#!/usr/bin/perl # req-quote.cgi - handles online service requests $0="foof2.cgi"; # These entries define the fairly-constants # $mailprog = the name of the mail program # $recipient = the email address to send the output to $mailprog = '/usr/sbin/sendmail'; $recipient = 'info@accesscom.com'; # This line prepares the server to parse HTML style output print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print ""; print join('',`cat $ENV{'DOCUMENT_ROOT'}/stdhdr.html`)."

"; # Get input from the form if($ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq 'POST') { read(STDIN, $buffer, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'}); } else { $buffer=$ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}; } $buffer =~ s/\000//g; # Split the buffer into name-value pairs @pairs = split(/&/, $buffer); foreach $pair (@pairs) { ($name, $value) = split(/=/, $pair); $value =~ tr/+/ /; $value =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg; $FORM{$name} = $value; } ################################################################## if($FORM{'your_name'} eq '') { $button="Request call back"; $button="Submit Order" if($FORM{'form'} eq 'Order'); print <Products & Services | $FORM{Service} DSL - Order form

EOF print < EOF print <
Requested Speed
Contact Information
 Your Name:
 Email address:
 Best phone number to reach you:
 Best time to call: AM PM
DSL Location Information
 Street Address: $FORM{FRM_ADDR}

EOF foreach(keys %FORM) { print ""; } print join('',`cat $ENV{'DOCUMENT_ROOT'}/stdftr.html`); print "

"; exit; } ################################################################## ################################################################## ################################################################## ################################################################## ################################################################## ################################################################## # Check that required fields are filled in # Requires name plus phone, fax or e-mail &blank_response unless length($FORM{'your_name'})>1; &blank_response unless length($FORM{'phone_number'})>1; # &blank_response unless length($FORM{'email_address'})>1; foreach("FRM_ADDR", "FRM_CITY", "FRM_STATE", "FRM_ZIP", "FRM_NPA", "FRM_NXX", "FRM_XXXX") { &blank_response if($FORM{$_} eq ''); $FRM{$_}=$FORM{$_}; $FRM{$_}=~s/([^0-9A-Za-z])/sprintf("%%%02x",ord($1))/ge; } foreach(keys %FORM) { next if(!m/DSL$/); $FORM{$_}=~s/,/, /; $dsl.=sprintf("%21.21s %s\n",$_."---------------------", $FORM{$_}); } chomp $dsl; # Send mail to $recipient # The first three lines and the last line of this section are important # Everything else is customized to the particular form # and how you want the message to look open (MAIL, "|$mailprog $recipient") || die "Can't open $mailprog!\n"; print MAIL "Reply-to: $FORM{'your_name'} <$FORM{'email_address'}>\n"; print MAIL "To: $recipient\n"; print MAIL "Subject: $FORM{Service} DSL $FORM{form}\n"; print MAIL "X-DSL: \n"; print MAIL "--------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; print MAIL "Technical info:\n"; print MAIL "Server protocol: $ENV{'SERVER_PROTOCOL'}\n"; print MAIL "Host browsed from: $ENV{'REMOTE_HOST'}\n"; print MAIL "IP browsed from: $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'}\n"; print MAIL "--------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; print MAIL "Contact Information:\n"; print MAIL "Customer name-------- $FORM{'your_name'}\n" if($FORM{'your_name'} ne ''); print MAIL "Email address-------- $FORM{'email_address'}\n" if($FORM{'email_address'} ne ''); print MAIL "Best phone number---- $FORM{'phone_number'}\n" if($FORM{'phone_number'} ne ''); print MAIL "Best time------------ $FORM{'time'}\n" if($FORM{'time'} ne ''); print MAIL "--------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; print MAIL "DSL Location Information:\n"; print MAIL "Requested Speed------ $FORM{'speed'}\n" if($FORM{'speed'} ne ''); print MAIL "Street Address------- $FORM{'FRM_ADDR'}\n" if($FORM{'FRM_ADDR'} ne ''); print MAIL "City----------------- $FORM{'FRM_CITY'}\n" if($FORM{'FRM_CITY'} ne ''); print MAIL "State---------------- $FORM{'FRM_STATE'}\n" if($FORM{'FRM_STATE'} ne ''); print MAIL "Zip------------------ $FORM{'FRM_ZIP'}\n" if($FORM{'FRM_ZIP'} ne ''); print MAIL "Phone---------------- ($FORM{'FRM_NPA'}) $FORM{'FRM_NXX'} - $FORM{'FRM_XXXX'}\n" if($FORM{'FRM_NPA'} ne ''); print MAIL "--------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; print MAIL "$FORM{Service} DSL Available speeds:\n"; print MAIL "$dsl\n"; print MAIL "--------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; if($FORM{'extras'} ne '') { print MAIL "Extra Information:\n"; foreach(split("\n", $FORM{'extras'})) { s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg; m/^([^:]*): (.*)$/; printf MAIL "%21.21s %s\n", $1."---------------------", $2; } print MAIL "--------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; } close (MAIL); print "Products & Services | Thank you"; # Assuming the user provided the necessary info, # put up a web page to acknowledge receipt of request # Remember to put a literal escape (backslash) in front of all quotes in the HTML print "

Your DSL order has been submitted

" if($FORM{'form'} eq 'Order'); print "

Your DSL request has been submitted

" if($FORM{'form'} eq 'Call Back'); print "

"; print "Thank you for choosing AIC for your internet service needs. A DSL representative will follow up with you to obtain aditional information about your installation." if($FORM{'form'} eq 'Order'); print "Thank you for choosing AIC for your internet service needs. A DSL representative will follow up with you to further discuss your needs." if($FORM{'form'} eq 'Call Back'); print "

"; print "Use the icons below to go on to any portion of the AIC Web Site or go back to the AIC Home Page"; print "

"; print join('',`cat $ENV{'DOCUMENT_ROOT'}/company/form.html`); print "

"; print join('',`cat $ENV{'DOCUMENT_ROOT'}/stdftr.html`); print ""; print ""; # Insufficient Info Response # Put up a web page asking the user to complete the required fields. # Remember to put a literal escape (backslash) in front of all quotes in the HTML sub blank_response { print "Products & Services | Order not placed"; print ""; print join('',`cat $ENV{'DOCUMENT_ROOT'}/stdhdr.html`); print "

Sorry, your DSL order has not been placed

" if($FORM{'form'} eq 'order'); print "

Sorry, your DSL request has not been placed

" if($FORM{'form'} eq 'Call Back'); print "In order to process your request, we need your name and contact phone number.

"; print "Please use the \"Back\" command in your browser to return to the form and supply the necessary information.

"; print "If you wish to abandon the form, simply use the icons below to go on to any portion of the AIC Web Site or go back to the AIC Home Page"; print join('',`cat $ENV{'DOCUMENT_ROOT'}/stdftr.html`); print ""; exit; }