This lesson covers the different ways to communicate on the server
Normal - type something in the text box at the bottom of the palace window and the words appear next to you in a word bubble. You can change the appearance of the word bubble by special characters in front of your words
Box - if you put a carat ^ in front of your words, they appear in a box and stay on the screen till you say something else
Thought Bubble - if you put a colon (:) in front of your words, they appear in a thought bubble
Spikey (shouting) - if you put a bang or exclamation point (!) in front of your words, they appear in a spikey bubble
If you have the log window open, your words appear like this - Bob: Hi everyone
Log Comment - if you want your words to appear in the log but not in a word bubble, use a semicolon in front of your words.
Example - ;hi there
Anyone paying attention to the log will see your words but they will not appear in the main palace window.
Muting - if you don't want to see words typed by a particular user, you can mute them. This means you will not see anything they type. To mute someone you can....
You should see a message saying "You are muting ...."
To turn off muting for a particular user you can...
You should see a message saying "You are not muting ...."
Gagging - anyone with the right access level (usually wizard) can gag someone. This means they cannot type to anyone. To gag someone you can....
All persons with gag access (usually wizards and gods) see a message saying "Message from system: ....... gagged by .........."
To ungag someone you can....
All persons with ungag access (usually wizards and gods) see a message saying "Message from system: ....... ungagged by .........."
Sounds - you can play a sound by typing the name of the sound preceded by a close parentheses. Anyone who also has that sound will hear it. Examples )applause, )yes, )no, )belch.
Sounds do not have to be at the start of the string of words.
Example - Bob:Hooray )applause - puts the word Hooray in a word bubble and plays the applause sound.
Whispering - you can whisper to another user in the same room by clicking on them. The words "You are talking to...." appear at the bottom of the Palace window. When you type, only that person can see your words. Turn off whisper by clicking on the person again or on the bottom of the palace window where it says "You are talking to....".
If you have the log window open, the words appear as before but in italics
A user can elect to not accept whispers (private messages) by typing the command 'rejectprivate on
If you try to whisper to a person who is refusing private messages, you will see "Sorry Bob is not accepting private messages" (insert name of person you tried to whisper to)
Private messages can be turned back on by typing the command 'rejectprivate off
ESP - you can whisper to someone in another room by selecting (single click) their name from the user list. Again, the words "You are talking to...." appear at the bottom of the Palace window. When you type, only that person can see your words. Turn off ESP by clicking at the bottom of the palace window where it says "You are talking to....".
If you receive an ESP, the message appears in the upper left corner of the room as "Message from ......."
Reply - 're
A user can elect to not accept ESP by typing the command 'rejectesp on
If you try to send an ESP to a person who is refusing ESP, you will see "Sorry Bob is not accepting ESP" (insert name of person you tried to whisper to)
ESP can be turned back on by typing the command 'rejectesp off
Both whispering and ESP can be used for "targeted commands" - commands intended to be directed towards a particular user.
Paging - 'page
The sender of the page sees a message saying "The Operators have been paged".
All wizards and gods on the server see "Page from ..... in room .......:
Reply to pages - 'repage
Respond to pages - 'er - used only by wizards and gods - automatically jumps the wiz or god to the room the last page by a guest or member came from. Any wiz or god on the system will see "...... has responded to ......... using 'er"
Room msg - ~rmsg
Global msg - ~gmsg
Bubble Lag - when Palace needs to put a word bubble on the screen, it waits for enough space to do so - avoiding overlapping bubbles when possible. If two people are close together, one's word bubbles may delay the appearance of the other's. If the person is in the upper right corner of the room, their word bubbles can also be delayed by the display of word bubbles for any pages, esp's, global/room messages.