Technical Support Frequently Asked Questions
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- FAQ's about TurboGopher
- Set your home server
- Navigating in TurboGopher
- Open a folder or file:
- Return to a previous item or menu
- Opening another gopher server
- Create a bookmark
- Using the bookmarks list
- For more information
- A. The first time you open TurboGopher, it opens the gopher server at the University of Minnesota (also known as the "Mother Gopher" because it was the first gopher). To set Access as your home gopher server:
- Choose Configure TurboGopher from the Setup menu.
- Fill in both lines.
- a) For "Server Name" type "".
- b) For port type "70".
- Click OK.
- Next time you open TurboGopher your home server will be Access.
- A. TurboGopher shows menus and files organized in folders just like your Macintosh uses in the finder. Folders contain files or other folders. There are three types of files:
- A file icon represents a file.
- A file icon with a frowning face on it indicates that the file is empty, unusable, or cannot be opened.
- A file icon with a question mark indicates that the file is a search utility.
Open a folder or file
- Double-click on the folder or file icon. A new window opens with the contents of the folder or file.
Return to a previous item or menu
- There are three ways to return to a previous item
- Click on that window to make it active.
- The Recent menu contains a history of what you have viewed. You can choose an item from this menu.
- Use the pop-down menu in the left part of each window's menu bar.
Opening another gopher server
- Open Access's main gopher menu.
- Open the folder "Other Gopher and Information Servers."
- Open the folder "All the Gopher Servers in the World."
- Open any of the 2,431 gophers, from the ACLU to the Zilker Internet Park.
Create a bookmark
- Open or select the item you want to mark.
- Choose Set Bookmark... from the Gopher menu.
- Name the bookmark.
- Click OK.
Using the bookmarks list
- Choose Show Bookmarks from the Gopher menu.
- The Bookmarks window opens.
- Double-click on the item you want to open.
- A. To get help, choose Help from the Gopher menu. Balloon help is also available for TurboGopher.
- You can access the Access help files in the "All about this gopher and" folder.
- Go to the University of Minnesota gopher server and open the "Information About Gopher" folder. The server name is "".