Power Tips
Top Level Domains (Internet) You have probably noticed that many TV, magazine and newspaper advertisements contain web and email addresses. Most of these addresses end with ".com". For example: www.cnn.com Occasionally, you may see a few web addresses that have different endings, like:
www.harvard.edu Right about now you might be asking, "What is the difference between these different endings?" Here is a brief explanation of some of the most common:
.com = A commercial business. In addition to the above, countries usually have their own endings (called Top Level Domains).
.ca = Canada. The Power Search (Searching)
When searching the Internet, find more relevant information by entering a more specific query, than just a word or two. For example: If you are looking for technical support help for Win95 hardware conflicts, a search entered as WINDOWS 95 HARDWARE CONFLICTS TECH SUPPORT HELP, will produce a lot more information than just a simple search on HARDWARE CONFLICTS.
Reposition Toolbars (IE 4.X)
If you're in a creative mood, try repositioning your toolbars. Just place your cursor over the raised tab on the left edge of the toolbar and drag it up, down, left or right. Who's in charge now!
Upgrade IE Quickly (IE 4.X)
Ever wonder if you're running the most current version of Internet Explorer and the numerous add-ons that are available? Find out and update quickly by clicking Help/Microsoft on the Web/Free Stuff. These keystrokes will take you to the Microsoft site, where you can specify your operating system, and then on Add-ons. The site will quickly scan your hard drive, notify you of any recommended/required upgrades and allow you to select which components to update.
Changing Search Engines (IE 4.X)
Tired of using the same default IE search engine? Click the Search button on your toolbar. Then, from the left pane select "Choose a search engine." To make your new engine selection, select "List of all search providers." Now just make your selection and you're set. Windows 98 users will be able to make the change a little easier from the main browser window. Try it now!
Suspending and Resuming Downloads (Netscape 4.X)
Did you know that Navigator 4 lets you cancel downloads and resume them later? That's right - and right where you left off! Navigator will temporarily store the file in cache and will pick up the download from where you stopped it, the next time you logon and return to the source download site. This tip will come in handy if you don't have time to sit and wait for the complete transfer to take place. Just click the Stop button and resume the download next time you get a minute.
Fast Start! (Windows95)
You've probably noticed that Windows 95 usually lists programs on the Start menu in alphabetical order. Don't like the order they're in? Try renaming them so that they begin with a symbol or number. For example: 1 MS Word, 2 Excel, 3 PhotoShop, etc..
Mac Finder (Mac)
If you use a Mac, one of the most useful tools it offers it Finder. It is essentially the desktop management and file management system for Apple Macintosh computers. It's not merely a file and disk utility. Finder can also help you master your Clipboard and Scrapbook. It will also help you manage and organize and all desktop icons and windows. You'll read more about this handy Mac feature in the future. In the meantime explore and investigate Finder on your own. You'll learn and remember a lot more this way.
The More The Merrier (HTML) An easy way to help increase the number of hits you get to your site is to use keyword meta tags in your HTML. Here's an example:
<meta NAME="keywords" CONTENT="Jane Doe's free tips and tricks on grooming your cat">
What's in a Title? (HTML) As you are well aware, there is an art to finding things on the Web. If you or your company have a website, and you want to increase the chances of being found, be sure to use Page Titles. The majority of search engines index and rate your site using the home page's title as the starting point. The best way to be noticed and get indexed is to make your page's title between 5 and 15 words in length. It should include your company and/or product names and a short phrase describing yourself and/or your company.