@@ How do I backup my pserver.prp file?
You should backup your pserver.prp file as often as possible. We have created a backup script which will allow you to backup these files on the fly.
- Stop your pserver with the god command `shutdown
- Using a web browser go to the following URL: http://www.accesscom.com/uutils/
- Provide your 'username' and 'password'
- Click on the link labeled "Backup palace prop files"
- Once the backup is complete, you will be given the option to restart your palace server
- Your pserver will be started immediately
@@ How do I manage my pserver.prp file?
It's a good idea to use the god command `flushprops <N> every week or so. This command flushes props older than N days from the prop file. Which reduces the pserver prop file size and improve your pserver's overall responsiveness. This should be part of your periodic pserver maintenance. If not managed, your pserver.prp file will continue to grow.
@@ My palace won't start, server says it can't open the pserver.prp, what is wrong?
Your pserver.prp has become corrupt. You will need to log into the shell server and replace that file. If you do not have one. Just type 'touch pserver.prp' and this will create a blank one for you.