How to View Full Headers
- In Netscape Mail (versions 2,3), choose Options from the pull-down menu bar. Click on Show Headers and select Full
- In Netscape Messenger Mailbox (version 4) choose View from the pull-down menu bar. Click on Headers and select All
- In Eudora Mail, open the message. Under the title bar are option buttons. One will say BlahBlahBlah. Click on that and all headers will be shown.
You will usually have to cut and paste the headers into the forwarded mail.
- In Micsrosoft Outlook, Open the message. Click on View and then click on Options. Cut and paste the section marked Internet Headers.
- In Outlook Express, open the message. Choose File from the pull-down menu bar. Select Properties. Another window will open, showing two tabs. You want to choose the one titled Details. Then cut and paste the headers into the message you want to forward.
- In Microsoft Internet mail, follow the same procedures as for Outlook Express, above.
- In Pegasus Mail, choose Reader from the pull-down menu bar. Select Show all Headers.
- If you use the Hotmail service, go to the Options section and select Preferences (under Additional Options) then set Headers to Full. You will have to cut and paste the headers into the forward.
- For Yahoo mail, go to the Options section and select Preferences. Scroll down to Show Headers and set it to All.
- In Pine, H displays full headers and F will forward the message which you are currently displaying. (NOTE: you must have headers enabled before forwarding)
- In Lotus Notes, open the mail file, then in the File pull down menu, select Properties. The important information will be listed under $Additional Headers.
This list is ever growing. If you have any suggestions to add, please mail them to abuse.
- To "cut and paste" in a Windows environment, first highlight the text, then hit CTRL-C to copy to the clipboard, and then hitting CTRL-V will paste the copied text at the cursor location.
- In an Apple environment, copy is APPLE-C and pasting is APPLE-V