Searching The Internet

When people start talking about tools for finding things on the Internet, you hear words like spider, robot, crawler and gopher. Regardless of the terminology, Internet search tools come in two basic flavors - Indexes and Search Engines.

An Index is a list, separating web sites into various categories for your perusal.

A Search Engine is a database tool that allows you to search for words or phrases.

Here is a 'short' list of some of the hundreds of indexes and search engines available to help you find people, information and files on the net.

Alta Vista A relatively new but very cool search engine from Digital offering WWW and UseNet Searches.

 Search the Web for documents in any language

Excite Offers both search and index services plus news, Cartoons and Columns.

Infoseek Search and browse Web pages, Usenet newsgroups, FTP/Gopher sites, and more! Now beta testing their new search software - iSeek.

Enter phrases and/or keywords:
Web News 
Companies Newsgroups

Other special Services available from Infoseek

Infoseek Email Search Infoseek Stock Quotes Infoseek World News Infoseek Fast Facts Big Yellow

InfoSpace InfoSpace

A very full-featured Internet search service offering an extensive Buisness Yellow Pages, Town and City information, People Locator, Government Contact Information, News from CyberSpace and Personalized Premium Services.

The InterNIC is a cooperative activity between the National Science Foundation, AT&T and Network Solutions, Inc.

AT&T supports Directory and Database Services. Network Solutions sponsors Registration Services, Support Services, and Net Scout Services.

Lycos One of the older and more limited search engines. Now incorporates three separate engines, LYCOS, a2z and Point plus a New to the Net section.

Magellan 1000s of sites evaluated and rated.

Shareware A truly huge shareware library. Search for, browse, and download public domain and software - indexed by category and platform type. Subscribe to Shareware Dispatch and be keep abreast of new arrivals and most popular files by Email.

You can also subscribe to their weekly Email newsletter Shareware Dispatch to be notified of new arrivals and most popular files by Email.

 Search from more than 250,000 files

 Search the top shareware archives

Yahoo One of the first and the best WWW Indexes around. A hobby that grew into a career for it's founders David Filo & Jerry Yang.