Setting Up a Counter for your Web Site
- Digit Styles
- Example page
- Optional Features
The CGI script "COUNT" by Muhammad A Muquit and Kevin J. Walsh is available for use on all personal and business web sites hosted at Access Internet Communications.
The following sections will explain how to access and configure the counter for use on your web page.
The Basics
The CGI maintains a count of accesses to your web site in a datafile under your username.
In order to avoid overuse and abuse of this feature, we have set up a single counter file for each account that can be used to track access to your website. For the most effective use, place the call to the counter CGI on the "Home" page of your site.
How to call the counter
- You can create a call to the CGI counter script each time your "home" page is accessed by using the HTML tag shown below.
- <IMG SRC="/cgi-bin/Count.cgi?df=username">
- The term "username" in the above example should be replaced with your actual username on AIC.
- You can place this call inside a typical line of text something like this.
- You are visitor number <IMG SRC="/cgi-bin/Count.cgi?df=username" align=absmiddle> to this web site.
- or
- This web site has been accessed <IMG SRC="/cgi-bin/Count.cgi?df=username" align=absmiddle> times since...
- Note - The align tag in the above examples assures that the text around the counter will be centered on the counter image.
- Here's what the first example above would look like in real life.
- You are visitor number
to this web site.
Digit Styles
The digits used in this program can be individual GIF files or all the digits can be in a single image strip. This gives you the flexibility of using digits of your choice. If you have individual digit images, they are named as zero.gif, one.gif,.... nine.gif. If you have an image strip, the strip is named as strip.gif. At run-time, the directory of the images is simply used to specify a different style. Therefore, a single program can display digits of various styles. Here are the supplied digit styles. I will not supply individual digit images anymore. All the styles of digits are supplied as a single image strip. Note the order of the digits (you will know about it later).
Style A
designed by the author (digits/A/strip.gif)
Style B
Borrowed from
HTML-access counter.
Style C
designed by
Style D
designed by the author (digits/D/strip.gif)
Style E
designed by the author (digits/E/strip.gif)