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FAQ's about Robodun

What is RoboDUN ?
Important notes ?
Important: RoboDUN and password security ?
Getting and Unzipping RoboDUN ?
Installing RoboDUN ?
Setting-Up RoboDUN ?
Connecting with RoboDUN ?
Disconnecting from Access with RoboDUN ?
Removing RoboDUN ?
Troubleshooting ?
For more information ?

Q. What is RoboDUN ?

A. RoboDUN stands for Robotic Dial-Up Networking. It is a scripting utility that lets you add an automatic login script to your Windows 95 dialer.

In other words, Robodun is a program that you can use to automate the process of connecting to Access so you do not have to type your user name and password ever time you connect.

Please note that RoboDUN works in addition to, not instead of, the dialing software you are already using. If you are not already connecting successfully to Access, see our MS Internet Explorer help file.

Q. Important notes ?

  1. Using RoboDUN to automate your connection is not very difficult. However, it is not something we recommend to beginning users. Please read these instructions before you install RoboDUN. If you do not understand them, or if you think you are likely to have problems using RoboDUN, please do *not* install it. Instead continue to connect to Access manually.

  2. In order to use RoboDUN you must already have configured your Windows 95 dialer to connect to Access. If you have not done this please see our MS Internet Explorer help file.

Q. RoboDUN and Password Security ?


You should not use RoboDUN if other people have access to your computer.

There are three security issues:

  1. RoboDUN automates the process of connecting to Access. This means anyone with access to your computer can connect to Access, using your account, without knowing your password.

  2. Your IP password is part of the RoboDUN script. This is *not* encrypted. This means anyone with access to your computer can also look at the script and find out your password.

  3. Finally, depending on how you setup RoboDUN, your user name and password may be visible during the login process. (This is addressed in step 2 of Setting up RoboDUN, below.)

Q. Getting and Unzipping RoboDUN ?


Getting RoboDUN

On Access's FTP server, RoboDUN is in the "/files/Access/win95/connecting" directory. The file name is "".

You can use either FTP or download it via the web. For FTP, we recommend using Ws_ftp.

Use your user name and server password to connect to "ftp.accesscomcom". Remember to type both your user name and your password in lower case.

Unzipping RoboDUN

  1. Create a directory for RoboDUN.
  2. Extract the files in "" to that directory.

For information on using WinZip to extract zipped files, please see the "winzip95" help file.

Q. Installing RoboDUN ?

A. You should not be logged in when you install RoboDUN. If you are connected to Access, please disconnect before you follow these steps.

  1. Open the Add/Remove Programs control panel.
  2. Click on the Windows Setup tab.
  3. Click on Have Disk.
  4. Click on the Browse button and locate the "robodun.inf" file.

    Note: This fle is in the folder you extracted RoboDUN to.

  5. Click OK.

  6. The Install From Disk window opens.
    a) The path for the folder you extracted RoboDUN into appears in the "Copy manufacturer's files from" field. Make sure the path is correct.
    b) Click OK.

  7. The Have Disk window opens.
    a) Check the box next to RoboDUN 0.60 Utility in the Components field.
    b) Click on the Install button.

  8. In a few seconds you returned to the Add/Remove Programs Properties window. Click OK.

  9. Close any open applications and restart your computer.

Q. Setting up RoboDUN ?

A. This section provides a simple connecting script, and tells you how to associate it with the Access icon in your Dial-Up Networking folder.

  1. Open the RoboDUN Script Manager.
    a) Click on the Start button in your Task bar.
    b) Click on Programs.
    c) Click on RoboDUN.
    d) Click on Script Manager.

    The Script Manager opens.

  2. Deselect "Script Output Window" if you do not want the connecting script, including your user name and IP password, to be visible during the login process.

  3. Open the Edit Script window.
    a) Select Access in the Dial-Up Entry window.
    b) Click Edit.

    The Edit Script: Access window opens.

  4. Type or copy and paste the connecting script into this window.

    Please make sure the script is *exactly* as it appears here, except:

    - replace the word "username" with your user name
    - replace the word "PASSWORD" with yout IP password
    - do not type lines that begin with a # - these are notes to you, the user, and are not part of the script

    Otherwise, type it exactly as it is shown here, including spaces and quote marks.

        Send ""
      # Note: In the next line, "ogin:" is NOT a typo.
        WaitFor "ogin:", 10
      # Note: In the next line, please replace the word "username" with your user 
      # name. Use lower case. Do not type any spaces inside the quote marks.
        Send "username<cr>"
      # Note: In the next line, "assword:" is NOT a typo. 
        WaitFor "assword:", 10
      # Note: In the next line, please replace the word "PASSWORD" with your IP 
      # password. Use UPPER CASE. Do not type any spaces inside the quote marks.
        Send "PASSWORD<cr>"

  5. Click on the Save button to save the script.

  6. Click on the Close button to close the Edit Script window.

    You return to the RoboDUN Manager window.

  7. If "Access" is not selected, select it by clicking to check the box next to it.

  8. Click on the Close button.

You can now connect to Access using RoboDUN.

Please note: This is only one way to set up RoboDUN. For information about other ways, please see the "Rdun32.hlp" file.

Q. Connecting to Access with RoboDUN ?

  1. Open the Dial-Up Networking folder.
  2. Double-click on the Access icon.

    NOTE: If you have a shortcut for this icon, you can use the shortcut.

  3. The Connect To window opens. Click on Connect.

    NOTE: Leave the Password field blank in the Connect To window.

  4. The Connecting to Access window opens.

  5. The modem dials and connects.

    The Post-Dial Terminal Window appears briefly.

    If you did not deselect "Script Output Window" in step 2 of the setup, the RobdoDUN Script Status window opens. Once the script is finished the window closes.

  6. In a few seconds the Connecting to Access window reports that you are connected.

  7. Minimize the Connected to Access window.

You are now online and can use Internet applications such as your email program, your World Wide Web browser, and so on.

Q. Disconnecting from Access with RoboDUN ?

A. There is nothing special about this. Disconnect the same way you did before using RoboDUN:

  1. Close all Internet applications.
  2. Maximize the Connected To Access window.
  3. Click on Disconnect.

Q. Disabling RoboDUN ?

Once you have installed RoboDUN, connecting to Access is automated.

This means that RoboDUN tries to automate your connection whether or not you use an icon associated with the script.

This means that if you want to manually login to Access, you must disable RoboDUN.

To temporarily disable RoboDUN:

  1. Open RoboDUN's Script Manager.
    a) Click on the Start button in your Task bar.
    b) Click on Programs.
    c) Click on RoboDUN.
    d) Click on Script Manager.

  2. Click on the Close RoboDUN button.
  3. Close the RoboDUN Manager window.

You can now login manually.

The next time start up with Windows 95 RoboDUN will be active again.

You can also open the Script Manager and click on Start RoboDUN to reactivate RoboDUN at any time.

Please note: This is only one way to disable RoboDUN. For information about other ways, please see the "Rdun32.hlp" file. In particular, for information about the Disable button in the Script Manager, please see the RoboDUN help file.

Q. Troubleshooting ?

A. If you can't connect using RoboDUN and your script but you can connect just fine without RoboDUN:

  1. Check to make sure your user name and password in the script are correct.

    Make sure they are spelled correctly. Make sure they are in the correct case. Your user name must be in lower case and your IP password must be in UPPER CASE.

  2. Check your script to make sure you do not have any extra spaces and that you do have spaces where they are needed.

    If RoboDUN gives you an error message such as "Unknown command", make a note of the error message and check your script in the appropriate place.

  3. If you are still having trouble connecting using the script, add the following line to the beginning of your script:

    Send <cr>

    Note! There *is* a space before <cr>.

Q. For more information ?

A. For more information about RoboDUN, see RoboDUN's help file, "Rdun32.hlp" in the RoboDUN folder on your computer.