Palace 101 - Lesson 2 - Who's Who?

This lesson covers the different types of users on the server

Guest - a user that does not have a software registration code (free from EC). Guests can change their name but not their prop. Users that access the palace server via the java interface from a web browser (Instant Palace) are put in this category too.

Member/Player - a user that does have a software registration code - unlocks all the capabilities of the program

Wizard/Operator - the lowest management level on the server - accessed by selecting Options:Wizard and entering the wizard/operator password

God/Administrator - the upper management level on the server - accessed by selecting Options:Wizard and entering the god/administrator password

For the management levels, EC changed the names from God and Wizard to Administrator and Operator to give them a more business sounding name. You will still find both sets used interchangeably throughout the software. If you spend a lot of time looking at log files you will also see a log entry that says "killed by player" which is wrong. This actually means the person was killed by a wizard.

What are these levels used for ?

Props - guests have a very limited set of props to choose from - smiley faces. Everyone else has unlimited props
Names - only a wizard or a god can have a name that starts with * - referred to as the wiz badge
User List - wizards and gods can see everyone on the user list - even if they have selected 'hide.
Room List - wizards and gods can see hidden rooms on the room list
Authoring - wizards and gods can author - change the structure of the server, assuming authoring mode is on
Command Access - access to each command on the system is controlled by 'rank'

Setting Ranks for command access - use the command 'setrank 'command rank
The ranks for command access are
Guest - 0
Member - 1
Wizard - 2
God - 3

So for example to set it so that only gods can kill - type 'setrank 'kill 3

You can also use the 'setrank command to see what level is currently set for a particular command by leaving the rank off the end - such as - 'setrank 'kill