These changes are designed to improve server performance, increase server capacity and improve handling of virtual www and ftp domains. Some minor corrections to the directory structure of the web server will also be made for security reasons.
NOTE: If you do not currently have a web site on our system, this message does not apply to you.
Specifically, if you have any links on you web site that begin with "", these links will no longer work.
This type of link provided a back door for talented hackers to get a peek at your file directories on the web server. Although this is a minor problem and did not allow changes to your files, the problem will be corrected and these links will no longer be supported.
The proper reference for these links is ""
(where 'username' = your username on AIC)
Contact Tech Support by voice at (408)342-0551 or by email at if you need assistance with evaluating your site for this change.
If you do not currently use CGI's on your web site or your CGI's are written in a scripting language such as PERL or shell, this change will not effect you.
Contact Tech Support by voice at (408)342-0551 or by email at if you need assistance with evaluating your site for this change.
This means that if you have a CGI written in PERL and it currently refers to "/usr/bin/perl" (in the first line of the CGI), the CGI will be executed using PERL 5, instead of the current PERL 4.
This should not effect any properly written PERL CGI's but all CGI's written in PERL should be checked after the switchover to ensure that they still work. If you find that your PERL CGI does not work after the switch, this means that your CGI requires PERL 4.
To continue using PERL 4 after the switchover, change the first line of your PERL script from "/usr/bin/perl" to "/usr/local/bin/perl4".
NOTE: You can test your CGI's for compatability with PERL 5 prior to the switchover by changing the PERL reference in the first line of the CGI from "/usr/bin/perl" to "/usr/local/bin/perl5"
The table below details the current PERL references and what they will look like after the switchover. Contact Tech Support by voice at (408)342-0551 or by email at if you need assistance with evaluating your site for this change.
PERL Version | Current Server | After the Switch |
To use PERL 4 | /usr/bin/perl | /usr/local/bin/perl4 |
To use PERL 5 | /usr/bin/perl5 | /usr/bin/perl or /usr/local/bin/perl5 |