Install Dial-Up Networking

  1. Double click My Computer
    Double click Dial-Up Networking
    You should see the following screen...

    Click Install

  2. A screen will show up asking for certain files.
    In the Copy files from field enter D:\I386\
    (NOTE: You must replace D: with the appropriate drive letter for your CD-ROM drive)
    Click OK
    You must wait while NT copies the needed files to your computer.

  3. Select the COM port your modem resides on and click OK

    Click Configure
    • Select Dial out only
    Click OK

    Click Network...
    • Uncheck NetBEUI
    • Check TCP/IP
    • Uncheck IPX
    Click OK

    Click Continue

    Wait while your computer installs and configures Remote Access Service on your computer.

  4. You'll be presented with a dialog window asking you to restart.
    Click Restart