Technical Support Frequently Asked Questions
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- FAQ's about Unix Telnet
- What is telnet ?
- A. The UNIX program "telnet" lets you login to a remote computer. For a more detailed description of what TELNET is and for more general information about TELNET, see the "telnet" help file.
- To open a telnet connection
- Type "telnet" at a UNIX prompt.
- Press return.
The prompt changes to "telnet>"
- Type "open sitename" where "sitename" is the name of the site you want to connect to. For example, to connect to the Multnomah County Library, type "open".
- Press return.
- At the login prompt, type the login/user name.
- Press return.
- At the password prompt, type the password.
Note: you may not be required to use a password. If you see a password prompt, but were not given a password, type your email address.
- To close a telnet connection
- Logout of the site you are connected to.
The "telnet>" prompt reappears.
- Type quit.
- Press return.
- You should be at a UNIX prompt again.