@@ Wizard (Operator) and god (Administrator) mode
- The default wizard password is operator.
- The default god password is administrator.
To enter either wizard or god mode, select Options, Wizards and enter the password. For Palace security, you will want to change these immediately.
To change the default password:
- Connect to your pserver using the Palace Software (for Macintosh or Windows 95).
- Enter god mode using the password administrator.
- Enter 'godpass password where password is your new password.
- Enter 'wizpass password where password is your new password.
@@ Restarting your pserver
- Using a web browser go to the following URL: http://www.accesscom.com/uutils/palace
- Provide your 'username' and 'password'
- It will try to start your palace server.
- If you have a backup, you will be given the option to restore your pserver.prp.
- If you do not have backup or restoring from backup falis, you will also be given the option to clear your pserver.prp file (which means you will have no props on your palace server).
@@ Why doesn't my palace server register with the A-Z list?
In order to have your pserver register with the A-Z list, you need to check the following in your pserver.dat file:
- You should put the name of your palace server. Use the God command 'servername Your_Server_Name. It cannot be left blank.
- You should put the name(s) of your palace server operators or nicknames. Since we are using the Unix operating system you can not leave it as "Joe Sysop" either. It cannot be left blank.
- This is the palace server address to your palace server. It would be in this format:
- "palace://palace.chatserve.com:9998"
- There can be no more than a total of 255 characters in this field (including spaces and punctuation).
- There are some words that can not be found in the BLURB entry. We have put together a little script to check if your BLURB will pass or fail. Just paste your BLURB in the text area below and we will check it against a list of words or phrases that the YPD will reject.
- Same rules apply in ANNOUNCEMENT that apply for the BLURB.
- This should be "directory.thepalace.com".
- Of course, you must tell your palace server to try to register.
If you are running a palace server on your personal computer and are using the same registration code while trying to register with the A-Z list from both palace servers, this will also cause a problem. You should shutdown that palace server and restart your palace server hosted with us.
@@ Checking the size of your rooms
There is an absolute room limit of 16K in any room (thats a design spec). If you look at the script file from "ROOM" to "ENDROOM", that has to be less than 16K of data.
- Using a web browser go to the following URL: http://www.accesscom.com/uutils/palcheck
- Provide your 'username' and 'password'
- You will then be given a size of all the rooms you have
@@ Installing the image and sound files
- Launch any FTP client
- Connect to the host 'shell.accesscom.com'
- Provide your 'username' and 'password'
- Double-click 'palace' directory
- Double-click 'media' directory
- You will want to upload all your 'image' and 'sound' files in this directory
- Now your pserver is ready
@@ How should the image files be named?
When uploading your image files there are a few important things you need to remember: "file names are case sensitive", "no spaces in file names" and "call out the file name in your pserver.dat file exactly as it is labeled".
- If you upload the image file names "example.gif", then in your pserver.dat file you need to call it out as exactly that and not "example.GIF" or "EXAMPLE.gif".
- Image files can not have spaces in the name. So if an image file such as the file name "party room.gif", this has to be changed to something without the spaces such as "partyroom.gif".
- If in your pserver.dat file you are calling for the image "partyr1.gif" there has to actually be an image in your media directory named "partyr1.gif". Having a file named "partyroom.gif" will not work.
@@ I set up my palace, but the pictures aren't downloading to people, why?
In god mode type in `picdir media:
@@ When I start my palace, it reports there are 0 or less rooms, what is wrong?
You have a "crashed" or "corrupted" pserver.dat file. Restore your backup and you should be back up and running.