The following table provides a list of all special commands (not counting Iptscrae commands and keywords). Special commands are divided by user class (i.e., guest, member, wizard and god). For each command the proper syntax and allowable arguments are indicated, followed by a brief description of the command's effects.
Syntax | Description |
Guest Commands | |
`help | displays all special commands available to your user class, in the Log window |
`page <msg> | summon help from an operator |
Member Commands | |
`hide on|off | hide from all other users |
`hidefrom <name> | hide from another user |
`respond <msg> | reply to the last sender of an ESP message |
`mute <name> | mute another user |
`rejectesp on|off | reject ESP messages |
`rejectprivate on|off | reject private messages |
`newroom [name] | Create a new room (one allowed per user) |
`password <password> | Specify a navigation password |
Wizard/Operator Commands | |
`repage <msg> | respond to the last (non-operator) page sender |
`er | go to the room of last (non-operator) page sender |
`list [-d k o p w] <name> | list ip address of specific user |
`list [-d k o p w] <ip> | list users matching ip address |
`list [-d k o p w] | list ip addresses of users in room |
`glist [-d k o p w] | list ip address of all users |
LIST OPTIONS -d Do DNS lookups on users -k Show the users reg key hash -o Show the users software orignation code and machine type -p Show the users PUID hash -w List only operators |
`paint on|off | turn painting on or off serverwide |
`bots on|off | turn cyborgs on or off serverwide |
`death <N> | set default death penalty to N minutes |
`flood <N> | kill flooders after N events in 1 second |
`duplicate | duplicate the current room |
`delete | delete the current room |
`banlist [str] | show banned users |
`purgebanlist | purge elapsed ban records |
`unban <str> | unban user(s) who match str (ip or name) |
`untrack <str> | untrack user(s) who match str (ip or name) |
`banip [minutes] <ip> | ban ipaddress (may use 12.24.23.*; numeric IPs only! |
`trackip [minutes] <ip> | track sign-ons from ipaddress (may use 12.24.23.*) |
`kill [minutes] <name> | kill currently connected user |
`track [minutes] <name> | track sign-ons from currently connected user |
`comment <ip> <reason> | add a comment to a banlist record |
`extend <str> <minutes> | change death penalty on a ban record |
`gag <name> | gag currently connected user |
`ungag <name> | ungag currently connected user |
`propgag <name> | propgag a member |
`unpropgag <name> | unpropgag a member |
`purgeprops <N> | purge props older than N days from memory |
`autoannounce <msg> | set the server greeting |
`roommaxocc <N> | set the max occupancy for the current room |
`roommaxguests <N> | set max guest occupancy for the current room |
`opcount | tell how many operators are logged in |
'defaultpaneurl [pane [url]] | set default pane URL for pane |
'paneurl <roomID> [panenumber [urlstring]] | set pane URL for pane in room to urlstring |
'displayurl [pane number] url [user] | display URL to a user or the room |
God/Administrator Commands | |
`reset | reset room counts |
`ban user | banish a user from the server |
`recycle <N> | automatically recycle guest ID numbers at N |
`recycle | recycle guest ID numbers now |
`shutdown | shut down the server |
`operatorpass <password> | set the operator password |
`adminpass <password> | set the administrator password |
`servername <name> | set the server name |
`maxserverocc <N> | set the maximum server occupancy |
`defaultroomocc <N> | set the default room occupancy |
`picdir <pathname> | identify the pictures folder |
`guests on|off | enable guest access to the server (on by default) |
`custom on|off | enable the user of custom props (on by default) |
`operators on|off | enable support for operators (on by default) |
`opkill on|off | operators may kill (on by default) |
`playerkill on|off | members may kill (off by default) |
`spoof on|off | members may spoof using @x,y (on by default) |
`memberrooms on|off | members may create their own rooms |
`oponly on|off | set current room as operator-only |
`uplist N | move the current room N slots up in the room list |
`downlist N | move the current room N slots down in the room list |
`dropzone | make the current room a drop zone (front gate) |
`botkill on|off | cyborgs may kill (off by default) |
`author on|off | operators may author (on by default) |
`passwordsecurity | enable password security (auto-kicks after 3 attempts) |
`fileserver <url|off> | set the URL for an external file server or turn off file server support. No parameter returns the current setting |
`avatarurl <url|off> | set the URL for finding default avatar GIFs, or turn off customized default avatar support; No paramater returns the current setting. |
`chatlog filename | enable chat logging to specified file |
`nowhisper on|off | disables all whispers |
`revision | revision number of the server |
`flushprops <N> | flush props older than N days from prop file |
`security <authhost>:<authport>[ <retrys>]|<off> | set the security deamon. authhost is the URL of the authentication daemon authport is the port of the authentication daemon retrys is an optional field to specify how many attempts a user may make. The default is 1 try |
`securesite on|off | Name & Password required to access this server |
`securelogoff on|off | Authentication engine tracks logoffs |
`securejavaaccess on|off | require additional authorization for Java users |
`setrank `command [rank] | Set or see rank for `command |