Server Co-Location Option:

The Server Co-Location Option provides managed hosting of your Internet servers in a secure, managed facility. The Server Co-Location option is intended for applications where you want to provide high-speed Internet connectivity for your servers without the hassle or expense of in-house hosting and leased line connectivity to your facility.

This is not a Do-It-Yourself (DIY) facility where you get a wire cage, a power cord and an ehternet hookup. This is a managed Internet Hosting facility providing full administration support, scheduled backups, noise-free/uninteruptable power, full security systems, configurable firewall support and expert server maintenance.

Prices / Availability

  Service Type
Co-Located Server Bronze Co-Located Server Silver Co-Located Server Gold
   Monthly Cost $500 $1000 $1500
   Start-Up Cost $500 $500 $500
Technical Features:
   Bandwidth (GB/day) 4.4 6.6 8.8
   Domain Name Included Y Y Y
   FTP access to your account Y Y Y
   Anonymous FTP Y Y Y
   Telnet access to your account Y Y Y
   UPS power backup Y Y Y
   Daily tape backups Y Y Y

Please call our business office at 408-777-8190 to discuss your needs or email the appropriate department.