# AWSTATS MIME DATABASE #------------------------------------------------------- # If you want to add MIME types, # you must add an entry in MimeFamily and may be MimeHashLib #------------------------------------------------------- # $Revision: 1.13 $ - $Author: eldy $ - $Date: 2003/09/17 02:06:55 $ #package AWSMIME; # MimeHashLib # List of mime's label ("mime id in lower case", "mime text") #--------------------------------------------------------------- %MimeHashLib = ( 'text','Text file', 'page','HTML or XML static page', 'script','Dynamic Html page or Script file', 'image','Image', 'document','Document', 'package','Package', 'archive','Archive', 'audio','Audio', 'video','Video', 'javascript','Javascript file', 'vbs','Visual Basic script', 'conf','Config file', 'css','Cascading Style Sheet file', 'xsl','Extensible Stylesheet Language file', 'runtime','HTML dynamic page or Binary runtime', 'library','Binary library', 'swf','Macromedia Flash Animation', 'dtd','Document Type Definition', 'csv','Comma Separated Value file' ); # MimeHashIcon # Each Mime ID is associated to a string that is the name of icon # file for this Mime type. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- %MimeHashIcon = ( # Text file 'txt','text', # HTML Static page 'html','html', 'htm','html', 'hdml','html', 'wml','html', 'wmlp','html', 'xml','html', # HTML Dynamic pages or script 'asp','script', 'jsp','script', 'cgi','script', 'ksh','script', 'php','script', 'php3','script', 'php4','script', 'pl','script', 'py','script', 'sh','script', 'shtml','html', 'tcl','script', 'xsp','script', # Image 'gif','image', 'png','image', 'bmp','image', 'jpg','image', 'jpeg','image', # Document 'doc','doc', 'pdf','pdf', 'xls','other', 'ppt','other', 'pps','other', 'sxw','other', 'sxc','other', 'sxi','other', 'sxd','other', 'csv','other', 'xsl','html', # Package 'rpm','archive', 'deb','archive', 'msi','archive', # Archive '7z','archive', 'ace','archive', 'bz2','archive', 'gz','archive', 'rar','archive', 'tar','archive', 'tgz','archive', 'z','archive', 'zip','archive', # Audio 'mp3','audio', 'ogg','audio', 'rm','audio', 'wma','audio', 'wav','audio', # Video 'avi','video', 'divx','video', 'mp4','video', 'mpeg','video', 'mpg','video', 'swf','video', # Web scripts 'js','other', 'vbs','other', # Config 'cf','other', 'conf','other', 'css','other', 'ini','other', 'dtd','other', # Program 'exe','script', 'dll','script', ); %MimeHashFamily=( # Text file 'txt','page', # HTML Static page 'html','page', 'htm','page', 'wml','page', 'wmlp','page', 'xml','page', # HTML Dynamic pages or script 'asp','script', 'jsp','script', 'cgi','script', 'ksh','script', 'php','script', 'php3','script', 'php4','script', 'pl','script', 'py','script', 'sh','script', 'shtml','script', 'tcl','script', 'xsp','script', # Image 'gif','image', 'png','image', 'bmp','image', 'jpg','image', 'jpeg','image', # Document 'doc','document', 'pdf','document', 'xls','document', 'ppt','document', 'pps','document', 'sxw','document', 'sxc','document', 'sxi','document', 'sxd','document', 'csv','csv', 'xsl','xsl', # Package 'rpm','package', 'deb','package', 'msi','package', # Archive '7z','archive', 'ace','archive', 'bz2','archive', 'gz','archive', 'rar','archive', 'tar','archive', 'tgz','archive', 'z','archive', 'zip','archive', # Audio 'mp3','audio', 'ogg','audio', 'rm','audio', 'wav','audio', 'wma','audio', # Video 'avi','video', 'divx','video', 'mp4','video', 'mpeg','video', 'mpg','video', 'swf','swf', # Web scripts 'js','javascript', 'vbs','vbs', # Config 'cf','conf', 'conf','conf', 'css','css', 'ini','conf', 'dtd','dtd', # Program 'exe','runtime', 'dll','library', ); 1;