New Customer Information:

Thank you for opening an account with Access Internet, your account information is as follows:


If you choose to cancel your account during your 10-day trial period, you must call Access Internet to cancel your account in order to receive a refund. Please submit the form at the following URL we will go ahead and start the cancellation process. Your account will be disabled on your anniversary date which is the date that you started your account.

Setup information for your computer is on the following page. If you know how to setup for internet access you can do so with the information on that page. If this is all Greek to you please call technical support.

If you would like, we will set up and install the software on your computer for you. Please call to make an appointment for software configuration and installation. When you bring your computer to our office please bring your modem with all cables. We have a monitor, keyboard and mouse to use with your system. You can either wait while we do the installation or leave your machine for pick up later in the day.

Thank you again for choosing Access Internet Communications, Inc.

Dennis Thomatos

Service Email
Spool (MB)
Space (MB)
per day (MB)
Domain Name

Personal/Business Services
Premium PPP 1 10 25 200 Y Y $0 $24.95
Additional Email 1 10     N N $0 $5
Business PPP 6 60 50 200 Y Y $25 $39.95
Business 5 PPP 7 70 50 200 Y (5) Y $25 $114.75
Business 10 PPP 15 150 50 200 Y (10) Y $25 $199.50
SSL Business PPP 1 6 60 100 300 Y Y $50 $89.95

Hosting Services
Web Hosting 1 10 25 200 N Y $0 $14.95
SSL Web Hosting 6 60 100 200 N Y $35 $59.95
Palace Server Hosting 1 10 100 200 N Y $0 $35

Domain Name
Domain Name Registration 2             $30 $0
Domain Name Parking 3             $45 $0

Dedicated Dial-Up
Dedicated Dial-Up 33.6K 1 10 25 200 Y Y $100 $100
Dedicated Dial-Up 56K 1 10 25 200 Y Y $100 $175

Co-Located Server Silver       4.4 GB N Y $500 $500
Co-Located Server Gold       8.8 GB N Y $500 $1500

Network Connectivity
Frame Relay (56K ADN) 4             $360 $250
Frame Relay (128K HICAP)             $360 $350
Frame Relay (384K HICAP)             $360 $450
Frame Relay (T1 HICAP)             $360 $550

iPass             $0 $2.50

Glossary of Terms
Email Addresses
Refers to the number of email address, like; most people need only one of these.
Mail Spool
Refers to disk storage space for your mail spool and home directory. The mail spool is where all your incoming email is store. The home directory is related to Unix and will only be used it you telnet to our shell server.
Refers to disk storage space for your web pages, ftp site and palace site on Access Internet's servers.
Bandwidth per day
Refers to the amount is data that can be sent out from your web pages, ftp site and palace site on Access Internet's servers.
Dial-Up Access
In 100% of all service areas we offer 56K (x2/V.90) modem support.
Domain Name Included
Refers to whether or not the virtual domain name registration fee is waved. You must request the virtual domain name at the same time you request your account in order to have the fee waved. Otherwise you will be subject to the $30 one time setup fee for the domain name. (The InterNIC domain name registration fee not included).
1 This account allows access the Secure Socket Layer Server (SSL) server.
2 Does not include $70 InterNIC domain name registration for first two years of domain name registration, billed by InterNIC to you directly.
3 This is only registration, the InterNIC domain name registration fee not included. No web space, email or other services are included. To activate the domain name to full account status their is a one time $15 fee. An active domain name must be linked to one of our other accounts.
4 Does not include phone company setup and monthly charges. We also offer point to point connectivity which in some cases less expensive.
5 Additional disk usage in either category costs $0.50/MB/month.
6 Additional bandwidth charged $1/MB/month in 1 MB increments.
7 There is also a 30 minute inactivity limit. You are allowed only one dial-up session at a time. Check to see that you are in local call to at least one of our dial-up numbers - Local Access Areas.