Technical Support Frequently Asked Questions
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- FAQ's about Terminal Emulation
- What is Terminal emulation ?
- A. "Terminal emulation" describes the way your communications program "speaks" to our computer. It is based on the way standalone terminals speak to mainframe computers. Our servers want your communications program to "speak" in vt100 or vt102.
- "vt100" was a brand of terminal from DEC (Visual Terminal 100) that was extremely popular with the companies and universities that ran Berkeley UNIX on their VAXes (also from DEC). It's the most common terminal to emulate and that's what we've set you up with as a default. Most communications program will do this emulation fairly well. You may find that vt102 works better.
- "ansi" is normally not recommended unless your software won't work with anything else.
- To set your terminal emulation in your communications software, it's best to check your program's user manual; each one does it a little differently.
- To set your terminal emulation here at Access, from the menu, you can choose "config" and then pick "change terminal". You should not have to do this; we set your account up with vt100 as the default.
- Shell users can edit their .profile and replace 'term="vt100"' with whatever you would like your terminal emulation to be. It's not a good idea to do this unless you really know what you're doing.