Line Noise Bites V.90 Modems
There are, several things that users can do to get a handle on line noise.
First, check the speed of your modem connection by right clicking the modem icon in the bottom right corner of your Windows 95 / Windows NT screen.
If this test reveals that your new 56.6 V.90 modem is cruising at less than 56.6 Kbps, try the following:
- Put a phone on the data line that's giving you trouble, pick up the receiver and dial the number 1 (which kills the dial tone). Do you hear any line noise (hissing, popping, static, etc.)? If so, you know you've got a line noise problem.
- To find out if the source of the line noise is in your office/home or the telco's system, take a phone outside and plug it into the jack in the box for the line in question. If you still hear line noise, you know its in the telco. If you don't hear any noise, you know the noise is in your home/office.
- Of course, even if you don't hear any audible noise, you can still have line noise trouble resulting from channelized T1 and such. To find out if your service area is affected, call your local telephone service provider and inquire about their system and the maximum data speed that you should be able to attain.
- Finally, get over this neatness thing. Remember -- a tidy power cord bundle is a sign of a small mind.