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down arrow or j - move down a line up arrow or k - move up a line / - search forward for a particular pattern (e.g., "bio", "India", etc.) ? - search backward for a particular pattern
x - go to and open newsgroup number "x" $ - go to and open last newsgroup in the list n - go to and open the next newsgroup with unread news g - go to and open a particular newsgroup
S - subscribe to every newsgroup that matches a pattern
U - unsubscribe from every newsgroup that matches a pattern d - (toggle) - show names only, or show names and descriptions r - (toggle) - show all subscribed newsgroups, or only those that have unread articles
For example, if you open "accesscom.talk" and it contains 8 threads and 15 articles, the information at the top of the screen looks like this: "Access.talk (8T 15A 0K 0H R)"
The number next to the thread tells how many articles the thread contains.
A "+" next to the thread means you have not read that thread yet.
Note: that the lower right corner tells what percentage of the article you have seen. When you reach the last article in a thread, this changes to say "Last Response."
space bar - page down n - go to the next unread article tab - go to the next unread thread p - go back to the previous article k - mark the article as read and go to the next unread article K - mark the entire thread as read and go to the next unread thread s - save the file m - mail the file to yourself or someone else
If post your article to more than one group, list them now rather than posting separately to each group. (For information on why, please see the "cross-post" help file.)
Put as much information in as little space as possible. The more specific you are, the more likely interested people are to notice and read your article.
This refers to a file on Access, not on your computer. You need to have prepared a file on your computer and uploaded it to Access before you can include it in a message when you post.
Note: If you have a .signature file in your home directory, it will automatically be appended to any article you post.
Note: You can use this screen to select certain topics or authors as well. This is explained below.
In other words, if you are creating a kill file for the subject "agamemnon" you can filter out any article with the subject "agamemnon".
If you are creating a kill file for the name "agamemnon" you can filter out any article written by ""agamemnon".
Or if you want to filter everything by "agamemnon" or about "agamemnon" you can set the kill for both the subject or the author.
t - go to the top of the file b - go to the bottom of the file i - show info j - select the next line k - select the previous line p - change the pointer q - quit and go to the main menu r - redraw the screen ^D - page down ^U - page up
d - delete the newsgroup from the list s - subscribe to the newsgroup u - unsubscribe from the newsgroup / - search n - find the last search item again