Technical Support Frequently Asked Questions
This area under constant construction as new questions come up
If you don't see your question here, please send technical support feedback or questions using our on-line form and get your question answered directly.
- FAQ's about your Palace Server
- How do I set up my pserver.pat ?
- How do I update my pserver.pat ?
- How do I update my pserver.conf ?
- How do I backup my pserver.prp file ?
- Installing the pserver registration code.
- Installing the image and sound files
- How should the image files be named ?
- Wizard (Operator) and god (Administrator) mode
- Why does my pserver use the name Operator/Administrator instead of Wizard/God ?
- Restarting your pserver
- How do I manage my pserver.prp file ?
- How do I use the GateKeeper plug-in ?
- Checking the size of your rooms
- Do I get my own access log files ?
- What if I lost my palace server registration code ?
- My palace won't start, I keep getting a message saying it cannot open the pserver.prp, what is wrong ?
- I set up my palace, but the pictures aren't downloading to people, why ?
- How many pictures can you assign to a spot ?
- When I start my palace, it reports there are 0 or less rooms, what is wrong ?
- What causes lag on the pserver ?
- I have my rooms locking, but people can still get in. What is wrong ?
- How do I get a link from the Access Internet Web Site to my pserver?
- Do I need my own domain name to set up a pserver ?
- Is there a charge for using my own domain name ?
- Palace Technical Support Links
- Useful Links
- Special commands are divided by user class (i.e., guest, member, wizard and god)
- List of Palace Servers hosted with us
- Top 100 Most Populated Palace | 1 - 25
- Ping times (minimum, average and maximum latency) of some palace servers around
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