May 01, 1999 Palace Class held by Hank

12:00:00 - Opening Log
kitten{Daemon}:   giggles
Hank:             anyone got any favorite topics for today?
Ditzi §ø§:        Anais....Is that a Greek name?
Gyrithe©:         YEs
~Fur~:            :not for public consumption *s*
Anais:            @176,327 no french lol
Hank:             I mean palace topics
~Fur~:            lol
Ditzi §ø§:        LOL
Master Daemon:    lol
Gyrithe©:         Can we talk about having smaller logfiles
Anais:            @176,327 :oh icq
Hank:             you mean daily instead of weekly?
Gyrithe©:         yes, something like that
Hank:             or do you mean getting the error messages out of the log file?
Gyrithe©:         it is too expencive to dl the log every day as it is now
Gyrithe©:         No, please let the errormessages stay
Ditzi §ø§:        expensive?
Gyrithe©:         they are my reason for reading them :)
Hank:             people overseas pay by the minute for access
Ditzi §ø§:        LOL isa
Ditzi §ø§:        oh i see hank
~Fur~:            ouch
Gyrithe©:         I play a lot to be online Ditzy
Hank:             ok so let's get satrted
Hank:             for the log - everybody please say your name and what palace you're with
~Fur~:            Fur ---- Purrfect Illusions
Ditzi §ø§:        Ditzi from Lady Luck
Sparr©w:          Sparr©w - Utopia
Gyrithe©:         Gyrithe - Owner and Goddess at Utopia
Anais:            @176,327 Anais from Mysteria
Sylvery:          Sylvery--Utopia
Isa:              Isa from Lady Luck
Master Daemon:    Master Daeom    kitten's   Sanctuary
kitten{Daemon}:   kitten kittens santuray
Hank:             is that everybody?
Ditzi §ø§:        no isa...LOL she is from Lady Luck
Anais:            @176,327 hi Keltic
Anais:            @176,327 there you are
Hank:             hi Keltic - introduce yourself
KelticMyßteria©:  hello
Hank:             what palace you from?
KelticMyßteria©:  Mysteria
Hank:             great
Hank:             ok if noone has a favorite topic I'll go thru the list from the email and see if anyone wants to discuss them
Ditzi §ø§:        k
Hank:             anyone have any questions about the structure/features of your account?
Ditzi §ø§:        Yes do you bill monthy?
Hank:             yup
Ditzi §ø§:        i believe i signed for 6 mos
Hank:             if it's on a credit card
Ditzi §ø§:        okay
Hank:             I belive they send out invoices quarterly for cash accounts
Hank:             everybody know you get a web site with your account?
Gyrithe©:         yep
Ditzi §ø§:        yes
KelticMyßteria©:  yes
Master Daemon:    yes
kitten{Daemon}:   yep
Isa:              are there restrictions on what you can put on your web site?
Hank:             restrictions?
Isa:              like ads
Hank:             just the normal legal restrictions :-)
Hank:             ads is fine
Isa:              k, thanks
Hank:             ok when you log into your account with telnet or FTP.....
Gyrithe©:         I have been wondering....
Hank:             yes?
Gyrithe©:         Do I actualy have to follow the Danish law...or the American law when I am hostet by you?
Hank:             no idea
Hank:             I guess the US law - I think
Gyrithe©:         An excample is....
Gyrithe©:         I have now an adult area....
Gyrithe©:         by Danish law it wouldent be needed to passwordprotect it like I do
Hank:             there is no hard US law on that matter
Hank:             they tried a law last year and it died after 2 days
Gyrithe©:         Oh...I thought porn was illegial till you were 12?
Gyrithe©:         21 even ;)
Sylvery:          lol!
Isa:              18
Sparr©w:          :eheh
Hank:             porn is illegal - but the US Congress has not figured out a way to regulate it yet
Hank:             stay away from kiddie porn and you'll be ok :-)
Gyrithe©:         No prob then :)
Hank:             ok when you log into your account with telnet or FTP.....
Hank:             palace, palace-web and palace-ftp
Hank:             inside the palace directory there are three essential directories
Hank:             logs, media and psdata
Hank:             logs is obvious
Hank:             media is where your pictures and sounds go
Hank:             psdata is where your dat file and prop file live
Gyrithe©:         :or die!
Hank:             tha dat file contains the description of your palace
Hank:             or die?
Hank:             ah - got it :-)
Gyrithe©:         Smile....I meant the propfile
Hank:             we have had one case where someone went in while the server was running and deleted their dat file
Hank:             don't do this :-)
Sparr©w:          :uff
Ditzi §ø§:        i havent added a room yet...but all i would need to do is just upload the new pic?
Hank:             and make the room - yup
Ditzi §ø§:        k
Gyrithe©:         May I say something
Hank:             sure
Gyrithe©:         I learned the hard way----for the Instant to work...
Hank:             anyone just shout out anything that comes to mind
Gyrithe©:         only use 8 small letters in your names
Hank:             yes - was just coming to that
Dennis:           What do people think of the ads
Ditzi §ø§:        What is the instant palace? Like the personal server one?
Hank:             ok - in your meida directory
Hank:             Instant Palace is accessing your palace through a web browser
Ditzi §ø§:        oh cool
kitten{Daemon}:   wait...8 letters in what name.?
~Fur~:            ^how do you set that up to work?
Gyrithe©:         your sounds and pic's names
Hank:             room pictures need to be in GIF format, non interlaced
kitten{Daemon}:   kk
Hank:             Instant palace is set up when you set up your account
~Fur~:            and addy you use to access?
Ditzi §ø§:        Dennis i understand ads are necessary for palace to run...but a pain
Hank:             for Instant Palace - room pic names should be lowercase xxxxxxxx.gif
Hank:             I'll have to look up the addy Fur
Hank:             item #1 for the after class email - Instant Palace
Ditzi §ø§:        isnt the instant palace to access our palaces already up?
Hank:             yes it is - I just don't remember it
Captured a URL, see log.
I have captured a possible WWW address from Gyrithe©:
Hank:             there ya go
Ditzi §ø§:        so in order for that to work....all the room names hafta be lower case?
Gyrithe©:         Just replace the name with YOUR palace name
Hank:             not the room names
Hank:             the names of the pictures for the room
Ditzi §ø§:        okay
Hank:             sounds also go there
Ditzi §ø§:        so we hafta set this up first?
Hank:             no - we set it up with your account
Ditzi §ø§:        LOL okay
Hank:             but you can modify it
Hank:             I'll send out a whole bit on Instant Palace after the class in email
Gyrithe©:         I have a problem with my Instant palace
Hank:             I admit I haven't looked at it in a while
Hank:             yes Grythie?
Gyrithe©:         It tells the user have proformed an illegal operation when they log on
Gyrithe©:         but nothing happens
Gyrithe©:         and I have no idea why it do so?
Hank:             I'll take a look at that
Gyrithe©:         Thank you
~Fur~:            :probably doing it from work  *giggle*
Sparr©w:          :lol
~Fur~:            j/k *s*
Hank:             ok - any questions about the file structure for your account?
Anais:            @205,327 :hehe
Hank:             guess not
Ditzi §ø§:        LOL
Hank:             you may have noticed that there are lots of dat files in your psdata directory
Ditzi §ø§:        Im sure i will eventually
KelticMyßteria©:  yes
Hank:             this is a patch we put in to take care of a bug in the palace software
Hank:             anyone ever restarted their palace and lost rooms?
KelticMyßteria©:  yes
Ditzi §ø§:        nope
Gyrithe©:         One tome....
KelticMyßteria©:  once
Gyrithe©:         :Had forgot a curlybracket in the Dat
Gyrithe©:         time even
KelticMyßteria©:  and sometimes i lose some pics
Hank:             what happens is if there is a script error in a room the server will work fine till you crash or restart
Hank:             then it ewill read up to the error and stop there
Hank:             losing all the rooms after
Ditzi §ø§:        eeeekkkk
KelticMyßteria©:  ack
Gyrithe©:         yes, so it was for me
Hank:             so - we set the server up to backup your dat file every time it is started
KelticMyßteria©:  cool
Ditzi §ø§:        oh good thank you
Hank:             that way we can grab the backup file, fix the error and get your rooms back
Gyrithe©:         It keep 39 datfiles all in all?
Hank:             yes
Isa:              how do you tell the backup from the one being used?
Hank:             if you are not having any problems with losing rooms you can safely delete the older backup files
Gyrithe©:         they have a different name Isa
Hank:             the one being used is always named pserver.dat
~Fur~:            do we do this or do you periodically do it?
Ditzi §ø§:        Do these files get to large eventually and cause any problems?
Hank:             like Gyrthie says - it keeps 39 and throws out older ones
Hank:             no the files are not restricted by size
Gyrithe©:         :I'll teach Hank how my name is spelled after class ;))
Ditzi §ø§:        okay
Hank:             :I always get it wrong
Sparr©w:          :smile
~Fur~:            and only delete when palace is shutdown if we chose to?
Sylvery:          *grin*
Gyrithe©:         :He seems to need 'private' lessons ;)
Hank:             you can delete the backup files while the server is running
Hank:             NEVER delete the primary files
~Fur~:            is the log the same.... seeing many other than primary
Hank:             does anyone here edit the dat file directly or upload a new one after working on it at home?
KelticMyßteria©:  upload new one
Hank:             the log files are clsed every Monday morning and a new one is started
Ditzi §ø§:        i have edited it before but not since coming to chatserve
Gyrithe©:         I edit directly...but ofcause with the palace shut down
Hank:             ok - if you are going to edit the file directly - or upload one - you MUST shut the server down first or you are wasting your time
Ditzi §ø§:        okay
Hank:             the servdr will just overwrite it and you will loose your new file
Hank:             ok the question was aksed when we started about log files
Hank:             right now we start a new log every Monday
Hank:             a few people have asked to have them started every day
Hank:             opinions?
KelticMyßteria©:  well a weeks worth is kind of long
KelticMyßteria©:  takes forever to d/l it
Ditzi §ø§:        everyday would make them easier to look thru....but not sure we could get to viewing it everyday
Isa:              are you talking overwriting, or back up the old?
~Fur~:            I check every day so seeing the back stuff is a waste for me *s*
Gyrithe©:         I alwayes check my logfile at least one time a day....and the time downloading it it rather long at the end of the week
Hank:             I'm talkin about closing the log, saving it off and starting a fresh log - the old ones are not thrown away
KelticMyßteria©:  i check twice a day morning and night
Hank:             so does everyone prefer daily logs instead of weekly?
Isa:              that would be more convenient...long as you have the old ones
~Fur~:            yes
Hank:             any no votes?
Ditzi §ø§:        would be nice if we could have say the last day in there as well
Gyrithe©:         I vote for daily logs....and that about 14 dayes old logs are saved
Ditzi §ø§:        the current day  and the day before maybe
Hank:             ok we'll send out a note for a vote on that and set it up if that's what everyone wants
Ditzi §ø§:        okay
KelticMyßteria©:  ok
Hank:             ok next topic
Hank:             we have had a few reports of people losing wiz mode
Hank:             anyome had that happen?
Gyrithe©:         Loosing??
Sparr©w:          :nope
~Fur~:            no
Ditzi §ø§:        nope
Hank:             losing the ability to wiz up
Gyrithe©:         oh...
Gyrithe©:         I have not heard of it from my wizards
Hank:             seems a lot of epople think the command to see what wizards are on is 'wizards
Hank:             what that command actually does is turn off wiz mode
Gyrithe©:         can that be done by Members??
Hank:             no
Gyrithe©:         ok
Hank:             a wiz or a god
Hank:             anyquestions on that?
Ditzi §ø§:        nope
~Fur~:            ^before I forget.. command to get numeric addy for your palace?
Anais:            @182,347 no
Hank:             the next topic on Ty's list was User Utilities
Hank:             hmmm
~Fur~:            ,
Hank:             there is no wiz command for that
Anais:            @182,347 ^brb
~Fur~:            ok so how do i get it lol
Hank:             you know how to use nslookup?
~Fur~:            :heck no
Sparr©w:          :ping it?
Hank:             I could add it to the user utility page
Ditzi §ø§:        What do we need it for? the numeric addy?
Hank:             you know ping?
kitten{Daemon}:   no
~Fur~:            because many users cant get to your palace without it
Ditzi §ø§:        oh
Hank:             some users have DNS problems and need numeric IP's
Ditzi §ø§:        wonder why
Ditzi §ø§:        oh i see
Hank:             usually the DNS at their ISP is messed up
Ditzi §ø§:        okay so how do we find out what it is?...from the log?
Anais:            @182,347
Hank:             I'll see about adding the numeric IP to the user utility pagre
Ditzi §ø§:        okay hank
Ditzi §ø§:        thanks
Hank:             no the log won't tell you
Ditzi §ø§:        k
Hank:             the next topic on Ty's list was User Utilities
Hank:             any questions about that?
~Fur~:            is the server size utility working correctly?
Gyrithe©:         no, it works fine
~Fur~:            :swear I cant have that much space left lol
Ditzi §ø§:        LOL i like the utility page
Sparr©w:          :hehe
Hank:             you mean the disk space thing?
~Fur~:            yes
Hank:             I think yes but I'll check to be sure
~Fur~:            :love his technical lingo   thing  ROFL
Ditzi §ø§:        LOL
Gyrithe©:         :I sure hope it works correct
Hank:             It's fixed - let me know if it isn't working :-)
KelticMyßteria©:  i know some rooms and scripts were added yesterday to my palace and it was same number disk space as before that
Hank:             ok I'll look at it
Ditzi §ø§:        Hank's gonna be doing alot a lookin
KelticMyßteria©:  thanks
kitten{Daemon}:   lol
KelticMyßteria©:  hehe
Hank:             uh huh :-)
Ditzi §ø§:        Guess that makes him a Looker
Gyrithe©:         will you send out an email when you have checked?
Master Daemon:    lol
Gyrithe©:         I wanna be sure it works ok...please?
Hank:             some things you can do from the utility page
Ditzi §ø§:        LOL
Hank:             restart your server
Hank:             zero your prop file
Hank:             backup/restore your prop file
Hank:             restore an old dat file
Hank:             check room sizes
Sylvery:          oof...sorry
Ditzi §ø§:        and other than having a corrupt prop....why would you zero the prp file?
Hank:             if your prop file was corrupt and keeping your server from starting and you had no backup
Gyrithe©:         How do I find a bad prop?
Isa:              cause you don't like them anymore?
Ditzi §ø§:        LOL isa
Hank:             :another good reason :-)
Gyrithe©:         How do I find a bad prop?
Ditzi §ø§:        Hank you guys have backup right?....we also need to keep one on our puter too right?
Hank:             you can also change your blurb, view logs, veiew banlist
KelticMyßteria©:  i tried to purge my props other day and it said none found
Hank:             ok - backups
Hank:             there are two files that are crucial to your server
Hank:             pserver.dat and pserver.prp
Hank:             you can back up both from the utility page
Ditzi §ø§:        okay
Hank:             and you can restore the backup
Hank:             now - on the prop file
Hank:             there are a LOT of bugs in the server software dealing with the prop file
Hank:             even if you have a good backup - it may be corrupt
Hank:             EC is supposed to be fixing that
Ditzi §ø§:        k
Hank:             without goin into gobs of detail, the prop file has an index at the end of the file which tells it where to find all the props
Hank:             that index gets corrupted
Hank:             and the file is useless
Hank:             anyone have prop rooms?
~Fur~:            yes
kitten{Daemon}:   yes
Ditzi §ø§:        yes
KelticMyßteria©:  yes
Gyrithe©:         yes
Hank:             ok a few things about prop maintenance - especially if you have prop rooms
Hank:             whenyou start your server the prop file is read into memory
Hank:             the disk file is updated every 20 minutes or when you do a flushprops
Hank:             you should do a flush props often
Hank:             everyone familiar with purgeprops and flushprops?
Ditzi §ø§:        flush n flash...LOL
Master Daemon:    nope
Gyrithe©:         yep
KelticMyßteria©:  well kind of
Hank:             ok - there are two wiz/god commands related to props
~Fur~:            pros and cons of flush vs. purge?
Hank:             purgeprops reorganizes the props in memory only
Hank:             flushprops does the same thin but it then writes the file to disk
Ditzi §ø§:        so is flush better then?
Hank:             both caoomands take a number - called an argumanet
Hank:             for instance - purgeprops 1 - means purge all props not used in the last 1 day
Hank:             purgeprops -1 - means purge all props not used in the last 1 hour
Hank:             same for flush
~Fur~:            and if you run your props through, they are considered used and can do one day correct?
KelticMyßteria©:  when you do that do you lose any props
Hank:             yes
Isa:              :that could be dangerous!
Hank:             if you have prop rooms you can do it several ways
~Fur~:            no run through prop rooms and you are ok
Gyrithe©:         :Not alwayes Fur
Hank:             first way - run through all your rooms before the purge or flush
~Fur~:            how so G?
KelticMyßteria©:  the prop room i have is a wizes and she will kill me if i lose them hehe
Anais:            @182,347 :lol
Hank:             oo does everyone understand client prop bags and server prop bags
Gyrithe©:         Sometimes I lose some no matter how carefully I have been
Ditzi §ø§:        no hank
Hank:             :Gyr - sometimes a prop can seem lost and it really isn't
Gyrithe©:         :I know
Hank:             ok - the server has a prop file and your client has it's own prop bag
Ditzi §ø§:        okay and the client is the personal one for each user
Ditzi §ø§:        right?
Gyrithe©:         :Then I get my propbag and show the server the props again....and then it remember what it is supposed to
Hank:             if you go to a prop room and put on a prop, your client checks to see if it already has that prop in the prop bag
Hank:             if it does - it shows you that copy - if it dosn't - it fetches a copy from the server
Hank:             so...
Hank:             if a prop looks corrupted or missing to you...
Hank:             it is either messed up in your prop bag or the server prop file
Hank:             so how do you tell?
Gyrithe©:         How do I find such a bad prop?
Isa:              :and if a client as a diff prop, but the same filename, they will never see the server prop?
Isa:              :
Hank:             if you have prop rooms, one of the best tools you can have is a virgin prop bag
Ditzi §ø§:        oh yeah LOL
Hank:             this measns the stock prop bag that came with the client
Gyrithe©:         I have a bad prop somewhere....the log tells so...but I can't find it....not even using an emty propgab
Hank:             what do you mean when you say empty prop bag?
Gyrithe©:         A virgin one
Hank:             everybody knows there are props in your bag you can't see right?
KelticMyßteria©:  right
kitten{Daemon}:   no
Sparr©w:          :yup
Ditzi §ø§:        LOL no
Gyrithe©:         All my props looks ok to me....but the log tells there is a bad prop
Gyrithe©:         Yes
Hank:             ok - your client prop bag contains all your own props - PLUS every prop you've seen
Ditzi §ø§:        oh yes okay
~Fur~:            even when you compress?
Hank:             ok - so - go to the palace web sight - to the download section - to backups - and download a virgin prop bag
Hank:             then go through your prop rooms using the virgin prop bag - and any bad props you see are in the server prop file - not your prop bag
Hank:             also - if you put on a virgin prop bag and go through all your prop rooms and everything looks ok - that prop bag is now a great backup of your props
Hank:             all this makin sense ? :-)
Gyrithe©:         yes
Isa:              yep
Ditzi §ø§:        yes
Anais:            @182,347 yes
KelticMyßteria©:  should you purge that bag or not
Sparr©w:          :yes
kitten{Daemon}:   yep
Master Daemon:    yep
Hank:             you should NOT purge that bag
KelticMyßteria©:  ok thanky
Hank:             ok back to fixing screwed up props on the server
Hank:             you can do several things
Hank:             1 - restore a backup prop file
Hank:             2 - zero the prop file and then flash the props to the server from your local prop bag
Hank:             :ok - 2 things :-)
Ditzi §ø§:        LOL
Hank:             does that make sense?
Ditzi §ø§:        yes
~Fur~:            flash the props?
Ditzi §ø§:        flash n flush
Gyrithe©:         or take out the bad prop from the propgenerator.....edit a single dot...and then dump it again
Hank:             flash the props means you zero the prop file and then log on with your backup prop bag and go theought the props
Hank:             the server will 'learn' the props from your prop bag
Isa:              zero the prop file would be flushprops 0?
Hank:             no - zero the prop file from the user utility page
Isa:              ok
Hank:             ok someone asked wich was better - purge or flush
Hank:             purge is less laggy but it updates memory only
Hank:             flush is totally laggy but it updates the disk file
Hank:             when you do a flush - the server comes to a total halt while it compltese
Hank:             the reason is it has to assure no changes while it's wriring the file
Master Daemon:    How often  should we do prop  maint ?
Hank:             depends on your traffic
Hank:             once a week is usually good
Master Daemon:    k
Hank:             on a real busy server - every 2 days
Hank:             if you use the prop backup from the utility page - go through and get all your rooms workin nice, do a flush, shut down the server and do the backup
Hank:             any questions on props?
Ditzi §ø§:        yes
Hank:             :quiet room
Gyrithe©:         no
Ditzi §ø§:        do i absolutely hafta zero the file everytime i do this maintenace?
Isa:              dazed
Hank:             no - zeroing the file is a LAST resort to correct bad prop corruption
Ditzi §ø§:        okay
Ditzi §ø§:        so the maintenance...just so i have the steps....go thru my props...flush...then go thru them again
Hank:             please please please do not zero the prop file unless you have tried all else :-)
Hank:             yup - go thru them with a virgin bag
Ditzi §ø§:        kk
Hank:             ok I have a note from Ty
Hank:             a lot of folks have been using ICQ to report problems
Hank:             ICQ sucks :-)
KelticMyßteria©:  lol
Hank:             it's unrelaible
Hank:             send email
Anais:            @182,347 lol
Ditzi §ø§:        yeah
Ditzi §ø§:        okay
Master Daemon:    lol
kitten{Daemon}:   kk
Hank:             on the subject of email
Hank:             we went up the street and we talked to the folks at EC about the bugs
Hank:             they have set it up so you can talk directly to them about bugs and problems
Ditzi §ø§:        thru email? LOL or the phone?
Hank:             send questions and bugs to
Hank:             and make sure to cc us so we can make sure you get your answers
Ditzi §ø§:        okay
Hank:             you can still send all problems to us
Hank:             but sending to them may make them fix the dang bugs :-)
Ditzi §ø§:        LOL
kitten{Daemon}:   lol
Anais:            @182,347 hehe
Hank:             ok - pick a topic, bugs, lag, ads, ????
Ditzi §ø§:        ive had trouble with adding .gif overlays to rooms...sometimes it ads two
Ditzi §ø§:        i hafta delete the room and start over...conflicts with some scripting i think
Hank:             I haven't done that a lot Ditzi - I can check into it - send us email about the problem
Ditzi §ø§:        okay
Ditzi §ø§:        about the lag
Hank:             ok
Ditzi §ø§:        gets so bad sometimes .... its not necessarily chatserve is it?
kitten{Daemon}:   what is ping and how does it help ?
Hank:             everyone know what causes lag?
KelticMyßteria©:  yes
Hank:             ok - lag is caused by several things
Hank:             1 - server laod
Gyrithe©:         I hardly ever have lag at Utopia :)
Hank:             a few months ago our server was seriously overlaoded and the lag was VERY bad
Hank:             we've fixed that
Hank:             2- our connection
Ditzi §ø§:        okay
KelticMyßteria©:  i heard about that
Hank:             we have had no serious problems there - except for a serious outage last month that lasted a couple hours
Ditzi §ø§:        LOL do you have a generator now??? ROFL
~Fur~:            :right in the middle of my grand opening *sigh*
Hank:             over the last 2 days we did find a small problem and removed it
Ditzi §ø§:        LOL Fur
Ditzi §ø§:        yeah was bad the last couple o days
Hank:             there was a guy runnin a warez site and chewin up bandwidth
Hank:             we have shut him down
Ditzi §ø§:        eeek
Hank:             :and notified the police
Ditzi §ø§:        what is Juarez?
Gyrithe©:         Last time we talked about making a mailing-list for chatserve users.....what become of that?
Isa:              can you recommend scripting sources..tutorials, examples, etc?
Hank:             watez = distributing commercial software illegally
Hank:             Hiya Bob
Ditzi §ø§:        ooooo wow hank
Hank:             source #3 - your connection
BobM:             Hi Hank hows it goin
Ditzi §ø§:        good question isa
Hank:             lag may be caused by network congestion anywhere between us and you
KelticMyßteria©:  my isp has been bad latly they are moving
Hank:             we set up a traceroute page so you can look at the lag and find the source
Isa:              addr?
Ditzi §ø§:        oh thats cool hank....what addy is that?
Hank:             it's at
Ditzi §ø§:        thank you
Hank:             the traceroute looks at all the hops between you and us and measures the times
Hank:             I have a room set up here for how to read the trace results after the class
Ditzi §ø§:        Okay
Hank:             script sources and tutorials
KelticMyßteria©:  cool
Hank:             I hate to say it but a great source of canned scripts is hotcity - one of my competitors :-)
Isa:              lol
Hank:             we will be setting up a script library soon
Anais:            @182,347 kewl
KelticMyßteria©:  hehe
Isa:              great
~Fur~:            :luv ya anyway hank *s*
Hank:             if you want to learn scripting, the best source I know is
Gyrithe©:         :Or take classes
Hank:             there are some classes offered - I forget who does that - gee who could that be?
Anais:            @182,347 at vision there will be another Iptscrae class soon
Gyrithe©:         !MEEEEEEEEE
Hank:             Gyr does scripting classes too
Isa:              lol...I do better with something I can read and refer too
Sylvery:          lol Gy!
KelticMyßteria©:  me too
Hank:             I saw a goor scripting class online a while back
Hank:             I'll look it up and send y'all the addy
Sylvery:          the script classes have written lessons, Keltic and Isa
KelticMyßteria©:  they do cool
Isa:              ohh, thanks, hank
KelticMyßteria©:  might look into it thanks
Anais:            @182,347 yes the one at vision does
Sylvery:          yup..they're great
Hank:             Gyrithe's class is great
Hank:             :I spelled it right
kitten{Daemon}:   cool when your next  class/
Gyrithe©:         *Smile*
KelticMyßteria©:  hehe
Gyrithe©:         :Next class is on thuesday
Hank:             :thuesday?
Ditzi §ø§:        sheeesh i signed up at Utopia and then my email went down
kitten{Daemon}:   have to sigh up for it
Ditzi §ø§:        month or so ago
Gyrithe©:         :The day after Monday
Isa:              where's the sign up?
Gyrithe©:         awww---Ditzy
Ditzi §ø§:        G is the class for scripting or for the borg?
Gyrithe©:         Both
Ditzi §ø§:        okay
Gyrithe©:         it's the same
Hank:             the techniques are essentially the same
kitten{Daemon}:   where do you sigh up?
Hank:             except with room scripts you have a few extra commands - like ON SELECT
Gyrithe©:         Come and see me at Utopia Thuesday
kitten{Daemon}:   any special time?
Isa:              what time?
Ditzi §ø§:        Thanks G
Isa:              k, Di
Gyrithe©:         at 7.30 Denmark time ;)
Hank:             ^
Isa:              LOL, G..that helps : )
Gyrithe©:         Thank you Hanke
Hank:             what time is it there now G?
Isa:              what time is it there now?
Gyrithe©:         I am 6 hours ahead of New York, if that helps
kitten{Daemon}:   yep
Hank:             so 9 hours ahead of west coast
Gyrithe©:         it is 10.30 pm here right now
Isa:              it's 10:30 there?
Gyrithe©:         yes Hank
Hank:             was that 7:30 AM or PM?
Gyrithe©:         pm
Hank:             ^Scripting Class at 7:30PM Denmark time Teusday
Hank:             :will there be snacks?
Gyrithe©:         :I give spelling lessons for free too ;)
Ditzi §ø§:        okay thanks
Ditzi §ø§:        LOL
KelticMyßteria©:  lol
Anais:            @182,347 lol
Sparr©w:          :hehe
Gyrithe©:         SSure...snacks for free
kitten{Daemon}:   lol
Isa:              byob, hank : )
Hank:             ok anyone got any questions at all about anything - complaints, suggestions, bribes?
Ditzi §ø§:        LOL
Sparr©w:          :lol
Sylvery:          :bribes...
KelticMyßteria©:  lol
Gyrithe©:         I was wondering...
Gyrithe©:         Who won the free month?
Isa:              list of everyone susceptible to bribes?
Gyrithe©:         or is it a seckert?
Hank:             I have no idea - there were 3
Ditzi §ø§:        LOL isa
Hank:             I can find out
Ditzi §ø§:        how did they win free months?
Gyrithe©:         It is not important...I was just curious
Hank:             by answering a questionairre
Hank:             it was before you signed up Ditzi
Ditzi §ø§:        okay....lets do that again LOL
Hank:             we got 600 replies
Sparr©w:          :smile
Ditzi §ø§:        wow
Hank:             :some really interesting suggestions :-)
Gyrithe©:         :I filled out the 300 of them ;)
Ditzi §ø§:        LOL G
Master Daemon:    lol
Isa:              lol Gyrithe
Hank:             the questionaire was all customers - not just palace
Isa:              I saw it...didn't fill it out tho
Gyrithe©:         :But I did not won :(
Hank:             we have about 1800 customers of various types
Sylvery:          lol Gy!
Gyrithe©:         What about the mailing list we talked about last time?
Hank:             :still small
Hank:             ya - we're gonna do that
Gyrithe©:         oh great
Hank:             we're gonna set up mailing lists so you can all talk to us and to each other
KelticMyßteria©:  cool
Ditzi §ø§:        Can i ask....What is a good way to advertise your palace? guess mailing lists would be one way
Gyrithe©:         It might save you some time if we could help each other
Hank:             share knowledge, ask silly questions, share names of bad guys to ban, etc
Hank:             ok - advertising
KelticMyßteria©:  yes i would like to know that too
Hank:             you can get a link from main
Hank:             there's the a-z list
Hank:             there are several rings set up
Gyrithe©:         ok email is
Hank:             she means
KelticMyßteria©:  how do you get into the jumpstation or portal
Gyrithe©:         How do one get a link from Main?
Ditzi §ø§:        Do you pay for the link on the pain....i mean main?
Hank:             anyone need to know the procedure for getting a permanent link on main?
Ditzi §ø§:        LOL hank yes
Hank:             no - it's fre
Gyrithe©:         :I have tried for half a year now, without any luck!
Ditzi §ø§:        k
Hank:             really?
Gyrithe©:         Yes
Hank:             I'll go kick koko's butt for ya :-)
KelticMyßteria©:  hehe
Gyrithe©:         I send the correct information and a correct gif...
Ditzi §ø§:        LOL
Gyrithe©:         But nothing happens
Gyrithe©:         :Do it gentle Hank....She is a nice person :)
Gyrithe©:         :When it NOT comes to her link job ;)
Hank:             ^
Hank:             one of the questions there is how to get a link on Main
Ditzi §ø§:        okay
Hank:             1.Your palace must be online 24/7.
Hank:             2.It must have been contiuously online for at least 30 days.
Hank:             3.There can be no illegal content to your palace.
Hank:             If you comply with these guidelines I need the following from you.
KelticMyßteria©:  what would be illegal
Hank:             1.A graphic to represent your palace. It needs to be 108x88 pixels, in gif format and have the palace palette applied to it.
Hank:             2.The name of your palace
Hank:             3.Your palace address including port number.
Hank:             4.How would you classify your palace:
Hank:             Mail the  graphic and info to We should have your link put in within a few days.
Hank:             illegal would be kiddie porn or stolen copyrighted materials
KelticMyßteria©:  ahh ok
Gyrithe©:         :No scanned pics ;)
KelticMyßteria©:  thanks
Gyrithe©:         :Without permision
Hank:             there is a ton of info at that FAQ page
Ditzi §ø§:        yes
Ditzi §ø§:        and hank....being with chatserve makes us 24/7 doesnt it?
Hank:             yup
Ditzi §ø§:        okay
Gyrithe©:         :When they dont loose power
Ditzi §ø§:        LOL
Ditzi §ø§:        i was gonna say buy a generator
Master Daemon:    lol
Gyrithe©:         LOL
Hank:             in case anyone is curious - we just went over 90 palaces hosted here
Ditzi §ø§:        woooo hoooo congrats!
KelticMyßteria©:  congrats
Sylvery:          Congratulations
Sparr©w:          :congrat
Gyrithe©:         What do we win when you reach 100?
Hank:             we owe most (all) of that to word of mouth
Hank:             we have some palaces here that have never paid for service due to referral awards :-)
Gyrithe©:         :Or we will start talking bad about you
Master Daemon:    lol
Ditzi §ø§:        LOL tell me i was the 90th and recieve the year free
Hank:             a generator is on the list
Gyrithe©:         lol
Anais:            @182,347 lol
Ditzi §ø§:        hehehe
Hank:             we should do something when we reach 100
Hank:             a party, prizes, etc
Ditzi §ø§:        yeah good idea
Isa:              a free year?
Isa:              lol
Ditzi §ø§:        LOL
KelticMyßteria©:  lol
Ditzi §ø§:        i like that idea
Hank:             a free year as a door prize?
Isa:              to the 100th person
Isa:              or the person who referred them
Hank:             naaa - as a door prize - so everyone has a chance
Ditzi §ø§:        LOL
Hank:             a year, 6 months, 3 months - ist, sceond, third
Gyrithe©:         I have a question...
Hank:             yes?
Ditzi §ø§:        perfect hank
Isa:              awwww, hank...just think how many referrals you would get in the next month, if the person who referred them could win a free year
~Fur~:            :thats purrfect Ditzi *giggle*
Hank:             treu Isa :-)
Gyrithe©:         There is a command that deside who have acces to different commands....
Gyrithe©:         but I cant remember it...
Hank:             yes - it's new
Gyrithe©:         Do anyone know?
Gyrithe©:         It is something like setrank??
Hank:             I like Isa's idea
Hank:             yes - the setrank command
Gyrithe©:         ok
Ditzi §ø§:        and whats that for?
Hank:             you use it to set who can access what commands
Hank:             for example - to say only gods can kill......
Isa:              you can have diff classes of wizes?
Gyrithe©:         if you type   setrank 2 'gag   you allowe wizards to gag
Ditzi §ø§:        okay
Hank:             type.. - 'setrank 'kill 3
Gyrithe©:         you sure thats the correct syntax Hank?
Isa:              oh, I see
Hank:             the ranks are 0=guest, 1=member, 2 =wiz, 3 = god
Hank:             yes G
Gyrithe©:         :I'll test it later
Gyrithe©:         I thought mine was the correct one :(
Hank:             ok a test - I'll set it right now so members can pin
kitten{Daemon}:   is there a command so wizzards can't authorize?
Ditzi §ø§:        LOL kitt was thinkin the same
Hank:             oops - I'm not god :-)
Gyrithe©:         type   author off Kitten
Hank:             authorize?
Gyrithe©:         with the ' infront
kitten{Daemon}:   it shuts it off for gods too then
Gyrithe©:         yesa
Gyrithe©:         yes
Hank:             yup
Hank:             you can also lock a room
kitten{Daemon}:   kk
Ditzi §ø§:        thats what i was thinkin hank
Ditzi §ø§:        only way i guess
~Fur~:            but has to be private to lock
Hank:             ok - everyone here - wiz up
Gyrithe©:         not true Fur
~Fur~:            cant get it to work any other way
Hank:             oops that won't work
Sylvery:          :wiz up?
kitten{Daemon}:   here?
Hank:             Fur - locking for changes is different
~Fur~:            how?
Hank:             go to room info and click the padlock
Gyrithe©: are in a way correct...but it do not matter which option you mark....just mark an options do it :)
Hank:             ok - the wizpassword is ############
Hank:             wiz up Fur
Gyrithe©:         why do we wiz up?
Hank:             to try some stuff
Gyrithe©:         ok
Gyrithe©:         :A killing war :)))))))
Sylvery:          all of us?
Hank:             ok fur - open the Room Info here
Hank:             see the padlock?
~Fur~:            see the lock,  padlock?
Hank:             yup
Hank:             click it
~Fur~:            yes but if I leave and come back it opens again in my palace
Hank:             that allows you to lock all changes to this room - even by a wizard
Gyrithe©: are right.....
Hank:             it shouldn't
~Fur~:            only locks for me when I make private but G says any option will do it
Gyrithe©:         what I meant is: it do not have to be marked Private....painting of or any other option will make it work too :)
Hank:             really?
Gyrithe©:         yes, so it is
Hank:             :writing that down
~Fur~:            ok G , ty
Anais:            @182,347 ^brb
Hank:             :I always learn stuff at these classes
Ditzi §ø§:        LOL
Gyrithe©:         :When will I get my paycheck???
~Fur~:            see hank *s*  unlocked again
Anais:            @182,347
Ditzi §ø§:        i thought by just hitting the lock options...with the p/w locks it for authoring etc
Hank:             @64,64 !It's Hank
Gyrithe©:         :Ask for payment and he leaves right away :)
kitten{Daemon}:   LOL
Hank:             stayed locked for me
KelticMyßteria©:  lol
~Fur~:            well you are special Hank ROFL
Gyrithe©:         are you on Mac Hank?
Hank:             did you hit OK in the room info box after?
Gyrithe©:         the lock thingy works for Macs
~Fur~:            :like yeah *s*
Anais:            @182,347 sure does for Macs
Hank:             it works for PC's too - I LAWYS get called by customers who forgot their passwords :-)
~Fur~:            I lock fine when I make private
Gyrithe©:         Not if no option is marked
Ditzi §ø§:        i just want the room to lock for the scripting purposes and pic
Hank:             intersting
Hank:             try marking an option Fur
~Fur~:            what pass did you use hank?
Hank:             I just unlocked it :-)
Hank:             did it work?
~Fur~:            yep now stays
Hank:             cool
Hank:             learned sumthin
Gyrithe©:         :My paycheck Hank??!!
kitten{Daemon}:   lol
KelticMyßteria©:  lol
Hank:             :doubling G's pay
Sparr©w:          :hehe
Ditzi §ø§:        LOL
Anais:            @170,347 hehe
Gyrithe©:         LOLOL
Gyrithe©:         :I'll get rich now ;)
Gyrithe©:         :0+0 =...hmmmm
Ditzi §ø§:        soooo what exactly did you guys do?
Gyrithe©:         :Counting on fingers and toes
kitten{Daemon}:   hehehehe
Hank:             you can lock a rroom so noone can change it Ditzi
Ditzi §ø§:        okay and that was done by changing to padlock?
Hank:             open room info and click on the padlock
Hank:             it will ask you to set a password
KelticMyßteria©:  hehe cute
Ditzi §ø§:        okay...on mine there is an option for just lock...and a p/w
Hank:             no padlock icon?
Gyrithe©:         Locking it do also prevent Mac users from 'seeing' the scripts in the room
~Fur~:            I am on old version, no padlock icon *s*
Ditzi §ø§:        no icon....but that padlock word is on for room type i believe
kitten{Daemon}:   no icon either
Hank:             oh ok
Hank:             :does anyone like the ads on the new version? :-)
Isa:              no
KelticMyßteria©:  no
Anais:            @170,347 dont think so lol
Master Daemon:    no
KelticMyßteria©:  i went and got old version
Isa:              they are a pain
~Fur~:            NO
kitten{Daemon}:   NOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Gyrithe©:         They do not disturb me at all
Sylvery:          don't have the new version..for that reason! *g*
Gyrithe©:         I astulay find some of them interesting :)
Hank:             :does anyone not totally hate them?
Isa:              would be ok if you could move them out of the way
Sparr©w:          :true isa
KelticMyßteria©:  i put min on bottom of screen
KelticMyßteria©:  still hated it
Hank:             :would you prefer to pay a lot more for server licenses?
Gyrithe©:         I like to see who is palace of the monts and so :)
Sylvery:          how big are they?
Hank:             they're small
Isa:              if you made the ads vertical so they could go down the side of the monitor.....
~Fur~:            wont upgrade because of them lol
Gyrithe©:         I have mine pushed to one side and I have fine space for palace and ICQ beside it
Hank:             60 pixels tall - 400 wide
Sylvery:          me too, Fur
Isa:              they they wouldn't cover the chat windoe
KelticMyßteria©:  i found out other day that icq can go on top of your screen
KelticMyßteria©:  looks neat too
KelticMyßteria©:  hehe
Isa:              my monitor isn't that big, G
Gyrithe©:         oh
Anais:            @170,347 hehe
Gyrithe©:         then I see you have a prob
Isa:              yeah, Keltic..pretty cool, huh?
Ditzi §ø§:        mine already looks like an airplane cockpit with everything flashin all the time...LOL
KelticMyßteria©:  hehe yup was cool
Sparr©w:          :lol
KelticMyßteria©:  lol
Anais:            @170,347 lol ditzi
Isa:              yep....the ads cover the chat window...can't talk without them popping up
Ditzi §ø§:        LOL
KelticMyßteria©:  only one problem with it up there lsa
Hank:             I have an introduction - that cowboy lurking near Fur is Bob - he started this company about 3 years ago
KelticMyßteria©:  i have 70 people on my list
Isa:              but I have lots of space to the side where they wouldn't bother me
Gyrithe©:         cant you move the logwindow then ISa?
KelticMyßteria©:  scrunches it a little
Ditzi §ø§:        Nice to meet you Bob
Sylvery:          Hello, BobM
Isa:              yes, G.....but they still cover the chat window...where I type
Sparr©w:          hi bobm
~Fur~:            :sucking up to Bob *s*
KelticMyßteria©:  hello bob
Isa:              hey Bob
Anais:            @170,347 hi bob
Master Daemon:    hello Bob
Gyrithe©:         Hiya Bob...I hope my toes don't stink too much for you ;)
Ditzi §ø§:        Wonderin why they all flock to silicon valley...ROFL
Gyrithe©:         :I DID wash them before comming here
Sylvery:          :she has clean feet...
Hank:             he musat fallen asleep
kitten{Daemon}:   lol
Sparr©w:          :lol
KelticMyßteria©:  lol
Anais:            @170,347 lol
Gyrithe©:         :Is probably my smelly feets ;)
Ditzi §ø§:        LOL
Hank:             ok if there are no more biq questions I'll be doin traceroute class in the whiteboard room
Isa:              thanks, hank
Sylvery:          Thanks, Hank
Ditzi §ø§:        okay thank you hank
Isa:              I've learned a lot
KelticMyßteria©:  ok thanks
Gyrithe©:         ok
Sparr©w:          thanks
Sylvery:          bye for now, everybuddy!
Anais:            @170,347 ty hank
Hank:             any questions on palace bugs?
~Fur~:            thankies Hank
Master Daemon:    Thanks
Ditzi §ø§:        byeeee syl
BobM:             I was working in another window.
BobM:             Thanks Hank
Hank:             say Hi Bob :-)
Ditzi §ø§:        LOL Bob
Isa:              lol you have to scroll
KelticMyßteria©:  lol
~Fur~:            :was advertisements covering the chat ROFL
KelticMyßteria©:  well im leaving nice to have met everyone
Hank:             everyone said Hi and Fur made a pass at you :-)
BobM:             I am getting the hang of this.
~Fur~:            lol
kitten{Daemon}:   heheh
Sparr©w:          hehe
Ditzi §ø§:        LOL
Anais:            @170,347 hehe
KelticMyßteria©:  bye for now
~Fur~:            ohhh my , in trouble again
Master Daemon:    Nice meeting you also
Ditzi §ø§:        bye keltic
Anais:            @170,347 bye all ty again
Sparr©w:          bye everyone
Ditzi §ø§:        bye Ana
Gyrithe©:         Byeeeeeeee
Hank:             anyone wanna know more about reading traceroute?
BobM:             Hi everyone... Helloooo Fur ;-)
Ditzi §ø§:        bye sparrow
kitten{Daemon}:   byeeee lol
Gyrithe©:         yes, please Hank
Ditzi §ø§:        Yes Hank i do
kitten{Daemon}:   nice meeting everyone
Hank:             whiteboard room
Isa:              bye everyone
kitten{Daemon}:   were leaving also
Ditzi §ø§:        okay
Master Daemon:    Take care  all
kitten{Daemon}:   bye bye
Hank:             thanks for comin everyone
Gyrithe©:         wow, great idea :)
Hank:             ok - this is what a trace result looks like
Ditzi §ø§:        gawd...looks greek to me
Hank:             like you would see on the traceroute utility page
Gyrithe©:         :I ofern have more hops than that :)
Hank:             this is the IP address I traced to
Hank:             when you go to the pahe, it automatically plugs in your IP address to tace back to you
Hank:             if you want to trace one of your users, plug in their IP address
Hank:             you know how to get that?
Gyrithe©:         yes
~Fur~:            yep
Ditzi §ø§:        off the log?
Ditzi §ø§:        is one way right?
Hank:             you can do a 'list
Ditzi §ø§:        okay
Hank:             ok - so the result is  BUNCH OF NUMBERED LINES
Hank:             sorry for the caps :-)
Ditzi §ø§:        LOLOL G
Hank:             each numbered line is a 'hop'
Gyrithe©:          :)
Ditzi §ø§:        ummmm and a hop is?
Hank:             the route from you to the server is made up of hops - from one router to the next
Ditzi §ø§:        okay
Hank:             take this line for instance
Hank:             the first thing on the line is the name of the router you are hopping to
Hank:             that one happens to be my main router
Hank:             this is that router's IP address
Hank:             this part tells you that router belongs to me -
Hank:             these last three numbers are times - 3 samples of the time for that bhop
Gyrithe©:         how cone the 3 pings are so different?
Hank:             ms = milliseconds - thousandths of a second
Hank:             congestion changes all the time
Ditzi §ø§:        so you had to be rerouted so to speak?
Hank:             yes you will always take a slightly different route but for the most part it stays the same
~Fur~:            just paged from work sigh   life of software support..... ty Hank
Hank:             ok so tht's the basics of each line
Hank:             seeya Fur
~Fur~:            bye
Ditzi §ø§:        bye Fur
Gyrithe©:         take care Fur
Hank:             when you see an asterisk like these - it means that packet failed
Hank:             and had to be resent
Ditzi §ø§:        means what though?
Ditzi §ø§:        LOL in english
Hank:             that means the congestion there was briefly so bad nothing got through
Gyrithe©:         the server did not 'answer' the ping?
Hank:             when you see three like this - the whole hp failed
Ditzi §ø§:        hmmm
Ditzi §ø§:        and they got booted?
Hank:             no - the packets will keep trying to get thru - but lag will be very bad
Ditzi §ø§:        okay
Hank:             so waht can we tall from this trace
Gyrithe©:         it looks like bad lag
Ditzi §ø§:        three places of bad lag
Hank:             the user is using optonline as their ISP
Hank:             from us to them the route goes thru
Ditzi §ø§:        and went thru palo alto...ROFL
Hank:             then bbnplanet - my backbone providor
Hank:             then sprintlink
Hank:             then cvnet
Hank:             then optonline
Ditzi §ø§:        oooo so they had bad lag at sprint?
Hank:             the lag is worst at the switch from sprintlink to cvnet
Ditzi §ø§:        okay
Hank:             besides *'s - look for big times
Hank:             this is a big time
Hank:             sometimes you will se numbers like 2000
Ditzi §ø§:        big time what?
Hank:             big time for that hop
Hank:             this means it took 343 milliseconds for that hop
Hank:             for one packet
Hank:             a palace prop send for instance takes a few hundred packets
Ditzi §ø§:        okay
Hank:             these words take a few dozen
Hank:             1000 ms = 1 second
Hank:             so if you do a trace.....
Ditzi §ø§:        k
Hank:             1) If the problem is within - yell at me - LOUD
Hank:             2) if the problem is with bbnplanet - tell me and I will yell at them
Ditzi §ø§:        okay...there would asterisks by
Hank:             or big times - yes
Ditzi §ø§:        k
Hank:             if the problem is at the user end - tell them and they can yell at their ISP
Ditzi §ø§:        LOL
Hank:             or get a new ISP :-)
Ditzi §ø§:        i use earthlink..pretty good one dontcha think?
Hank:             if the problem is in the middle - like this one - then let me know and I will forward a complaint to them thru BBNPLANTE
Ditzi §ø§:        okay
Ditzi §ø§:        and hank how do we find the numerical addy for our palace?
Hank:             I'll have to add that to the utility page
Ditzi §ø§:        oh yeah okay
Hank:             you have Windows - right?
Ditzi §ø§:        yes
Ditzi §ø§:        98
Hank:             you know how to open a DOS window?
Hank:             Command Prompt window?
Ditzi §ø§:        oh geez....havent done that for a long time
Hank:             it's under Start:Programs
Hank:             what's your palace addy again?
Ditzi §ø§:
Hank:             Name: Address:
Ditzi §ø§:        aaaahhh thank you
Hank:             that is your permanent IP
Ditzi §ø§:        thank you hank
Hank:             did you find the Command Prompt window?
Ditzi §ø§:        no
Ditzi §ø§:        i see start programs
Ditzi §ø§:        LOL
Hank:             there should be sumthing called Command Prompt
Gyrithe©:         it is called MS Dos Promt
Hank:             r that :-)
Hank:             or MS DOS prompt :-)
Gyrithe©:         :I cant spell...sorry
Hank:             you find it Ditzi?
Ditzi §ø§:        okay i see it
Hank:             open it
Ditzi §ø§:        okay
Hank:             type ping
Ditzi §ø§:        interesting
Gyrithe©:         :lol
Hank:             it should tell you the IP in the result
Ditzi §ø§:        yes
Hank:             ok - let's get more interesting... :-)
Ditzi §ø§:        LOL okay
Hank:             type tracert
Ditzi §ø§:        LOL okay
Hank:             you should get something that looks like this picture
Ditzi §ø§:        yes
Ditzi §ø§:        woo hoooo no asterisks
Hank:             that's good :-)
Ditzi §ø§:        no biggies either LOL
Hank:             that is the same thing as using our traceroute page - except you are tracing the other way
Ditzi §ø§:        okay
Hank:             when you typed ping before - that tells you the whole time
Ditzi §ø§:        and if i run a ping...from the run option...thats sposed to clear congestion right?
Hank:             it dosen't break it down like trace
Ditzi §ø§:        okay
Hank:             no - that's an internet rumor
Ditzi §ø§:        oh LOL figures
Hank:             ping just measures the time
Ditzi §ø§:        okay
Ditzi §ø§:        too bad
Hank:             ok is this all perfectly clear? :-)
Gyrithe©:         yep
Ditzi §ø§:        ROFL of course
Hank:             :G knew all this :-)
Gyrithe©:         :Smile
Ditzi §ø§:        hehehe
Ditzi §ø§:        i have loads to learn i know
Hank:             again you can do a trace from our traceroute page
Ditzi §ø§:        Thank you for all your help hank
Hank:             ^
Ditzi §ø§:        okay got that thanks
Hank:             no problem
Gyrithe©:         YEs, thank you your your wise words and time :)
Hank:             :it's good when your customers know what'S GOIN ON
Ditzi §ø§: gonna go pull weeds now...LOL
Hank:             oooh exciting
Ditzi §ø§:        nice to meet you G
Hank:             I'm gonna go find junk food :-)
Gyrithe©:         awww...I have done that all day Ditzy :=
Ditzi §ø§:        LOL
Gyrithe©:         Take care...
Ditzi §ø§:        see you of luck
Gyrithe©:         I'll go to bed
Hank:             thanks for comin y'all
Gyrithe©:         Smile
Gyrithe©:         Byeeeeee
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