Technical Support Frequently Asked Questions
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- FAQ's about Basic Unix Commands
- cd
- copy
- rm
- ls
- exit
- man
- less
- mkdir
- pwd
- rmdir
- Future additions to this list
- A. cd - "change directory". This lets you move up and down around the directories on the systems. Type "cd" and the directory name to move to a directory. For example, you can type "cd /files" to go to the top of the files section, then "cd mac" to go to the "mac" directory in the "files" directory. Or you can type "cd /files/mac" to get there in one step.
- Note: "cd" typed by itself always returns you to your home directory.
- cd .. - moves you to the directory above the current directory.
- Note: This is "cd" followed by a space, then two periods. The space is important.
- A. copy - copies a file
- Go to the directory that contains the file you want to copy.
- Type "cp -i", then the file name, then the directory you want to copy the file into.
- For example, to copy the file "sweetheart" into the "/home/schmaltz" directory, type "cp -i sweetheart /home/schmaltz".
- Note: The "-i" portion of the command ensures that you do not accidentally copy over another file with the same name.
- A. rm - removes a file.
- Go to the directory that contains the file you want to remove.
- Type "rm" and the file name, then press return.
- Note: Be careful when removing files! You wil NOT be asked "Are you sure?" by the system!
- A. ls - lists the contents of the current directory.
- A. exit - The "exit" command closes your connection to the server. This is the command to use to end your telnet session and logout when you are done.
- A. man - the man command lets you access several hundred manual files. These give help and information on various system commands.
- Type "man" and the command you want information about, then press return.
- A. less - opens a text file so you can read but not edit it.
- Type "less" and the file name, then press return.
- Use the space bar to page down.
- Type "h" for help.
- This is the command you will usually want to use to view files.
- A. mkdir - creates a new directory.
- Go to the directory you want the new directory to be in.
- Type "mkdir" and the directory name then press return.
- A. pwd - Short for "print working directory". Don't know where you are? "pwd" tells you what directory you are in, what directory that is in, and so on.
- For example:
- /home/users/p/paulc
- "paulc" is the current directory, and it is located in the "p" directory, which is located in the "users" directory, etc. This string of directories and sub-directories is called a path.
- A. rmdir - removes a directory.
- Note: The directory must be empty first.
- Go to the directory that contains the directory you want to remove.
- Type "rmdir" and the directory name, then press return.
- A.
- login
- man
- more
- mv
- vi
- permissions/chmod/umask
- Any requests?