Setting Up Netscape Communicator 4 / Windows

This page will give you the essentials to reconfigure your Netscape Communicator 4 to work with Access Internet for your Email, News, and Composer.


  1. Launch Netscape Communicator
  2. Pull down the Edit menu and select Preferences...

  3. In the Navigator category, under Home page in the Location field enter

  4. Click the + next to Mail & Newsgroups then select Mail Servers
    If you have any servers listed in Incoming Mail Servers click on each then click Delete

    Click Add...
    In the Server Name field enter
    In the ServerType select POP3 Server
    In the User Name field enter your Access Internet username.
    Click OK

    In the Outgoing Mail Server section, in the Outgoing mail (SMTP) server field enter and in the Outgoing mail server user name field enter your username.

  5. At the left side under Mail & Newsgroups select Newsgroup Servers
    Under Newsgroup Servers if you have any listed, click on each and select Delete

    Click Add...
    In the Server tab enter
    Click OK

  6. Click + front of Composer
    Select Publishing

    In the Enter a FTP or HTTP site address to Publish to field enter
    NOTE: Where it says u repalce it by the first character of your username, and replace username with your Access Internet username.

    In If publishing to a FTP site, enter the HTTP address to browse to field enter
    Note: Where it says username replace it with your Access Internet username

  7. Click OK