Email your existing pserver.dat ('Mansion Script' on Macintosh or 'PServer.dat' on Windows) to us at We will modify the header so that it will run under Linux and upload it to your pserver directory.
You will manually update your pserver.dat file with the following steps:
You should never edit this file. If you need to edit this file, please contact us and we will do it for you.
The following headers are required to for your pserver to run. You will need to modify this header for your personal information.
; Server Prefs ; SERVERNAME "Access Internet Communications" WIZARDPASSWORD "t\A6\0F]\12y}\"\0AX\" GODPASSWORD "/5t\QWE\9N" PERMISSIONS 0xE7F DEATHPENALTY 120 MAXOCCUPANCY 9999 ROOMOCCUPANCY 24 MINFLOODEVENTS 30000 PURGEPROPDAYS 21 MAXSESSIONID 10000 PICFOLDER "media/" SYSOP "AIC" URL "palace://" HTTP_URL "" AVATAR_URL "" MACHINETYPE "i586-unknown-linux 4.2.0 Build 253 Tue Sep 8 16:48:07 PDT 1998" BLURB "Palace Server hosting at Access Internet Communications, Inc." YPADDR "" AUTOREGISTER
You should backup your pserver.dat and pserver.prp file as often as possible. We have created a backup script which will allow you to backup these files on the fly.
To install your registration code on our Unix computer, proceed with the following step:
When uploading your image files there are a few important things you need to remember: "file names are case sensitive", "no spaces in file names" and "call out the file name in your pserver.dat file exactly as it is labeled".
To change the default password:
With the version of pserver we are running and future versions, it will no longer use the names God or Wizard. The new terms are God = Administrator and Wizard = Operator.
It's a good idea to use the god command `flushprops <N> every week or so. This command flushes props older than N days from the prop file. Which reduces the pserver prop file size and improve your pserver's overall responsiveness. This should be part of your periodic pserver maintenance. If not managed, your pserver.prp file will continue to grow.
Gatekeeper is a plug-in that allows you to restrict who is allowed to use the Wizard and God password. It does this by allowing you to register Wizards and Gods known to you for your palace. Anyone who has not been registered, cannot Wizard or God up - even if they have the password.
In order to use the Gatekeeper plug-in, you will need to go to the following URL and select 'Plug-ins':
You will need to provide your username and password to gain access to these utilities.
Once you activate the Gatekeeper plug-in through the above URL, you will need to restart your palace server.
Here is a list of the commands that you can use with the Gatekeeper plug-in:
'gatekeeper bless
'gatekeeper unbless regkey
'gatekeeper list
Blessing - Blessing someone registers them as a known Wizard or God and allows them to use the Wizard or God password. To bless someone, whisper 'gatekeeper bless to them. When you first start using Gatekeeper, don't forget to bless yourself. If you do not bless yourself and you log off the palace server, you will not be able to Wizard or God up.
Listing - the command 'gatekeeper list tells you who is currently blessed, listed by name and regkey
Unblessing - If you need to remove someone from the list of registered Wizards or Gods, type 'gatekeeper unbless regkey - using their regkey from the list.
In order to have your pserver register with the A-Z list, you need to check the following in your pserver.dat file:
If you are running a palace server on your personal computer and are using the same registration code while trying to register with the A-Z list from both palace servers, this will also cause a problem. You should shutdown that palace server and restart your palace server hosted with us.
There is an absolute room limit of 16K in any room (thats a design spec). If you look at the script file from "ROOM" to "ENDROOM", that has to be less than 16K of data.
Yes you will get your own access log files. With the current version of the palace server all access logs are kept in one file instead of daily files as in the previous versions. We have a cron job setup to rotate the access log files on a weekly basis. The rotation of the access log files will happen every Sunday morning. You can view these files by using telnet.
All past access log files will have a 0-4 following the file name. These are past access log files that have been rotated out. These access log files will be compressed in gz format to save disk space. Access log files will be kept on the server for one month and then be removed.
If you cannot recall or find your palace server registration code, you may retrieve it at (Note: this is not the same as your Palace client registration code.) You will need to use your email address to retrieve your registration code.
If you are running Windows version of the pserver, you may also be able to find your registration code in the 'pserver.prf' file.
You can use the Unix command 'host' to find the IP address of your pserver. Type 'host' (ie. You can then use that IP address to access your pserver.
Using the example above, I would be able to use either of the following address to get to our pserver:
host A
Your pserver.prp has become corrupt. You will need to log into the shell server and replace that file. If you do not have one. Just type 'touch pserver.prp' and this will create a blank one for you.
In god mode type in `picdir media:
You have a "crashed" or "corrupted" pserver.dat file. Restore your backup and you should be back up and running.
Note: Your image files must end with the extension "gif" in lowercase. If you have it ended with uppercase "GIF" then your file will not be downloaded to the user using InstantPalace via the web browser. Just to be safe, you may want to name the entire image file in lowercase. So all your files should look like: "example.gif".
Lag on a Palace server comes from several sources.
The most common source of lag on a Palace server is network congestion on the net somewhere between the user's home computer and the server. The source of network congestion lag can be anywhere on the net and is typically intermittent. Utilities like traceroute, etc are useful for identifying the location of network lag. You can use our traceroute script to view any possible congestion between yourself and our network. You will want to input your palace server address, ie. ''.
The second most common source of lag is server prop file fragmentation. As props are copied in and out of the server prop file in memory, it can become seriously fragmented which will slow prop access significantly. The wizard command purgeprops and the god command flushprops will cure lag caused by propfile fragmentation.
The third most common source of lag is server loading. If the server is heavily loaded, all server responses will be slow. The server hosting the chatserve palaces is monitored for server load and should never be a problem. -->
The least common source of lag on a palace server is bubble lag. In an extremely crowded room or when two or more users are close together, Palace will sometimes withhold drawing a word bubble on the screen until space is available. This type of lag is typically negligible.
You have to set your room to "private" or people will still be able to get in even though you hear the room lock and the door says "The door is locked" when you click on it.
We only need a couple of things if you wish to be listed on our web site and palace server.
Mail the above graphic and info to We should have your link put in within a few hours.
No, you don't need your own domain name. By default, you will need to use the domain if you don't have your own domain name. For example, a typical Palace address would be, where "" is the domain name and "9998" is the pserver port.
Non-Virtual Domain Name
You get the same speed and quality of service, but you don't have a "unique" Palace address. Your address will be The standard Palace port is 9998.
We do not charge you for using your own domain name however, you will need to pay a $70 InterNIC domain name registration for first two years of domain name registration, billed by InterNIC to you directly.
If you have technical support questions, please check out the following resources:
If you have technical support questions, please check out the following resources: