@@ Why does my pserver use the name Operator/Administrator instead of Wizard/God? With the version of pserver we are running and future versions, it will no longer use the names God or Wizard. The new terms are God = Administrator and Wizard = Operator. @@ Do I get my own access log files? Yes you will get your own access log files. With the current version of the palace server all access logs are kept in one file instead of daily files as in the previous versions. We have a cron job setup to rotate the access log files on a weekly basis. The rotation of the access log files will happen every Sunday morning. You can view these files by using telnet.

  1. Connect to the host 'shell.accesscom.com'
  2. Provide your 'username' and 'password'
  3. Change to 'palace' directory
  4. Change to 'logs' directory
  5. The access log file currently being written to is 'pserver.log'

All past access log files will have a 0-4 following the file name. These are past access log files that have been rotated out. These access log files will be compressed in gz format to save disk space. Access log files will be kept on the server for one month and then be removed. @@ How do I get a link from Access Internet Web Site/Palace server to my pserver? We only need a couple of things if you wish to be listed on our web site and palace server.

  1. A graphic to represent your palace. It needs to be 108x88 pixels, in gif format and have the palace palette applied to it.
  2. The name of your palace
  3. Your palace address including port number.

Mail the above graphic and info to support@accesscom.com. We should have your link put in within a few hours. @@ How do I get a link from Palace Main to my pserver? The following are the guidelines for placement in a jumpstation room at mansion main palace.

  1. Your palace must be online 24/7.
  2. It must have been contiuously online for at least 30 days.
  3. There can be no illegal content to your palace.

If you comply with these guidelines I need the following from you.

  1. A graphic to represent your palace. It needs to be 108x88 pixels, in gif format and have the palace palette applied to it.
  2. The name of your palace
  3. Your palace address including port number.
  4. How would you classify your palace:
Prop palace
Other (specify)

Mail the above graphic and info to vshep@rt66.com. We should have your link put in within a few days. @@ Standard care technical support If you have technical support questions, please check out the following resources:

  1. Online Manuals - (http://www.thepalace.com/support/manuals/)
  2. Troubleshooting - (http://www.thepalace.com/support/trouble/index.cgi)
  3. FAQs - (http://www.palacespace.com/discover/faq/index.cgi)
  4. Mailing Lists - (http://www.palacespace.com/support/mail/)
  5. Discussion Forums - (http://www.thepalace.com/support/discussion.html)
  6. Iptscrae (Scripting) Manual - (http://www.thepalace.com/support/manuals/ipscrae.html)
  7. Reference Sites - (http://www.thepalace.com/support/ref.html)
  8. Customer Service - (http://www.thepalace.com/support/custserv.html)
@@ Useful Links If you have technical support questions, please check out the following resources:

  1. Ori's Palace Instructions - (http://home.earthlink.net/~oriterry/)
  2. Ali-Co Palace Tools - (http://www.ali-co.com/palacetools/)