asdf|asdf|sdf asdf|asdf|asdf hello|| hello tfr|fgf|tf asd||asdasdasdsad maurits||Dit is een test maurits||Dit is een test George||test test test maurits||Dit is een test dwbates|dwbates|really Ramon |a@q|Hello world fgh|fgh|fgh mark stubbins||sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss Russ Logan||First Look haven't seen the rest of the script in question. xcvxcv|vcxvyx| cvcxyxyyxvyxc xcvxcv|vcxvyx| cvcxyxyyxvyxc maria|marias|sdtfljesf d|d|test d|d|d test||test test|az|dhq gary||test todd||I have none yet Mike||testing Bugs Bunny||This is only a test sfds|| ZSzDfsg zdrhg Douglas Vess||Testing Ed Lawson||TEST... Scott||Wow Baba||Baaaaaa Larry Hill||Test feedback demo. hansy nee||juest for testing Kyle||Test ff||argh me||test Jordi Prat||Prova Sebastjan Stadler||Just testing rj|no|none test|test|comment test Siu Hang Wong||I really want to learn how to write the ~nl~cgi scripts. Could you email me some ~nl~information to me about that. ~nl~Thanks ~nl~ dan|dawdy|hdhdh Adrien||yadda yadda yadda Eric||Testing Jason Gray||I have an order hrt|therjh|hjertjrtj zippy||nice info 67876|467878|867867 Peter||test Anthony Lewis||Pretty cool! Luke ||Could you help me in setting my cgi form up? Thank you very much Luke rj||hi in script land ad|adsf|asdf Theo Caldwell|| John Graham||cheese Sandra|| This is a test Andrew Wai||testing feedback form dan||I am trying to figure out the error homer||fsfsdfsdfdsf Joe||None really allo||I was here. hans||satrsaert ~nl~ asdf|asdf|asdf sfasdf|sdfsdf|sdfsdf pone|two|three Me||Comment Paul|VAN WELDEN|Dit is een test met de HANS Ugo Uggetti||Just a test. jb||Testing testing mmm|mmm|mmmm hi|f|f Patrick||Just checking this out Treacy|dsfs|sdfdfgjklsdfodopfgdfgkop Mark Stevenson||Nice site! p todd||blah ~nl~ p todd||blah ~nl~ Scotrtr|hjkljklsdfjkl;|sdffgsdf Scott LeMieux||Test blah blaher||hbhbhvb paul|| Gavin||Fuck those chinks! Arthur||Hello World Richard Lee||Hello Juan||testing ijshydoaius d|oieur powied u|dasd9p8asp duyasud ericg|ercg|eredf xc|xvc|xvc Tivonne Ha||I am testing out the script for form feedback. I'm not sure what will happen when I press the button as|as|as yy|yy|ww asdfa ||asdf ~nl~asdfdas ~nl~asdfadf David||This is a demo of this form test||test Richard||Testing ;) Warner||none Mark Edwardsw||Please send me info Chris Bull||What will this do? I guess I will find out soon enough... michael t. smith||This is a test... Aaron Hardwick||telst taro||test ~nl~$B%F%9%H(J ~nl~$B$F$9$H(J ~nl~$B? fd|dfd|dfsd charles chang||test charles chang||test Jeff Foster||Test of Comments gee||YMI here Johny|Cage|HEllo there *XX|XX|XXX *XX|XX|XXX ian bland||no comment cc||test Martin Andersen|afnkjj|hhkaskfas Mr. Smoothe||Um...No. Dave Jolly||This is a test Joe Buck||I am, I am Michael R. Taylor||This is a test rick||this is a test Craig Fifer||This is a test. jeff|sss|ssss jeff|sss|ssss steve|steve@test|comments ~nl~ glen||this works Test|Test|Test Michael Lowell||test Michael Lowell||ok erwwererew|dddgdf|qerwwergrfgfgf Waldo Thompson|| Wonderful resource. I bought your book... sandy||hey .|.|. Adrian o'Sullivan||hello kev||great Nelo||cool Hello|blah blah|KJnnsjknaoikJL Eddie Keator||Kathy Watkins reccomended this site Many thanks Freda Payne||Hello, ~nl~ ~nl~ Show me how this works test|test|test zz|zz|zz The Tester||Just a tester.... James Ho|| This is a test Mark||nice Julian Tandy||This is a test of the script ATTA||iqwauuuewsdde Joe||this is a test Alf||great stuff!! tbeckett|adsfasdf|sdafareawre dave||essai de feed back par mail ,hghkgj|ljlhlhlh|hlhlh Jason||Testing form... Ed Gray||Just testing your feedback.cgi script. Nice work. Rohan Exton|a|dfs Faust||Nothing Bruno Cantieni||No Comment nbnb|nv|cnv bbb||sdsdfs John Van Tassel||Test of the feedback form. kl;|bb2w|hi Hello||sdlfkjaslfkdjaslkdfasdf Russ||comment Marc||Test Ra;ph H. Briggs||Like your stuff. Richard Coyne||A good way to learn has always been by 'doing it' I need these functions asap too. fdfa|fdafd|fdfad ted||This is a test. ~nl~Well it beats Hello, world. belford|belford@club-internet|no comment 1|1|1 Charles boyle||Hello world Charles boyle||Hello world me|greg@media|Hi there J|@|fdeqw test boy||ibbiddi Steve Greene||This is a script test form. cxs|ds|dss stephen|trew@nowhere|nice script the Wizard of Id||I wonder what will happen Hello||Hello, How are you wood||Hello there john busch||Alles supa Jeff||This is a test dsaf|asdf|asdfasd asdf||This is a ~nl~ ~nl~ ~nl~test reer|aara|fdsagfdsa Brad Nelson||Hello Paulo Roberto gaefke|| Teste 1,2,3, Oooops||Didn't mean to get here, but I'm here now, gone tomorrow.... Looks good from the input standpoint on the html form, will submit now and see the results.. I'm sure they are just as good.. Paul||Testing wot||ghsdfhfsg test|dfddfdf|this is a test Brett B||THis is neat alex|alex|test Cameron Cooper||Hello! Vikas nagaraj||This is a test. ~nl~Hopefully it's at an approved site. xyz|123@123|!!!! Jim ||Cool! OWW Webmaster||This is a test from ~nl~URL - Tracey||help I can't get this form stuff terry||test td|td| no Qiang Yu||Good Location Maurreen Clissold||I've been looking for a good cgi archive. I'm just starting to learn about cgi so am thankful for any help I can get ~nl~ James M. Locke||Hi, Jim, ~nl~ ~nl~You know? you are the greatest thing to happen to the Bar...ever! ~nl~ ~nl~Keep up the good work, man! ~nl~ jh|xzC| sad Dwaine maltais||This is a test ale|ale@com| aaaa david hunt||this is a test hfhf|ghfh| fghfg Jon Gibson||I must say that Instant Web Scripts is exactly what I needed. Thanks. james Greene|111111 |this is a test robert palmer||this is a feasibility test Pasco||This is just a test aaaaa|bbbbb|ccccc Ryan|lskjdf@al;skdjf|lskadfjl;asfjl;asdf;alsjl;aflsjfl;sadjlasdjfl;asdjl;f Shawn Fuller||Hi there test me|another|and yes zerorev||yep...just tryin' out the script! :) John Steve||Hi out there! dave||test test|test|testtesttesttesttesttestttteesttestesteste gotta love the text wrap demo||Demonstrating this demo form handler. Jared||test Jared||test Junaid Rabbani|| Hi Just testing Jimm||check it out james bond|bond@her.majesties.secret.service|The name's ... Bond, James Bond. EM|| A test sdgr|sdfg| sdfg Barry Phillips||This site looks very informative. Barry Phillips||This site looks very informative. Laurel Shimer||Testing original while debugging mine salimian||I like to see how the script works. test||this is a test Geoff||Hi There test|testing|test Steinar||Hei på deg Antonio Noriega||TEST ,!!!!! Brad||p;;kj;lkj ~nl~sdfsdf ~nl~sdf ~nl~sdf ~nl~sdf ~nl~sdf ~nl~sdfsdfsd pepe perez||esto es una prueba para ver ~nl~como funciona Paulo|teste|yteiygd iasygiuyfgisdfg iycks!! Hansy||this is sample ~nl~ Freaky Deeky||This is a test. Emily Van||Test Sean||sogpspg Gennady Kovalev, Russia||This Web-site is very interesting. I'm find here many interesting things, that helps me in my work.