Technical Support Frequently Asked Questions
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- FAQ's about lynx
- How do I maneuver ?
- LYNX hints
- Setting a home page
- Using DOSLynx
- A.
- To move down a screen press the space bar.
- To move up a screen use the up arrow.
- To move from link to link use the up and down arrows.
- Note: DO NOT use the side to side arrows! It's tempting and logical, but you'll end up going all over the place.
- To follow a link, press the right arrow button.
- To return to the previous page, press the left arrow button.
- To go to a particular page
- Type g
"URL to open" appears in the lower part of the screen.
- Type the URL for the page you want to open.
- To get more help from inside lynx
- Open lynx.
- Type h (for help)
- A.
- Making lynx "longer"
- If you want lynx to show more than 24 rows on your screen, you need to use one of the following methods:
- Use 'stty' in your .login or .profile and make sure to include values for boths 'rows' and 'cols'.
- Use LINES=XX and be sure to also include 'export LINES'.
- For example:
- # sample short .profile file
- stty rows 40 cols 80
- LINES=40
- export LINES
- # end of .profile
- Note: using just 'LINES' causes most other programs to use a default of 24 rows. using 'stty' will allow the use of the settings in all your applications.
- A.
- When you start lynx, it looks to see if you have defined an environment variable called WWW_HOME; if you have, lynx tries to load the value of that variable before it calls Access. WWW_HOME can either be an URL ( or the path to a file on Access (~/yourname/index.html).
- You can set WWW_HOME in your shell "rc" file, so it will be the same every time you login. Follow the directions for the shell you use below, changing the home page as you desire. (If you don't know which shell you use, type 'finger -l ', your username, and <return>. Your finger report lists your shell.)
- C shell users:
- Put the following line in your .cshrc:
- setenv WWW_HOME
- Korn shell users:
- Put the following in your .kshrc:
- export WWW_HOME=
- Bash users:
- Put the Korn shell users' line in your .bash_profile.
- A.
- A series of questions and answers:
- >A. Can I use Minuet's UMSLIP and Phone.cmd to dial up my slip account,
- >then cd to \doslynx and run lynx??
- Yes.
- >B. How should I change my doslynx.cfg file:
- >1. (will this change each time I dial in?)
- Unfortunately yes.
- >2. Netmask:
- [....]
- >5. domainslist:
- ""
- Nothing else will need to be changed but you will have to change the address on each call.