This newsletter was created in June.
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-= Tips =-
Title: Checking Them Out the Font Way
Description: Preview your fonts before you use them
Do you want to see what that Gothic Type font looks like? Or how about any font for that matter? With Windows Explorer goto Windows\Fonts and double click any of the listed fonts to see an example what they look like. You can even print the font examples for future reference.
Title: Don't Twiddle Your Thumbs
Description: You can keep working/surfing while downloading files
Get busy! While downloading a file from the Internet, you don't have to sit around and wait. Keep surfing by clicking a link in your favorite or bookmark folders. If you prefer, you can read your unread mail. You can do just about anything else you want. Things might slow down a little, but it's better that twiddling your thumbs!
Title: Download Dropouts
Description: Don't panic IE 4.x will let you resume failed downloads
There's only one minute left on that 2 hour download and suddenly it's interrupted. Yikes!!! No need to pull out your hair. If you're using Internet Explorer 4.x you can resume the download from where it got stopped. Simply keep the download site in your browser and reconnect to the Net. Your download will automatically resume and be completed in a few short minutes. Relief!
Title: Try Your Hand at HTML
Description: A brief introduction to Page Composer
Page Composer is an application offered in Netscape 4.x, which allows you to write your own HTML when creating websites. Page Composer will help you with inserting graphics, images and much more. Access Page Composer by simply pressing CTRL + 4 . A blank page will open and you can immediately begin learning and writing HTML to create your pages. Don't forget about the Help menu if you need more guidance.
Title: Windows 98 Easter Egg
Description: A tricky surprise in the new OS
Lights. Camera. Action! Want to see a musical slide show of the Windows 98 development team? Be patient with the instructions that follow and you'll be pleasantly surprised.
Double-click the clock in the system tray. Select the Time Zone tab. Press the CTRL key and click your left mouse button on the approximate location of Memphis, Egypt. Still holding the CTRL key, drag an imaginary object across the ocean and drop it in the area of Memphis, Tennessee. Still holding the CTRL key, click on the same imaginary object and drag it across the United States and drop in on Redmond, Washington. Release the CTRL key. Now sit back, watch and listen.
If you don't get it the first time a pocket atlas might come in handy.
Title: I Said, Save That Password!
Description: Getting around the Save password in Dial-Up Networking
Tired of typing in the same password EVERY TIME you connect to the Internet? Next time the Dial-Up Networking connection screen is up, click the Save Password box. If it's grayed out, go to the Passwords in Control Panel. Click the User Profiles tab and select 'Users can specify.. .. When ever they login.' Restart your computer and then check the Save Password box next time you connect.
Title: Buffed Up FIFOs
Description: Increasing the Modem buffer size can decrease download time
So you got that new modem and it has one of the 16550 UART chips! Check the use of the FIFO buffers for maximum speed connections. Goto Start/Settings: Control Panel, and double-click the Modems icon. Click the Properties button, and select the Connection tab. Hit Port Settings and move the FIFO buffers as far right as possible. This will increase the amount of data your computer receives before processing it. Doing this should give you a slight increase in speed. Every little bit will help.
-= Reviews/Resources =-
Title: Business Smarts
Description: Inc. Online's great resources for growing businesses
Starting or growing a business? Can't afford expensive consultants to help you make those critical decisions? Try Inc. Online!
This is the electronic version of the popular Inc. Magazine, but with a twist.
The site fills in as full-service electronic consultant to those who need help the most; growing businesses. It features the online version of current
and past print issues, a vast repository of business resources, information, and original articles that are only available online. So before you make that make or break decision, get some insights from Inc. Online. Chances are, someone's been there before too!
Title: Is This Your Lucky Day?
Description: Get your daily horoscope and find your match made in heaven
Well it might be! Are fame, fortune and passionate love just around the corner? Should you buy or sell? Is love in the air this evening? If you're looking for answers to these and many other questions that might be keeping you up late at night, then check out these two fun and entertaining sites.
EasyScopes (
is easily one the best and most comprehensive sources of horoscope and astrology sites on the Net. The site sorts and indexes sites by zodiac sign, for quick navigation and access. Drop in and get your daily, weekly and monthly horoscopes. Site owner Jochen Savelberg tells us that "most people check their horoscopes in the morning to have a great start to their day.".
LoveTest ( started out as a high school project back in 1991. Heart-pounding teens would pass around love and romance tests that would help identify their perfect match. Savelberg took it one step further and wrote a program that would tabulate scores and identify matches. Well, today this little project is a viable and high traffic website. Drop in and complete The Original Free LoveTest. Quickly answer revealing questions about you and your mate and see if it's a match made in heaven! The test also calculates the compatibility between you and your mate using numerology based on the names that were entered and will also provide astrological compatibility information about the selected zodiac signs.
Do you believe in love at first sight? Do you know what it takes to be a great flirter?
Are the stars aligned in your favor? Find out at EasyScopes and LoveTest. Thousands of netizens do. Over 300,000 each month to be exact! When we asked Jochen if he's found his perfect mate yet, he jokingly replied, "Yep, I've already found the perfect mate... but she hasn't found me yet!"
Title: Smart Business Supersite
Description: Consult this terrific site for help with sales, marketing and finance
Looking for current, accurate and extensive business information? Try the
Smart Business Supersite.
The SBS is a terrific source for high-quality, "how-to" business information on the Internet. Search or browse more than 80 categories of resources. What are you looking for today? Marketing resources? Sales management help? Financing? Whatever your needs this site offers a wealth of business intelligence information and pointers to some of the best sites on the Net. A real savvy site!
Title: Business@Home
Description: Great help, support and resources for those who work from home
One of the most overwhelming aspects about working from home is the feeling of isolation. No more water-cooler banter. No more bouncing ideas off of co-workers. Even worse, is the anxiety that you may feel, wondering if you've made the right decision to go it alone or work away from the office.
Business@Home understands. This is an
online huddle and information resource for the working-from-home
digerati - your virtual water-cooler, if you will. Peruse the news-to-use and how-to information that will help you and your family cope with the new changes in the way you work. You'll also find some great marketing, finance and tax resources that should help. Change is good; as long as you have the tools and resources that can help you make the transition.
Title: What's For Dinner?
Description: An archive dedicated to the culinary delights
Hosting a big dinner party and don't know what to serve? Or are you just tired of the same old peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for lunch? What ever the case, head over to The Internet Chef.
The site is essentially an electronic archive dedicated to culinary delights. Browse the numerous links that offer ideas, recipes and advice on full meals, snacks, candies and more. Read the feature columns, communicate with other food lovers via the message board or grab the weekly recipe and tip. There's a lot of...well, 'food for thought', here. Title: Plan Your Trip On The Net Description: The Internet Travel Network makes planning your trips a breeze Have some vacation time coming? Wondering where to go, what to see and how to get there? What will it cost? To help you answer these and many more questions start at The Internet Travel Network.
This very handy site allows you to quickly make reservations for airlines, hotels, and car rentals. When you've narrowed down your destination and departure date, just enter the information and the site will do the rest. This is very handy resource for the busy professional or for those that need to make quick decisions and arrangements on short notice.
Title: Europe Online
Description: Travel, weather and shopping news directly from Europe
Travelling to Europe? Functioning as the European portal to the Internet Europe Online will guide you to everything you need to know before you pack your bags . You'll find links to lifestyle, arts & culture, business and finance, computers, magazines, shopping, and an abundance of travel information on just about every country in the Europe. Not planning a vacation anytime soon? Point to Europe Online during any national or international holiday season and take part in some of the online celebrations they host. If you can't be there, it's the next best thing. If you're going to be there, get a glimpse of what awaits you!
Title: HTML Goodies
Description: A great site packed with tutorials and free stuff for building a website
It seems that many of you just can't get enough tips and information on creating, maintaining and improving your websites. Well, after some more digging we found another great site, that's loaded with stuff for beginners and experts.
HTML Goodies is a commercial site that
offers web site design services, but like many of the better sites do, it
offers an abundance of free tips and resources.
The main page offers an index of various links. They are summarized