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FAQ's about WinZip95

What is WinZip95 ?
Getting WinZip95 ?
Unzipping WinZip95 ?
Unzipping zip files ?
Zipping files ?
Where to find more information ?

Q. What is WinZip95 ?

A. WinZip95 is a Windows 95 application for decompressing files that have been compressed using the "zip" format.

Q. Getting WinZip95 ?

A. We have a copy of WinZip95 in the "" directory. The file name is "winzip95.exe". Use FTP to download it to your computer.

If you do not know how to use FTP, see the "ftp" and "wsftp" help files.

Q. Unzipping WinZip95 ?


  1. Find the file "winzip95.exe".
  2. Double-click on "winzip95.exe". The WinZip Self-Extractor window opens.
    a) In the "Unzip To" field type the folder you want it to unzip into. (NOTE: Unless you want to use a particular folder, the default, "C:\TEMP", is fine.)
    b) Click OK.
  3. WinZip95 unzips.
  4. The WinZip Setup window appears. The folder WinZip will be installed into appears in the "Install to" field. Click OK to accept the default, or change the folder and click OK.
  5. The Welcome to WinZip window appears.
    a) Express Setup is selected.
    b) Click OK.
  6. The License Agreement and Warranty Disclaimer appears. To read the license agreement, click View License Agreement. To accept, click Yes. To decline, click No. If you click No, you must remove WinZip from your computer.
  7. WinZip opens.

You can now either close WinZip, or use it to zip or unzip files.

Q. Unzipping files ?


  1. Double-click on the zipped file. WinZip should open automatically.
  2. Click the Extract button.
  3. Under "Files" select "All Files".
  4. Under "Directories/Drives" choose the folder you want to unzip the files into. Note: You can create a new folder by clicking the new folder button. (This is the button with the icon that looks like a folder with a star on one corner.)
  5. Click Extract. WinZip extracts the files
  6. Click Open to open another zip file, or exit WinZip.

Q. Zipping files ?


  1. Open WinZip.
  2. Create a new archive.
    a) Click New.
    b) Under "Archive Name" type a name for the archive.
    c) Open the folder you want to save the archive in.
    d) Click OK.
  3. The Add window appears. Add files to the archive.
    a) Under "Add from Folder/Drive" locate the file(s) you want to add.
    b) Under "Select Files" select the file or files you want to add.
    c) Click Add.
    d) To add more files, click the Add button and repeat steps 3a-3c.
  4. Exit WinZip.

Note: WinZip puts a copy of the file into the archive. The original file is not deleted unless you choose "Move" under "Action".

Q. For more information ?

A. For more information, please click on the Help button in any of the windows, or choose a command from the Help menu.