Smagle©ô:         and most are having this prob
Maryellen©:       his bag may be bad too :-(
MSlady:           yes thats true ME
Smagle©ô:         We have nine bags we use PFM
MSlady:           I was gonna suggest that if all else fails
Smagle©ô:         BUt its just not us
Smagle©ô:         its most all our guests also
Smagle©ô:         Thats why we were wondering
MSlady:           try reediting that prop here now?
Smagle©ô:         if it could be something in our dat?
MSlady:           :curious
MSlady:           :or a diff prop..please
Hank:             ok smagle - do you have prop bags to back up your rooms?
MSlady:           :hehe
Maryellen©:       :sounds like a prop bag bad on the server?
Smagle©ô:         LOL MS
Smagle©ô:         Sorry
MSlady:           could be ME maybe that prop file is damaged
Smagle©ô:         Most yes..but I have others that come in and have 
their own prop rooms Hank
Hank:             do you have prop bags to back up your prop rooms?
Smagle©ô:         Lagging sorry
Hank:             how often do you flush?
MSlady:           well if your prop file is damaged it wont handle props well
Jordan:           Usualy when I have a "damaged" prop I change the 
name of it...
Smagle©ô:         About every other day
Smagle©ô:         Always comes with 0
Smagle©ô:         we purge then flush
Hank:             how do you type the command?
Smagle©ô:          we type `purgeprops
Smagle©ô:         then `flushprops
MSlady:           Smagle?  please try now to edit that prop or 
another we cant see and then show it to us here again?
Smagle©ô:         hold on :-)
MSlady:           ok
Hank:             ok - that will use a default of 21 days - which 
won't accomplish much
MSlady:           does anyone have any other server prop file ??s?
Smagle©ô:         I'm gonna have to put it on to dump it MS
MSlady:           hehe ok
Smagle©ô:         Its not in this bag
Hank:             on both the purgeporps and flushprops commands you 
can tag on a number
Tigger©ô:         yes i usually do that
Hank:             like 'flushprops -1
Tigger©ô:         i usually put one
Smagle©ô:         I ususally put a 5 hank
Tigger©ô:         1
Smagle©ô:         Tig puts 1 lol
MSlady:           what zactly does the -1 mean Hank?
Hank:             a positve number is days and a negative number is hours
~ßilk~:           yes, what's 1 vs -1
MSlady:           ok
~ßilk~:           ahh
MSlady:           cool
LittLe0nE  .ß:    days or hours
Smagle©ô:         Im gonna go to the gate to edit this MS :)
Smagle©ô:         brb :-)
MSlady:           so within last hour has been seen
Tanis©:           i do 99 to be safe
Hank:             the number -1 means flush everything that has not 
been shown in 1 hour
~ßilk~:           99? as in 99 days?
Hank:             ok real quick about props
Maryellen©:       ^q
LittLe0nE  .ß:    hours silkie
Tanis©:           lagging sorry
~ßilk~:           :I knew that..hehe
Hank:             you have a prop file on your server that is very buggy
Hank:             it has anh index on the end that is easily corrupted
Hank:             that screws up the whole file
LittLe0nE  .ß:    ahhhh
Hank:             also - prior to this version - EC was using the 
prop file to store a lot of user info
Hank:             like their hide status
Hank:             :which is where the hide bug came from
LittLe0nE  .ß:    they change that Hank.?
Hank:             in the new version yes
LittLe0nE  .ß:    coolies
Hank:             that stuff is no longer kept in the prop file
LittLe0nE  .ß:    good
Hank:             who here runs prop rooms on their server?
Cartman©:         we do
MSlady:           ^me
Deadeye600:       me
.Gemô  ÷:         we do
Bratô:            we do too
LittLe0nE  .ß:    seperate server here
Hank:             ok - quick question - what happens if you run 
flushprops and noone has been in your prop rooms lately?
Cartman©:         they disapear
Bratô:            you lose em?
Tigger©ô:         we loose some of our avs
.Gemô  ÷:         huh?
Hank:             ok - to prevent that - there are two options
Hank:             you have a question gem?
.Gemô  ÷:         trying to understand what was just said...you loose 
your props ?
MSlady:           you cannot see them
Tigger©ô:         out of the generators
Hank:             if you do a flush - the server does not spare the 
props for your prop rooms
MSlady:           best to keep a copy of each prop in a prop bag 
before purging or flushing....go thru and check w/ an empty bag after 
if you arent seeing them...come back thru w/ the bag that has the 
props in it ..
Hank:             so there are two approaches
~ßilk~:           hmmm
MSlady:           it will re introduce them to the server
* MSlady *        sorry
LittLe0nE  .ß:    yeps
.Gemô  ÷:         ok
~ßilk~:           ^hand up
Hank:             approach #1 - what MS said - go thru your rooms 
just before the flush and show every prop
Hank:             yes Silk
~ßilk~:           so you don't need to re-input the av into the 
script..just have the bag with the prop on you
Maryellen©:       ^wing
MSlady:           put each prop in a bag you keep for such purpose
MSlady:           correct
~ßilk~:           hmm..interesting, ty
Hank:             ok let's get real deep here :-)
*** ; Hank is Painting
~ßilk~:           I get it
~ßilk~:           pc prop feeds the server
LittLe0nE  .ß:    yes
Hank:             yup
Hank:             approach #2 - go ahead and flush and come back and 
fill in after
Hank:             to do this you need a prop bag that has all the 
props for your generator in it
MSlady:           :good insurance
Hank:             yes ME?
Maryellen©:       On some servers, the space is limited.. and when 
you do a flushprops it needs to have room to make a duplicate of the 
.prp file.  Is this the setup here or do you run shared space for 
room to do this?
Hank:             you have plenty of space for a flush
MSlady:           :good
Hank:             the server hard drive is 18GB and is one third full
LittLe0nE  .ß:    hiya Freak  huggers
Maryellen©:       okies :-)
*** Page from System: MSlady made god
Hank:             ok back to Smagle
Smagle©ô:         k
Maryellen©:       and can you explain prop being requested from your 
server versus having thee prop in your bag when you check for them?
Hank:             test #1 - get a virgin prop bag and go look at your 
prop rooms
Smagle©ô:         kk
Hank:             was just gonna do that :-)
Maryellen©:       :s
Jordan:           *S*
Hank:             the reason for the virgin prop bag is so if you see 
a bad prop you KNOW it's bad on the server
Hank:             without the virgin prop bag - it could be bad in 
your prop bag or the server
~ßilk~:           would it be best to compress and exit your own 
palace software first...just to be sure?
MSlady:           :also great way to know if your server is serving 
the props :))
Hank:             don't just compress - get a VIRGIN bag
~ßilk~:           ahhh
Hank:             a virgin bag means the one that came with the software
MSlady:           delete it after you use it
MSlady:           use a new one each time
Smagle©ô:         kk
Hank:             if you don't have a virgin prop bag you can get it at...
Smagle©ô:         So one from my PFM would fine as long as it is empty correct?
Hank:             ^http://www.thepalace.com/downloads/extras.html
LittLe0nE  .ß:    no
LittLe0nE  .ß:    virgin
MSlady:           here is the addy to get a brand new empty prop bag
Smagle©ô:         ok
MSlady:           ^http://www.thepalace.com/downloads/extras.html
Captured a URL, see log.
I have captured a possible WWW address from MSlady: 
Hank:             ok - the problem is an empty prop bag is not empty :-)
MSlady:           and then delete the props in it
Smagle©ô:         kk
Smagle©ô:         alright
* MSlady *        no?
*** ; Hank is Erasing
LittLe0nE  .ß:    it holds a memory  EVEN in PFM
Hank:             ok - a little quickie about prop bags
Smagle©ô:         ok
Hank:             you have a prop bag on your home puter
Hank:             it holds your props - PLUS - every prop you have 
seen on every palace since you last compressed
.Gemô  ÷:         ahhhh
LittLe0nE  .ß:    thats why when you compress it purges
Hank:             they're in there - you just can't see them
~ßilk~:           that's why it can get sooo huge
Maryellen©:       :it is like a cache on your browser
LittLe0nE  .ß:    yes
LittLe0nE  .ß:    xactly
Hank:             now - when you log onto a server the server  sends 
a list of prop serial numbers to your home puter
Hank:             your puter checks the bag and puts up the ones it 
already has - and then asks the servfer for the ones it dosen't have
Hank:             that way the same prop dosen't have to be sent to 
you over and ver
Smagle©ô:         ^Comment
Hank:             yes?
Smagle©ô:         hank Little one is an example of what happens at 
our place all the time
Jordan:           Q but its not about props
Smagle©ô:         I can only see part of her av
Jordan:           ^Q but its not about props
Smagle©ô:         Thats the way it is with most of our guests
* MSlady *        was I wrong about the addy for the new prop file?
Smagle©ô:         they can never see all of everyones props
Smagle©ô:         Its not just me...
Hank:             missin pieces happens all the time
Smagle©ô:         its all my guest too
~ßilk~:           I see all of her, but then her prop is always in my 
bag usually
Smagle©ô:         I've never had that happen before
Hank:             let's finish up on props
Hank:             who sees a pice missing on littleun?
.Gemô  ÷:         I do
~Cally~:          :here
MSlady:           me
MSlady:           dont see middle
Bratô:            :me
Higgy~(B's):      looks good here
LittLe0nE  .ß:    which pieces
MSlady:           go up on stage for a secy
MSlady:           yah
MSlady:           middle left
*** ; Maryellen© is Painting
~ßilk~:           so the people that have her prop in our bag already see her
*** ; Maryellen© is Erasing
~Cally~:          @104,90 here
Maryellen©:       missing
Hank:             ok - so - anyone who sees all of littleun already 
had her prop in their bag - a good copy
Cartman's Chica!: middle lft
~ash~{ß's}:       yup
*** ; Maryellen© is Erasing
Hank:             anyone who sees a piece missing did not get it cuz 
the server did not accept it
Smagle©ô:         Rigth...
Smagle©ô:         And thats waht I'm trying to say
~Cally~:          now usually editing it helps right?
*** ; Maryellen© is Erasing
Maryellen©:       there too
Smagle©ô:         It does not accept most of them :-)
MSlady:           yes susually Cally
Hank:             yes editing it will correct it - because - that 
gives it a new serial number and causes the server to grab it and 
send it to each of us
Maryellen©:       ^flush comment
FÆeak on a leaßh: lol
FÆeak on a leaßh: opps
Hank:             everyone see it now?
Maryellen©:       mmhhmm
Tigger©ô:         yes
Cartman's Chica!: yes
Maryellen©:       ^flush comment
.Gemô  ÷:         yes i do
~Cally~:          yes I do now..smiles
MSlady:           yes
MSlady:           but Smagle cant get hers to work :(
Maryellen©:       ^flush comment
MSlady:           :she says
Hank:             ok so,let's finish up on smeagles prop problems
MSlady:           right?
~ßilk~:           excuse me
~ßilk~:           I konw why Smagle's doesn't work
Tigger©ô:         but does this mean we have to have people do this 
every single time a prop doesn't get accepted?
Hank:             get a virgin bag and go look at your rooms
~ßilk~:           her palace is on a PC
Smagle©ô:         Which is 90% of the time
~ßilk~:           completely different problem
~ßilk~:           then server
Hank:             if the prop is not getting accepted it is probly 
corrupt - or - it was generated on a 4.3.1 server
Maryellen©:       ^flush comment
Smagle©ô:         How do we get the new 4.3.2 version?
Hank:             go ahead ME
Hank:             it will be out next week
Deadeye600:       Q but on web not prop
Hank:             Smagel - if you want we can go to your server after 
class and talk about props in detail
Hank:             go ahead ME
Maryellen©:       another way of running props.. and this is what we do at MC
Smagle©ô:         KK Hank
Maryellen©:       is to take an empty bag in BEFORE you flush
Maryellen©:       and run the generators
Maryellen©:       then do a 'flushprops 7
Hank:             :I was gonna get to tha but we shud move on to 
other questions
Maryellen©:       and it will kill anything not requested in the last 7 days
Maryellen©:       we have had the best luck with this method
Bratô:            mmhmm
MSlady:           Silk had a solution?
MSlady:           for Smagle?
~ßilk~:           for Smagle..I know why her's isn't working correctly
~ßilk~:           she has a personal pc palace
Hank:             she has a palace here
Maryellen©:       ahhhh not on Unix?
Hank:             no - her palace is here
~ßilk~:           well..I just asked her and she said it was on a pc..
Tigger©ô:         we have a chatserve palace
Smagle©ô:         yes..we are on Chatserve Silk... I misunderstood 
your question hon
~ßilk~:           oh
~ßilk~:           nvrmd then
Hank:             question in the corner
MSlady:           thanks tho!!
Jordan:           When does "Ratbot" come out for our use?
MSlady:            :)
Hank:             ratbot is the property of EC - I'll have yto ask them
Bratô:            ^q about PPViewer
Jordan:           thanks..
Hank:             yes brato?
Bratô:            k..
Bratô:            I recently had an strange thing happen to me..
Bratô:            Last nigh was testing out the Palacepresents 
viewier and Moderator in Mycorner
Bratô:            for some odd reason i wasnt recviing events or 
asking to join..
Bratô:            after going thru several dlls and then uninstalling 
and reinstalling recent client..
MSlady:            :)
Hank:             there are a TON of bugs in PP - and a lot depends 
on the version of client you are using
Bratô:            popped over to an diffrent server.. it worked like 
a charm.. though it was fixed..
Maryellen©:       mmhhmm
Bratô:            tried at mycorner.chatserve.com again.. not work..
Maryellen©:       worked on ksv, xsia, and the nt server
Bratô:            tried on other palaces and servers.. just not at chatserve =/
Hank:             brato please send an email to support
Hank:             I'm not an expert on PP
Hank:             and it will take a lot of tweaking
Bratô:            K.. thanks.. was just puzzled..
Bratô:            didnt understand why others around me with the same 
software could see but not me
Hank:             ok I have a quick question for y;'all
Hank:             log files
LittLe0nE  .ß:    kay Hank
Hank:             currently we rotate the logs once a week and keep 4 
weeks on the server
Hank:             we have had some requests to change the rotation to 
daily - and keep 30 days
Hank:             comments?
MSlady:           hmm that might be helpful in locating a specific 
event or user
LittLe0nE  .ß:    4 weeks = 30 days .?
Hank:             right now each log file is a week
Jordan:           actualy 4 weeks is 28
Hank:             some sya they are too big
~Cally~:          I think daily would be best
.Gemô  ÷:         so new here havent' even attempt looking at logs yet
LittLe0nE  .ß:    yes id like that Hank
Jordan:           ^washroom..
Hank:             so - instead of having 4 logs that are a week each 
you would have 30 logs that were a day each
~Cally~:          going thru a weeks worth of logs is a waste of time
LittLe0nE  .ß:    yes
LittLe0nE  .ß:    cool idea
~Cally~:          if we know the date..wouldbe easier to locate
LittLe0nE  .ß:    much easyer
Smagle©ô:         oops
Hank:             anyone want to keep it at weeks and not switch to days?
Smagle©ô:         lol
Smagle©ô:         I like days
~Cally~:          I vote days
LittLe0nE  .ß:    me to0
Hank:             ok we'll look at switching it to days
LittLe0nE  .ß:    coolies
~Cally~:          smiles
Hank:             next question
MSlady:           thanks :)
LittLe0nE  .ß:    yes thank you Hank
Hank:             someone had a web question
Hank:             noone?
Bratô:            ^q
Hank:             yes Brat?
Smagle©ô:         ^??
Bratô:            do i contact Chatserve tech support or Palace 
support for my PPV problem?
LittLe0nE  .ß:    think its for icq Hank
Hank:             start with us
Bratô:            addy to contact?
Hank:             support@accesscom.com
Bratô:            and person to get in touch wtih, please?
Bratô:            Thank you =)
* Higgy~(B's) *   was Deadeye bout web
Hank:             and include the version of your client and your PP moderator
Hank:             yes Smagle
Smagle©ô:         Will the new 4.3.2 version be an automatic upload 
to us or will we have to d/l?
Hank:             no you will just have to restart your server
Smagle©ô:         ok
Jordan:           much better
LittLe0nE  .ß:    cool
Hank:             but there are some issues with 4.3.2
Deadeye600:       ^brb
Hank:             I'll get to that when there are no more questions
Maryellen©:       :quit steppin on me
Hank:             any questions?
~Cally~:          none here
Deadeye600:       website Q
Hank:             go ahead Deadeye
Deadeye600:       what is a good program for making the webpage
Jordan:           Frontpage Express...
Hank:             I don't know - I write web pages by hand with a 
text editor :-)
Maryellen©:       Netscape composer or front page express
Deadeye600:       ohh ill look into them
Deadeye600:       thanks
Maryellen©:       :used to write them in text editor but got tired of it
Bratô:            I use FPExpress. good one for starters..
Jordan:           We made the hangouts from a notepad..
MSlady:           :I like Homesite by Allaire
Maryellen©:       Hot Dog is good too
~ßilk~:           Homesite rocks
Hank:             next question?
LittLe0nE  .ß:    notepad all i use
Jordan:           I liked Coffe Cup!
~ßilk~:           I used to use only notepad
~ßilk~:           :got lazy though
Hank:             ok back to the props and 4.3.2
LittLe0nE  .ß:    wb Tigger
Hank:             Smagle - one or more things are contributing to your problem
Jordan:           ^BRB
Hank:             #1 - your server prop file may be severly corrupted 
and not taking props well
FÆeak on a leaßh:
Smagle©ô:         Which could of happened while on a personal pserver?
Hank:             #2 - there are a ton of bad props out there cuz of 
4.3.1 - nothing can be done about those
Smagle©ô:         and brought over to chatserve?
LittLe0nE  .ß:    yes
* MSlady *        ack using pc prop file on a unix?
Hank:             you brought your prop file from a personal server?
LittLe0nE  .ß:    thats it
Smagle©ô:         Maybe be best just to dump our entire palace.prp?
Jordan:           back
MSlady:           yes
Smagle©ô:         And start fresh?
Hank:             the format of a prop file on a personal server and 
a UNIX machine is totally different
Tigger©ô:         but then we will loose everything in our prop rooms?
MSlady:           yes I do it regularly
Hank:             yes - that would be smart - but before you toss it all away
MSlady:           not if you have them in bags
Smagle©ô:         kk Ms :_)
Smagle©ô:         We do
Maryellen©:       I gotta run.. see ya all tuesday hopefully :-)
LittLe0nE  .ß:    good
Smagle©ô:         Or we can get them
Maryellen©:       byeeeeeeeeee
MSlady:           byee
Jordan:           =)
Hank:             get a VIRGIN prop bag and go through your rooms
Smagle©ô:         kk Mary :-)
LittLe0nE  .ß:    bye bye
Jordan:           bye
LittLe0nE  .ß:    huggers
Higgy~(B's):      bye ME
Smagle©ô:         ok Hank
Hank:             that will save off any good props
Hank:             now - about moving to 4.3.2
Hank:             the good news is that EC made a lot of updates and 
the prop file is now more stable
Hank:             the bad news is the format of the file changed
Hank:             so you cannot just move to 4.3.2 and keep your old prop file
LittLe0nE  .ß:    ouchies
Hank:             you need to save all your props off to your prop 
bag - then zero your prop file - then switch to 4.3.2 - then fill 
back in
~ßilk~:           :ow
Higgy~(B's):      sounds like fun time
LittLe0nE  .ß:    yes
Hank:             the end result will be a MUCH more stable prop file 
- but it takes work
LittLe0nE  .ß:    kay
Hank:             we have been trying to figure out a conversion 
process to use the old prop file but there is no way to do it reliably
LittLe0nE  .ß:    sigh
.Gemô  ÷:         and the new version will be out when again?
Hank:             next week
Hank:             probly Wednesday
.Gemô  ÷:         ok..i'm just starting to put in my prop rooms so 
maybe i should hold off?
Hank:             yes that would be good Gem
LittLe0nE  .ß:    yes Gem
.Gemô  ÷:         ok thanks :-)
Hank:             so the conversion goes like this.......
LittLe0nE  .ß:    yes Silkie sigh
Hank:             1)We relaes 4.3.2 for your use
Hank:             2) you get a virgin bag and run through your prop 
rooms to grab them all (if you don't already have this)
Hank:             3) shut down your server
Hank:             4)restart your server with a zero prop file (an 
option on the utility page)
Hank:             5) log onto your server and fill the props back in
Smagle©ô:         You fill them back in by just running through each room Hank?
Hank:             yup
Smagle©ô:         Just making sure I"m following you :-)
LittLe0nE  .ß:    yes Silkie good idears
Jordan:           Does anyone realise that our servers are all unprotected..?
Hank:             if you restart with a zero prop file and you have 
the props in your bag - the server will grab them from your prop bag 
for the server prop file
Tigger©ô:         ok question
Tigger©ô:         the other day
Hank:             explain Jordan?
LittLe0nE  .ß:    yes Silkie
Jordan:           well for instance our palace has not one wiz 
there...we get ALOT of hackers..and umm no one is there to stop them..
Hank:             stop them from doing hat?
Hank:             doing what?
FÆeak on a leaßh: ^brb cheakin to see if there is any mail
Jordan:           hacking..
Hank:             like what?
LittLe0nE  .ß:    yuse your passes and script locks
Higgy~(B's):      auto kick
FÆeak on a leaßh: ^brb getting pics for my palace bgs
Jordan:           well we have one guy who has that hackpalace 
version..where they can steal scripts..
Hank:             noone can steal scripts
LittLe0nE  .ß:    well
Jordan:           we kill him constantly..
LittLe0nE  .ß:    lets face it
Tigger©ô:         our scripts won't lock
Jordan:           he keeps comming back
* MSlady *        actually w/ that hacked mac client cant they?
Hank:             Jordan - noone can steal your scripts
LittLe0nE  .ß:    there arent many scripts out there you cant get
MSlady:           is he seeing into your doors?
Jordan:           yes..
MSlady:           there is a fix for that...
MSlady:           Glide thought of
FÆeak on a leaßh:
Bratô:            Would like to remind everyone about the 
Security/Hacker chat with MNB and PH .. maybe thy can take care of 
your questions...
MSlady:           yes very good suggestion :)
LittLe0nE  .ß:    there ya goes
MSlady:           there was/is a hacked Mac client
Jordan:           ohh yes..THANK YOU
MSlady:           that can look in doors
LittLe0nE  .ß:    they ARE the best
Hank:             those are the guys with all the answers
MSlady:           it cant permantley change things
Jordan:           i have a mac i don't like it..
MSlady:           but Glide thought of this
MSlady:           he said..
MSlady:           put important scripts in doors that are very tiny
Hank:             to protect your scripts turn authoring off when you 
are not there
MSlady:           and then make another door on top of that
Hank:             no no no
LittLe0nE  .ß:    pin point
MSlady:           no no no?
Hank:             to protect your scripts turn authoring off when you 
are not there
Hank:             or when you don't need it
Jordan:           which we do..but someone ALWAYS forgets..
Smagle©ô:         Fire them
Smagle©ô:         LOL
Hank:             and password protect your rooms
Hank:             ok - to clear up the hack client rumor
LittLe0nE  .ß:    and make your pass words at LEAST 8 letters
MSlady:           I forget also
.Gemô  ÷:         password protect?
.Gemô  ÷:         god my head is spinning lol
Hank:             in the mac client some people figured out a way to 
use resedit to turn on the wiz menu even when they are not wizzed
* MSlady *        Im sorry...but a guy came to my palace and 
demonstrated this client to me (shutting up)
Hank:             this (maybe) means they can get into "room info" 
and mess around
Jordan:           yes..
LittLe0nE  .ß:    has that been fixed on new version
Hank:             and get into authoring
FÆeak on a leaßh: dang
FÆeak on a leaßh: oh crap
Hank:             no it's a client issue
Hank:             not a server issue
LittLe0nE  .ß:    kay
Hank:             so - when you are not authoring - turn authoring off
LittLe0nE  .ß:    yes it would be huh
Hank:             and - password protect your rooms
Jordan:           :long session..
FÆeak on a leaßh: i do that at mine
Jordan:           same here..
Jordan:           but not all the rooms..
Hank:             Gem - to password protect a room - click on the 
padlock in the room info box
FÆeak on a leaßh: all the rooms here
FÆeak on a leaßh: at my palace
FÆeak on a leaßh: ^brb
.Gemô  ÷:         okies
Jordan:           We should have a big chatserve party..
FÆeak on a leaßh:
Jordan:           lol
Hank:             we should :-)
FÆeak on a leaßh: lol
~ßilk~:           yep...have to unlock to edit the room, but just 
remember to lock up when you're done and author off
Hank:             some more on security
Hank:             anyone need to protect their palace against clumsy 
wizzes? :-)
.Gemô  ÷:         ohh i like that...thanks
LittLe0nE  .ß:    we do
Jordan:           yes
Smagle©ô:         ^How bout clumsy Goddess'?
Smagle©ô:         ROFL
.Gemô  ÷:         lol
~ßilk~:           *G* @ash
~ßilk~:           :poke
~ash~{ß's}:       :heyyy
Hank:             there is a new command where you can set who can do 
what on your palace
FÆeak on a leaßh: cool
Jordan:           cool
Smagle©ô:         ^Can I protect myself from messing up?
Hank:             let's say for instance you only want gods to be 
able to author
VIBEL(CLIPPER"S): nothing can help u mom
Jordan:           we have our palace set up like main
Jordan:           Hosts/wiz
Jordan:           so gods are like wiz'
Hank:             you turn authoring off and then set it so only gods 
can turn it back on
Jordan:           s
FÆeak on a leaßh: how?
Hank:             the command is called setrank
LittLe0nE  .ß:    gigglin
Jordan:           and hosts can't kill but pin and stuf..
Hank:             the ranks are ------
Hank:             0 = guest
Hank:             1 - registered member
Jordan:           yeah thats what we have..
Hank:             2 - wiz
Hank:             3 - god
FÆeak on a leaßh: q
Hank:             so if you only want gids to be able to turn authoring on....
Jordan:           We use wiz/host not god/wiz
Hank:             type 'setrank 'authoring 3
FÆeak on a leaßh: k
Hank:             actually smagle you can :-)
FÆeak on a leaßh: Q not about this though
~ash~{ß's}:       :listening
Hank:             make a copy of your dat file
LittLe0nE  .ß:    we all ready do
Smagle©ô:           :)
Hank:             it contains EVERYTHING about your palace
Hank:             if you mess up - put the old one back in
FÆeak on a leaßh: ^Q not about this though
Hank:             go ahead freak
FÆeak on a leaßh: how do i chang the gate pic it wont let me
Hank:             room info
FÆeak on a leaßh: yeah i know
Hank:             what happens when you try?
FÆeak on a leaßh: but it wouldnt it messed
Hank:             what happens when you try?
~ash~{ß's}:       ^wing
Jordan:           the pictures arent uploaded to the server?
FÆeak on a leaßh: the colors and stuff get messed up
LittLe0nE  .ß:    where you have room/gate picture stored
Hank:             the file has to be in your media directory on the server
Hank:             ah - that's a pallette issue
FÆeak on a leaßh: yeah i know. mabey it was just messed up that time
LittLe0nE  .ß:    kaysyes Silkie
~ßilk~:           kisses
Hank:             to look good on palace the pic has to be in the 
palace paLLETTE
LittLe0nE  .ß:    li'soft kisses
Hank:             GO AHEAD ASH
~ash~{ß's}:       regarding the dat file...
Hank:             yes?
~ash~{ß's}:       say...someone accidentally unbans everyone...that 
can be fixed by replacing w/ backup dat file?
LittLe0nE  .ß:    yes
Hank:             yes
Hank:             about the dat file
~ash~{ß's}:       :good...now i won't get chewed out next time...hehe
LittLe0nE  .ß:    ash no one listens to me there
Hank:             anyone ever lost rooms when they restarted their palace?
~ash~{ß's}:       i know
FÆeak on a leaßh: nope
.Gemô  ÷:         :not yet
.Gemô  ÷:         wb sweetie
.Deven ÷:         ty ty
FÆeak on a leaßh: :i dont think
Higgy~(B's):      yes i heard of that Hank
~Cally~:          no we havent
Hank:             when you start your server - if it finds a script 
error in a room - it stops - and you lose all the rooms after that
Hank:             this is a bug in the server that they say is fixed 
in version 4.4
FÆeak on a leaßh: nope just cant go in that room on mine
LittLe0nE  .ß:    coollllll
Higgy~(B's):      so if is bad script u lose after?
Hank:             if you look in your directory on the server you 
will see lots of dat files
Hank:             what we do is save a copy of your dat file 
everytime you start your server
Hank:             so - if this bug bites you - you shut down - and 
stick in the old file
LittLe0nE  .ß:    get last one
Hank:             you can swap dat files thriugh the utility page
Higgy~(B's):      cool ty
Hank:             anyone ever work on their dat file directly?
FÆeak on a leaßh: no
FÆeak on a leaßh: didnt know you could
LittLe0nE  .ß:    never needed to
MSlady:           :yes
Hank:             if you do - you need to shut down the server before 
sticking the new one in
Jordan:           is this class almost done?
FÆeak on a leaßh: cool
Hank:             the server reads the dat file into memory and 
writes it back to disk when it shuts down
Hank:             ya we're just answering questions Jordan
Jordan:           oohhh ok
Jordan:           thanks,
Smagle©ô:         Hank? May I ask about the locking of the scripts?
Hank:             :by the way yur homework looke great
Hank:             sure Smagle
Jordan:           sorry if I sound impatient, I got to make supper
Smagle©ô:         We are having a problem...that when I lock down the 
scripts and pw protect them...Tig can go right in after me and the 
lock is unlocked...
Smagle©ô:         So can I
LittLe0nE  .ß:    hmmm
Hank:             ya some people have been reporting that
Smagle©ô:         We have been trying to lock our gate
Smagle©ô:         cant do it
Hank:             I can't get it to break for me
Smagle©ô:         Our props we can lock
Smagle©ô:         but not the gate
Smagle©ô:         Our sound rooms we cant lock either
LittLe0nE  .ß:    hmmm
Hank:             let me take a peek smagle
Smagle©ô:         kk Hank :-)
LittLe0nE  .ß:    sounds like server isnt reading it huh
Hank:             you been usin setrank a lot :-)
Smagle©ô:         We have setrank on most of our things yes
Hank:             I show your gate as unlocked
FÆeak on a leaßh: c ya ppl!
Smagle©ô:         yes...but I locked it
FÆeak on a leaßh: i am leavin
MSlady:           bye bye ;)
LittLe0nE  .ß:    bye bye Freak
Smagle©ô:         Bye FOL
Hank:             let's go there right after class
Smagle©ô:         kk :-) tanks Hanks
Hank:             anyone got anything else?
Smagle©ô:         Not me :-)
Higgy~(B's):      good here
Smagle©ô:         Thanks for all the needed info :-)
~Cally~:          not here
Hank:             how often y'all wanna have these classes?
LittLe0nE  .ß:    just to thank you for jumping fast to catch bugs
VIBEL(CLIPPER"S): yes thank you hank and MS
Tigger©ô:         ok here
LittLe0nE  .ß:    1 month
MSlady:           welcome  :)
Hank:             once a month?
~Cally~:          yes please
LittLe0nE  .ß:    yes please
VIBEL(CLIPPER"S): sounds good to me
Hank:             okie doke
.Gemô  ÷:         sounds good
.Deven ÷:         kewlies
Hank:             we should do that party too :-)
LittLe0nE  .ß:    coolies
Smagle©ô:         Well another server
Hank:             we're real close to 100 palaces
~Cally~:          yeah that would be fun..smiles
VIBEL(CLIPPER"S): hummmmmmm now that sounds like fun
Smagle©ô:         I got a q on today
Hank:             yes?
Smagle©ô:         They are hosting the "Longest Conga Line" this evening
LittLe0nE  .ß:    im bout to add to your 100 figure
Smagle©ô:         They will be going from palace to palace picking up 
new peeps to add to the line
Smagle©ô:         Each within their own server...I thought that to be 
rather kewl :-)
Smagle©ô:         All of them visiting each others places :-)
Smagle©ô:         Maybe we could brainstorm something of this nature :-)
Smagle©ô:         Tigs and I will be happy to help put it together with ya :-)
~Cally~:          smags is good with planning such events...smiles
VIBEL(CLIPPER"S): hehehe she sure is
Hank:             I gotta run for a few - will meet you at your place smagle
Smagle©ô:         kk Hank :-)
Hank:             MS thanks for comin
LittLe0nE  .ß:    thank you Hank
Smagle©ô:         Thanks :-)
No Connection
Connected via TCP
/// Log on Scripts Enabled ///
*** Say 'SIGNUP' to go ahead and sign-up with us.  Say 'HOSTED' to 
see Palace Servers hosted with us.  Say 'FAQ' to see our Palace FAQs. 
Say 'TOTAL' to see The Palace Sites A-Z List.
Hank:             @64,64 !It's Hank
*** You are not hidden
*** You are not rejecting private messages
*** You are not rejecting ESP messages
*** ; Hank is Erasing
Remote site not found [-23045]
Connected via TCP
Requested file wcgate2
Requested file propbook2
Requested file aquatour
Requested file animaltour
/// Log on Scripts Enabled ///
*** Welcome to Smag's & Tigger's World Hank! Type HOUSE RULES to read 
the rules of this palace.
*** @31,21 !Welcome to Smag's & Tigger's World Hank! Enjoy your stay!
Hank:             @64,64 !It's Hank
*** The operators have been paged
*** The operators have been paged
Received picture propbook2
Received picture aquatour
Received picture animaltour
**Smagle©ô:       Hi Hank :-)
**Smagle©ô:       Just going around trying to lock up some rooms :-)
Received picture wcgate2
Hank:             just a sec
**Smagle©ô:       Seems the ones with the heaviest scripting are the 
ones that don't want to cooperate :-)
**Smagle©ô:       kk :-)
**Smagle©ô:       ^brb :-)
Hank:             back
**Smagle©ô:       kk ;)
**Smagle©ô:       I have tried to lock down this room and   most of 
our scripted rooms :-)
**Smagle©ô:       I go back in
**Smagle©ô:       and they wont take :-)
**Smagle©ô:       However some do
Hank:             ok if I god up?
**Smagle©ô:       Of course :-)
*** You now have god privileges.
Hank:             what is the room password?
**Smagle©ô:       wink
**Smagle©ô:       Its the same for all rooms :_)
Hank:             ok it stayed locked for me
**Smagle©ô:       I see that ;)
**Smagle©ô:       let me see if I can unlock and lock it back up :-)
Hank:             ok
**Smagle©ô:       You ever had a baby do something just for you and 
then when ya want them to do it for gramma they wont?
**Smagle©ô:       LOL :-)
Hank:             always :-)
Hank:             yur not goin nuts
**Smagle©ô:       My music room which was an add-a-room is the same 
along with another ;-) Whats your secret? :)
**Smagle©ô:       KK :-)
**Smagle©ô:       Thanks
Hank:             a lot of people have reported this
**Smagle©ô:       ok ;-)
Hank:             it's intermittent so it's a bear to track down
Hank:             let's go to the other rooms
**Smagle©ô:       ahhh kk :-)
*** ; Hank is Erasing
Requested file timinbot
Requested file clickhere
Requested file vision1
Requested file vision2
Requested file blackbrd
Requested file children
Requested file ejcandl
Requested file guitweep
Requested file lithium
Requested file octopus
Requested file silence
Requested file tears
Requested file familyroom
Received picture timinbot
Received picture clickhere
Received picture vision1
Received picture vision2
Received picture blackbrd
Received picture tears
Received picture silence
Received picture octopus
Received picture lithium
Received picture guitweep
Received picture ejcandl
Received picture children
**Smagle©ô:       Same thing with this one :-)
Hank:             I have one theory about this bug
**Smagle©ô:       ok :-)
**Smagle©ô:       Wanna share? hehehe
Hank:             there is a limit on the amount of scripting you can 
put in one room
Received picture familyroom
Hank:             16k
**Smagle©ô:       ok :)
Hank:             if you get real close to that you can have trouble 
changing stuff with room info
**Smagle©ô:       Alright... I have two identical rooms...duped...one 
I can lock
**Smagle©ô:       the other I cant would you like to see them? :-)
Hank:             have you tried in here?
**Smagle©ô:       Yes several times :)
Hank:             try it now
**Smagle©ô:       Great :-)
Hank:             it worked?
**Smagle©ô:       Can you follow me to the next one? :-)
**Smagle©ô:       Sure did Hank :-)
Hank:             sure :-)
Requested file whatsupdoc
*** @372,188Ehhhhhh what's up Doc? When ya get the room, click on one 
of the waskily wabbits and type wabbit on when you want to talk.
Hank:             one thing about that theory
Hank:             if it's true
**Smagle©ô:       This is the room I duped...I just locked it
**Smagle©ô:       But its not locked :-) now..it was before though hehe
Received picture whatsupdoc
**Smagle©ô:       Yes?
*** ; **Smagle©ô is Erasing
Hank:             you may have trouble locking a room whern there are 
a lot of people on and no trouble when the server is empty
**Smagle©ô:       ok :)
**Smagle©ô:       I was just going through and trying to lock them :-)
Hank:             lots of people on tripping scripts or executing 
their own - that counts on the 16k
**Smagle©ô:       Most of the ones that are like this... that wont 
lock ahhhhh ok :-)
Hank:             this is just a theory though
**Smagle©ô:       Well its better than no theory at all :-)
**Smagle©ô:       thats what I say anyways :), so there :-Þ~~!
Hank:             ok so it's all working now?
**Smagle©ô:       This ones locked yes now :-), poopie pants!
**Smagle©ô:       Oops LOL, you waskliy wabbit!
Hank:             a script? :-)
**Smagle©ô:       yes..one of our loon rooms
**Smagle©ô:       lol
**Smagle©ô:       We have several like this
**Smagle©ô:       We like to have fun lol
Hank:             I gotta get goin - goin to shakespere tonight
**Smagle©ô:       kk Hank :-)
Hank:             :need some culture I guess :-)
**Smagle©ô:       thanks a bunch hon :-)
**Smagle©ô:       @87,258 !Thanks sooooo much hehehe You're a PEACH!!!
**Smagle©ô:       )kiss
Hank:             no problem
Hank:             :mush
Hank:             :poof
**Smagle©ô:       I'll go lock the rest :-))
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