08-01-96 Created the README.CHANGES and README.INSTALLATION files Replaced all usages of "here document printing with qq! method. To many people were having trouble because when they transferred the files using binary mode, invisible charactes would get stuck in the script and screw up the here formatting. qq! is used to change the print delineator from double quotes (") to bang (!). We do this so that double quotes within the print string will not need to be escaped. Added informative error messages to the open commands Created a setup file so that when new upgrades come out, the customized options can remain intact. 09-11-96 At line 365 removed an extra "'}" from the line which prints VLINK 01-06-97 Moved all customizable HTML into the setup file so that it would be easier to customize the script for multiple forms Moved most of the customizing from the HTML form to the setup file. We now do not use the "hidden form tags" to the extent we used to since customizable variables are defined in form-specific setup files. You'll have one setup file for each form. this is a major logic change so take some time to see what has changed. Got rid of the IP-based security check because since the setup files are now required, noone but those who you have created setup files for will be able to use the script. Moved the lockfile routines from cgi-lib.sol to the main script so that we would not have to require that library. cgi-lib.sol is no longer distributed with the script. Rewrote the get_date routine to be more efficient Added routines to email the customer a thank you note as well as the admin. Moved the printing of the HTTP header into the display routines so that you could use "Location" header if you desire. 01-09-97 Added a routine to handle customer info verification 01-20-97 Fixed a bug in the get_date routine by adding the $current_century variable to the setup file and removing the sc markers from the pgp variables. 02-04-97 Added regular expression checks in the display verification screen to substitute ", < and > for HTML characters. Also added a substitution routine so that

's will be shown in the display verify screen Added regular expression checks for the emailing routine so that charctares changed for displkay on HTML and characters used for database safety are changed to email-versions.