System Status

Current Time

News Server Change

In order to provide a more complete and reliable news service, we have contracted a commercial news service and made it available to our users. This is a commercial news service that offers a complete and up-to-date news feed directly through our network connection.

If you are currently using our in-house news server "" please begin accessing the new server at "". You will need to configure this as a new host in your news client software. You may experience some difficulty with the news server change depending on the news client software you use.

If you have never connected to any news server, you can disregard this message since the change will not affect you.

You will want to use one of the links below to setup your browser's news client. Click on the appropriate link to do so:

If you have never connected to any news server use: news://
If you are using our in-house news server "" begin using: news://

If you have questions on how to do this, please contact technical support.

Please send technical support feedback or questions using our on-line form.

Access Internet Communications