. I am some html abilities and would like to be able to maintain the site myself and offer credit card sales
Randall Arthur|rlarthur@arias.net|birzniek@hlsun.redcross.org||UNIX|http://custom.jewelry-design.com|none|none I haven't solved|Just letting ya know I'm getting the web_store up and going a peice at a time. Thanks.
~nl~Randall Arthur
Marc Reitzell|reitzell@calweb.com|selena@eff.org|Website|NT|http://www.cdi3.com/mvrc|
~nl~|No access to the command line in NT.
~nl~|My provider has an NT server Yyuck!)
~nl~In place of #! /usr/bin/perl for Unix, what do you use for NT? I have a counter script called count.pl and I access it via a Server Side Include, but I get an *SSI ERROR* on the index.html-ssi page.
Marc Reitzell|reitzell@calweb.com|selena@eff.org|Website|NT|http://www.cdi3.com/mvrc|
~nl~|No access to the command line in NT.
~nl~|My provider has an NT server Yyuck!)
~nl~In place of #! /usr/bin/perl for Unix, what do you use for NT? I have a counter script called count.pl and I access it via a Server Side Include, but I get an *SSI ERROR* on the index.html-ssi page.
Allen Terjesen|APTerj@aol.com|selena@eff.org||UNIX||||Just dropping a question, (if you don't have time to answer
~nl~it, I understand). I recently began to publish a webpage
~nl~for my fraternity. I am not to familiar with CGI, although
~nl~I have bought 2 books. I am trying to run a very basic Search
~nl~Engine, for a database of names of fraternity brothers.
~nl~Currently, I have the 700+ names on a webpage,. Can you just
~nl~point me in th right direction, to download this, or run this
~nl~Any help would be greatly appreciated.
~nl~Unfortunately, I do not know the specifics of my server.
~nl~I do know that the page is on the members.aol.com server.
~nl~Thank you
~nl~Allen, APTerj@aol.com
Jeff Case|jeff@venturasoup.com|selena@eff.org|Apache 1.1|UNIX|http://kragar.eff.org/cgi-bin/Selena/Web_store1/web_store.cgi|I get the
~nl~sub file_open_error
~nl~message||with the Web_store 1.0, using the HTML setup, trying to search (from the FRONTPAGE) creates an error when the user presses ENTER, as opposed to clicking the SUBMIT button.
~nl~How can this be fixed?
~nl~It occurs in your example here as well.
Ali Samii|wordmaster@urbanoasis.net|jfryan@mdbusiness.com|Apache|UNIX||I don't have access to the file.|It cannot locate the file ./Libraries/cgi-lib/pl|Right now, the script is not working with the form. The form just submits via e-mail as we cannot afford to lose the feedback we get.
~nl~We had a script (very plain) that worked before, but we changed servers (switched providers) and now I can't get the Form Processer script to work.
~nl~I need to get it to work by Monday afternoon. I tried all the things that Selena suggests, and none of them give errors other than the ones I mentioned above. I am willing to pay for the implementation of this. Please e-mail me with your Telephone number and I can be more descriptive.
Ali Samii|wordmaster@urbanoasis.net|mattw@worldwidemart.com|Apache|UNIX||I don't have access to the file.|It cannot locate the file ./Libraries/cgi-lib/pl|Right now, the script is not working with the form. The form just submits via e-mail as we cannot afford to lose the feedback we get.
~nl~We had a script (very plain) that worked before, but we changed servers (switched providers) and now I can't get the Form Processer script to work.
~nl~I need to get it to work by Monday afternoon. I tried all the things that Selena suggests, and none of them give errors other than the ones I mentioned above. I am willing to pay for the implementation of this. Please e-mail me with your Telephone number and I can be more descriptive.
Ali Samii|wordmaster@urbanoasis.net|selena@eff.org|Apache|UNIX||I don't have access to the file.|It cannot locate the file ./Libraries/cgi-lib/pl|Right now, the script is not working with the form. The form just submits via e-mail as we cannot afford to lose the feedback we get.
~nl~We had a script (very plain) that worked before, but we changed servers (switched providers) and now I can't get the Form Processer script to work.
~nl~I need to get it to work by Monday afternoon. I tried all the things that Selena suggests, and none of them give errors other than the ones I mentioned above. I am willing to pay for the implementation of this. Please e-mail me with your Telephone number and I can be more descriptive.
kim beall|epic7@pagesz.net|mattw@worldwidemart.com|my ISP is running Linux, if that's what you mean|UNIX|Heh, I think that's part of my question...|||~nl~Hi, Matt. First of all thanks from the bottom of my heart for the wonderful, quality scripts you've made available. I've got your guest book script up and running with no problem and I sure wish you had a chat script too because I'd sure love to repeat the good exprience I had with your guest book! Unfortunately I've tried to install everyone else's chat scripts and encounter frustration after frustration. And the
Rich Warren|rboknows@postoffice.ptd.net|jfryan@mdbusiness.com|Apache|UNIX||||Hi,
~nl~This is a request for a customized script. We are interested in replicating a script that can be found at http://www.email.net
~nl~It is a dating club type of script which has many different features. I would be intested in doing most of the features that are offered on the email.net site although cost is a concern and we could live without some of the features. If you are interested, please email me or call me at 610-970-0901 for more details.
~nl~Thanks for you time,
~nl~Rich Warren
Richard Warren|rboknows@postoffice.ptd.net|birzniek@hlsun.redcross.org|Apache|UNIX||||Hi Gunther,
~nl~I have a need for a custom script and I don't know if you have the time for this but...here goes.
~nl~I'm developing a site for a customer who wants a Dating Club/Singles Site. The script he wants to replicate can be found at http://www.email.net. This is a pretty wild script with alot of functions. I signed up for the site and if you want to look at it to see the features, my id is RICK481 and the password is jackston.
~nl~I know you're probably very busy, and if you cannot do it, could you point me to someone else who could? I've tried a few people on Solena's help found list but they were too bogged down as well.
~nl~I'd appreciate your reply.
~nl~Rich Warren
Robert Aldridge|roberta@cyberramp.net|aleed@indiana.edu|????|Mac|????|none|none|I am looking for a script that simply determines whether you have a java capable browser. I think the easist way of doing this is to determine a number of veraibles.
~nl~If the client is using Win95 with NS2.0+ or Explorer 3.0 then direct to the java URL.
~nl~If the client is using Mac with NS 3.0 or Expl 3.0, then
~nl~direct to the java URL.
~nl~This is quite simple it appears, but I have no knowledge of how. Do you have or know of a script that does this? Please mail me. Smile. Have a great day!
~nl~Robert Aldridge
Robert Aldridge|roberta@cyberramp.net|selena@eff.org|????|Mac|????|none|none|I am looking for a script that simply determines whether you have a java capable browser. I think the easist way of doing this is to determine a number of veraibles.
~nl~If the client is using Win95 with NS2.0+ or Explorer 3.0 then direct to the java URL.
~nl~If the client is using Mac with NS 3.0 or Expl 3.0, then
~nl~direct to the java URL.
~nl~This is quite simple it appears, but I have no knowledge of how. Do you have or know of a script that does this? Please mail me. Smile. Have a great day!
~nl~Robert Aldridge
Jonathan Knee|jknee@lightspeed.bc.ca|selena@eff.org|NCSA|UNIX|http://www.xcalibre.com/guestbook.html|I get document contains no data|EOF in string at /usr/home/xcalibre/www/cgi-bin/guestbook/cgi-lib.pl line 114|I am not sure what is wrong, please advise as to how to correct.
Daniel Lipton|photo@northstar.antistatic.com|selena@eff.org|Apache|UNIX|http://www.harney.com/HarneyOrder/chat.cgi|none, works like a charm. :)|again, none.|Just wanted to say hi and let you know I have mutilated your
~nl~chat script to look, moderately interesting. I also wanted
~nl~to know if I am stepping on your intelectual property by using this script as the basis for my clients chat program.
~nl~Oh well, just wanted to let you know. I am cleaning up the perl to make it, uhm, readable and if you would like, i would send you a copy. I am currently working on an entirely non frames, non meta http-equiv=refresh version, and again, i will gladly send you all the source.
~nl~Thank you so much. I learned most of my perl tricks from you and that damn good O'Reily book written by Mr. Larry Wall. Is this too long? Am I making your day longer? Well, thank you, hope all is well with you and your group of people. If there is anyway to repay you for all services rendered, let me know.
~nl~Daniel M. Lipton
Hal Eason|hal@student.org|selena@eff.org||UNIX||
Brandi Lee Farmer|mukai@ix.netcom.com|selena@eff.org||UNIX||||Hi
~nl~My name is Brandi. Your Shopping cart script is very
~nl~cool! I just got my domain www.inthemixx.com. I own
~nl~a small intimate apparel boutique and need a shopping
~nl~cart for my website. My provider is NetCOM and they
~nl~run UNIX. If you could, Please check out my page and
~nl~give me a quote on setting up the shopping cart.
~nl~Id like to know:
~nl~How much?
~nl~How long?
~nl~How soon?
~nl~I hope I have enuough info here for you to quote me.
~nl~Please E me at mukai@ix.netcom.com or
~nl~call 1 847 468 9007 after 7:00pm CST
~nl~ThanX in advance
Eric Sheetz|Eric.Sheetz@MCI.com|jfryan@mdbusiness.com|IIS and Perl build 110|NT|N/A|N/A|N/A|I've overcommitted, and am willing to give a paying client to any who would take him. As I am just learning Perl I have several applications at my job that are requiring my full attention, and don't have the time while I am in this learning mode to do any freelance. The customer is willing to pay $500 to have a basic Database set up with an E-mail to go to the administrator when a new entry is submitted and when a password is requested. He would also like the database to be searchable either with the database search capabilities or a search Engine. He needs a little help adjusting his NT server to accomodate running cgi scripts. (i.e. his server doesn't
Eric Sheetz|Eric.Sheetz@MCI.com|wojtek@tryc.on.ca|IIS and Perl build 110|NT|N/A|N/A|N/A|I've overcommitted, and am willing to give a paying client to any who would take him. As I am just learning Perl I have several applications at my job that are requiring my full attention, and don't have the time while I am in this learning mode to do any freelance. The customer is willing to pay $500 to have a basic Database set up with an E-mail to go to the administrator when a new entry is submitted and when a password is requested. He would also like the database to be searchable either with the database search capabilities or a search Engine. He needs a little help adjusting his NT server to accomodate running cgi scripts. (i.e. his server doesn't
Eric Sheetz|Eric.Sheetz@MCI.com|nick@g440.com|IIS and Perl build 110|NT|N/A|N/A|N/A|I've overcommitted, and am willing to give a paying client to any who would take him. As I am just learning Perl I have several applications at my job that are requiring my full attention, and don't have the time while I am in this learning mode to do any freelance. The customer is willing to pay $500 to have a basic Database set up with an E-mail to go to the administrator when a new entry is submitted and when a password is requested. He would also like the database to be searchable either with the database search capabilities or a search Engine. He needs a little help adjusting his NT server to accomodate running cgi scripts. (i.e. his server doesn't
Eric Sheetz|Eric.Sheetz@MCI.com|bicanic@bakmes.Colorado.EDU|IIS and Perl build 110|NT|N/A|N/A|N/A|I've overcommitted, and am willing to give a paying client to any who would take him. As I am just learning Perl I have several applications at my job that are requiring my full attention, and don't have the time while I am in this learning mode to do any freelance. The customer is willing to pay $500 to have a basic Database set up with an E-mail to go to the administrator when a new entry is submitted and when a password is requested. He would also like the database to be searchable either with the database search capabilities or a search Engine. He needs a little help adjusting his NT server to accomodate running cgi scripts. (i.e. his server doesn't
Eric Sheetz|Eric.Sheetz@MCI.com|selena@eff.org|IIS and Perl build 110|NT|N/A|N/A|N/A|I've overcommitted, and am willing to give a paying client to any who would take him. As I am just learning Perl I have several applications at my job that are requiring my full attention, and don't have the time while I am in this learning mode to do any freelance. The customer is willing to pay $500 to have a basic Database set up with an E-mail to go to the administrator when a new entry is submitted and when a password is requested. He would also like the database to be searchable either with the database search capabilities or a search Engine. He needs a little help adjusting his NT server to accomodate running cgi scripts. (i.e. his server doesn't
Eric Sheetz|Eric.Sheetz@MCI.com|birzniek@hlsun.redcross.org|IIS and Perl build 110|NT|N/A|N/A|N/A|I've overcommitted, and am willing to give a paying client to any who would take him. As I am just learning Perl I have several applications at my job that are requiring my full attention, and don't have the time while I am in this learning mode to do any freelance. The customer is willing to pay $500 to have a basic Database set up with an E-mail to go to the administrator when a new entry is submitted and when a password is requested. He would also like the database to be searchable either with the database search capabilities or a search Engine. He needs a little help adjusting his NT server to accomodate running cgi scripts. (i.e. his server doesn't
Eric Sheetz|Eric.Sheetz@MCI.com|gentle@microlink.net|IIS and Perl build 110|NT|N/A|N/A|N/A|I've overcommitted, and am willing to give a paying client to any who would take him. As I am just learning Perl I have several applications at my job that are requiring my full attention, and don't have the time while I am in this learning mode to do any freelance. The customer is willing to pay $500 to have a basic Database set up with an E-mail to go to the administrator when a new entry is submitted and when a password is requested. He would also like the database to be searchable either with the database search capabilities or a search Engine. He needs a little help adjusting his NT server to accomodate running cgi scripts. (i.e. his server doesn't
Eric Sheetz|Eric.Sheetz@MCI.com|info@webtechnics.com|IIS and Perl build 110|NT|N/A|N/A|N/A|I've overcommitted, and am willing to give a paying client to any who would take him. As I am just learning Perl I have several applications at my job that are requiring my full attention, and don't have the time while I am in this learning mode to do any freelance. The customer is willing to pay $500 to have a basic Database set up with an E-mail to go to the administrator when a new entry is submitted and when a password is requested. He would also like the database to be searchable either with the database search capabilities or a search Engine. He needs a little help adjusting his NT server to accomodate running cgi scripts. (i.e. his server doesn't
Eric Sheetz|Eric.Sheetz@MCI.com|garrison@delta.net|IIS and Perl build 110|NT|N/A|N/A|N/A|I've overcommitted, and am willing to give a paying client to any who would take him. As I am just learning Perl I have several applications at my job that are requiring my full attention, and don't have the time while I am in this learning mode to do any freelance. The customer is willing to pay $500 to have a basic Database set up with an E-mail to go to the administrator when a new entry is submitted and when a password is requested. He would also like the database to be searchable either with the database search capabilities or a search Engine. He needs a little help adjusting his NT server to accomodate running cgi scripts. (i.e. his server doesn't
Eric Sheetz|Eric.Sheetz@MCI.com|aleed@indiana.edu|IIS and Perl build 110|NT|N/A|N/A|N/A|I've overcommitted, and am willing to give a paying client to any who would take him. As I am just learning Perl I have several applications at my job that are requiring my full attention, and don't have the time while I am in this learning mode to do any freelance. The customer is willing to pay $500 to have a basic Database set up with an E-mail to go to the administrator when a new entry is submitted and when a password is requested. He would also like the database to be searchable either with the database search capabilities or a search Engine. He needs a little help adjusting his NT server to accomodate running cgi scripts. (i.e. his server doesn't
Eric Sheetz|Eric.Sheetz@MCI.com|ed@ASoftware.com|IIS and Perl build 110|NT|N/A|N/A|N/A|I've overcommitted, and am willing to give a paying client to any who would take him. As I am just learning Perl I have several applications at my job that are requiring my full attention, and don't have the time while I am in this learning mode to do any freelance. The customer is willing to pay $500 to have a basic Database set up with an E-mail to go to the administrator when a new entry is submitted and when a password is requested. He would also like the database to be searchable either with the database search capabilities or a search Engine. He needs a little help adjusting his NT server to accomodate running cgi scripts. (i.e. his server doesn't
Eric Sheetz|Eric.Sheetz@MCI.com|mattw@worldwidemart.com|IIS and Perl build 110|NT|N/A|N/A|N/A|I've overcommitted, and am willing to give a paying client to any who would take him. As I am just learning Perl I have several applications at my job that are requiring my full attention, and don't have the time while I am in this learning mode to do any freelance. The customer is willing to pay $500 to have a basic Database set up with an E-mail to go to the administrator when a new entry is submitted and when a password is requested. He would also like the database to be searchable either with the database search capabilities or a search Engine. He needs a little help adjusting his NT server to accomodate running cgi scripts. (i.e. his server doesn't
Chris Gurahian|webmaster@thecdstore.com|selena@eff.org|Apache SSL|UNIX|all shopping carts|||I have some carts in the *.pl format from your series of
~nl~web pages but I was wondering which one you think is the
~nl~best. I am constructing a new web site at www.thecdstore.com
~nl~and I want a cart that will basically have the follwing come
~nl~up in a search (so it would work like www.egghead.com)
~nl~Skew number | item | price | your price|
~nl~ Then two boxes below and to the right
~nl~ saying:::: Description - Order
~nl~This would use msql as a engine and the database could be
~nl~exported as foxpro or dbase 4 in order to function correctly.
~nl~Do you have any ideas where I could get the best cart for
~nl~this. Thanks,, Chris
Jean-Pierre|jp.dodel@option.ca|selena@eff.org|FastTrack|NT|Groupware Calendar 4.0||
|I noticed in the perl code that there was a variable containing the name of the directory where the session files are. That directory is
Barry Caplin|bc@mtiweb.com|selena@eff.org|NCSA 1.5.1|UNIX||||Hi Selena,
~nl~ I think your page is a great resource! I maintain
~nl~a resource page for ISPs, http://www.mtiweb.com/isp/.
~nl~With your permission, I'd like to place a link to your
~nl~Scripts page on my ISP page.
~nl~ Thanks,
~nl~ Barry
Scot Angus|scot.angus@ramstein.af.mil|selena@eff.org||Windows|Scripts/4.0/forms_processor.tar|N/A|N/A|I can't EVEN GET your file... I keep getting a stall from your server. Check out my post in the forum.
Stefan Jansson|stefan@tripnet.se|selena@eff.org||Windows||
I have downloaded webstore.tar and I can´t find any god prog to unpack it whit. Iám running WIN 95.
Have ben testing many diffrent, but cant get it to unpack.
Please help me.
//Stefan Jansson
Bill Van Etten|vanettw@muohio.edu|selena@eff.org|?|Other|http://www.muohio.edu/cgi/~mmetrocwis/calendar/calendar.pl|None|None|Offer as a working example.
Erik Bowman|erik@imessenger.com|selena@eff.org||UNIX|http://www.imessenger.com|Forbidden
You don't have permission to access /~erict/Scripts/Source/Chat/Chat_CGI/ on this server.
|Hi -
Two things; on your site the permissions appear to be incorrect (see exact)
What is your fee for setting up CGI scripts? I purchased your book with the intent of setting up three or four of the scripts at my site
Paula|pkelly@york.ca|selena@eff.org||Mac||||hi, just wanted to say thanks for your site. Just beginning the trek up the CGI learning curve. Thanks for the info thus far.
Chris|diablo@avst.com|selena@eff.org|O'Reilly Website (NT platform)|NT|http://www.eff.org/~erict/Scripts/database_manager.html|||Can your database manager be applied to a Microsoft Access Database on the Windows NT platform?
Scott |ssinch@bridge.net|selena@eff.org|UNIX|Windows||I tried to use the win32 you told me to D/L but it will not run under win 95.
Pleas help because I dont have CGI Access and if I upload script to test my ISP charges me working or not..
Thank You
Greg Cathell|gcathell@gecco.com|selena@eff.org|Apache|UNIX||||Selena,
~nl~I just wanted to drop you a note to let you know how much I appreciated your scripts and the fact tht you make them available freely. I have implemented a database with authorization in just a few days with your script as the basis. I am not very proficient in PERL and your scripts were a life saver. Unfortunately the implementation is behind a fire wall so you can't visit the URL.
~nl~I was in the book store today and was delighted to find your book and other scripts I could use. I am now the proud new owner of a copy of your and Gunther's book. Please pass on to him my appreciation for the effort the two of you put into it.
~nl~Take care and God bless... the 'Net is a more programmer friendly place because of you.
~nl~Greg Cathell
~nl~GECCo Web Designs
~nl~P.S. I did take the time to read your preface. ;^)
Chris (again!!)|diablo@avst.com|selena@eff.org|Oreilly Website|NT||||I am really sorry about being a pain but I am just learning CGI....What is a gateway routine?
~nl~ Thanx for putting up with me
~nl~ Chris
Scott G. Walch|sgw@atl.checkfree.com|selena@eff.org|Netscape Enterprise Server 2.x|NT|Not in Production yet|none, program not behaving as expected.||Selena, Thought I would run this by you...
~nl~From a C++ cgi program, would you know how to link directly out of a form to another url via a submit button? I need to pick from a list of url's in a list box and link directly to them. I have only been able to bring back a page from the program, not link to another. Just checking.
~nl~Scott G. Walch
~nl~sgw@atl.checkfree.com, sgw@cybernext.com, 770.840.1269, 770.448.3808
Micheal Mc Evoy|mjmc@whitepine.com|selena@eff.org|Apache|UNIX||||Please change the URL for your calendar cgi from http://www.whitepine.com to
~nl~The page title is:
~nl~The Red Flag - South Central Wisconsin Radical Labor and Politics Page
~nl~BTW - wonderful cgi, thanks.
~nl~ Micheal
Emily|sophia17@well.com|selena@eff.org||UNIX||||just wondering what happened to your tutorial page? has it morphed into print permanently, or just moved?
~nl~that was a great page!
Pamela Fisher|bpfisher@concentric.net|birzniek@hlsun.redcross.org|sega saturn netlink|Other|I erased it because I thought it was hopeless ||
~nl~|I have a short form on one of my pages that is in need
~nl~of a cgi-script. The form is very short. And I was
~nl~wondering if you could help me. I erased it but, if I
~nl~thought it would work I could redo it since it is very
~nl~short. Can you help me?
Al Beebe|hemproid@aol.com|selena@eff.org|Apache/Linux|Windows|Can you send me the webchat script in .zip form??|||Can you send me the webchat script in .zip format
Jim Rudolf|rudolf@metadesign.de|selena@eff.org||UNIX||||Hi Selena:
~nl~Just a general comment: Your archive seems to have lots
~nl~of useful info. However when I try to download something
~nl~(like your DB manager) you ask for all sorts of info. As
~nl~the Net can be a dangerous place, and at least one survey
~nl~has shown that people are very hesitant to give out info
~nl~unless they have a clue what it will be used for, I would
~nl~find it helpful if you would describe in a sentence or two
~nl~(on the form) what exactly you would like the different
~nl~pieces of info for before one is able to download something
~nl~you've placed on the server.
~nl~Gruesse aus Berlin,
Joshua Greenwald|jjg5007@grace.rit.edu|birzniek@hlsun.redcross.org|Netscape Gold 3.0|UNIX|BBS/bbs_forum.cgi||No error messages from the command line. |This is not for a company purpose, I am a broke student who is just trying to learn more cgi skills.
~nl~Everything works until I try to submit (post) a new entry to the BBS. That's when the session file error pops up. The permission for the directory are 777 and the session files that get created by bbs_forum.cgi have the format:
~nl~ -rw-r--r-- 1 nobody nobody 3 Feb 6 17:07 32fa56206ec9ffff.dat
~nl~I even copied one of the files so that the new format was:
~nl~ 2 -rwxrwxrwx 1 greenwal webmaint 3 Feb 7 11:00 32fa45c86daaffff.dat
~nl~and then set the initial logon session to equal that file but then received the same error message at initial entrance to the forum.
~nl~If you happen to know what the problem is that's great, but i don't want to detract from your time, so if the answer isn't readily available to you, don't worry about it.
Erik Bowman|erik@imessenger.com|selena@eff.org||UNIX|http://www.imessenger.com/cgi-local/calendar.cgi|I am sorry, but I was unable to open the calendar data file in the Create a Table Cell for Each Day routine. The value I have is /www20/web/imesse/calendar_3.0/Databases/calendar_type/calendar.events. Would you please check the path ansd the permissions.
|no telnet access
|I have been able to get two out of four scripts working the calendar will be number 3 with the database to follow. The Calendar 3.0 is giving me the following error, it occurs within the sunday cell of the feburary calendar:I am sorry, but I was unable to open the calendar data file in the Create a Table Cell for Each Day routine. The value I have is /www20/web/imesse/calendar_3.0/Databases/calendar_type/calendar.events. Would you please check the path ansd the permissions. I feel as though i am very close. Please advise.
Erik Bowman|erik@imessenger.com|aleed@indiana.edu||UNIX|http://www.imessenger.com/cgi-local/calendar.cgi|I am sorry, but I was unable to open the calendar data file in the Create a Table Cell for Each Day routine. The value I have is /www20/web/imesse/calendar_3.0/Databases/calendar_type/calendar.events. Would you please check the path ansd the permissions.
|no telnet access
|I have been able to get two out of four scripts working the calendar will be number 3 with the database to follow. The Calendar 3.0 is giving me the following error, it occurs within the sunday cell of the feburary calendar:I am sorry, but I was unable to open the calendar data file in the Create a Table Cell for Each Day routine. The value I have is /www20/web/imesse/calendar_3.0/Databases/calendar_type/calendar.events. Would you please check the path ansd the permissions. I feel as though i am very close. Please advise.
Erik Bowman|erik@imessenger.com|ed@ASoftware.com||UNIX|http://www.imessenger.com/cgi-local/calendar.cgi|I am sorry, but I was unable to open the calendar data file in the Create a Table Cell for Each Day routine. The value I have is /www20/web/imesse/calendar_3.0/Databases/calendar_type/calendar.events. Would you please check the path ansd the permissions.
|no telnet access
|I have been able to get two out of four scripts working the calendar will be number 3 with the database to follow. The Calendar 3.0 is giving me the following error, it occurs within the sunday cell of the feburary calendar:I am sorry, but I was unable to open the calendar data file in the Create a Table Cell for Each Day routine. The value I have is /www20/web/imesse/calendar_3.0/Databases/calendar_type/calendar.events. Would you please check the path ansd the permissions. I feel as though i am very close. Please advise.
Gene Reis|gene@theoffice.net|selena@eff.org||UNIX||||I am interested in arranging some general hand-holding. I believe that I might be able to do most of the trouble shooting, etc, on the site.
~nl~I would like to be able to put your cart onto the frames version of the site on which I have been working.
~nl~You could look at http://www.aloha.net/~reb/frames/frames3.htm which doesnt allow cgi.
~nl~I dont have cgi/perl experience, however, I am a good learner and would consider myself generally able to figure most things out, however, as a tyro in the area, arranging for some handholding, e.g. via email, would be very appropriate for me, I would think. Any interest/recommendations would be appreciated. Much thanks.
~nl~Gene Reis
Ben Schumacher|avatar@pagan.net|selena@eff.org||UNIX||||Just thought I'd drop you a note to tell you how much I like
~nl~your scripts. I have already added you Guestbook script to my page and plan to add the BBS Forum script shortly.
~nl~Thanks alot for this resources.
~nl~Ben Schumacher
~nl~- Avatar's Haven
~nl~- http://www.pagan.net/~avatar/
Kate Purcell|medcheck@telepath.com|selena@eff.org|netscape 3|Windows||tried to download guestbook to netscape.exe - received message unable due to ||
Larry Koby|lkoby@nccsc.k12.in.us|selena@eff.org|FreeBSD|UNIX||||The Groupware Calendar appears to be perfect for our school needs. I havethe instructions but I am not clear as to the directory in which the tar file must unzipped. Although I have superuser rights I can not ftp the tar into the root directory. Can this be run our of any other location? I'm sorry for this basic question but I really don't have a unix background and I'm not sure where to turn to get started. We're using FreeBSD.
~nl~Thank you for your patience and understanding
Eric Lin|ericlin@flinet.com|selena@eff.org|I don't know|UNIX|http://www.flinet.com/~ericlin/cgi/guestbook.cgi|Document contains no data|Literal @flinet now requires backslash at /u2/ericlin/www/cgi/guestbook.setup line 12, within string|My Form Script works fine, for some reason this one doesn't. I changed the line that points to perl (/usr/bin/perl). Even the mini script that's supposed to give me my
Doug Willis|dwillis@clear.net.nz|selena@eff.org|Apache|UNIX||||Hi,
~nl~I was on your page trying to see the examples of the Web Store but each link I followed produced a not found error.
|Hi Selena:
I've recently incorporated your multiple choice Perl script. It works great! The questions deal with model rockety safety. You can see it in action if you like at http://www2.4dcomm.com/snoonan/hprindex.html.
You've also (will be in about 10 minutes) given credit in my credits page which you can see at http:/www2.4dcomm.com/snoonan
Thanks again,
Sean Noonan
Rick Johnson|webmaster@massagenet.com|birzniek@hlsun.redcross.org||UNIX|http://www.the-park.com/games2002/Chat|||Just implemented your Chat 1.0 script and it works very well. Thanks.
~nl~> My name is Ian. I am the owner of a small web design business in Huntington Beach, CA. I just stumbled over your site and would like to say that it is great.
~nl~> I am writing to see if you, or someone you would recommend as a perl programmer, for a database project I have going.
~nl~> http://www.sevencrown.com/database/status
~nl~> should give you the basic information. I am looking to have the project completed by the second week of May. Security level at this point is minimal.
~nl~> My current programmer is only offering support for a short time after debugging and I would like to see if someone out there is more committed to the long term of the project.
~nl~> Any information or quotes you might have would be greatly appreciated.
~nl~> Please email if you have any questions.
~nl~> thank you for your time,
~nl~> Ian Wynne
~nl~> President
~nl~> Outerstate Internet Commerce
~nl~> www.outerstate.com
~nl~> |
Ian Wynne|ian@outerstate.com|vanettw@muohio.edu||UNIX|||Hi William,
~nl~> My name is Ian. I am the owner of a small web design business in Huntington Beach, CA. I just stumbled over your site and would like to say that it is great.
~nl~> I am writing to see if you, or someone you would recommend as a perl programmer, for a database project I have going.
~nl~> http://www.sevencrown.com/database/status
~nl~> should give you the basic information. I am looking to have the project completed by the second week of May. Security level at this point is minimal.
~nl~> My current programmer is only offering support for a short time after debugging and I would like to see if someone out there is more committed to the long term of the project.
~nl~> Any information or quotes you might have would be greatly appreciated.
~nl~> Please email if you have any questions.
~nl~> thank you for your time,
~nl~> Ian Wynne
~nl~> President
~nl~> Outerstate Internet Commerce
~nl~> www.outerstate.com
~nl~> |
Ian Wynne|ian@outerstate.com|jfryan@mdbusiness.com||UNIX|||Hi Joseph,
~nl~> My name is Ian. I am the owner of a small web design business in Huntington Beach, CA. I just stumbled over your site and would like to say that it is great.
~nl~> I am writing to see if you, or someone you would recommend as a perl programmer, for a database project I have going.
~nl~> http://www.sevencrown.com/database/status
~nl~> should give you the basic information. I am looking to have the project completed by the second week of May. Security level at this point is minimal.
~nl~> My current programmer is only offering support for a short time after debugging and I would like to see if someone out there is more committed to the long term of the project.
~nl~> Any information or quotes you might have would be greatly appreciated.
~nl~> Please email if you have any questions.
~nl~> thank you for your time,
~nl~> Ian Wynne
~nl~> President
~nl~> Outerstate Internet Commerce
~nl~> www.outerstate.com
~nl~> |
Randall Mueller|rmueller@fidnet.com|birzniek@hlsun.redcross.org||UNIX|http://whdesign.com/webtv/live/go.html|Server error|server error|in ver.30 when all fields are blank, server error happens.
~nl~if parital fields are placed in the login area...
Emilia Gomez|EMILIA_GOMEZ@Non-HP-France-om2.om.hp.com|selena@eff.org|Windows NT 3.51|NT||The specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete set of HTTP headers. The headers it did return are:||
Zuleyma Coreas|92390009235|selena@eff.org|Macintosh LC|Mac|none|||Selena Quitantilla we miss you lot and I wish that you could be here today.
Anders Tillmar|anders.tillmar@pagevision.se|selena@eff.org||UNIX|www.larssons-jarn.se/cgi-bin/Html_web_store/|From the Browser: (when a try to exec. html_web_store.cgi)
|Can´t get the command line. We have Web-hotel.
The root is set to /docs
|Path to html_web_store.cgi
index.htm is in root
/ (/docs)
so we have like this
/docs/index.htm (rootpath)
perl is in
gman|gman@iag.net|selena@eff.org|IIS 3.0|NT||All of the library Links on your home page are dead. They try to down load the html document|n/a|n/a
Jacson Barros|jacsonv@netsim.fm.usp.br|selena@eff.org|Internet Information Server|Windows||||We´re finding difficulties to run PERL scripts with Netscape 3.0 Gold. The browser returns message suggesting to save the file instead of running it. No such problem is found with Internet Explorer 3.0.
FJ|webmaster@futurebooks.com|selena@eff.org||UNIX|http://www.futurebooks.com|None, it's perfect. I am Just emailing to let you know that you may add my url to your list of Web_store scripts in action. I just finished setting up the store and I am satisfied. Thanks. I greatly appreciate your help! Write back and let me know if you did indeed add my sight to your archive. I've included a description in the comments section.
|Go to the Future Books Online Book Store for BIG discounts. Find books on many subjects, including Business, Health, Fitness, Graphic Design, Art Instruction, Writer's books, Cartoon Drawing, Psychology and much more...
Raluca Andren|admin@arealplace.com|selena@eff.org|UNIX|Windows|http://www.singleset.com|The script works fine, but there is something else that mess it up
|When new members log in and start to fill in their profile, when they get to the Sumarry-Describe yourself, there is a text area. The most of them, when start typing, use carriage return, and then, in the database are created new rows which are not valid records, but they will be displayed as if they are, and starting from there, everything is messed up. Can you help me with this, please ?
The site is up and running and ... I don't know exactly how to fix this.
Thank you very much, Selena, your scripts are great and of much help to all of us.
P.S. I tryed to enter the Forum first, but it says that there is an error and it can't start the cgi script, maybe is something wrong with the server.
Chris Boston|cboston@boscomm.com|selena@eff.org|Apache|UNIX||
this is to inform you of a fix I made in your guestbook script that will disallow html to be addes by a user. Some one used the ability to insert html to actually chang the guestbook.cgi script.
the fix is made in two places:
1. in the .setup file make sure that $allow_html is set to
Anthony D. Walters|walter32@pilot.msu.edu|selena@eff.org|httpd|UNIX||none||Hi,
~nl~I would first like to say that your page on cgi scripts has been very helpfull in learning perl and cgi.
~nl~I am trying to use your 3.0 search script to search all of the usrs dirs on a web server. The problem is that the user dirs are accessed using the
Deborah|dsewlady@lightspeed.net|selena@eff.org||Windows||||I want to put a simple basic bulletin board system on my homepage, I tried to get the info from your pages but couldnt access the info, if you could steer me in the right direction I sure would appreciate it
tim trott|timtrott@cyberchute.com|selena@eff.org|BSDI - perl 4|UNIX|www.webicity.com/scripts/form_pro.cgi|exec of /www/90/scripts/form_pro.cgi failed, errno is 2
~nl~[Sat Apr 26 18:51:50 1997] access to /www/90/scripts/form_pro.cgi failed for dial-34.marianna.fl.digitalexp.net, reason: malformed header from script. I even tried it on www.cyberchute.com/scripts, www.cyberchute.com/cgi, and a few others. Same result every time, no matter what form, no matter what server, no matter what url.
~nl~||Running html cut and pasted from test_form.cgi and form_processor.cgi, and after eliminating all the
Donna Warenko|donna@granite.mb.ca|selena@eff.org|netscape server|UNIX|http://www.granite.mb.ca/flood97|
~nl~ ||No problem - in fact I found the scripts very easy to work
~nl~with and the documentation I downloaded was better than
~nl~most things I've purchased. This was a great experience, and as soon as the flood here in Manitoba is over I'll send in
~nl~my donation. Any suggestions for the amount?
~nl~Just wanted you to see the public service site I've put up since you want links to working examples and I think this one will end up being really interesting!
~nl~BTW This one is being publicized on all of the local radio, TV and newspapers. My office is also the site of 300 evacuees moving in tonight at midnight so I'll be sure and get a few entries, anyway. So far there are 17,000 evacuees in the province and much more in North Dakota.
~nl~As you can see I'm pretty excited about this but I just wanted to thank you for a script that was available and easy enough to get it up and running in less than a day, when time was really important.
Katherine|hewsonbower@tempest.com.au|selena@eff.org|???|Windows||||When I download your scripts, it comes up as a zip file. Then when I go into it as a zip file, it says 'Error, document not zip file'.
Julian Ibanez|dribanez@best.com|selena@eff.org|best communications, eudora, windows 95, netscape 3.0|Windows|http://www.best.com/~dribanez/netbook/netbook.htm|none|not found in your faq|Ms. Sol, I am trying to use your cgi script for the shopping cart. I downloaded it, and it has been installed in the server. While Kyle Brady has kindly helped me, there is a block in my way which I can't overcome. In the first page, where the books are to be chosen, what command do I have to put in that page? In the subsequent pages, such as the one for the
Edy|radon2@geocities.com|selena@eff.org|???|Mac||||Hi and thanks for your script!
~nl~I'm RADON2 and i'm quite good with HTML and not with unix(...) but i've few questions for you, hoping you will HELP ME:
~nl~I've an home page on geocities (i hope you'll visit it here's the address http://www.geocities.com/soho/9193 ) and i want a chat on my page so i downladed your chat.tar file.
~nl~After decompressing (i have your FAQ page but i don't know the unix language) it WHAT I HAVE TO DO WITH THIS TEXT FILES????Always if is possible to use on the geocities servers.Please tell me if is possible to do that
~nl~Thank you very much!!!!
Deane Morris|deanem@znet.com|selena@eff.org|Not sure (I think normal httpd whatever) on UNIX|UNIX||||I looked at your FAQ and it says you can perform filemanagement processes with Perl...
~nl~How do I create a brandspanking new directory?
~nl~I tried:
~nl~eval `mkdir testdir`;
~nl~print `mkdir testdir`;
~nl~$nothing = `mkdir testdir`;
~nl~none of it works... Also I couldn't get your `pwd` debugging suggestion to work either.
Sydney Urshan|urshan@urshan.com|selena@eff.org|Linux|UNIX|http://www.urshan.com/sum/versions.com|||Hi Selena,
~nl~Last time I spoke to you, you were just ready to graduate. I hope all went well.
~nl~I have checked out most of your scripts and have everything running okay. The only question I have is on a script like Form Processor. What code can I use to tell it that if a field is not used that it doesn't show up in all the e-Mails (and verification page) blank (with the headings only). In other words, I only want the fields that are filled in to show up in the e-Mails (and verification page).
~nl~Sydney Urshan
Anthony S. Clark|anthony@jcrnet.com|selena@eff.org|Purveyor Encrypt Webserver|NT|Not applicapble|Not Aplicable|Not applicable|Hi, I work for an ISP web design company in southern New mexico. I have been visiting your site and find it very well done and informative. I am trying to develop a way to send e-mail from a web page to an alphanumeric pager. I have finally decided that the way to do this is through a cgi script. But I am not proficient in perl or c. I know your time is very valuable, and I am prepared to offer you a fee, however much I can afford
Thomas Fahle|thomas@fahle.de|selena@eff.org|Microsoft IIS 3.0|NT|http://www.outdoorshop.de/|None|None|Thanks for your script.
~nl~New URL:
~nl~Regards Thomas Fahle
Mike Imel|imel@ecn.purdue.edu|selena@eff.org|Perl|UNIX|http://expert.cc.purdue.edu/~imel/|||I have the date cgi on my server. It works great. I was just wondering how can I have it display automatically rather than have a link to it. I cannot remember the html code for that.
John Barrett|argus@quest-net.com|selena@eff.org|IIS|NT||
|On your web site under the BBS section you have a Dosport of the BBS Perl scripts... The file is corrupt. Just thought I'd let you know.
Annie Ho|annie.ho@usa.net|info@webtechnics.com|netcape|Mac|tommo.com|I am interested in hiring someone to program a shopping cart system for the above web site. I saw you through solena's page, if you are interested please get in touch with me, thank you!||
Annie Ho|annie.ho@usa.net|garrison@delta.net|netscape|Mac|tommo.com|||I am interested in shopping cart system, would you be interested on building it? Please get in touch with me iif you are, Thanks!
Annie Ho|annie.ho@usa.net|modes@kiva.net|netscape3.0|Mac||||I am interested on finding someone to build a shoppping cart system. would you like to take on this task? Please contact me at annie.ho@usa.net, thanks!
Elliott Kayne|ek@onlinecorp.com|selena@eff.org|WEB SITE|NT||||Looking for a script that will report on the number of clicks throughs on a banner ad. Do you have or know of any?
James Lewis|captain@nb.net|selena@eff.org|win95/omnihttpd|Windows||||I am looking for an auction script or script that is close that I may be able to modify myself, or perhaps contract someone to do for me, If you've ever seen ebays auction at:
~nl~http://www.ebay.com/aw I would like something as close to this as possible
~nl~James Lewis
Justin Gillard|eat@chosen.org|selena@eff.org|unknown|UNIX|http://www.chosen.org/wp/whitepages.cgi|
I would like to know if there is a way to do a general search of the database that will bring up all entries that contain the word searched for anywhere in them (not just in certain fields). thank you.
Iwan Setya Putra|mikrotek@mikrotamanet.com|birzniek@hlsun.redcross.org||UNIX|http://mikrotamanet.com/Chat/chat.cgi|Problem In Chat Occurred
Chat Room: 'None Given' Not Found
|When I install the chat script for the first time, always failure to go to the room. I looked that in .cgi and .setup there were some different value like in .cgi --$chat_room but in .setup --$chat_rooms and any other.
So I fixed that and that script go to the room but it's says Not Found
Please support me !!
PS: Sorry, my english bad.
carlos garcia|11901 e. washington blvd.|ed@ASoftware.com||UNIX||||
Marc Muroff|muro@icanect.net|selena@eff.org|Apache|UNIX|www.planetsurf.net/surfreport|||The guestbook is great, but how can I chop off old messages.
~nl~I've looked in the Llama book, Matt's site, yours... I can't find anything that will get me on the right track.
~nl~I think the best thing is to run a cron job that looks for an old date and deletes that message but, ???
~nl~I can see a number of uses for a script that deletes from a list, not just for the guestbook.
~nl~A point in the right direction would be appreciated.
Dennis Forsman|dforsman@dowco.com|selena@eff.org|IIS|NT||||Do you know any good lcoations for NT Scripts?
Mike Elkin|kanelk@hotmail.com|selena@eff.org|Unix, NT, Windows95|Windows||500 Internal error||I am kind of new to CGI. And I bought one of your books (It helped me a helluva lot) and went to your page (Yes, i do read the preface :P) And located a certain file that I was looking for (counter). I loaded the file up on my machine and uploaded it to my cgi-bin and unlocked it (cmod...). The file worked fine except the fact that I have NO idea on how to set it up to log my web page. I am asking if you could possibly add some help files into the CGI file so that new people to CGI (like me) can figure out how to set it up. I am aware that sometimes they do have them, but they tend not to show what you need to add into your page so that it will log it. Thanks if you can or cant :)
~nl~-Mike, the man of horrible puns
Jeff Shipman|zaxan@pobox.alaska.net|selena@eff.org||UNIX|http://library.advanced.org/10229/cgi-bin/Authentication/auth.cgi|
|Ok...this is what's up. I'm getting a 'Document cotians no data' error and I know what that means, but let me tell you what I'm trying to do.
Ok, I am using your Password Authentication Script and I have edited auth.setup, auth-extra-lib.pl and auth-extra-html.pl for my own purposes.
In auth.setup, I added an extra field in the @auth_extra_fields for Mother's Maiden Name (for security purposes).
Then, in auth-extra-html.pl, I created an extra option on the homepage to find a lost password (just like finding a lost username) by submitting your username, email, and mother's maiden name.
In auth-extra-lib.pl, I added in the section that takes it to the original page for starting the password search, but I don't know what else to add into auth-extra-lib.pl to actually do the search. I was looking at the existing code for the username search, but I need to make it accomodate the three required things, and they have to input all of them and they all have to match the real values for it to return a password to the user.
I'm not experienced with CGI that much but I've just been copying existing code and modifying it. Up to now it's been ok, but nwo that I actually have to create hard-code CGI for this search, I need some help.
I dont know if you charge for tech. support, but I'm a kid in high-school and I don't really have a lot of money. I realize you have a real life outside of this but any help you could provide would be greatly appreciated. Feel free to mail me for more info or copies of the scripts that I have modified. =)
Jeff Shipman (zaxan@pobox.alaska.net)
Jinchul, JDI, Ji|jdi@adpia.com|selena@eff.org|Microsoft Internet Information Server 3.0|NT||||
vance|vance@best.com|selena@eff.org|custom (based on NCSA)|UNIX||||I created a redirect script which also creates a log.
~nl~I'm not sure how change my perl script so that when the
~nl~url contains symbols like = ? + which many link to cgi
~nl~script contain. I was wondering if you could help or if you
~nl~know a script that can do that.
~nl~url through my script is like
~nl~Something like the above doesn't work. Hope to hear from
YUTAKA INABA|jakki97@indosat.net.id|selena@eff.org|-|Mac|-|-|-|This is Nice Place where is on
Felix Wolf|felix@dillingen.de|selena@eff.org|Apache|UNIX|http://www.dillingen.baynet.de/~felix/chat.cgi|||Hi
~nl~I have written a simple Chat-script.
~nl~Maybe you want to have it
~nl~Please mail me if you are interested
~nl~Sorry foe my bad english (I'm a German)
Paul Vreugdenhil|vreug@surgery.wisc.edu|selena@eff.org|Web Commander for Windows95|Windows||||I host a web site for the Society for Cryobiology. I am interested in your database manager script for a membership list. I would like to know if anyone is using it with a Win95 server or if it actually can be used. I have other perl scripts running on my web server if that matters.
~nl~I look forward to your reply.
Patrick M. Buri|pb@mediacom.com|ed@ASoftware.com|Apache|UNIX||||Dear Ed,
~nl~> My company is currently planing to start an on line shopping system!
~nl~> I was told that Web store is a good product safe and that it was
~nl~> tested successfully. I am wondering if you would accept, for some money
~nl~> of course, to install your Web store system on our remote virtual
~nl~> BSD Unix based, Apache Web Server.
~nl~> We are in New York City, but you will be able to do the job remotely of
~nl~> course.
~nl~> I will provide you a detailed explanation of our goals and documents,
~nl~> images, etc..
~nl~> You can call me here: My direct # is 212 242 1704 ,
~nl~> or you can email me at pb@mediacom.com
~nl~> I thank you for your time,
~nl~> Sincerely,
~nl~> Patrick M. Buri
~nl~> Mediacom Systems Corporation.
Patrick M. Buri|pb@mediacom.com|birzniek@hlsun.redcross.org|Apache|UNIX||||Dear Gunter,
~nl~> My company is currently planing to start an on line shopping system!
~nl~> I was told that Web store is a good product safe and that it was
~nl~> tested successfully. I am wondering if you would accept, for some money
~nl~> of course, to install your Web store system on our remote virtual
~nl~> BSD Unix based, Apache Web Server.
~nl~> We are in New York City, but you will be able to do the job remotely of
~nl~> course.
~nl~> I will provide you a detailed explanation of our goals and documents,
~nl~> images, etc..
~nl~> You can call me here: My direct # is 212 242 1704 ,
~nl~> or you can email me at pb@mediacom.com
~nl~> I thank you for your time,
~nl~> Sincerely,
~nl~> Patrick M. Buri
~nl~> Mediacom Systems Corporation.
Tony B|digitalfx@mindspring.com|birzniek@hlsun.redcross.org|None. I use Internet Communications as my virtual server. I'm a re-seller.|UNIX|http://www.eff.org/cgi-bin/Selena/Authentication/authentication.cgi|||I would like to pay for the Authentication 4.0 to use on my customers (and future customers) webpages. I author webpages on Netscape Gold 3.0. For a server, I'm a re-seller for Internet Communictions .
~nl~Please tell me the following things:
~nl~1) how much to pay per use or one-time fee for unlimited.
~nl~2) how do I put this thing into use on a webpage. I do not know anything about CGI or Perl. Tell me how to install and how passwords are created. I'll need to show my customers how to handle this but first I need to learn. Hope it's user-friendly.
~nl~Remember, I'm just a webpage designers. Don't know programming, except to html and some Javascript.
Mithat Hackovic|mithat.hackovic@mailbox.swipnet.se|selena@eff.org|chat|UNIX|http://www.dtek.chalmers.se/~d96mitha/cgi-bin/chat.cgi|||Hi !
~nl~I would like to register my chat on your list.
~nl~Name: Bosna Chat
~nl~Language: Bosnien
Stephen Bryant|showinfo@proshows.com|birzniek@hlsun.redcross.org|Apache/1.1.3|UNIX|http://www.proshows.com/Cgi-bin/form_processor.cgi|||I thought it would be nice if the form processor script or the feedback.setup file was setup so the display screen would only show the fields and data specified in the associative array %form_variable_name_map.
~nl~Advise on how this could be done would be greatly appreciated.
~nl~Thanks in advance.
Ricky Frankel|rfra3@student.monash.edu.au|selena@eff.org||UNIX|http://yoyo.cc.monash.edu.au/~xtreme/cgi-bin/Chat/chat.cgi|Error in Serving the Requested Page
~nl~The page you requested couldn't be served. This is probably due to a bug in a cgi-bin program. As
~nl~far as I can tell, the person responsible for this program is xtreme@yoyo.cc.monash.edu.au and the
~nl~URL of the refering page is http://yoyo.cc.monash.edu.au/~xtreme/
~nl~If you are having problems with a cgi program you are attempting to write, then read the guide to
~nl~debugging cgi programs.
~nl~Common Causes of Errors in CGI Programs
~nl~The cgi script must output an http header including the Content-type header, followed by a blank
~nl~line. In perl this is accomplished using the following code:
~nl~print |when running chat.cgi I get a list of the html coding inside it (no error messages)
~nl~when running chat-html.pl get badly placed ()'s
~nl~when running cgi-lib.pl get bad :modifier in $ ()
~nl~any assistance would be great thanks
|what can i use to type changes and fixes under windows 95 that will show line #'s
Henry J. Ford|admin@reg.net|selena@eff.org|O'Railey 1.1|Windows|http://www.reg.net/test.html|||I have been trying to get PERL RATATING BANNER scripts to work on my web server for the last week with no progress. I do have a counter that works but do not no if it is PERL or not. Was wondering if there is a different way to go about getting Rotating .Gifs or banners to work with out using perl?
Marcel Zumstein|pap@zumstein.ch|selena@eff.org||NT||
|If you want, you can add our homepage http://www.zumstein.ch to your
David Teer|david@webangel.com|selena@eff.org||Windows||
Hi Selena,
I know you are a very busy person.
Please let me take one minute of your time.
I am a webmaster at 2 domains. I have them on AZC.com
I have several request for Guestbooks.
I went to azc for this and found your guestbook which I like and would like to use!
WHEW! I thought I knew something about CGI.
Well I was wrong. I am just a HTML'er.
I am ready to hang myself.
I am willing to pay for you to get the Guestbook to work.
I am a disabled Nurse male 37. I can't nurse anymore due to back problems, so The Clinic I worked at wanted me to build a webpage. I have been learning on that for a year and have picked some webpage jobs in between. I hope to make this my
giovanni|grosa@freemail.nl|selena@eff.org||UNIX||||I don't anything about scripts, PLEASE HELP ME !!!!!!!
Jason Phelps|jason@maine.rr.com|selena@eff.org|BSDI|UNIX|http://www.gwi.net/~acp1/shop/index.html|||I am modifying Web Store 1.0 (Database Version). Everything is working, but I need multiple shipping tables based on merchant suplying the item in question.~nl~
~nl~I read the FAQ, I checked the discussion archive & bought the book
Jason Phelps|jason@maine.rr.com|birzniek@hlsun.redcross.org|BSDI|UNIX|http://www.gwi.net/~acp1/shop/index.html|||I am modifying Web Store 1.0 (Database Version). Everything is working, but I need multiple shipping tables based on merchant suplying the item in question.~nl~
~nl~I read the FAQ, I checked the discussion archive & bought the book
Randy Jae|rjw4@Lehigh.EDU|selena@eff.org|Netscape 3.01|Windows|http://www.eff.org/~erict/Scripts/index.html|image not defined|not applicatble it's a javascript error message|function MakeArray(n)
~nl~ {
~nl~ this.length = n
~nl~ for (var i = 1; i<=n; i++)
~nl~ {
~nl~ this[i] = new Image()
~nl~ }
~nl~ return this
~nl~ }
~nl~error lies in here.
Evan|miller.a@worldnet.att.net|selena@eff.org|mac|Mac|password protection|||i can't do it. could you help me. i have no idea on what to do. if you can do it for me(i know it is asking a lot) i will put your link up in every one of my websites(i have 8, but i can only remember where 4 are) please, can you help me?
Glenn Rice|extgrice@showme.missouri.edu|selena@eff.org|Apache|UNIX|http://www.ext.missouri.edu/Calendar/calendar.cgi|none|none|[script NOT broken]
~nl~I'm using your calendar script. It's modified to match the rest of my site. there is a month/year jumplist on the front page (www.ext.missouri.edu).
chris leonard|cleonard@fractal.com|selena@eff.org|IIS 3.0|NT||||Hello,
~nl~just bought the web scripts book. I love it! I'm looking for some reference to a script that allows you to click on an image and then go to that page. http://www.gm.com is a perfect example of what I'm trying to do. Any help you can offer would be greatly appreciated!!!!! Not platform specific (UNIX or NT).
chrissiemancuso|city iland libary|selena@eff.org|alta vista|UNIX||||I love selena,and I miss here very much,she was a great woman
Tim Van Engeland|Creature.Demon@unicall.be|selena@eff.org|??? Ask DIGIBEL.BE|UNIX|Donnow : name => Clasified Ad Around the World |||I just wanted to ask if you could mail me the script ,etc... in a ZIP file, not a .TAR file... I run under Win95. If you have more scripts, please mail them to me....
||selena@eff.org||UNIX||||I was just wondering why the www.huntington-ny.com URL doesn't work. I'm from Huntington, LI too and wanted to check out the site.
Tony Lim|alim@peg.apc.org|selena@eff.org||UNIX||||Do you have some pearl or cgi script for a form so that the contents of the faorm are emailed to a specified address?
~nl~rather than mailto:
Alois Treindl|alois@astro.ch|selena@eff.org|Fasttrack|UNIX||||I want to use your guestbook scripts.
~nl~Do you also have scripts whic handle automatic
~nl~archiving of guestbooks when they reach a certain size?
~nl~(to avoid to heavy downloads for user who just
~nl~look into the geustbook).
anette |hallgren@kungsor.mail.telia.com|selena@eff.org||UNIX||||Question
~nl~Do you have some ideas how I should write a script in perl that will
~nl~check the ip-adresses and send back the answer, and introduce into the
~nl~I would be glad if you can help me.
||selena@eff.org||UNIX||||One thing on your web pages...use a different
Kate Gramcko|peakco@earthlink.net|selena@eff.org||UNIX||||Thank you for your Web Site! I am a new Web Site designer and I know I will be refering to your generous offerings often. Also, I found your site design wonderfully elegant.
~nl~If you have time I would like to know what kind of file or program produces your highlighting side menubar.
Brian Grapilon|grapilon@rohan.sdsu.edu|selena@eff.org|Apache 1.1.1|UNIX||||Salutations to Eric T. and Gunther Birznieks ! This is~nl~a COMMENT for you and all the other CGI experts that have~nl~offered the scripts free of charge (oh yeah, and maybe also~nl~Richard Stallman and GNU). We are in the process of~nl~putting up scripts for San Diego State University in San~nl~Diego, CA and utilizing them for online testing, forms, etc.~nl~I have currently downloaded the Form Processor 4.0 tar file~nl~and am customizing this script for instructor/faculty/staff~nl~use. We will hopefully be able to offer more online~nl~services in this respect. THANKS A LOT for your script/documentation!
Deborah|dhunter@KadoMade.com|selena@eff.org|win personal web server|Windows||||Please help me...I tried the forum...could not get in...log in:Hunter password:hunters
~nl~All I need is to be able to have our clients pick from several templated letters, [thank you, cover, and follow-up letters for resumes] fill in their information, [address, name, recipents address, etc.] have it echo back a completed letter that they can print out to send to prospective employers. It's a free thing.
~nl~I can do forms, but getting it to echo back a completed letter with a body and no form frames is beyond me.
~nl~I will be more than happy to pay a fee for your help. Just let me know what the fee is.
Randy Jae Weinstein|rjw4@Lehigh.EDU|selena@eff.org||UNIX||||If you interested in making a freeware administrative guestbook. Let me know, I'll email you with details.
Chris Winberry|mental@internexus.net|selena@eff.org|n/a|UNIX|n/a|||I have been piecing together scripts for some time now (with many thanks to this site and others I found on this site), and I have finally put together a a collection of scripts that I could not find anywhere.
~nl~It's basically admin tools for handling .htaccess files and CGIs for allowing users to create login/password entries and change their passwords automatically and have forgotten passwords mailed to a preset address.
~nl~I was wondering if you'd be interested in hosting this collection on your site or if you have a suggestion as to where I might look to submit it. Since my employer went bankrupt I was hoping to sell scripts, but I took your lead and want to donate it others like me (although I wouldn't mind being hired to install and customize).
~nl~Sorry for such a long message, my hands had some bad chili... :)